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February 11, 2010

At Nienna's Estate of Fui

  on the Far Western shores of the Undying Lands
transcript by BelenosStormchaser Magic
smoothed by Lihan Taifun
In which Ithilia, ruler of the free dragons of Arador, and several of her warriors, meet the Vala Nienna. They chide her for taking so little active part in the affairs of the world, and invite her to visit Arador in the future.

Concerned with how little she knows of the lands near Arador, and their occupants, Ithilia decides it is time to go scouting. Before leaving, she sends out a clarion call to all in Arador to join her...
Some of the dragons she sends north, some west and some south. She herself chooses to go east, taking with her the valiant warrior Lalaith, and two noble dragons
With her nose to the sunrise, Ithilia leads her small band, her mighty wings beating strongly. Before long, land is seen, circling high they see a form above the cliffs. Curious, they circle down, landing on a low flat plain not too far away. 

Ithilia asks her company, "Did you all see someone standing over the cliffs as I did?"

Brethildur shakes his head. "I have flown in from the east and did not see anyone."

Lalaith nods her head. "Mm, sharp enough eyes to catch it, though this far out I wasn't certain what I was seeing."

Ithilia: "Hmmm.. I think we should check though. There is a residence above the cliffs and it did not look deserted. Come, follow me"

Brethildur nods.

Ithilia and her companions see a woman, looking out over the cliffs toward the open ocean, the Great Void at the edges of the world.

Ithilia: "Greetings, Fair One."

The woman replies, "What a surprise. Welcome. What brings you here?"

Ithilia: "Please, do not be alarmed by our sudden arrival. I assure you, we come in peace."

The woman smiles in return. "You are no danger to me."

Ithilia: "May I have leave to introduce ourselves, Fair One?"

Brethildur breath in deep the scent of this new being before him, taking in much information.

Lalaith, the smaller warrior, catches up with the dragons, puffing and panting with exhertion. "Whew.. not.. not easy to keep up with.. you big.. drago.. Wait.. is this who we saw?"

Ithilia grins at our mighty warrior with little legs. "Yes, Lalaith, this is who I saw."

Lalaith glances slowly around, taking in her surroundings, as well as the stranger in front of her, catching her breath.

The woman at the cliff continues, "I am the Vala Nienna. This is my home."

Ithilia lets out a snort of surprise, then, recovering herself, bows. "I bid you greetings from Ithilia of Arador, Nienna and present to you Lalaith, and Brethilidur." She does not mention a third dragon, hulking in the background.

Brethildur listened as Ithilia and Nienna conversed back and forth as he gleaned what he could form there conversation. His mind snapped to attention at the word "Vala" and bent a knee. The Valar are the oldest and most powerful of the spirit beings, older than the created world.

Lalaith glances back and forth between the two dragons as they bow.. blinking her eyes uncertainly. She does not herself, but gently contemplates.

Ithilia flicks Lalaith with a talon. "Have some respect warrior wench.. This is a Vala you stand before."

Nienna: "Be welcome.And what brings you here, in the wilds?"

Ithilia tilts her head quizzically as she observes the mighty one before her,. "Pardon me for being blunt, but I am unused to meeting those unafraid of our kind... and unafraid of our mighty small warrior also."

Nienna laughs. "There are very few who could hurt me at all, and certainly none of you could."

Brethildur tilts his head until a loud pop was heard and asks. "What makes you so certain?"

Lalaith stumbles slightly from the force of the larger creature's flick, narrowing her eyes for a moment.

Ithilia: "You must forgive them Fair One.. the younglings do not know the truth of how the world began. They have lived long in distant lands. They know not what you are."

Nienna laughs again, kindly.

Lalaith: "We know what we have just been told already only. This stranger could be simply that. She appears as any other to my eyes."

Nienna: "Whereas the humans who do not know us, fear us."

Ithilia: "Then we have that in common, for the humans and elves who do not know us, fear us also."

Brethildur would file the part about younglings away for further aurgument. Brethildur could see that this was not the time for it. Ithilia 's eyes gleam with amusement as they flick to Brethildur

Lalaith steps closer, eyes slowly casting back and forth between Ithilia and Nienna, rubbing at her chin thoughtfully.

Brethildur said in a flat unflapable voice, "I have seen Vala before. They do not apear as you do. They glow white with wings of fine feathers, angelic to put it to a word."

Nienna: "We appear in whatever form we wish. Do you want me to toss you all into the next dimension, just to prove I am a Vala?"

Brethildur allowes a grin to slowly spread accross his vissage.

Ithilia: "but to answer your question, we are travellers, exploring the realms of Eä, trying to discover the truth of the rumors that whisper on the wind. Contrary to the impression my companions may give, we come seeking peace."

