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June 12, 2010

Nolë and Naela Find a Teleri

by Shawn Daysleeper

Ambassadors Nole Eambar and Naeya sail from Lannell and arrive in Port Luth to resupply for the long voyage to Alqualonde. Both of the Elves disembark and request supplies from the Sylvan dockhands. Nole lovingly rubs his hands over the hull of the swanship, and chances to look up along the dock. His eyes gaze upon an astonishing sight. There, standing before him, was an elf woman, but not of the Sylvan.

The maiden speaks first. "Greetings .. am sorry but am speechless... be you Teleri? Nole looks at the stranger before him, his eyes wide. "Indeed.  Are you Teleri". The maiden shows astonishment on her face and says, "I thought never to see another Teleri face. Welcome" The maiden turns to Naaeya. "Greetings, mi'Lady"

Naeya smiles. "Greetings, Milady. My name is Naeya Archamethel, and I am an ambassador from Lannell to Alqualonde."

Nole asks "And who are you, mi'lady?" The maiden answers "Ahh I am Feamahtar Nasse, a warriormaiden of Alqualonde." Naeya replies, "A great pleasure to meet you."

Nole smiles "I am Nole Eambar, the voice of King Olwe, and ambassador to Lannell". Feamahtar says "I am most grateful to see you, have you just arrived? Nole nods  "Yes, we have just arrived in this fine port to resupply."

Nole smiles. "How is it, that you, a Teleri, stands before me now?" Feamahtar bows her head. "I am sorry to tell you, but  I believe I am the last of the Teleri here." Sadness clouds her face. Nole opens his eyes wide. "Yes, but to see one here before us, praise Eru!"

Naeya asks "Your kin have left?" Feamahtar nods. "Yes, My Lady, all have vanished with no trace that I can discover"

Naeya looks shocked. "It is as you warned, Lord Nole." Nole nods in agreement. "Yes this has become all too familiar. Our kin have vanished from all of our outposts and cities, all save for a few." Feamahtar asks, "You speak as though  others have also gone? Is this true?" Nole nods. "All of the outposts I regularly trade with have been abandoned, as well as beautiful Alqualonde. Yes, I fear that the Teleri have abandoned this place as well, but we are fortunate to have Feamahtar before us. Maybe she knows what happened?"

Naeya looks hopeful. "Yes". Nole turns to the warrior maiden before him while Naeya asks, "Do you have any observations about the disappearances, Milady?  We must take care"

Feamahtar shakes her head with dismay. "I know not what to make of it .. they disappeared with no trace. Pray tell me is it your mission to hunt for them?" Nole replies. "Yes, that is part of the mission set before me by our king." Naeya also nods. "The commander of the Knights of Lannell has requested I offer every assistance that I may." Feamahtar stands with a look of relief on her face.

Naeya says, "Elves are few, and this is of great concern to me personally as well." Feamahtar asks, "Let me assist you for the sake of my people and my king which I serve." Naeya agrees. "Your assistance would be most appreciated, Milady." Nole nods in agreement

Nole smiles to Feamahtar. "Perhaps you could tell us what you saw or any clues to their dissapearance?" Feamahtar reports, "I wish I could offer you some clue to their disappearance, but I was away from the outpost, and when I returned all where gone without a trace. I have been searching but have found nothing." Naeya inquires, "There were no signs of a struggle?"

Feamahtar shakes her head. "No no nothing like that.. their cups where still on the table full .. nothing was disturbed .. they are just gone." Nole face clouds with dispair. "It is the same as I have observed as well." Naeya frowns and looks at Nole. "It is very strange"

Feamahtar asks, "Has some great evil befallen us?" Nole looks fearfully around at the dock. "I fear that the effects of evil have been felt here as well." Naeya nods in agreement. "It would seem so."

Nole nods to Feamahtar, "Yes, there is a new evil, that seeks out the children of light as so the rumours and evidence seems to point." "So I feared .. we have had some unusal disturbances lately," she replies. Nole looks around with urgency, but looks at Feamahtar curiously. "Disturbances?" Naeya listens.

Feamahtar says "At the time I thought of it as just.. but now .. on the way home to the outpost I found a portion of a forest burned. I investigated it .. it was unusal; nothing done by nature... I was returning to report this to my commander .. but then .. chokes." Tears appear in her eyes.

Naeya nods " Even near Lannell the servants of the dark one are active, and once I have seen is a creature of fire. She turns to Feamahtar, "Oh, I am so sorry"

Nole smiles comfortingly to Feamahtar, then quickly rushes through the remaining preparations and readies the ship to sail. "We should depart. I fear even now that there is evil about. If something should befall us... we must get to King Olwe quickly."

 Naeya says,  "If any Teleri try to escape, I would think they would make their way to Alqualonde" Feamahtar pleads, "Take me with you. I wish to avenge my friends and comrades." Nole smiles and nods.  Naeya smiles at the warrior maiden of Alqualonde.  "I am glad that you come with us." Feamahtar says, "My lady..  My Lord, I thank you"

Nole says with urgency, "Then perhaps we should depart. Thank you, Lady Feamahtar, for your insightful words. They will help the investigation." Nole nods to the swanship. Feamahtar nods to Nole who responds, "After you, mi'lady." Naeya boards the swanship. "it is good to see  you."

Nole guides the ship out from Port Luth and out to sea. Naeya taps her sword. "I shall keep my sword by my side now." Feamahtar agrees. "Aye, Lady, that is wise"  Naeya scans the skies. "I hope the Balrog does not wait for us in Alqualonde." Nole nods. "I hope Alqualonde and our King is safe." Maeya suggests, "Perhaps we should rest soon so that we are strong when we arrive." Feamahtar agrees "Aye and I am ready." Nole nods in agreement as the swanship leaves the shores behind, the winds blowing favourably out over the seatowards the horizon beyond which lay the beautiful Alqualonde and its unknown fate.

> Next Nolë       > Next Naeya