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May 30, 2010

Nolë Visits Lannell

Nole moored his ship, and walked on seaworthy legs upon land once more.  As he approaches a group of people, he realizes he has come upon them during a ceremony of some sort.  A human woman looks up and sees him.  "Greetings, Sir Elf."  One after another offers their warm greetings.  Elric, Leader of the elves in this land, called Lannell, asks, "You are a kinsman, my lord?"

"Greetings, all, " speaks Nole.  "I have come from over the sea."  The human woman answers, "You have come at an auspicious time, sir." Another of the land's inhabitants speaks.  "You must hunger and thirst. Will you join us?"

Nole respectfully inclines his head at the offer. "I am the voice of King Olwe, Lord of Alqualonde and Tol Eressea. My name is Nole"  Lord Elric respectfully bows.  "This is Elric, Lord of the elves of Lannell." 

"Welcome, Lord, Nole," says Elric.  Nole bows and thanks him.  The human woman, known as Damn Ellyanna directs them to the inn so that Nole may refresh himself, and the crowd, curious, follows, ready to join in celebration after what was apparently a joyous occasion.  One after another introduces himself or herself, and food and drink are cheerfully served.  Smiling faces surround the Teleri merchant, now turned ambassador.

Dame Ellyanna turns to Nole. "You have traveled far and have come at a time of great joy to out land. "  Nole compliments the fine food and drink and cheerfully toasts all in the room.  Good natured teasing and warm greetings await those who enter the tavern.  As Nole takes in the sights and sounds, Elric turns his gaze to Nole.  "What news, then, Lord Nole, of Alqualonde?  How does the king fare?"

"My king is still very concerned for our missing kin."  Dame Ellyana joins the conversation.  "Lord Nole, have you word from your king to us?" Nole nods,  "I have letters of introduction from my king and a proposal that the two realms meet to discover their common purposes." Sir Ranulf listens to the news from Lord Nole.  "Also that Teleri and Lannell elves may meet to discover ourselves and our heritage."  Dame Illyanna nods. "It would be good to find our common interests.  I imagine trade would be one."  Nole nods. "I would welcome trade with your lands as a Teleri sea merchant."  Dame Ellyanna smiles.  "We have many things to trade: food, horses, crafts."

Nole nods and speaks.  "Our kin from outposts near these lands have dissapeared. "

"Disappeared....more of them?"

Sir Ranulf frowns. "My sorrow, Lord Nole.  I pray for their safety and return."

"Aye," answers Nole, nodding. "All the outposts that I regularly trade with are abandoned." Dame Ellyanna frowns.  "Any clue as to what happened?  Any sign of where they may have gone?" 

Lamina quietly listens to the words of the conversation.  "We are still searching for the answer" Nole frowns. "Their ships and everything valuble has been taken, either by them or another."  Lord Elric listens, face intent.  "There is no sign of where they went."

Nole continues.  "I did not notice any signs of a fight either, it is all so strange, thriving settlements, all of our kin, dissapeared."

"Were there goods left behind?" asks Dame Ellyanna. 

"Some," answered Nole. "There were stores of fine wood, which I trade in Alqualonde where our craftsman fashion beautiful instruments. The wood was left in the outposts." 

"So they did not move away..." the Dame's voice trails off.   Lord Geoffrey listens to the merchant.  "This is most odd.  You checked for tracks, I assume?"

"As as my King knows, there are very few of us left that have returned to Alqualonde. Even the city is empty. My lady, I did not tarry too long, for fear that my observations might go unreported, should something befall me."

Dame Ellyanna frowns at the news.  Naeya asks: " Are there any travellers tales that give any hints of their disappearance?"

"There are tales, tales of something dark, something malevolent, a new power that threatens the children of Illuvatar," answers Nole.  Dame Ellyana refreshes her memory of the name by which the Western elves call their god.

Triss Haiku asks, "What happened to the children?"  Dame Ellyanna whispers, "When he speaks of children, he refers to the elves, young one."

Sir Ranulf sighs heavily and aks, "Hast thou seen this creature?"  Lamina looks at her father and whispers, "Balrog?"

"Nay, I have not encountered anything on my voyages that would threaten us in such a manner as this."

"We have some danger here, but the knights rise to meet it, and nothing so great as you speak of, " says Dame  Ellyana.  Nole looks around at the knights. "I see you are well defended here, but such as the defences of the outposts secured as well, but they apparently failed or fled."  The lady answers, "You sit next to one of the best sword dancers I know and another of good skill stands nearby. Lord Elric is also skilled." 

Nole nods to the knights near him "I do not doubt your courage, strength and wisbom, but this darkness the tales speak of..." Nole pauses finding the right words.

Elric nods.  "Many times have I given chase to that creature for to force him out of the forest. The forest is mine."

Nole turns to Lord Elric.  "You have seen the creature, Lord Elric?  What nature is this beast?"

Elric nods. "Of fire and darkness."

Says Sir Ranulf, "Lord Nole, there is much evil in the world.  Vallen knows, we have seen it here, and it saddens me it affects other lands as well.  Know this, that each day there are new alliances being forged with other realms."

Nole shudders at the thought of such a beast. "I have heard of such creatures. It may be this is our threat as well." He nods to Lord Elric.  Dame Ellyana speaks then, "Our mages tell us it is called a balrog."

Nole nods.  "We have not had to fight such beasts,but we are well learned of their malice, evil, and treachery, imbued by the great forces of evil long ago."

Elric asks.  "Then these creatures have been in the world for long ages?"  Dame Ellyana adds. "That would explain much for it seems to be able to steal the very energy from us." 

Nole answers.  "Yes, Lord Elric.  Balrogs have been in this world since before the rising of the Sun and Moon.  They are evil, ancient, and cunning.  Their malice knows no bounds." 

"I see," says Elric.  Nole continues.  "We can not hope to sand alone against such beasts, we must work together to resist such foes."  Elric nods.  "Certainly not, for I myself have been slain by this creature, but the gods saw fit to return me."

Lord Ranulf speaks. " May I suggest we consider an alliance of our realms, Lord Nole?"

Dame Ellyana looks at Naeya.  "Dame Naeya, when you can, I would have you go as Ambassador of our people to Alqualonde."  She introduces Naeya to Nole.  She will serve as our representative in His Majesty's lands.  Nole bows.  "I will take you to Alqualonde and my king when you are ready." 

Nole nods and smiles at those before him.  "You have my thanks.  Let us work together, then.  Let us forge an alliance of our realms," he relaxes, " to preserve our realms from this new threat."

Elric nods.  'Then let it be done."  Nole stand and takes the hand of Dame Ellyanna and Lord Eric.  "Let us not rest until our realms are safe."

Sir Ranulf nods. "Aye! Well spoken."

Dame Ellyanna turns to Nole.  "The hour is late and the tide already gone out. You are welcome to rest in the inn this night and leave with the morning tide."
She smiles. "Rest well this night, Lord Nole, and good tides to you in the morning."

"Aye," says Lord Elric. "Please do give our good wishes to His Highness."

Nole nods.  "I am weary, and His Majesty will thank you for this alliance."  Lord Elric takes his leave of the company.  Sir Ranulf wishes Nole a restful night. "Rest well, Lord.  The beds of this inn are soft and will give you comfort."  Nole smiles.  ""I will rest wonderfully this night, for the forging of this alliance is a great releaf for me."

Nole turns to Lamina, who leads him to his room for the night.  Resting his head upon the soft pillow, he closes his eyes and goes to a well deserved sleep.

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