Nienna: "I have heard no rumors for a very long time. Only the weeping of the injured ... and that has always been true. Whatever you are looking for, I doubt you will find it here."

Brethildur nods. "Peace. You do not belive it to be here?"

Nienna: "Peace, yes. I live here because it is peaceful. Truth about rumors, that I doubt"

Ithilia smiles. "Then we find what we seek in part at least." Nienna wonders whether the dragons are inviting themselves to stay here.

Lalaith: "Yes, well.. truth has never been an easy thing to glean from anywhere anyhow. For certain, at any rate."

Brethildur breaths deep, ruffling the traveling cloaks of the two before him.

Nienna: "From what are you seeking peace? The world is full of grief and pain. I cannot stop the pain, only help the heal hearts."

Ithilia: "There is grief and pain, yes, but there is so much more as well. There is joy.. and hope" She continues, "We are rebels against the dark. We are no longer the machines of war of evil ones. We seek to live in peace with others of like mind."

Nienna: "You have left the service of the Enemy?"

Ithilia teeth gleam as she smiles proudly... "Indeed we have, Fair One. There are those of us who, a long time ago, rebelled against Morgoth and fled into exile."

Nienna: "Bravely done, Lady Ithilia"

Brethildur tilts his head looking thoughtfull. Always before it has been Brethildurs way to roar his challenge across the lands and wait for those to take it up. Brethildur was not evil just blunt, serious, causious, and a crochetty old dragon.

Nienna, who is of a race more at home with telepathic communication than with spoken words, smiles at Brethildur. "At least you are no longer a pawn of the Enemy". Brethildur looks suprised for an instant at the fact that his thoughts were just answered.

Lalaith: "Mm. I doubt I'd be able to be here with them right now if they were." Ithilia grins at Lalaith.
Ithilia: "We travelled many strange and foreign lands. Many even forgot in time from whence they came. But I returned and am calling others to return also. We are no longer Morgoth's tool and seek peace, opposing evil.."

Nienna: "That is a noble work for all beings of good will."

Ithilia: "and this is why I say there is joy and hope. If dragons can find a nobleness within them to resist evil, so can others, especially with help. How can you not reach out and help those who wish to be free and live in peace? ...oh.. and mice too.."

Lalaith smiles brightly, canting her head to the side, inspecting Nienna in front of her. "Aye. Thus, here we are, stumbled across... you, spirit that I am led to believe you are."

Lalaith nods her head up at Ithilia. "Mm.. smaller, but in love with the ideals all the same."

Nienna: "If the Children of Ilúvatar do not find peace within themselves, then nothing we Valar do can give them peace."

Ithilia blinks her eyes in surprise

Nienna: "You think we can just wave a hand and cause peace? If the world worked like that, we would have caused peace long ages ago."

Ithilia: "Peace is never that easy, Fair One. But experience and wisdom is something that should be shared with the lesser races. It is something they need. Knowledge is what can lead to peace. But sharing knowledge takes effort."

Nienna: "And, brave dragon, what do you think I could do?"

Brethildur: "I consider myself one who maintains balence. Not an easy task but one that offers comfort in its toilings."

Ithilia: "Do you not feel some responsiblity that it is one of your own kind that has caused all the heartache, death and destruction in this world? Can you not find it in your heart to help those he has misled? Can you not use what marvellous power and gifts you have to help lead people to peace?"

Nienna: "I can encourage and teach, but only to those who aks or listen."
Ithilia snorts loudly

Lalaith bobs her head again. "Well, certainly no good is done by silent seclusion."

Ithilia: "and how many do you get to teach sitting up on your cliff? Come out into the world and really teach!" Ithilia suddenly seems to remember who she is talking to and ducks her head
Nienna: "Teach ancient history to dragon younglings? And mice without manners?"

Ithilia: "I beg your pardon, Fair One. I forget with whom I speak, but the world so desperately needs help that my eagerness to find it outruns my restraint."

Brethildur: "Are you above it?"

Lalaith: "Right. That. And why stop there? If you have any of the same desire for peace and improvement, why not share your wisdom?"

Ithilia: "You say you weep for the pain in the world. But why weep, when you can help stop it."

Nienna shakes her head. "When the Valar have gone out into the world, we have often made things worse. We wish to heal, but people take it as coercion."

Ithilia: "What can be worse than doing nothing? Surely if the dragons can turn against Morgoth and work to change the world, Nienna can also?"

Lalaith shakes her head softly. "But I can give you my assurance hiding away and grieving certainly doesn't make things better, in any case."

Nienna: "And what would I see, if I went out?"

Ithilia: "Brethildur spoke of balance earlier. We NEED balance in the world. We need knowledge, hope, and change. You, Fair One, can help give that."

Nienna: "The lies of Morgoth have corrupted the heart of elves and humans. I can give only to those who already want truth or hope or change."

