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June 7, 2012

The Next Step

Played by:
Shawn Daysleeper
BelenosStormchaser Magic

Eilif's eyes are dark and thoughtful as she stares out over the Gulf of Luin. The solid stone of the wharf feels good beneath her feet, more so than usual, as she contemplates the vast body of water before her. Next to her a ship creaks as it strains against the restraint of it's moorings, and she turns to look at it. What she sees is not reassuring to one of the Khazad. She shakes her head doubtfully and looks to her companion. "I do not know if it was good for me to look closer at these ships or not, Elder. They seem little more than fancy firewood held together with ropes. There is nothing solid about them at all."

(("There is nothing solid about them at all."))

Adelsteinn looks over the ship tossing around in the water beside them. He is aware of shipping as he has been here before, but he has never paid much attention to it until today. Since leaving their ruined settlement all he has concentrated on was getting them here. Now that they are in Mithlond, the next step is drawing near. He nods to Eilif's words "You know we are going to have to get on one of these and soon. I do not see how the elves can control these ships. It must be because they have the advantage of being taller and agile. How do you think these ships sit on the water anyways?"

((..the next step is drawing near.))

(("...we are going to have to get on one of these, and soon."))

Eilif hears her own worries reflected in the Elder's words, and for a moment she thinks how it must be for him, solely responsible for the welfare of so many. She smiles to see his clothing freshly laundered and mended.  Despite her injured arm, she has managed quite a passable job.  Well, be it mending or encouragement, if she could give it, she would, so now she smiles at him as she reaches out and tugs a little on the shoulder of his fur jerkin, setting it slightly straighter. "Well, I suppose we must all have our mysteries.  These ones do not know how we make weapons of such grace and elegance either, and I know which skill I prefer to understand.  They can keep their ships and sailing. The fact the ship is here as are the goods it carries speaks for the fact that it does float." Still trying to lighten his worries, she tilts her head and grins at him. "Do you think there has ever been a ship to carry such a cargo as we shall be?"

((..she tilts her head and grins at him.))

Adelsteinn turns to Eilif and laughs slightly. "I am sure we will be a unique cargo. Have you ever heard of a dwarf cargo on a ship?" He tries to lighten his worry. Looking back out to the west, the mountains march to the coast from both sides, leaving an opening between them through which nothing but the sea could be seen. Ships pass through there into the harbor. "I do not know what lies beyond," he nods to the vast sea beyond the mountains. "I suppose Olwe will come from there?"
(("I am sure we will be a unique cargo."))

(("I do not know what lies beyond."))

Eilif's own gaze is drawn yet again to the Gulf beyond the harbour. Noonday sun dances off the ripples on the water, casting pricks of bright light into her eyes and she pulls her hood a little further forward. The birds of the sea squawk and flutter, dip and dive into the water and squabble over what they find. What do they find under there, she wonders to herself and leans over the edge of the wharf to see if she could see for herself. But these waters are not the clear mountain streams of the Blue Mountains. These are the waters of a port city-- dark, restless-- and all she sees is the shifting reflection of herself, her face nothing but a shadow within the depths of her hood. Remembering her companion's question, she draws her mind from her contemplation of the water and nods. "That is where all the ships seem to come and go. That's if he comes. Shouldn't he have been here by now?" She bites her tongue as soon as the words are said and curses herself under her breath for a fool. You are supposed to encourage, not add to his load!

(("..if he comes."))

Eilif's words cause him to speculate about whether Olwe will come. He counts back the time since the response was sent to the Elf King. There were several days of preparation time and a few days on the road. "It has been some time since we sent Olwe our approval. I would think that he will be along shortly." Seeing the ships before him bobbing about though causes the Elder to half hope Olwe does not come. "If he does not come, we would not have to get on his ship, but then again, what would we do?" With a sigh, he concedes, "but I do hope he comes. I will go check with the Harbor Master and see if there is any word of Olwe. Would you walk with me to the end of the harbor, and I will watch you arrive safely at the inn? Afterwards I will seek out the Master then come to the inn myself."

(("Would you walk with me?"))

Eilif casts another glance at the ship as it bobs and weaves on the water, tugging at the ropes that hold it, seemingly so eager to be free and gone. But gone to where?  She looks back to the Gulf and sighs as she nods to Adelstienn. "Aye, I will walk with you and..and I thank you for your kindness in seeing me safe to the Inn, Adelstienn."  A shy smile plays around her lips at the use of his personal name rather than official title.  To cover her shyness she nods to the town before them as she continues. "We have no choice.  We cannot remain here, and we cannot go back to Gamilfun." Realizing how serious her words had become, she nudges Adelstienn with her shoulder and puts a grin on her face."At least we aren't expected to fly on a giant swan as Aztryd did.'

(("We have no choice."))