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January 26, 2011

Elwing Finds Tranquility


Cinnamon Raymaker

After her meeting with the fae, Elwing rests a while and then has the urge to explore again, to find a space where she can be alone with her thoughts.

She leaves the sheltered skylet, departs the fae tree fort and walks along the river  following the bank. She hears the chirping of cicadas. Walking on, she passes bull rushes and, heading around a bend in the river, finds herself heading into a dark tunnel.  Steeling herself for any possibility and listening for any changes in the sounds of the creatures of the night, she floats silently along the uneven track and into the deep blackness of the tunnel.

Giving her eyes time to adjust, she notes a pale colourful light emanating from within the cavern. A thin white mist rises from the water and floats around the atmosphere, making it heavy with humidity. Sensing something different about this place, she moves onward, carefully hugging the cave walls so as not to plunge into the depths of the water below. She hears the chirping of birds echoing around the cavern and notes beams of light shining through the water alongside her.

Suddenly she comes across a stone platform and ventures across it, reaching another platform, which is a bridge crossing the water, It leads to the most brilliantly lit tree she has ever seen. It is from this tree the mist appears to be emanating, a life giving essence for the plants and animals inhabiting this underground cavern. A feeling of well-being washes over Elwing the closer she moves towards the tree. She stands quietly touching its shining trunk, feeling a sense of calm within herself.  She sits under the tree and closes her eyes to enjoy the peace and tranquility of these surroundings.

"What a place of contrasts is this Isle of Vana!" She thinks to herself.

On the one hand it holds magical forests and havens of safety, a place of such warmth and beauty. It also harbours stone circles and ancient dark temples hidden deep within the craggy mountains and holds strange secrets such as the egg which called to her from the garden in the bowels of the earth.

And now - the discovery of this beautiful, peaceful and serene place of healing  - aye, healing - for no other word could describe the feeling of what was happening to her in this cavern. The feeling that it heals the soul and brings calm to the chaos, which is always just below the surface of her consciousness. It will be a haven to return to to maintain her sense of well-being while she is in this place.

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