Ithilia: "No, I assure you, not all. I myself have met a very noble elf, the High King of the Teleri is an elf of whom you would be proud. He has the most gentle heart you could seek. There are many who want it. There are many who seek change. You are needed in the world, Fair One."

Nienna: "The Teleri live in the Undying lands."

Ithilia: "But, I fear we are badgering you. Please, may I implore you to think on our words and may we return another time to speak on this more?"

Nienna: "Yes, of course"

Brethildur shakes his head. "The elves hide behind a mask of omnipotence. The Vala a vale of indecision and inaction." He said shifting his weight. "But I, I have personly helped my kin see the light. See the strength in the good that can be. I fear no evil or threats from guarded words. I have come from the forests of old . Whatever your decision, my path is set, Vala." He said flatly.

Ithilia nods to Brethildur, "as is mine"

Lalaith smiles at Brethildur's words, straightening her posture and placing her hands on her hips almost heroically at the thought.

Nienna: "And which direction is that? You were looking for a safe home."

Ithilia: "I thank you though for your consideration of our words Nienna. Whether you join us or not, the dragons of Arador, and the mice, will continue to work to oppose evil and seek peace."

Brethildur: "It is a path walked to keep my kin from becoming more than just a memory."

Nienna: "Oh, now it is 'join you'"

Brethildur nods with virtuous furvor.

Ithilia: "We have a home, Fair One. And it is safe enough for now. We are simply seeking to make sure it stays that way and with luck to help spread the peace that already exists there" She crooks an eye scale.

Lalaith: "If you work toward the same end, in essence you're joining us, yes."

Ithilia: "Yes, join us. at least we are doing something, rather than weeping over what happens when we do not."

Nienna: "or when I do ..."

Ithilia: "How will you know, if you never try?"

Nienna: "So you expect me to walk across Middle Earth? Establish Nienna's Academy of Truth?"

Ithilia: "Well, if you ask nicely a dragon might carry you." She smirks wickedly, and Nienna snickers.

Brethildur: "I have flown its length, great one." He twists the word slightly, in irony.

Lalaith glances around the place with a narrowed gaze. "Besides.. doesn't look like you've many better things to do with your time right now. You'd be doing good."

Nienna: "It is true that not many elves have been dying lately."

Ithilia: "'Doing' being the relevent word there Lalaith, doing."

Nienna is suddenly aware that she has never done any "doing"

Ithilia: "It would be a sad day when creatures created by Morgoth did more to bring peace to the world than a Vala. Perhaps it is time you experienced some doing?"

Lalaith: "...if you needed personal motivation, well.. It would be less boring than hanging around here forever."

Nienna says distantly, "Perhaps..." And then, "'Bored'? Why you silly little thing ..."

Ithilia: "Yes, there's always mouse tails to tug along the way.. errr.. I mean.. Mouses to hug, yes, hug.."

Lalaith smiles brightly, nodding her head at this. "Indeed! Mousies to hug. And not tug their tails. You would experience! Not just teach!"

Nienna contemplates Lalaith. "Yesssss... I can see how entertaining that one must me"

Ithilia mutters quietly ".. yes.. experience mouse breath"
Nienna: "You mentioned rumors"

Ithilia: "Indeed, Fair One. There have been whispers on the wind."

Nienna: "There usually are ..."

Ithilia: "A valiant Hobbit has destroyed the One Ring. Sauron has fallen. Many of the Elves have gone to the West and there is much change in Middle Earth."

Nienna: "Oh, yes, I did hear about that .... Although, not all the Five returned. A very strange tale."

Ithilia: "And of course, there is this tale of dragons seeking peace." A chuckle rumbles deeply in her throat.

Nienna: "Another strange tale indeed."

Ithilia: "Fair One, could you be persuaded to travel to Arador, to see proof of this for yourself?"

Nienna: "Arador? The name is not familiar."

Lalaith: "I could ask really nicely, if that would help."

Nienna: "Or you could carry me, little one."

Lalaith holds her arm out to the side, flexing her mail-covered muscle. "Easy. If that's what it'll take!"

Ithilia: "Arador is my land. It lies to the west, a small island. It is the home of the dragons and others who seek peace."

Brethildur looks to the sun and spoke. "Pardon but it is time for me to hunt." Brethildur opens his wings and with a leathery snap took to the air.

Ithilia: "Fair winds Brethildur. Fly safe."

Nienna: "Fair winds, and good hunting."

Nienna supposes dragon stomaches must be small, to be suddenly overcome by hunger. "Well, I can't have him starving to death on my doorstep."

Ithilia: "Oh, I assure you, it wasn't sudden hunger. Brethildur simply knows what time of day his favourite prey come out to graze."

