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October 28, 2010

Olwë is Found -- A Terrible Price is Revealed

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Coming out of the woodland, Olwe finds a clearing and looks out over a land that looks familiar. He squints his eyes and peers around the moonlit vista.  The breeze is chilly, but the air smells crisp and clean, with the bite of salt water.  He steps out into the moonlight clearing and cautiously looks around.  This, this looks familiar.  It is neither Alqualonde or Tol Eressea, but he should know this place.  It is nearly as dear, but his mind refuses to supply him with the reason.  He licks dry lips and keeps his bow on his back,  but his hands are free to unsheathe a dagger on his armband if needed.  He took those blades from  the orc he encountered some nighs ago.  He thinks it was an orc.  The hands he kept as trophies. Olwe passes flowers that are a otherworldly purple and shudders.  His eyes, though, fastened on the water.  Clean, clear water!....He hurries over and bending down, cups handfuls of water and slakes his thirst.

Aloyisius, Comet's owl flaps and lands on her shoulder. Comet Quijote is startled but takes a message from his pouch.  A message from the old wizard is sceawled in his wavery hand, "King Olwe has been seen wandering near the Nightmare's Tears on Tari."  Comet Quijote calls to her guards nearby to search for him, immediately. "When he is found, he must be taken to the clerics hall."  Elsewhere in Sylvahara, Daza Mistwalker hears a terrible chattering from some nightengales and wonders what all the fuss is about.

Slowly Powers Constantine approaches the king. "Greetings, Sire."

Olwe whirls around, a hand going for a dagger, but he pauses and stares hard at the two figures.  "You are familiar?"

Malakyte Thorne comes up. "King Olwe? Indeed we have met."

Powers Constantine: "I have met you many times. Sire, we are here to help."

Olwe looks from one to the other.  His brow furrows, and he backs up a steap when he sees more figures...."Halt!  Come no further!"  He looks at Powers.  "Yes, I have sen you before.  But you were not with ...with her...."

Daza Mistwalker sees the heavily armed elf and wonders. "Would you be King Olwe?"  Powers Constantine talks softly. "King Olwe, we offer you assistance."  Malakyte Thorne tilts her head, wondering who King Olwe referred to. She opens her mouth to speak but then hesitates as Daza speaks.

SnowBlind Infinity  walks up. "I know this one, he was here before, in the flowers, before Mala had enclosed them."  Powers Constantine continues. "I am you friend and will not harm you."  Just beyond the group, Comet, Queen of Sylvahara and her entourage, arrives.  "Ah," she says, "There he is." Talonia Moonshadow sneezes as she gives her nose a break. Comet Quijote pats Talonia.

Olwe brushes at his clothing and mutters something about "Spiders."  He look up again and considers Power.  "I think I remember you."  Powers Constantine smiles.."I have been by your side before."  Daza Mistwalker: "So...the high Teleri king has finally been found!"

Malakyte Thorne looks up at Queen Comet and looks around to make sure she has enough guards. Talonia Moonshadow grins and just stands back.  "Olwe, cousin?"  Comet Quijote places a hand on his arm.  Malakyte Thorne whispers:"He has not acknowleged the name yet.."

Olwe smiles back, then looks up at Daza and almost speaks but then sees a familar figure.  "Comet?"  He tears and his voice breaks..."Cousin?  Comet?" Comet Quijote embraces Olwe.  "Yes, it is I. I am so relieved...but.. You look so ill." Olwe holds her in a tight embraces and kisses her hair on the top of her hair.  "I was told you were dead.  I saw you die!" He pulls back and looks deep in to her eyes.   'Oh, Illuvatar.  My hear broke."  Malakyte Thorne blinks at his story; Queen Comet has been well all this time..

Powers Constantine puts himself between the King and the water.  Daza Mistwalker sighs in relief.  SnowBlind Infinity wonders how the King came to be by the shore and if we should escort him away from this dangerous place.  Talonia Moonshadow decides she did her good deed for the day and walks off.

Comet Quijote turns to Daza. "Daza, he has been exposed."  "Exposed?" She answers him, "He is in madness."  Powers Constantine looks at Mal, telling her that they needed to take the king to safety.  Malakyte Thorne nods to Powers but has no intention on forcing the king anywhere.

