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January 1, 2011

Memories, messages, Fi returns

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AelKenyr Rhiano

Sitting on his terrace, Nole gazed up at the stars. Holding a star chart in one hand. he scarcely glanced at it. He knew the stars well, one comfort in this changing world.  He was calmly humming a song, one he had learned in his childhood, in years long gone by. His mind was tranquil, and he smiled as he slowly drifted to sleep.  Suddenly out of the dark, a giant bird dropped into his lap. He jolts awake, shocked. "Ahhh!" he stammers as he stands. He is relieved to see it is a swan, and further more, he recognised it as the swan he chose to deliver Olwe's message to Earwen.  Nole notices it bore a message: he quickly takes it and unrolls the parchment. Reading quickly, he rises. "She is coming. I must tell my king," he speaks aloud as he walks quickly towards the castle.

Elenwe sits in the tavern, hearing but not taking part in the conversations around her. This is a favorite pastime since her return to Alqualonde. Listlisly, she moves to the back of the tavern and takes a seat.  Nole passes by the Drunken Swan, and sensed he should enter. He saw Elenwe sitting there. He thought he had a moment to spare, and approaches her.  Looking up as Nole approaches, she greets her friend. "My lord, how good to see you. Please, sit with me." 

"Elenwe." He speaks her name aloud, "it is great to see you, dear friend, but I cannot stay long. I have a message to deliver to my king."

"Message?" Her natural curiosity is peaked. "Might I accompany you to the castle?"

 Nole smiles and nods. "Yes, please. Let s go to our king together." Elenwe rises and falls into step with Nole as they approach the palace.

Restless, ever, ever restless...trapped between memories of the past and specters of the presence, there is no sleep for the King of the Teleri.  Face flushed and gaunt, hair in disarrary, body alternating between sweats and chills, Olwe paces his bedchambers, first rubbing his hands over the arms of his woolen tunic as he shivers with cold.  The voice in his head, cooing in pleasure.  Then, suddenly Olwe burns with a fever. He tugs the tunic off and rummages for a sleeveless one in his clothes chest.  Pulling othe leather jerkin, he mutters to himself.  "I cannot take these walls anymore," he murmurs and descends from his bedchambers to his own private study and out to the little courtyard.  There, before him, was the tower Earwen occupied when she lived in Alqualonde. Before she married Finarfin, before she left for Tirion.  Before he was ......."Alone?" hissed the voice.

On impulse, he enters, the sweet smell of the perfume his daughter used to wear.  He knew it had to have disappated a long time  ago, but he smells it...His eyes rove over the empty room...and spies in the corner, on the floor, left abandoned...a stuffed rabbit.  Earwen's favorite when she was a child.  He crosses the room and gently scoops it up, cradling it.  Olwe tunelessly, Olwe sings the lullaby he once sung to his daughter, his voice growing loud and strong with the song.

 "Sleep, my baby...sleep, my child...Close your a while..."

Cocking her head, Elenwe catches the faintest sound of singing.

"I cannot say what tomorrow will bring....maybe sunshine...maybe spring..."  Olwe paces, crooning, cradling the doll like an infant.  The voice slithering, slidng through his mind...Olwe winces now and again as he feels invisible hands tighten around places in his very essence, squeezing, twisting, pulling.  Welts appear along his arms.

Outside is Nole's voice. "I think it is coming from this room." He points to his left.  "Is that our King singing?" Elenwe asks. "Surely that is a good sign?"

Olwe looks around the room.  He can smell the lingering scent of her perfume.  He can almost hear her voice.  Then, without warming or explanation, the Voice...that dark thing inside him reaches out and with unseen etheral claws, rakes his soul.  He screams out as deep slashes appear on his forearms.  Olwe crumbles to the floor, clenching the toy, gasping for breath as blood oozes from the wounds.

Nole's eyes widen at the scream. "My king," he exclaims and rushes to the door.  The scream raises the hair on the back of Elenwe's neck. She dashes toward the sound, on Nole's heels.

Nole warns, "My friend, perhaps there is an enemy within."

Elwene replies, "I shall enter first, sword drawn."  Nole nods.

Just then they both hear Olwe scream, "I SHALL NEVER SERVE YOU!!!!!"

Drawing her sword, Elenwe pushes the door open, and advances slowly, eyes flitting all around in search of foes. Elenwe spies a figure hunched on the floor. Nole sees his king on one side of the room, clenching a toy.  He runs to his side.  Olwe buries his face in the doll in his hands, blood dripping from the wounds onto the pristine floor. Seeing the dripping blood, Elenwe whirls, ready to meet the enemy who has injured her king.

"Celebrimbor?"  Olwe peers up as he hears footsteps approaching.  He sees the familar form of the merchant Nole.

