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June 19, 2012

A New Day

Played by:
Cinnamon Raymaker

Elwing awakes from a restless slumber and streches her body from the somewhat cramped position in which she had been resting. Her dreams have taken her time and again through the tumultous events she had experienced since the disappearance of Earendil and Vingilot.

Foremost in her mind at this particular moment is a preoccupation with her uncle. When will King Olwe return from his important journey? Important because it is a mission to rescue Aztryd and her kin from their wrecked clan home, and who knows what else? Elwing also wonders how safe would be her uncle and the stalwart sailor Nole, both sailing into the same unknown situation. How many survivors would they find? How many would they be able to bring back to safety?

Elwing rises from her bed and dresses hurriedly, splashing water on her face and dabbing it dry with a soft cloth hanging by the wash bowl. Disregarding the rumbling in her stomach, she finds herself wandering her uncle's palace, pacing, ever pacing.

The break of day is imminent, and the sun's rays will take their time reaching out to the balcony on which she stands. She raises her eyes and looks whimsically across the sky for a sign of the morning star; her head tells her it is not going to be there but her heart ever holds the hope that it will appear. Sadly, it is still missing.

"One day," she whispers to herself, "everything will again be right in the world. My beloved will be returned to me, and I will be there to meet him - even if I have to go search him out myself!"

Elwing is unsure how this will be achieved, but she believes she must retrace her steps to the place near which she last saw the morning star before it disappeared from view. To do this, she must again rebuild her strength and will, hoping that the Valar, Lord Ulmo, will again support her in her quest.

Patience and the ability to weather the storm alone have been ever present in Elwing's emotional artillery. They will again stand her in good stead as she works towards helping her Uncle and Aztryd's people have a comfortable homecoming when they  return to this safe haven of the swans. Looking across the abandoned marketplace she notes the calmness of the swans in their haven and takes a calming breath herself.

With her promise to herself and her beloved firmly tucked away inside her, she heads for the palace entrance and starts to make her way down to the lands below, mentally reviewing the items she will need to collect for storage in preparation for the visitors the Swanhaven will be hosting once Olwe and Nole return with them from the Grey Havens.