Olwe speaks: "It spoke to me, Cousin.  The darkness spoke."  Answers Comet Quijote: "I am well, as you see, cousin."

Olwe sudders.  "It said such things....showed me your broken body."

Comet Quijote: "Will you allow us to help you?" Malakyte Thorne studies the elf closely.  "Will you come with me?  It is not far."  Veronique Wellesley stands back, observing carefully to see if her skills are needed. Powers Constantine speaks softly.  "King Olwe , the Queen is very well and safe."

Olwe pauses and looks all around at the company gathered, then at his cousin.  "Of course I will go anywhere with you."  He smiles, dazzlingly at her.  Daza Mistwalker peers closely at the King and senses the odd and familiar presence and mutters rather annoyed "Nightmare's Tears."  Malakyte Thorne smiles softly and inwardly breathes a sigh of relief.  Comet Quijote turns to her people and gives them a look that says to aid her to get him away.

SnowBlind Infinity: "Lord Olwe, My Queen, we should leave this place, there is too much danger here."

Olwe looks down at the skelton hands on his belt.  "I had to do things..."  his voice grows soft..." The enemy is coming."

Comet Quijote: "Come, beloved cousin."

Malakyte Thorne: "Yes, let us go."

Daza Mistwalker: "Yes...we are too close to the Trogan border."  Talonia Moonshadow whistles innocently.  Malakyte Thorne watches to make sure the king follows.  Olwe looks up. "Yes, let us get her to safety."  Faulkes stands aside. Comet Quijote whispers to Snow and Mala, "Make sure he follows me."

Powers Constantine: "Very good."

Malakyte Thorne: "Yes, we must help the queen." Talonia Moonshadow moves aside.

Daza Mistwalker nods  and to Olwe: "Yes...look after the queen, good king!"  Pixie Hammand takes her place at the side of the queen.

Powers Constantine: "King Olwe, please get out of the water."

Veronique Wellesley: "Perhaps you should have a mage to bring him thorugh a portal, My queen." Pixie Hammand looks with concern at the queen. "It would be faster and you'd be more assured of him reaching safety."

SnowBlind Infinity to Olwe: "Quickly, M'Lord."

The Teleri hears the word, "portal," and pulls up sharply. Olwe looks wildly about.  "No, no portals, not again!"

Daza Mistwalker: "Ahhh....the only mage here is me, and I'm a bit new at portalling others"

Veronique Wellesley looks from Daza to the Queen, "I think we need to be efficient here, if you are to keep your cousin safe.." She glances to Olwe.

Comet Quijote: "Daza, perhaps a portal to the cleric's hall for Olwe."

Daza Mistwalker: "Oh dear....okay, I'll try...I'm a bit new at trying to bring others through."

Olwe retreats a step.   "No, my place is by Comet's side.  No portal...that is how the voice found me.  I remember."

Daza Mistwalker contentrates his powers and then pauses.

Powers Constantine: "King Olwe, please take the Queen's hand then."

Olwe eyes Daza.  "You I do not know.  How know I you would not harm her?"

Comet Quijote: "Come, Olwe."

Powers Constantine: "Snow, get on his other side."

Daza Mistwalker: "Go with the queen then, and I will meet you there."
Olwe looks at his cousin.  'Know you this elf?  Know he will not ham thee?"

SnowBlind Infinity: "You are among supporters, Sire: let us make for the castle and be safe."

Daza Mistwalker gathers close and decides to try anyway and summons a portal of mist.  Olwe looks fierce and very protective of his cousin. "I cannot lose you again."

Veronique Wellesley reaches foward and touches Olwe's arm gently, her connection with her gods, allowing her to assess him briefly.

Comet Quijote: "Please, do not worry." Olwe reaches over and brushs something unseen off her skirt, muttering, "spiders, always spiders."

Faulkes thinks the King has changed a bit, and  not for the better.
Veronique Wellesley frowns, "WE must get him to safety.. and then perhaps Llyra and Malakyte can assess him."

Powers Constantine reassures the King..The Queen needs to get to the safety of the Clerics Guild..We all need to take her there." Talonia Moonshadow barks. Veronique Wellesley nods at Talonia

Olwe looks up and calmly then says...."Of course, beloved Cousin, let us go." He steps through.