"My king, how did this happen?  There is blood..."

"It, it attacked."

 Elenwe sees no one else in the room. "It?" What could this thing be that attacked her king? "Celebrimor?" Nole stammers, "I am Nole, your faithful sea merchant."

Olwe slowly stands and looks at Nole.  A slow blush steals over his face. "Of course you are," he says softly. Ripping a strip of cloth from her cloak, Elenwe wipes the blood from Olwe's wounds.

Nole smiles, and takes his arm, heedless of the blood all over it. "I am here"

Olwe looks down, a little dazedly, then back up at Elenwe, flashing her a seldom seen smile these days.  He gently cups a hand over hers.  "Your touch is nearly as gentle as my daughter's."

"Thank you, your Majesty." Elenwe whispers. "Please, let me bind your wounds."

Olwe nods. "Of course, dear Swordmaiden, but they will only appear again."

She returns the smile he bestowed on her and speaks gently,"My lord, there is no one here to harm you further."

Nole seized upon the mention of Earwen. "Your daughter. Yes, she will be arriving soon, I have just recieved a message from her."

Olwe starts to answer, but then suddenly drops, takes in a sharp breath and bends, doubled over in pain.  He hisses and before their eyes, fresh wounds apear.  Elenwe's eyes widen in horror as blood drips faster from Olwe's arm. Pulling off her cloak, she wraps his arm tightly in the folds to stop the flow.  Olwe grasps Nole's arm as his face contorts in pain.  "No," he whispers....."no."

Nole kneels down beside Olwe, steadying his body. "No... No what?"

Olwe closes his eyes for a moment, his brow furrws, and he draws in a ragged breath.  "Nole," he whispers," I canot feel the Valar.  I cannot feel their presence, their comforting warmth. All I can feel ...." he draws in another breath..."You said Earwen is coming?"

"I am here my king, and I pray the valar are with us in these dark times. Earwen is on her way, she will arrive soon.  Please seek comfort in knowing that soon you will be reunited with her."

Olwe nods, his breath a little ragged. Elenwe watches her king to gauge his reaction to the news his daughter will soon arrive.

Nole speaks. "My king, you appear to be very weak, have you not eaten anything this day?"

Olwe begins to breath a little easier, the look of pain slowly passing.  He nods again and looks at the doll, then back up at the two before him.  "I shall see last time.."

"This will not be the last time, my dear Olwe. You will live."  Elenwe joined in. "You must have these wounds tended, and rest, your Majesty,"

Olwe stands up slowly and nods absently. "I...I am well, dear Nole.  You are kind to ask.  Food has little appeal to me."

"My king, what was it that attacked you?"

Olwe gazes at Elenwe and softly says,"You will guard my daughter when she arrives, yes?  She must be kept safe.  She is my heir, and my treasure...the pearl of Alqualonde."

"Of course, my Lord," Elenwe replies. She tries to smile, despite her heavy concern for Olwe.   Olwe looks at Nole. "In truth, Nole, you will think me mad."

 "No, I have no reason to believe that you are mad. I see you here before me, your voice, is the loving Olwe I know."

Unseen on light feet slips in an elf maiden, the dust of road on her.  Olwe's own great granddaughter, gone these long months to parts unknown to her great grandfather, has returned to the tower once home to her namesake.  Nicknamed "Fi," she tiptoes up to the small group with her great grandfather and listens quietly to conversation.  Sensing someone's approach, Elenwe draws her sword once more and turns to protect her king. She immediately lowers it when she sees the young Teleri.

Olwe's eyes widen...."Earwen!"  He breaks into a smile. "Daughter! Nole, it is my daughter, Earwen...Look!"

Fi  smiles and looks nervously around, for she is Olwe's grandaughter, one generation removed.  "Greetings."

The resemblance between Olwe's daughter and her namesake is so uncanny that Nole blurts out, "Earwen, thank you for coming so quickly."

Olwe hugs his great granddaughter tight and then pulls away, holding her arms and looking deep into her eyes.  "Fi?"  Fi looks to Nole and tries to mouth to him that she is not Earwen ....looks up into her great Grandpapa's eyes and smiles. "Hey, Papa. Yes, it is me...FI."

 "Did you run away from your mother again?" Olwe asks.

Fi half smiles nervously. "I! I mean....well.....I was gone for a bit." Nole smiles at the reunion before him. She runs her hands through her hair and shrugs. "I'm back, though!" Fi chuckles.

Olwe nods and smiles, then leans forward and kisses her forehead. "Well, we can send her a message by swan." Olwe turns to Nole with a smile.  "You remember little great granddaughter." Fi looks to Nole and smiles bowing slightly.  Nole smiles and returns Fi's bow.
Olwe looks her up and down. "You have grown."

