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September 17, 2011

Nightmares and Visions

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Cinnamon Raymaker

Floating in and out of dreams in her weakened, exhausted state, Elwing tosses and turns as visions from her strength-taxing flight flicker through her mind. Sights and sounds merge into a nightmarish landscape through which angry axe-wielding dwarfs are chasing her. Just as she thinks she has escaped, the fearsome sight of a fire breathing dragon emerges, and the mighty blue creature roars overhead. And then, horror of horrors, a sight which sets her heart racing with fear yet again, the terrifying vision of an earth searing Balrog beating a path of devastation through the forests over which she is now flying.....

 Elwing stirs and feels the stream of perspiration running from her brow and soaking through the pillow on which rests her head. She is aware that she is resting on a soft bed, but she can't place exactly where she is, though she vaguely remembers dropping from the sky onto the balcony of her uncle's palace. She latches on to the glimmer of a memory of the brilliant blue light glowing strangely before her and the sound of a voice trying to awaken her, but she cannot remember who it was who had found her.

Elwing knows she was carrying an important message, and also a warning, but is too exhausted to clear her mind further for the moment and sinks back into the oblivion of Lord Irmo's realm in an attempt to regain peace and tranquility and rebuild her strength.

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