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August 28, 2010

Irmo and Nienna Seek Ulmo's Advice

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The waters of the seas caressed Ulmo's skin like the touch of a lover and ran over his forearms and chest, familiar, reassuring.  The Lord of the Seas loved all the waters of Ea, but none so comforted him as the seas around the Undying Lands.

 The stars wink in the eternal night sky, ageless, unaffected by the turning of seasons or the rise and fall of empires, much like the  Undying Lands themselves.  Rising to the surface of the water, Ulmo cranes his head to watch their brilliance in the night sky, the wind cooling his water drenched skin.  Upon the breeze is the smell of the Undying Land's eternal spring.

Bobbing, floating gently with the ebb and flow of the ocean, Ulmo swims lazily along the coastline of the Undyling Land, a frown and lines of worry wrinkling his eternally youthful face.  Words spoken by elven sailors from Sylvahara were carried upon the sea breezes and floated down to his ever alert ears about the Teleri Lord...poisoned!?!

Nienna walks through the gardens of Lorien, the grass pleasantly cool on her bare feet, looking for her brother, Irmo.  The night breeze from the sea carries the scent of the ever-blooming flowers of Este's gardens.  Their estate is vast, and finding Irmo no simple task.

The light scent of the flowers which eternally bloom in Este's gardens fills Ulmo's nostrils, and he stops, treading the waters and rising himself enough to draw in deep breaths of the sweet fragrance.  The richness of the earth mingled with the fragrance..

To be continued....

Taking a last deep breath, UImo dove back down into the seas and made his way to his watery palace, there to contemplate the news he heard, the heavy foreboding he heard in the voices of sailors, which matched the foreboding in his heart.  Has the Dark fallen Valar returned?  No, he must still be trapped...for if he is not...all Ea is in great danger.

September 3, 2010
Shawn Daysleeper, Lihan Taifun, AelKennyr Rhiano

Cool was the wind that ruffled the waves as it played over his wet skin and teased at his dripping hair, but the Ainur Lord of the Sea noticed it not....His eyes swept across the coastline, absently, his brows wrinkled as he  turned the events of recent weeks over and over in his mind. He allowed his body to ride the wave, bobbing gently with it, his thoughts bent upon one thought only.....

The same cool wind ruffled Nienna's robes, as she walked through the gardens of Lorien, looking for her brother Irmo.  The uncertain fragments of news from the mortal lands made her anxious to begin their journey.

Irmo feels the cool wind, and hears the thoughts of his Ainu kin. Like a dream, he passes thru the gardens meeting his sister. "Brother,"  she speaks a wordless greeting.  "I fear what might be happening in the Outside, while we delay.  I heard the strangest news from the Halls of Waiting"

Ulmo breathes in the sea salted air and sighs as he exhales.  He has heard the rumors from the passing sailors.  Has things come to such a dangerous pass? 

The Lord of Dreams frowns at his sisters words. "What news from the Outside would seem strange to you?"

"The Teleri king -- it could have been no other -- stood on the doorstep.  What would happen to our plans if he should have been killed?"

Shadows pass over Irmo's face. "I do not desire to linger on such thoughts. The Teleri are blessed that he has been saved.But we must hasten our plans."

"Yes, we must!"  She turns to look from the garden terrace out over the Great Outer Sea.  The sight of the waves and the sound of the sea on the rocks always calms her.  "What more preparations do we need?"

 Irmo follows his sister to the terrace "We have created the physical manifestation of the Teleri, and have learned to sing as they do. But there is something else we need to learn, before we can make our appearance before the Teleri Lord."

 Ulmo paces to and from atop the waves.  What is the Teleri lord had died?  What, then, would have happened to Illuvatar's children?  The faint sound of voices reaches the ears of the Lord of the Sea, and he turns his head automatically to the sound.  Was that the Lord of Dreams? How strange that he should be here, at this time.  He still his movements in the water to make sure it is, indeed, Irmo's voice.

Nienna has worked hard learning to live for extended times in a physical manifestation.  And at learning to sing and make music by physical means.  But, if more preparations are needed, then that must also be attended to, and soon.

"There is  something else we must learn..." Irmo seeks for the right words "We must seek to emulate their spirit."  Nienna is puzzled.  "Their spirit?  How could we ever emulate the spirits of Children?"

Footsteps light but sure step upon the wooden dock, and the presences are unmistakable...That is the Lord of Dreams, and his sister.  Here, why?  He raises himself up out of the sea.  "I thought I heard the voice of the Lord od Dreams...but I could scarcely credit it."

 "Greetings, Lord of Seas," said Nienna. Ulmo bows his head.  "And of course his sister, most compassionate Nienna."  Irmo looks upon the form of the Lord of the Sea. "Greetings to you."

"Hail, Irmo, Lord of Dreams." Ulmo inclines his head and gazes upon Lord Irmo.  "You tread not in the world of dreams this night?"

