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August 2, 2010

Olwë Sails to Sylvhara

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 AelKennyr Rhiano
They set sail in the cool predawn of the morning...the stars still overheard, though the moon had found his journey and the sun just set to embark upon her journey.  Despite the deep foreboding  heaviness in his heart, Olwe breathed deep of the sea air, his eyes on the horizon. searching for the shores of Sylvahara.  He watched the sea merchant Nole, ever efficient, ever sure of the sea route, and he smiles to himself as he aids the noble Teleri, his hands sure and efficent, comfortable with the familar tasks of seamanship.  As he moved from one task to the other, Olwe's mind went back to the letter sent before embarking from Alqualonde's familar dock.
My Fair and Gentle Cousin, The Beauteous Queen of the Sylvan Elves, Comet, comes greetings from Olwe of Alqualonde....

I hope this missive delivers to your fair hand and finds my much loved kinswoman well and her realm safe, and the people happy.  Forgive this ancient's elf's concern which drives him thus from his own realm to seek you out in yours, to assure his troubled heart that you are safe and well.  But sleep brings dreams of such tragedy that I cannot rest but am propelled from the realm of Irmo, the cries of fallen children of Illuvatar still ringing in my ears.

My eyes crave to behold you, my Cousin, once more and give lie to the dreams that pursue me when nightly I to my bed take.  Pray let me have the honor of again clasping your hand and staring into the eyes of which many a Teleri song has been song.  Among all our elven kin in Ea,  you, alone, dear Comet, come closest to knowing my heart. Only the only who holds my heart within his breast could profess greater knowledge.

Until we next meet, Sweet Kinswoman, may the waves be gentle upon the shores of thy realm....Did I mention I was bringing you strawberries from Alqualonde?