Llyra Constantine turns, allowing the Salamander to slide off her arm and back into the flames. Her lips curve into a smile as several sets of their eyes peer from the relative safety of the fire. Waving them out of sight, she smiles slightly at the arrival. "Daza, seems the Guild is busy this evening"

Daza Mistwalker: "Yes...I'm trying to pull the king through the portal...there!"

Llyra Constantine blinks and steps back from the magics, "Olwe?" She whispers in shock. Varvara Yatsenko steps back watching in silence. 

Comet Quijote: Greetings Lady Llyra

Veronique Wellesley crosses the room toward Varvara, her own expression peaceful, as she maintains her communion ith the Lady and her Lord, sensing other problems in this place that mayhap she can deal with.

Comet Quijote: "King Olwe was found wandering in the woods near the Black Flowers."  Talonia Moonshadow scrathes at the door.  Veronique Wellesley glances from the Queen to Olwe in concern.

Comet Quijote: "I am afraid he has been exposed to them."

Llyra Constantine: "Duchess, if you would be so kind, Varvara needs assistance as well."  Veronique Wellesley opens the door for Talonia, then nods at Llyra and moves toward Varvara.  Varvara Yatsenko nods and smiles at Llyra with a broad smile.  Olwe looks around at the hall and then back to his cousin.  "I have been here before.  I remember."  He slowly looks over the room, his eyes taking it in, thoughtfully, and restlessly shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

Comet: "You have been here, not long ago. You were poisoned."

Daza Mistwalker sighs "I need to besure of what is in the King's system...I sense something VERY foul indeed."

Llyra Constantine looks steadily at Olwe. "Sire?" she asks softly. 
Veronique Wellesley reaches out to touch Varvara's arm gently, as if to get her attention, but uses the opportunity to assess her condition.

Comet Quijote: "Lord Daza, you will need to explain the terrible ordeal of the ritual to the king.  He must know what is involved."

Olwe: "Poisoned?"  He pauses...then whipsers..."the wine."

Llyra Constantine nods."Yes, Olwe, the wine. Several of us tried to help you."

Faulkes stands out side the door, and only picks up a few key words before trying to enter. He groans loudly.  Olwe looks from his cousin's face to survey the others, their faces.  Daza Mistwalker looks at Comet with deep concern "Indeed...he must be totally in his right mind in order to wiegh this carefully."  Veronique Wellesley nods in agreement with Daza's words.

Comet Quijote whispers, "But i fear he is mad.."

Llyra Constantine frowns at the restlessness the King displays, only ever having known peace from his spirit.  Olwe looks over at Daza and speaks slowly, as though his words are hard won.  'What must I know?"  His voice more like his own, more in control.

SnowBlind Infinity: "If there is no respite then how will he be sane enough to consider it?"

Daza Mistwalker shakes his head. "The cost of being set free is MOST high, oh Teleri king."

Comet Quijote: "Please see to it that he does not wander away." She looks meaningfully at the warriors and dragons. SnowBlind Infinity stands guard at the door. Faulkes, unseen behind Powers, chokes and nods. Varvara Yatsenko walks to the door and stands ready not to let anyone in or out.

Olwe's eyes widened.  "Set free.  She let me go.  Said she heard the voice, too.  But it lured her.  It  could not me."

Llyra Constantine grits her teeth as yet more magics enter the Hall. Rubbing her arms as the ache starts, she tries again. "Olwe, you have a poison in you, but I cannot help you alone. There is a ritual that must be followed." She speaks softly but clearly, hoping he recognises her voice. 

Veronique Wellesley 's eyes widen slightly, as she assesses Varvara's condition silently, and she sends a pulse of strengthening and sustaining power to her while she does so, then removes her hand, as Varvara crosses to guard the door.  Talonia Moonshadow sits in front of the two and just listens and watches.

Comet Quijote: "I will leave you with these good people, my cousin. Please know you are safe and in good hands."

Powers Constantine: "Good Night, Your Majesty."

Comet Quijote embraces Olwe again. Olwe takes a hand, so delicate, and brings it up to his lips. "Praise Eru you are safe."  Veronique Wellesley looks at the Queen and nods briefly, relieved to see her away.  Talonia Moonshadow barks a farewell.  Daza Mistwalker bows as the queen departs "Be well."

