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January 3, 2000

RP Platform for Dawn of the 4th Age

November 18, 2011
AelKennyr Rhiano

Alqualonde the Swanhaven (105, 153, 1501)


1. Platform is 240 x 240, and so can accommodate more than one rp setting, if planned in advance.

2. All active rpers can use the rp platform. However:
 * You may not delete or  move anything that is already on the platform. If something is there, please contact Ael or Belenos.  There may be another rp planned.
* You should let your rp leader or an Eldar know you need the platform, so there are no mix-ups, or scheduling conflicts.
*You may not use the platform for rp that is not related to the Dawn of the 4th Age.

3. You may not use the platform as a sandbox under any conditions. If you need to build something for the rp, it should not be done on the platform.

4. You can rezz on the platform whatever you need for your rp.

5. If you are going to use a "set" for  your rp (like a house or a palace, for example ) and for several others within a short amount of time, IM Ael to let him know. If possible, arrangements can be made to leave the items up there until they are no longer needed.
*However, please do not expect things to set out for months because you have a rp story that will use those things. This ties up the platform and prevents its use by others.

6. There is a 1,000 temporary pim allowance for the entire rp platform. So, please be reasonable in your rp needs. Don't rezz an 700 prim build for example, when there is already 400 prims on the platform. If you go over your prim allowance, your things will be returned, and if you do it repeatedly, you will lose the right to rezz prims on the platform.