Nienna answers, "We plan soon to tread in the waking world, the Outside." Irmo shakes his head "Nay, for my mind is concerned for our plans. There is a matter that I feel we need to discuss before we set our plans into motion."

Ulmo's eyebrows rise as he looks from brother to sister.  "Tis so?"  He turns to Irmo, suddenly conscious that he may have treaded upon a private conversation. "Do I interrupt thee, Noble Irmo?  I caught the whisper of your voice, Irmo, upon the sea breeze, and it roused me from most troublesome thoughts.  I had not heard your sister's dulcet voice nor the words themselves."

Irmo: again shakes his head. "No I feel this is a matter we all could discuss."

  "Perhaps under  yond gazebo you may take your ease, and I shall hear what concerns you, my brother Vala?"

"We plan to visit the Teleri, to inspire their strength and courage in these troubled times.  We do not wish to frighten or disturb them, so we plan to disguise ourselves as Teleri.  But my brother feels our preparations are incomplete," said Nienna.

Ulmo looks at Nienna in frank surprise.  "You, Valie of Compassion?  Think you can walk amongst them, and their daily troubles not burden thy heart?"  Ulmo looks up toward the flat top of a gentle rise. "Perhaps under  yond gazebo you may take your ease, and I shall hear what concerns you, my brother Vala?" He turns to Irmo as he speaks.

Nienna moves lightly up the hill toward the gazebo, being careful to keep her feet on the ground.  Irmo follows his sister up to the gazebo, giving special attention to his walking.  Ulmo walks brother and sister walk, feet firmly upon the ground, and follows , floating toward the gazebo. "Indeed, you walk as they do."

Nienna settles herself onto a cushion, and waits for Irmo to explain his concern. Irmo: hears his sister's thoughts then slowly explains his thoughts, finding the right words "We may look like Teleri, and we have learned to sing and play instruments like them, but there is something missing. When I se them, they are asleep. What are they alike, when they are active? What about their emotions? Perhaps you, Lord Ulmo, Lord of the Waters, have some thoughts for us?"

Ulmo pauses, thinking carefully, stroking his chin and knotting his brow.

Nienna interjects, "When I see them, they are dead, and that is perhaps not the most useful information for us, either."  Irmo nods at his sister's response."

"I know mostly the sailors, and hear them when they ride my seas." Ulmo speaks slowly, pauing to think before he contines. "I have heard them pray to me when the winds are stern....and sometimes, but not so much, in thanks when they return home safely. I have heard them utter words I believe they found most foul as perhaps Teleri are conversant in expressions that deal with their bodily functions as a matter of course."

Nienna replies, "Ah, these bodily functions -- I never paid much attention to that part of the song before."

Ulmo continues. "They seem very aware of them during bad weather upon the seas."

"Strange ..."  but then Nienna remembers she has never been affected by bad weather, so she knows nothing of their experience. Ulmo gives her a puzzled looks and shrugs.  "Why, I do not know."

Irmo focuses on Ulmo's words, trying to make sense of them "So they are fearful, and grateful, and are conversersant regarding their bodily functions..." Irmo pauses as if confused.

"So it would seem." Ulmo folds his arms and reflectively muses. "Yet, at night, when the seas are calm, and they are far from home, they sing songs of longing, of need, for those they chose to leave behind."

Nienna muses, "Perhaps they find it difficult that they can be in only one place at a time."  Irmo nods, as if understanding. "They seem to be quite compassionate, as if this is valuble to them?"  Nienna nods in agreement with Irmo.  "Yes, the dead are often quite concerned with the fate of their kinfolk.  They seem to be strongly attached to them."

Ulmo regards Nienna's words and finally nods.  "I would find it most discomforting.
 The Children...they are puzzling and wondrous and so very fragile.  Yet they rise to challenges as though immortal."

Irmo nods to his sister, his concerns beginning to rest. He pauses for a few moments before speaking. "It is imparative that our task is sucessful. Perhaps you have additional advice for us, Lord Ulmo?"  Nienna adds, ""Indeed.  And that is why we believe they are important in this dark hour."

Ulmo snaps his fingers, as his eyes brightened. "Oh...and they change their outer rainments often."

"Changing our outer garments?" Irmo looks questioningly. "Interesting"

"They change it?  How can they change it?  Their raiment is physical." Nieena looks puzzled. Ulmo reaches down and lightly tugs on Nienna's sleeve.  "These ....things...clothes."  Irmo looks at Ulmo, and pulls at his robes, as if asking.

"They take them physically off their bodies.  Sailors do that on board when the sun beats down and dries their body."

"These too?" asks Irmo. Ulmo nods.  "But when the weather is cold, and the plants lie buried beneath the frozen waters, they then put more clothes on. ...Perhaps they are changeable in their mind as to how much other wear they need?"

"Most confusing." says Nienna. "Perhaps we will need to obverse the Teleri around us, and try to copy what they do."