Comet Quijote: "I will return to see you again soon.  Farewell, all."

Olwe smiles warmly, his familar smile. "Please, yes, my sweet cousin."  He lets her hand go gently.

Quietly, she departs. Daza Mistwalker looks a bit pleadingly at Veronique and Llyra. "Perhaps there is something you can do to calm his mind so we can better explain what has happened and what must be done"

Veronique Wellesley looks at Llyra and places her hand over her heart, bowing slightly toward her, indicating she will follow her lead. Llyra Constantine: "He must allow it, Daza."

SnowBlind Infinity: "Perhaps for now some food and rest, then we can sort this out."

Olwe surveys the room and spies Llyra.  His troubled expression clears and he gives her a smile of open warmth.  His composure regain.  "Dear Lady!  How are you?"

Llyra Constantine's lips curve into a warm smile in return, "I thought you understood I was not to be called, Lady?" she teases, "Will you allow me to help you, Olwe?"

Faulkes speaks softly. "He cannot wait until the next Exquinox, Daza."

Olwe gives her a bow of respect. "I remember.  I do!  You saved my life. Thy sweet voice, your gentle power.  You did not let go when others would have."

Veronique Wellesley keeps a careful eye on Varvara's condition, as she watches Llyra interact with Olwe.

Daza Mistwalker: "I COULD dispel some of his confusion with majiks, I suppose."

Llyra Constantine nods. "I never let go, Sire." She walks towards him, careful to sidestep the flowing arcane magics.

Olwe blushes and smiles shyly.  "Not even one time?" His voice sounds less strained.

Varvara Yatsenko rolls her eyes as she sees Veronique's concern. Then she smiles at her and turns back watching the king.  Veronique Wellesley moves a bit closer to Olwe, mirroring Llyra, careful to not alarm the King.

Llyra Constantine: "No, Sire, not one time." She reaches forth brushing his arm lightly, waiting for permission.  Faulkes edges around the room to try to get to the infirmary where Lorelei is sleeping.
Olwe says softly, eyeing her face carefully. "Darkness has touched me, Llyra. I did not succomb, but it has a hand on my soul."

Veronique Wellesley closes her eyes briefly at Olwe's words.

Llyra Constantine: "I know. Allow me to see it: perhaps the flames may burn some off."

Daza Mistwalker eyes the clerics trying to be mindful of releasing too much of his own energies and nods at the king's words. 

Llyra Constantine: "Trust me, Sire...I would do no more harm than has been done already..."

Olwe looks around the room, then at Llyra.  "Wait, " he says and then slowly disarms..."Take these...You dare not trust me."

Llyra Constantine nods, "Please take his weapons."

Veronique Wellesley relaxes slightly as Olwe gives up his weapons, which she had been eyeing. She holds out her hands for them. Varvara Yatsenko walks to the king with her softest smile, but her hand stays close to her shoulder ready to draw her sword. She relaxes only when kings bow has been passed to Veronique.  Varvara Yatsenko sighs and looks down.  Llyra Constantine reaches out her hands, palms up, an invitation to hold them, "I need to see, Olwe..."

Olwe passes over his weapons quietly and nods. Veronique Wellesley takes the weapons and carries them to chest across the room putting them away carefully. Veronique Wellesley returns to her position behind the King, facing Llyra. Faulkes watches. eyes Daza, and appears to be gaurding the door to the infirmary. Olwe gingerly places his hands atop Llyra's hands.

Varvara Yatsenko looks very disappointed at disarming the king. She feels deeply ashamed, but not sure for whom. Veronique Wellesley relaxes into the hands of the Lady and her Lord, allowing the powers of healing to fill herself and thus allowing her to observe the proceedings more closely.  Llyra Constantine stiffens at the contact immediately, her eyes closing as she breathes harshly and coughs. She clenches his hands tightly, seeing with her energies the dark poison beneath. Drawing a deep breath, she sends the tendrils of brightest light into his body, seeking out the source.  Olwe stands quietly, patiently, closing his own eyes.  Daza Mistwalker watches the clerics proceed carefully.

