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January 10, 2013

Irmo Searches for Yavanna

Played by:
Shawn Daysleeper

The Lord of Dreams settles down on a stone bench beside a pool of water under a great mallorn tree. He then prepares to search and explore the many complex dimensions of Lorien. He needs a quiet place to begin his task, for unlike a seafaring elf on the sea or a man of the wild, he explores the dimensions with his mind. He is quite anxious at how huge this task, yet he is determined to find Aule's wife if she is here. 

The dimensions are varied, and just as no two people are similar, no two dimensions are the same. For they are wrought by the individual to whom it belongs. Some spiral with chaos in psychedelic colors and light, while others are filled with bizarre sights, such as falling snow on a midsummer's eve. Still others are filled with the unreal and the grotesque. These dimensions, created to fit the need of the one to who it belongs, are only to be seen by the one that dreamed it. But Irmo, Lord of Dreams, can pierce them all.

These dimensions are not static either, for they shift to fill the needs of the dreamer. Like flitting rifts, they shift between light and dark, heat and cold, and good and evil. This further complicates his task as the Vala of illusions searches for the missing Yavanna.

Irmo's body relaxes against the tree and breathes in the sweet air. With each breath he goes deeper and deeper with his quest. He catches glimpses of many things. The joy of a mother reunited in her dreams with a lost child. The rapture as one meets the one whom he would have as lover in his life but as yet such a thing is only a dream. Dark memories of times past and dark yearnings of the sick and twisted mind. Shuddering, Irmo backs away, and keeping to his task of finding the Lady of Fruits.

As he searches he ponders why she has vanished. If he knows the reason then it may make it easier to find her. He wonders if her disappearance is connected to her husband's infidelity with his sister Nienna, or maybe it is connected to the dark magic that had poisoned Mandos? Shaking his head, the Lord of Dreams resolves that whatever the cause, he will search as long as it takes to either find her, or ensure she is not in the World of Dreams.