Ulmo asks them both: "What drives you to walk among them?  Is it the Teleri Lord?"

Irmo nods. "we are to visit the Teleri Lord, and inspire within him strength and courage."  Adds Nienna, "We hear that their hope and courage wavers, in the darkness that haunts the Outer World."

"I have heard the sailors speak of the poison that nearly took him to the hall of Mandos."

"Poison?  I heard he came to the doorstep of the Halls -- Serenen saw him -- but I knew not why."  Nienna looks alarmed.

 Ulmo folds his arms across his chest.  "Sailors tell of a vile poison left aboard his swanship.  One strong enough that nearly severed his soul from his body."

 "Was this deed performed by a servant of the ..." Irmo pauses a moment "Fallen Vala?"

"It would take a strong poison indeed to kill one of the Elder Children.   But who would do such a thing?  Poison is a coward's weapon."

"And also a well favored tactic of those who served our dark hearted kinsman, Melkor," added Ulmo. "Shadows and treachery were ever his weapons."

"Too true.  Too likely his hand is behind this shameful attempt." Nienna nodded in agreement.

 "And if not, then one who has known servitude under his twisted guidance. Sailor speak with fear and dread that he has still not recovered, and that Melkor has placed his hand upon the Teleri Lord's heart."

Irmo listens attentively to Ulmo, his eyes widening, he then turns to his sister "since this threat was conducted against the Teleri Lord himself, perhaps the courage and strength of his kin may falter."

Irmo said, thoughtfully, "If the Children despair too much and too long, they may die."  His sister was quick to add. "A danger, indeed.  Or if the Dark One has indeed soiled the heart of the king, then we must by all means try to turn him back to the light."

"The Children have strong wills but they do not know the song we once song.  The future, the elves see far, but still their vision is all to short. "

"I have seen this in their dreams, fear and despair, which may lead to grief,"
  responds Irmo. 
Nienna said in agreement.  "And grief my slay them as surely as any arrow."  Irmo looks at his sister "yes, we must turn him to the light, and through his benevolence, his kin may follow."

Ulmo nods.  "I have seen upon the waters, when they face great storms.  Some rise in defiance of the storms...some crumble and submit to their fears."

Irmo muses: "Perhaps this is Manwe's chief concern for the Teleri, they may fall to grief. Our task is so important, my sister."

"Yes," Nienna says, returning his gaze.  "The Teleri have lived many ages in the light of the Undying Lands.  It would take much to turn them away.  But we cannot allow that to happen."

 Ulmo knows, listening carefully. "They bear the light of the two trees in their soul, but that light can fade should they despair too greatly."

Irmo nods to his sister resolutely. "We can not allow that tohappen, and as long as I am able, i will not let them fall to grief."

"No," says Nienna. "We shall sing the old songs for them, and keep the memory of the light alive for them."

Ulmo regards the Lord of Dreams with a steady gaze.  "For my part, I will stay close to their ships and guide them safely to ports.  I will bid the waves sing to them of the two trees and the mercy of Illuvatar. But much will depend upon Olwe of Alqualonde, his heart, his spirit.  Perhaps it would be well for Manwe to speed Tilion to his side to renew his heart and spirit."

Nienna turns to her brother.  "Can you, Brother, allow him to visit Tilion in his dreams? Serenen reported that he called for Tilion, as he thought he was dying."

Irmo: nods. "Yes, I will. Tilion will renew his heart and spirit, while we prepare our arrival to the Teleri lord's lands. Tilion must preserve the Teleri Lord's strength and courage, until we arrive. We must depart quickly."

 "We should prepare quickly.  I mislike all the news I hear, lately."  This from Nienna.

Ulmo looks at brother and sister, and nods, once.  "During his voyage upon the seas, his voice often broke the silence of the night, his body locked in dreams I think more ill than sweet."  Ulmo turns to Irmo. "Were those of your doing, Lord of Dreams?"

"I do not know, for dreams may be both ill and sweet. It is all in the mind of the dreamer." Irmo gave his response quietly, with neither inflection nor emotion.

Ulmo gives a curt nod.  "Then if the dreams be in his mind, it were well you speed Tilion to him.  If it is from another source than his own soul or your realm, it is best you befriend him quicker, let he descend into darkness and forget himself."

Nienna turns to Ulmo.  " Thank you, Cousin Ulmo.  We will keep your advice in mind."

IIrmo turned to Ulmo as well. "I am grateful for your advise, i hope our disguise hlds long enough to ensure our success."

 "Remember...change your garments frequently and make bodily functions a part of the common conversation.  Beyond this, I know little more of elves." Ulmo gives the Valie of Compassion a bow of his head and Irmo a nod. "Gentle waves guide you and keep you. "  Then he turns and without further words, returns to his seas.

> Irmo and Nienna continue their plans     > Next Ulmo