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December 8, 2012

Open Ocean

Played by:
Jasper DragonHeart
Shawn Daysleeper

Nole writes in his personal log about leaving the Grey Havens. He is anxious to be back in Alqualonde and is quite happy that Miro is on board. He does feel a little uneasy about not being captain of a ship in voyage and he cannot remember when this had ever happened before. He also writes about the dwarves and his experiences in town. He writes all this so that he can reflect back on this trip with Miro, hopefully not the last. He feels the motion change as the ship goes from smooth to more rough waters. He suspects they have passed out of the mouth of the Gulf of Luin and into the seas off shore of Middle Earth's northwest shore. He goes upstairs, for he needs to give Miro directions across the open water.

...he needs to give Miro directions.
The early morning fog has seared away to reveal an achingly blue sky with nary a wisp of cloud to be seen.  Progress down the waters of the Gulf has picked up the further from harbor they sail.  The ship's canvas has filled, and Miro could feel the vessel as though a living thing, chaffing to be free of the warm shallow waters of the Gulf and escape into the freedom of the open ocean. Now as they pass the headlands that stand silent sentinel on either side, the ship heaves and lurches forward beneath his feet as the sails are caught by the full force of the open ocean winds, and Miro laughs aloud from the sheer joy at the feel of his craft in full sail.

Miro laughs aloud..
Miro cannot help but feel for the wee folk who accompany them on this journey. Not all will revel in the feel of the ship as it dances upon the waves.  Even in the calm waters of the Gulf the distinct sounds of the copious emptying of dwarven stomachs had been clearly heard. But even his sympathy for the small group of survivors cannot dim the shining joy in his eyes as deftly his hands adjust the run of the ship to the ocean's demands.

Nole sees Miro at the captain's wheel. He seems so natural there. Nole goes up the stairs and stands beside him. "Greetings Miro." he says and bows a little, the wind of the open sea blowing the hair across his face.

Miro 's hands that had held the helm so lightly tighten as movement on the deck below catches his eye.  Nole! His eyes follow the movement of the Teleri Master Mariner as he mounts the stairs to the upper deck, taking in the graceful movements of his lithe form, and the sweet melody of his voice as Nole greets him.  A stray lock of his fair hair flashes and shines like spun silver as the capricious ocean wind ensnares it and drapes it across his face.  Without thought Miro reaches out a slender hand and gently tucks it back behind his ear, letting his fingers linger a moment as he marvels at the silky softness of it.  As the realization of how familiar he is being with a Teleri Prince hits him he lets his hand drop, face flushed as he turns his eyes back to the distant horizon.  "Good morn to  you."  He nods towards the horizon. "We are clear of the Gulf at last."

"We are clear of the Gulf at last."
Nole smiles as the other elf pushes back his hair. He tries to hold back a blush, but he feels his face go warm even in the cool breeze. "Yes, we are clear of the Gulf." 

He looks at the ship, but remembers Miro's face. He realizes he left his charts below deck as well. Nole thinks, "Miro is often in my thoughts, I can't believe I left my charts below." He realizes he will have to stay by Miro and use his sense of direction to guide them home. "This is not necessarily a bad thing," he thinks. "Your ship, she is doing so well," Nole says, wondering about the change of subject.

"Miro is often in my thoughts..."
Miro smiles with pleasure at the compliment.  This ship is another of his own design, built to carry cargo yet move swiftly upon the ocean for time is money when it comes to business.  He turns and looks at Nole, feeling his pulse leap a little at his nearness. "I was going to ask you what course to set, now we are clear of the Gulf, but would you like to take the helm and set it yourself?  She is a feisty one but only needs the lightest touch."

Nole wonders at Miro. They have only known each other for a few days, yet he has inside feelings that here is a sort of kindred spirit. He looks to the wheel. "Yes, I would like to steer her." He smiles.

Miro steps to the side to make room for Nole to take the helm. "She is all yours," he murmurs, smiling as he gives a small bow. "As am I." the words continue silently in his head.  He catches himself up short and stares at the tall silver-haired elf in wonder.  Now where did that thought come from? Impossible! A humble shipwright is beyond the notice of a Teleri Prince. His heart flipping and flopping in his chest like a landed fish, his tongue now cleaved to the roof of his mouth Miro waits silently for Nole to take the helm.

Miro waits silently..
Nole takes the helm of the ship: it is exactly as Miro described it, light to steer and quick to respond. He wonders, though, about the elf beside him. He felt this way before once, this love. He shakes his head in his thoughts. Miro is helping his king with their mission and his home is in the Grey Havens, where he has a strong business and is a favorable shipwright. Alqualonde is in ruins. Nole has nothing to offer to him in the empty city. This is but a temporary crossing of paths, and soon times will change and quiet Nole's love again.

Miro stands close beside Nole as he takes the helm, his ocean-blue eyes watching the deft manner with which the Master Mariner handles the ship.  Aye, this one knows what he is about when it comes to handling a ship, of that there was no doubt. For the moment there is just the two of them on deck.  The small group of adventurous dwarves that had been on deck when the ship first left port had gone below to settle in, and Olwe is nowhere to be seen, so for now it is just the two of them.

Miro shifts his feet a little upon the deck as he feels the ship change course under Nole's guidance, turning her prow with a sure hand for Alqualonde.  Again his natural exuberance takes over. It does not matter what the end of the journey brings. It does not matter that Nole is beyond reach. For now, he has this moment: this moment with Nole by his side, the wind in their hair and the sun upon their skin as their ship leaps forward eagerly on her new heading.  His smile is wide and infectious as he turns to Nole. "Now we are in your hands entirely.  Take us where you will upon this wide ocean, Prince Nole.  Take us home to Alqualonde."

"..Take us home to Alqualonde."
Nole guides the ship towards home. When he hears Miro's words, "Prince Nole," he raises an eyebrow. "He thinks I am a prince?" he thinks silently. He was going to speak about that, but Miro's voice in his head is in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the sea. There will be another time to clear that up, he thinks. For now, he wishes this moment would not end.