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November 30, 2013

Nole Alone

The Teleri sea merchant Nole is alone. Having brought his beloved king to Tol Eressea he is left to answer his own lingering questions about trade routes to Middle Earth. Nole is the last of the Teleri sailors from Alqualonde remaining. All of the others have vanished.  As such, he needs more knowledge of trading and outpost locations across the sea in Middle Earth, so he thought to consult with the sailors of Tol to answer these questions of where he should take his king to search next.
In truth, though, he is doing this to distract his mind from Miro's decision to remain in Middle Earth rather than come to Tol Eressea.  Nole has felt a certain emptiness since they parted ways after bringing the dwarves to the Swanhaven. Nole has grown to have feelings for him and misses him terribly. It has been a long time since he has felt this way about someone, and now, now of all times, when he must sail into danger.

After finding some sailors among the Eressians, he narrows his search using charts and their advice. There are two stretches of coast unfamiliar to Nole and could be likely locations of trade outposts of other free peoples. "The coast of Enedwaith, between the mouths of the Rivers Baranduin, the river the hobbits call Brandywine, and the River Isen, is a wild region relatively uninteresting to the Edain. All of their settlements lie far from the coast. There are hidden outposts of our kin among the rocky, heavily forested cliffs," opined one sailor.

"Another region to search lies far south, in the wild jungle lined coasts south of Harondor. That land is little known even to us," said another.

  With polite appreciation, Nole leaves with information he can share with his king, in hopes of restricting their search for their lost kin.