Llyra Constantine's skin begins to heat as her energy nears the source. Shooting sparks at it, she watches it retreat and carefully pulls the energies back. Opening her eyes, she lets go and steps back, breathing heavily. "Sire, there are some things Daza must say to you. Please listen carefully, I do not know how much time this will last."

Olwe opens his eyes, a look of sudden knowledge and dismay on his face.  He steps back as well.  Pixie Hammand watches in silence and awe, never having witnessed such a spectacle. Olwe nods...and turns around to see who steps forward as Daza.  Veronique Wellesley watches Llyra and the King carefully, then eyes Daza, her hands held together, one hand on top of the other, a faint bluish white glow, dancing around her fingers.  Daza Mistwalker tries to summon a calming breeze and plucks up courage to explain what must be done
Llyra Constantine retreats to the fire, pulling a Salamander forth who proceeds to entwine itself around her hands. Sighing softly, she listens.

Daza Mistwalker: "King Olwe, you have been infected by a very deadly and vicious poison."

Olwe says in a voice calm as the gentle sea breeze.  "Speak, Daza.  Do not be hesitant."

Powers Constantine braces for the Kings reaction to the ritual.  Faulkes grinds his teeth. He only saw the result of the ritual, but his ribs still ache in bad weather.  Veronique Wellesley places herself within reach of the King, outside of the direct line between Olwe and Daza.

"No mere poison could lay me so low.  There must be more."

Varvara Yatsenko watches Daza. She wonders why does she start feeling so bad.

Daza Mistwalker: "In order to be released, you will have to endure a great tribulation...there will be great pain and a high cost."

Powers Constantine knew this was the only way the Queen could bear this. 

Daza Mistwalker: "The Nightmare's Tears only give up its victims at a high payment of pain and grief...which you will have to pay...along with one other."

Olwe takes in a deep breath, shakes his head a little, and then absently pulls at one of his ears.  But he keeps his attention on Daza.
Olwe: "Nightmare Tears?"

Faulkes hisses. It is a familiar sound to anyone who knew Zuul. Daza Mistwalker nods "That is the name of the dark flowers."

Llyra Constantine: "Be quick Daza, I cannot say how much time the poison will stay in abeyance."  Daza Mistwalker nods to Llyra
Veronique Wellesley nods at Llyra's words, looking from Daza to the King once again.  Llyra Constantine glances worriedly at the King.

Daza Mistwalker: "You will have to undergo a ritual in 3 basic parts...first a potion that we will have to improvise to prepare your blood."

"Flowers? I was in a pit with an unseen evil which tried to break my soul, then carted to a dark- skinned elf who has heard this same evil but somehow survived it.  But I fear not unscathed.  That has little to do with posies."

Talonia Moonshadow hears the hiss and looks for teh one that goes with it but then remembers no way it could be.  Powers Constantine whispers to Lady Pixie, "This is very brutal ritual. You may want to leave or at least back up and sit down"

Faulkes: "The yare not posies, m'Lord King...."

Daza Mistwalker nods. "These evil things are no ordinary flowers, high King."

Pixie Hammand nods and moves towards the back of the room. Varvara Yatsenko watches Powers and gulps hard.  Veronique Wellesley moves back one, step, but remains close, ready to support, confident in the protection of her gods.  Olwe settles back down and nods curtly.

Daza Mistwalker: will need to ...erm....shed your blood."

Olwe: "You mean, wound myself?"

Faulkes: "Worse." Olwe's eyebrows raise as he turns to look at Faulkes.  "Worse?"

Daza Mistwalker clears his throat and fidgets "No...someone will have to...ummm............kill you."

Varvara Yatsenko sighs with a deep relief looking to Daza and nods to king's words.  Llyra Constantine signals Pixie across the room, hoping for an energy barrier to the uncomfortable energies pervading the Hall.
Varvara Yatsenko stares at Daza with eyes open wide.

Faulkes: "As he said. Someone you  love and who loves you very much will have to kill you."

Pixie Hammand joins the High Cleric, wondering what will occur next. Daza Mistwalker 's face grows a bit red. "Someone will have to kill, and they will have to cry over you so that their tears mix with your blood."  Varvara Yatsenko closes her eyes and leans to the wall.

