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October 26, 2009

The Fourth Age Continues

by BelanosStormchaser Magic and AelKennyr Rhiano

The One Ring has been destroyed.

Sauron has fallen below the point of ever recovering.

Morgoth, long ago defeated and dethroned by Eönwë, had been cast out beyond the Walls of Night, yet his presence remains as a pervasive corruption of the world.

Indeed, shortly after the fall of Sauron, Gandalf himself warned, "Other evils there are that may come, for Sauron is himself but a servant or emissary."

The Rings of Power no longer work now the Master-ring is gone. The Elves of Middle Earth have been shorn of power to hold back time and the world moves towards the Dominion of Men.

And yet…

And yet there are whispers of a Prophecy. A prophecy of the Dago Dagorath – the Battle of Battles, in which Melkor will discover how to break the Door of the Night and will destroy the Sun and the Moon. A prophecy that tells how all the Free Peoples of Middle Earth, Elves, Men and Dwarves alike shall battle side by side with the forces of the Valar against Melkor and his resurrected army of old followers. A prophecy that speaks of Melkor’s final death, the fall of the Pelori Mountains and the rekindling of the Light of the Two Trees. A prophecy that tells of the end and renewal of Arda’s existence. A prophecy of change to come…

And so, the old ways change. It is not only the Elves who now travel the Straight Road to Aman. The Valar move among mortals and Elves alike as they prepare them for the fulfilment of this prophecy. The Elves seek to teach Men their wisdoms while there is still time. Old allegiances pass away and new ones are formed. Those who are scattered gather with old allies and new. Former enemies now stand shoulder to shoulder as allies as they fight those who fall under the spell of the corruption of the world, and prepare for the Battle of Battles.

The One Ring has been destroyed.

It is the Fourth Age.

And the story, the story of Ainur, Elves, Dwarves, Dragons and Men, continues..

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