Fi Piaggio grins and looks down at her barefeet. "Hmmm, perhaps only my feet have."

Suddenly his smile crumbles and he doubles over, gasping.  Olwe slowly slides to the floor, wrapping his arms protectively around his stomach, dropping the doll as he crumbles. New wounds open, and he sucks in his breath, his blood dripping freely on to the clenched rabbit and the floor.  Nole helps Olwe down, and tries to bandage these new wounds. Fi's eyes widen as she realizes her grandfather is wounded. "Ohh.....what is happening here?"

Nole looks up to Fi, while helping his king.  Fi drops to the floor next to him and looks over his body. Olwe pants out, "My dear, sweet granddaughter....please, do not worry."

Fi wrinkles her nose and pats his forehead with her cape....wiping away some perspiring. "What have you gotten yourself into now, Papa?"

 "Tell her, Nole, all is well." He gives Nole a searching look. Fi looks to Nole for answers.

"Fi, please believe me, he is well," he says looking at Fi. "His voice, even now, is that of my... our wise king."

Olwe gives a small groan and slumps forward. Fi looks between the two with a worried look and nods. "If you say so, I will believe you. Perhaps we should move him somewhere more comfortable? Or bring in some cushions?"

Olwe smiles and reaches out for Fi, but stops when he sees his own blood on his hand.  He drops it and then says softly, "I should go back to my rooms, my sweet Fi.  Earwen will be coming home."

Fi nods and stands to help her grandfather up. Olwe slowly sands, sways a moment, then collects himself.  "You are so sweet, dear Fi." She grabs an arm and motions for Nole to grab the other to lead him to his quarters.  Nole, too, stands. "Yes, please rest, my dear King."

Olwe smiles wanly as he walks between them.  "Thank you." Reaching the private audience chamber of the Teleri lord, Nolehelps his king into a chair.  Olwe slumps into the chair..."Thank you, Nole...sweet Fi."  He tries to smile, but his face is pallid.  "Fi, please let Nole see to your needs.  We should send a note to your mother. You worry her by taking off.  You are still a very young maiden. How many summers have you seen, now? Fifteen?" Clearly, however, Fi is older than that, though no one speaks of this.

Instead, Nole bows. "Yes, I will see to her needs, My king."  Fi grins and blushes a  little. "Oh, who knows?  I will see my mother soon, dont you worry. Sleep now and get your health back. I will come see to you soon."

Olwe manages a smile. "I hope one day to see my granddaughter find such an upstanding young elf like yourself." Olwe looks over pointedly at his great granddaughter and winks. "But not for awhile yet."

Fi widens her eyes and blushes more. "Papa sit!" she says emphatically. "And rest!" Obediently he nods.  "Yes, Fi.  I shall." Fi kisses his cheek and turns to the door.

Nole smiles to his king, then approaches the door. He whispers as an aside to Earwen. "We have a little bit to talk about, regarding dear Olwe's situation..." Fi nods to Nole and exits.

"Thank you for seeing to my great grandfather while I was means an awful lot."

"He is my king, and a dear friend. I would do anything for him, but thank you."

Fi smiles and nods. "Now tell me please....what ails him?"

"Fi," Nole sighs. "I am an elf of reason, and I tend not to jump to conclusions."  Fi listens intently nodding.  "But I believe your grandfather has these visions."

Fi sighs and nods. "Yes, he has had many over his lifetime."

"Visions, terrible beyond description. As if there is some sort of outside malevolence."

"Ohhh....I didnt realize they had become so horrible."

"During these visions, I fear he goes through torment, and he mutters about foul things and thoughts aoud. He fears the Valar have left him. And that he will die outside of their light. My conclusion, is that these visions have intensified into the physical plane, and are marring his beauty."

Fi wrinkles her nose with worry once more and sighs sadly shaking her head. "What can we do?"

"The rest of what happens to him during these episodes, I cannot say with any certainty, but there is one thing that I feel, more than anything, and that is he is not mad. He is here with us, and he needs us more than anything now. The best thing, is to be with him, and calm him."

"Well, he has us now, and we will need to watch over him closely and hope that we can find a way to help these episodes as best we can," answers Fi.

Nole nods and smiles to Fi. "I will help him however I can. I love him, not as a king, but as kin, and I will stand by him, no matter what happens."  Nole smiles and bows to Earwen's namesake. "Please, let us help him together."

Fi smiles. "We shall."

As soon as he is alone, Olwe slowly peels off the jerkin, soaked in his own blood and looks down at the flayed and bruised skin.  Silently he makes his way to his bedchambers, pours water into a basin with a wash towel.  Unwinding the strips of fabric Elenwe had used, he slowly cleans the wound, hissing at the sting.  Then, shaking with chills, he rebinds the wounds and pulls on his woolen shirt.

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