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October 10, 2010

Aynad and the Dalish Elves

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Aynad Adored

Aynad, a small young tree faerie, hovers a small distance above the ground, and  looks out over the forest of this new land in which she now is living.  She had come to the forest a few months earlier with her family who had adopted her. Two Dalish elves, a slender male with a long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, and a lovely female, who was tall, graceful, almost royal in her demeanor. Aynad was only barely past her hundredth birthday, and was reminded often about her inexperience and youth, although it did not bother her much, as her heart was as light as the breeze that flowed through her fluttering wings.  But there were dangers, as Father had warned that there would be.  Orcs, dragons, and other nasties were occasionally encountered, and Aynad was glad for the training that Father had given her, and the strength of Mother's spirit.  She recounted again the Dalish ways of thinking and living, as Father had taken on the Teacher role, and she the Student...

Teacher: We Dalish live by a code known as Vir Tanadahl, meaning "Way of Three Trees."
    * Vir Assan ("Way of the Arrow") - fly straight and do not waver
    * Vir Bor'Assan ("Way of the Bow") - bend but never break
    * Vir Adahlen ("Way of the Forest") - together we are stronger than the one

Student: How do I reflect the Dalish ways in thinking, particulary the way we approach threats, with combat or peace?

Teacher: Combat is only used if absolutly necessary, as a last resort...  but if there is a need to get to that point, attack with no thought of escape. If blood needs to be drawn, don't be the aggressor.  If you need to defend another, that is more important than defending yourself.

Teacher:  Yes, we want peace... We only know how to fight because we needed to defend ourselves.

The part about the Three Trees were particularly dear to her heart, as a tree faerie... she knew what happens to trees that do not grow in the Vir Tanadahl fashion: they either become gnarled and have difficulty getting nourishment to their leaves, or they die early, and are eaten by the insects until they are but crumbled fragments on the earth that had borne them.  So she knew that although her tendency
was to flit about and commune with her tree friends tirelessly, there were things which must be regarded carefully as signs of danger, and she felt a bit of debt to Father and Mother to preserve her life, for the
sake of their brave hearts, and to honor their love for her.

And so she came here with Father and Mother, to be the Dalish elves' emissaries here in this land, and to do what they could to help all creatures who loved life and Blessed Illuvatar... She especially wished to see others of the elvish folk that Father and Mother had told her about, in their stories and training sessions which they diligently gave to Aynad, especially when they sat in the evenings together, Aynad's favorite part of the day..

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