Lalaith: "What a thing to leave for.. If it wasn't too high up for me to reach without a siege ladder, I'd bop him on the nose for taking off so suddenly.."

Nienna: "Sometimes tunnelling through cracks is more sucessfull than a siege ladder, little one"
Ithilia chuckles... "He is male. Always ruled by his stomach"

Nienna: "Better than some things"

Lalaith nods her head at Ithilia's words, and softly chuckles at Nienna's.. or at least her own lewd interpretation of them..

Ithilia gives the mouse a small but sharp poke with a talon as a reminder to be polite.
Nienna: "We were discussing your lands, Arador. I am willing to visit Arador."
Ithilia: "Yes, Arador. Perhaps Lalaith may be best able to tell you about my lands. After all, she came to us and chose to stay. Perhaps she can tell why."

Lalaith: "Mm.. I was a bit of a wanderer myself for quite a while. Much like my large dragon companions here, hoping for some peace. As I was wandering.. I eventually started noticing dragons overhead."

Nienna: "Worse than seeing hawks overhead, I would guess"

Lalaith: "Not a one of them swooped down at me.. They were peaceful, even, so my curiosity was piqued. Especially after the stories I had heard.. And yes.. it did make me quite nervous.But you see enough wandering dragons overhead and you start to wonder.. It wasn't the easiest thing, following the flight of dragons.. but.. I couldn't help myself. Wonderment is a strange thing, you know?"

Nienna: "You followed the dragons"

Ithilia: "Curiosity doesn't just kill cats, it seems."

Nienna: "This mouse still looks alive"

Ithilia: "Exactly.. it keeps mice alive"

Lalaith: "I did.. It perhaps wasn't the most intelligent move of my life, and as a merchant's daughter I should have known better than to take the risk, but... I'm glad I did. Led right to Arador by massive wingflaps. A wonderful place. Beautiful. Peaceful."

Nienna: "You flapped your wings right over to Arador?"

Lalaith: "Haha, I followed the wingflaps. I had to get my own feet a little wet."

Ithilia snorts a bit of smoke and cinders as she stifles a snicker. Nienna giggles.

Ithilia watches with alarm as one of the cinders narrowly misses Nienna's dress

Nienna brushes absently at the cinder. "Pesky physical reality." Sometimes taking physical form is a nuisance.

Ithilia: "My apologies, Fair One. It was Lalaith's fault. She is too good with her tail telling.. ermm.. her tale telling."

Nienna glances sidewise at Ithilia.  "And, in a land of dragons, you still were not eaten"

Lalaith: "Well, clearly not. Here I stand. The first dragon I met seemed as shocked to see me as I it! Or him? Or her? I wasn't really sure.. But I wasn't eaten or turned to ashes, importantly."

Ithilia: "But as you see, even a mouse is safe in Arador."

Nienna: "Indeed"

Lalaith glances side to side, then grins and strikes a rather heroic pose. "Yes, even a noble, heroic mouse is safe in this land! As much as I stood out in my splendor, the attention I attracted was never ire! Only friendly cheer."

Ithilia: "And the occasional friendly nibble or poke"

Nienna: "Very, very small nibbles. Though who could be angry at the heroic mouse, indeed"

Lalaith: "Fortunately small, yes."

Ithilia: "It is actually more fun to nibble the cloak than the mouse. She does rather dislike holes in her clothing."

Lalaith narrows her eyes and mutters softly, glancing back at the few, rather skillfully mended, spots in her cloak.

Ithilia: "But perhaps we have taken enough of your time? I would not wish to intrude overly much. We should continue our scouting while there is yet light in the day. But still, I wish you to feel welcome to visit Arador some time. Perhaps I can send my ambassador to you to arrange a visit?"
Nienna: "Yes, do."

Ithilia: "That I shall, Fair One, most eagerly."

Nienna muses, What an interesting visit 

Ithilia gathers her companion to her with a glance... "But now we shall not take up more of your time. It has been a pleasure to meet you Fair One."

Nienna: "And you, Great Lady of the Free Dragons"

Ithilia bows respectfully and then turns to depart. "I bid you Fair winds and Safe Journeys, Lady Nienna."

Nienna: "Safe Journey"

Lalaith quickly nods and makes her way over to Ithilia. "You intend to simply carry me I hope! My legs aren't up to another sprint to keep up with your walk!"

Ithilia walks off down the path from the cliff top, "... but of course Little One. There is much ocean between here and Arador."

Lalaith turns back to Nienna, suddenly remembering her manners and taking a polite bow. "You have a good day now, alright? Fairwell!"

Nienna: "Farewell, little warrior!"

Ithilia : BelenosStormchaser Magic
Nienna : Lihan Taifun
Lalaith : Myria Meriadoc
Brethildur : Derrek Northman
the silent henchdragon : AelKennyr Rhiano

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