Olwe whilrs about to look at Daza. "Kill me?  That is a cure?" He laughs out loud a moment, but it is not a pleasant one.  "A rather final cure, do you not think?"

Faulkes: "Daza and I have both undergone this ritual."

Veronique Wellesley observes, "Not as Final as you may think, King Olwe.."

Daza Mistwalker shrugs and nods somberly "Yes."

Llyra Constantine watches the salamander slip off into the flames and turns, stepping toward the King once more."Olwe, I will be there to ressurrect you."

Faulkes nods. "Llyra is very good at her job."

Varvara Yatsenko sighs and manages to stand straight.  Veronique Wellesley glances toward Varvara again.

Daza Mistwalker: "King Olwe, there is a resurrction involved, to bring you back whole and cured."

Llyra Constantine: "The ritual works or it would not be suggested, Sire."

Olwe pauses and grows silent. Unknown to this company of caring sylvan citizens, he remember the taunting voice. how it wheedled him, how it taunted him, how it implied that the one he loved above life itself abandoned him. Could he ask that same one to take his life?

Faulkes: "And, if yu have a spirit riding you, it will be gone, too."

Daza Mistwalker: "As I said, this evil exacts a very high toll."

Olwe looks at Faulkes.  "It is so much more than a wraith, my friend, but an enemy to us all which squeezes my very being."

Faulkes lowers his eyes and frowns at his boots. "And, so was Zuul, regardless what people may have thought of him>"

Daza Mistwalker: "I would not blame you for refusing it, King will have to ask one who is dear to you to perfrom the grisely task of slaying you."

Talonia Moonshadow looks to the ground at the mention of Zuul.  Olwe eyes Daza carefully.  "Many have fallen to this, have they not?  But none so stricken as I?"  He waits for Daza's reaction.  Faulkes looks at Daza, too.  Llyra Constantine looks at the Mage, "Tell him the truth."

Daza Mistwalker laughs darkly. "King Olwe, I was once blackened and burnt by the power of those things."

Faulkes thinks to himself that at least the King has not been turned purple.  "The demon that rode me, transformed me completely."

Varvara Yatsenko whispers: "A king ... slowly turning to a tyrant ... how terrible."  Olwe whirls around and looks at Varvara.  "I shall not be so.  I shall not."

Olwe says quietly,  "I will take my own life before I let that evil one take me."

Daza Mistwalker: "I was driven to some measure of depression and madness....all who are touched by them suffer much."

Faulkes: "Not so simple, m'Lord King."

Llyra Constantine: "It must be someone who loves you...someone who would weep for you."

Faulkes: "I fyou slay yourself, the Dark One will take you anyway."

Veronique Wellesley: "With this ritual, you will not have to take your own life to prevent these things from coming to pass, King Olwe... merely to let it be taken and trust us to see you safe." Veronique Wellesley moves around, putting herself between Varvara and Olwe.
Varvara Yatsenko says gazing at the floor: "Someone told me the same ..." She shudders.

Daza Mistwalker: "This is a ritual of sacrifice and love, King Olwe....for only love and light can conquer and drive out this evil."

Veronique Wellesley reaches out a hand touching Varvara briefly and gently, before returning her attention to the King.  Faulkes lowers his eyes to his shoes again, knowing that, at least for him, this was ot quite accurate.  Talonia Moonshadow crawls under teh table and goes to sleep while they continue their discussion.

Olwe nods. shifting slowly from one foot to the other.  "I am clear headed now...and you do not know for how long. That is your worry."  He looks about the room and nods to himself.  Then he speaks, a terrible pain in his voice. " You can let no one I love near me."

Varvara Yatsenko covers her mouth trying hard not to scream as she hears king's words. Pixie Hammand is grateful the queen is not here...
Llyra Constantine frowns, "Olwe: how can we do the ritual without this person? It is necessary.." She looks at the Mage expectantly.  "Convince him.." she whispers sternly.  Veronique Wellesley frowns briefly. "What is required here, Daza? who can do this thing?"

Olwe takes in their sticken expression.  "You dare not.  For you cannot risk my cousin's life."

Daza Mistwalker eyes the king carefully and sighs. "King Olwe...this is about love and light...and surely one who loves you would not endure you suffering."

Faulkes: "The Queen has witnessed this ritual. She knows what this entails."

