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March 5, 2010

Dominique's Quest

by Dominique Darkwatch

Dominique is pondering and praying about her place in the realm and in the guild. She has been an acolyte almost longer than anyone else and has seen others promoted to journeyman within the guild who had not been in nearly as long. She does not feel jealousy toward the others as much as certain emptiness as to her own purpose and where she fits in. So she has been spending more and more time in contemplative prayer to her god, Eru Iluvatar, the elven god of creation.

It was while in one of these contemplative states that Lorien granted Dominique a vision of a tree with bright pink blossoms. She is filled with wonder at the sight of this beautiful tree and knows not what it means. Then, she spies something resting beneath the tree. As she approaches, she sees that it is a beautiful harp. She gently picks up the harp, runs her fingers across the strings and is surprised that she is able to immediately begin playing it. What does this mean?

Dominique Darkwatch runs her fingers over the harp and is amazed at the beautiful music it makes as she plucks the strings. As if by magic she is able to play a tune that rises and is carried by a soft breeze.

Nienna hears a faint sound from a distance and attunes her ears to it. She follows the tune to its source to a place near the water and under a blooming tree. Underneath the tree, she sees an elf maiden who is playing a musical instrument. Her eyes widen as she recognizes the instrument as one that had been played long ago by Salmar the maiar under the golden tree, Laurelin. Indeed, the vision of the elf maiden playing under a beautiful tree brings great wonder as well as some bitter memories of what has been lost.

Dominique Darkwatch notices the approaching figure and smiles while continuing to play: Greetings!
Nienna looks at the she elf, watching her hands move over the harp. The music washes over the vala and she feels soothed and refreshed.

Dominique Darkwatch sees that this being who has approached has an extraordinary countenence and feels power emanating out. Her eyes widen and she stops playing and drops her eyes to the fground in reverence and awe: I am sorry milady, I hope the music did not disturb you.
Nienna smiles at the elf: No, not at all! It is I who am sorry to have interrupted your playing. where did you get that harp?

Dominique Darkwatch begins to set the instrument down: I found under this tree. Is it yours? I did not mean to disturb it.

Nienna shakes her head: No it is not mine. I am Nienna, of the Valar. I heard your beautiful music and wanted to hear more.

Dominique Darkwatch curtsies reverently: I am Dominique, but most call me Dom. I come from another land, seeking truth and guidance. I was given a vision that brought me here to this place, where I found this harp.

Nienna nods slowly, and taps her chin thoughtfully: Hmm...perhaps the harp is part of your destiny. Tell me more of your quest.

Dominique Darkwatch looks up at the Vala with hopeful eyes: I am an acolyte in the cleric guild and seek to serve Eru Iluvatar as my deity. I would also seek to honor you and all of the valar in His service. Few in my land remember your names, let alone your deeds. While I have read many of the scrolls describing the deeds of old, I needed....more.

Nienna raises an eyebrow: More?

Dominique Darkwatch looks down guiltily: I needed something more in order to help my faith. Sometimes I feel so helpless and small, and I wonder if Eru even hears my prayers. I am also charged with healing those who are wounded in battle, and am often overwhelmed by the blood and violence. I wonder if I am even doing the warriors any good. I often feel lost and confused and try to put my hope in Iluvatar and His will, but it is difficult in the face of so much death and destruction.

Nienna nods with understanding and wonder. For she feels for this elf and her mission and wishes to help her. After some moments of thoughtful silence, she speaks to the young cleric: I believe you have the strength within to accomplish your destiny. Do you have the will and desire to serve Eru Iluvatar, even unto death?

Dominique Darkwatch nods solemnly: Yes. I would. In the service of Eru as well as the service of healing our brave warriors.

Nienna nods approvingly: Then I think I can help you.

Nienna points to the harp: That is no ordinary harp you have and the music that it plays contains much magic that can calm, sooth and heal. It was played under the golden tree long ago by another Vala named Salmar. Each string is like one of us before the beginning of time when our music came together to create the Arda and the first born of the children of Iluvatar. So all strings work together to create the beautiful music that helps others. it will also help strengthen your faith and help you reach and encourage others. Whenever and wherever you play, you will know that Iluvatar loves his children.

Dominique Darkwatch looks down, feeling flushed with this enormous gift. Her eyes become a bit misty, and she does not know why, but tears begin to flow down her cheeks.

Nienna looks at Dominique with a deep compassion and even love: My child, I also give you a personal gift of mine that will also help you in your healing. For it was my tears that watered the two trees. It was my tears that washed away the defilement of the trees when they were destroyed. My tears are tears of compassion, as well of sorrow. I am passing on the gift of tears to you. Your tears will also help heal others and help things grow as well as help wash away some of the evil that is around you. Your tears will be a blessing to all who are of the light and a curse to all those of the darkness. But be wary, for not all who appear light are of the light and not all who appear dark are of the dark.

Dominique Darkwatch nods and sniffs, still crying. As the tears fall small sprigs of flowers appear where they land, which fills her heart with wonder

Nienna continues: But beware also, that shadows and darkness may seek you out. For they hate the light of the Eldar above all others and will try to snuff it out. Be strong in your faith and you can overcome it.

Nienna smiles

Dominique Darkwatch sniffs and looks up at the Vala questioningly

Nienna smiles warmly at the elf: You will build your faith by doing your good works. Help and ease the suffering of all who are in need. They will know the truth of Who you serve by what you do. For just as darkness hates the light, light also seeks after itself. Always spread the light.

Dominique Darkwatch sniffs a last time, looks up at the smiling Vala and smiles back

Nienna grins: Now play something for me on your new harp – it has been so long, it is indeed refreshing to hear it again!

Dominique Darkwatch: you mean i can keep it?

Nienna nods: Indeed! Iluvatar has willed it! This harp will follow you to whatever age you are from and to whichever realm you belong

Dominique Darkwatch picks up the harp and begins to pluck the strings with as much love and devotion as she can. As the music issues forth, she feels her spirits lift even more, except now she feels a certain inner peace. While playing she looks at the Vala and smiles: Thank you!

Nienna smiles warmly back: You are most welcome! I do not normally interfere in the matters of the east anymore, but I do bless your quest and your search. I hope it yields fruit for you.

Dominique awakes from her slumbering trance and finds that she is, indeed, cradling the harp in her arms.

> Next Sylvhara