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July 13, 2010

Elenwë Discovers her Heritage

Shawn Daysleeper

Elenwe Morefindesse arrived in Alqualonde, knowing only that she was Teleri, but little else. Meeting Nole at the dock and joining the journey to Alqualonde gave her little time to think about much beyond preparing for possible danger at journey's end. Now that she had been in Alqualonde for a bit, she looked about and do I fit into the Teleri? Who am I?

Nole notices Elenwe and seemed to sense she was concerned. "Greetings mi'lady," he bows. "My Lord, greetings."  She curtsies.

"I hope you are enjoying fair Alqualonde. Perhaps I may be of assistance to you in some way?"  Elenwe is grateful that Nole has noticed what she has not been able to verbalize. "I-I am not sure how to ask. Every things is so wonderful here, but...." her voice trails off.  "I feel so out of place," she finishes in a rush.

Nole smiles and takes Elenwe's hand, nodding. "Yea, we all feel that way when we enter new lands. But, my lady, you are most welcome here. You are Teleri, and are home at last."

"Thank you, my lord. I have wondered about just what my background is. It is as if I appeared from nowhere, with no history. All I know is that, somewhere in my distant memory, someone taught me that I was Teleri. I also remember small bits of song that I somehow know came from Teleri. But, other than that, I know nothing about my heritage."

Nole smiles. "We Teleri are a seafaring folk and have sailed to many places. Sometimes we establish a settlement, which helps enhance our trade. However, our hearts are always with the sea, and in rhythm with the sea. We sing beautifully. We are blessed with wonderful voices. With regards about your heritage we could consult the records within the library. Perhaps there you will find what you seek."

Elenwe's heart beats faster as she realizes that clues to who she is may be within her grasp. "I would, Lord Nole, appreciate your helping me, if you would be so kind. I know not where to even begin."

Nole leads Elenwe into the library of Alqualonde, and to the vast multitude of books and tomes within. Despite being old, the books were pristine and loved by the Teleri. Nole leads Elenwe to a seat at a table, and selects a tome from the shelf. Nole gestures Elenwe to a seat beside him. Elenwe looks around in amazement as Nole leads her into a huge room lined on all sides with books. Elenwe whispers "It's incredible."

Nole smiles to Elenwe and sits beside her. He opens the tome and lays it out between them. The pages were covered with elvish script written by a skilled hand. Nole fingers through the pages, searching intently for the information he desires. Elenwe looks at the writing, unable to decipher the strange letters. Nole pages through the book, obviously confident and searching. She watches as he leafs through the pages.

Nole flips another page, then his finger rests on a line of script. He smiles and looks up at Elenwe. "Here is what we are looking for. These are your parents" He finger follows the script, and reading aloud. "Your mother's name, is Elena, which means From the Stars."

Elenwe's eyes fill with tears. "I never knew my mother, nor my father," she whispers. Looking at the strange writing. She repeats, "Elena, From the Stars." and looks up at Nole, smiling through her tears.

Nole smiles to Elenwe. "And your father's name, is Earello, which means From the Sea." Nole reads silently further, then looks up at Elenwe. "They are strong warriors in the service of our king, and their home is here in Alqualonde."

Elenwe can't believe her ears. "My parents are here?" she gasps.
"I never thought I would see them."  Nole takes Elenwe's hands, tries to smile as he speaks. "They live here, but like the rest of our people, they have vanished." Nole bows his head.

Elenwe bows her head, also, tears spilling down her cheeks. "Vanished. Elena. Earello." Looking up at Nole, she says with a note of defiance in her voice, "No matter what evil threatens the beautiful land of Alqualonde, I will not rest until it is vanquished. Perhaps if I am bold and brave and destroy the evil, I will be free to seek my.... my.....parents." The strange word falls with difficulty from her lips.

Nole tries to comfort his friend Elenwe, but realises no real comfort would come to her until Elena and Earello are before her. "We stand together, my friend."

"Thank you, my Lord, for all your kindness to me. I must redouble my practice with the sword so I can become a skilled swordmaiden, ready to defend Alqualonde from all danger."
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