Llyra Constantine arches one eyebrow, "She is far stronger than many give her credit for. Have you forgotten how she came to the throne?"
Veronique Wellesley looks thoughtful for a moment her face giving hint that she is contemplating something drastic.

Faulkes: "Indeed."  Varvara Yatsenko nods gazing at the floor.
Powers Constantine agrees.  Pixie Hammand: "But Olwe is her flesh and she strong enough for that."

Veronique Wellesley offers."A proxy for the queen.... would that work, Daza?"

Olwe looks down and nods, cocking his head a moment, as though listening to an unseen voice.  "I mean, you cannot risk her life. I am now a danger to my own beloved cousin.  The one I watch grow as an elf maiden to a princess to a great Queen. If she were to do this, you could not let her near me until the ritual."  He eyes Daza.

Daza Mistwalker: Olwe, your suffering affects more than just you.....imagine watching someone YOU love devolve into madness and darkness.....what would YOU do?"

Veronique Wellesley looks to Olwe, nodding in acknowlegement of his wods. Veronique Wellesley glances back to Daza. Faulkes watches the King and gets the eerie feeling that something is not quite right.

Llyra Constantine: "Then we shall keep you separated and get her approval as soon as we may. Daza, a scroll to the Queen please, there is not time to waste."

Faulkes: "Daza, who was my partner in the ritual? It could be said that Lorelei had no special love for Zuul."

Daza Mistwalker: There can be no proxie for this....there are already complications related to timing...there MUST be a strength applied here!"

Powers Constantine finds this very disturbing as the others had many days of preparation, while the King has not.  Veronique Wellesley nods in understanding of Daza's words, dropping her gaze fo a moment to the floor.

Daza Mistwalker: "King Olwe.....YOU must ask the queen to do this for you."

Powers Constantine nods at Faulkes..but she does have love for you
Olwe nods slowly, shaking his head and whispers, "Do you hear the buzzing?"

Llyra Constantine frowns again. "Buzzing?"  Veronique Wellesley frowns briefly, her eyes searching Olwe's face.  Varvara Yatsenko shakes her head hard and tries to concentrate on the king.  Olwe nods and looks about the room..."A buzzing...the whisper of voices."

Faulkes smooths his features and looks at Daza yet again. "He is slipping away."

Daza Mistwalker nods "Aye...I know them."

Powers Constantine:"How can you wait Daza?"

Llyra Constantine sighs and reaches out to touch the King's arm.  Wincing in pain, she pulls back, "I dare not try again. Too much energy could bring harm..."

Daza Mistwalker: There is no choice....we only get one must be done right."

Faulkes: "With all deliberate speed. No rushing."

Olwe nods, meeting Daza's eyes.  "I prayed to Illuvatar.  I whispered Tilion's name.  I tried to see the moon, but my eyes were blinded, and I could not find him.  I cannot ask an Ainur to slay me.  How can I risk my sweet cousin?" His face contorts in a spasm of pain.

Daza Mistwalker: "Perhaps we can ward off the voices from this hall for a you can gether you nerve to approach the queen when you are stronger."

Llyra Constantine murmurs the ancient words of her God, asking for solace and an easing of pain.

Faulkes: "Have you a trusted companion?An aide? A lover? It may not have to be the Queen."

Daza Mistwalker: "Once you have done that, we will find the captain of your ship and speed you back to Alqualonde which should lessen the voices greatly."

A flash of anger sweeps across Olwe's features. "Gather my nerve?" He steps forward. "I am no coward." Then Faulke's voice breaks the anger, and he turns a face saddened and lost. Gently, he says, "I have a Beloved..yes." His voice trails off.

Llyra Constantine: "Tilion.." she whispers softly.  Olwe nods.  "Tilion."

Faulkes: "It would be a cruel thing to do to her, but losing you would be even more cruel."

Daza Mistwalker: "King are going to ask a most difficult thing from someone you love.....there is no shame."

Llyra Constantine: "He watches over you, Olwe...though I know not how to find him save to touch your soul."

Veronique Wellesley sighs softly at Olwe's words, thankful that he lets go of the anger. She reaches out touching his arm gently in support, the power of her gods flowing through her fingers in an attempt to lend strength and comfort. She winces slightly and then withdraws her hand.

