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August 13, 2010

Nolë Reflects

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Shawn Daysleeper

Nole led his king into the small room of the healing guild, and Olwe fell to sleep. However, the seafarer's mind was restless. Unable to fall asleep himself, he passes the time, piecing together the events since he had left Queen Comet's castle. The return voyage back to Sylvhara seemed like a flash in his mind. He still felt the stinging salt breeze on his face. An elf of numbers and reason, Nole mentally calculates the time it took to reach Sylvhara since he turned the vessel around, with startling results.

Whispering aloud,  "Impossible, I have never seen a vessel sail at this speed." and baffled by the numbers, Nole turns in his bed to look upon King Olwe. His breathing had returned to normal. Nole's heart was filled with joy, a longing came over him to rush to Olwe and touch his hand...

"Let him rest," Nole whispers to himself. His thoughts return to the voyage. "My prayers must have been answered by forces far greater than I. Olwe was meant to survive, and through him, the hope of the Teleri live on." Smiling, he finally manages to fall into a dreamless slumber.

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