Varvara Yatsenko: "Yes, king, believe me, it is terrible to see how the one who means almost all for you slowly slips away and you see a monster."

Olwe nods a little. "Prepare this ritual.  But I must ...I need.."  He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.  'I must....gather myself."

Daza Mistwalker looks at the kings eyes with a softened gaze of one who has done this. "I understand.....I would have this done in your own land if possible...away from the flowers."

Llyra Constantine smiles. "Then I shall not let go, Sire." She nods to Daza. "We have his agreement."  Veronique Wellesley nods at Llyra's words.

Olwe looks at Daza.  "I want to go home to Alqualonde. Let us take me home.  If I am to cross the veil, for however long, I want to see Alqualonde once more.  Just in case..." his voice falters.

Veronique Wellesley looks to Daza to see his answer.

Daza Mistwalker nods "Make your request to the queen and then you may go when you are ready with the blessing of our clerics"

Olwe turns around and smiles sadly at Llyra.  "I do not fear death.  It will only bring me forever to my Beloved's side. This I know." Veronique Wellesley smiles sadly.

Llyra Constantine smiles, "Yes, it would, but you are the King and it is not yet your time."

Daza Mistwalker: "Alqualonde will offer you some relief from the voices, I think."

Faulkes: "Send him with a jar of Alasse's spring water."

Llyra Constantine chuckles. "I will attend...I am far stronger than the water of the springs there."

Olwe shakes his head a little.  "That I must think on.  That I must weigh. I cannot ask this lightly." He grimmaces as if in pain.  "But I want to see Alqualonde once more, and perhaps, if it is the will of Illuvatar, look up and behold the moon once more.  Perhaps behold once more the face of..." he closes his eyes.

Llyra Constantine sees the king's pain and drops her gaze. Veronique Wellesley whispers to Llyra, "I wll aid as I can, If I may.." She watches Olwe, her eyes filled ith sympathy.  Daza Mistwalker nods to the King, with some understanding. Llyra Constantine looks up and nods at the Duchess.  Faulkes can only gaze at the tile floor.

Daza Mistwalker: "So you know what you must do, King Olwe?

"Please, I must rest. And think" He looks back at Llyra.  "And you must allow me my madness back for the moment.  You waste your precious gift staving it off."  He straightens up and looks around with a wan smile.  "I am sure you have a potion that will make me sleep?" Olwe nods at Daza's words. "I do."

Powers Constantine heart grows heavy at the weight of those words. Olwe continues. "It will take time to prepare thing, yes?"

Llyra Constantine nods relunctantly. "You are correct..t'would do more harm than good to push more energy through you just now. Duchess, I believe the potions are in the infirmary."

Daza Mistwalker nods "I will leave you in the hands of our capable clerics...they can see to you having a peaceful and healing sleep free of nightmares."

Faulkes looks up suddenly. "Do have a care for Lorelei...."  Veronique Wellesley glances at Faulkes, "How could we not?"

Olwe: "Then if it is the will of the Valar that no other alternative be forthcoming.  This we shall do, and you have my thanks for your love and care." He bows his head.  "I place myself in your hands and in the will of Blessed Illuvatar."

Faulkes: "She still sleeps within. I feel the need to watch over her, and watch for the one who is coming for D'Arria."

Daza Mistwalker:"I will look into the next steps and vist you before you leave, good king!"

Veronique Wellesley returns to her gaze to Olwe, smiling faintly as his resolve.  Kurashi Nansen 's eyes widden hearing the roar of a dragon he goes to slip away quietly takeing care for where his hoof hits.
Olwe blushes and whispers..."I feel the madness coming...You should not tarry with what potion I should take."  He blushes.

Llyra Constantine smiles faintly, "Yes of course...they are in the infirmary." Veronique Wellesley nods adn crosses to the infirmary, fetching the requested potion. She carries it in and offers it to the King with her own hands.

"On the morrow, if there is a cleric of Illuvatar, I should like to see them, please. " Olwe smiles wanly, "Thank you, gentle friends."
Olwe takes the potion and drinks it quickly.

Daza Mistwalker listens to the words of Faulkes "I will look in to Lorelei and see what can be done for her as well ..... I need to get to the mage lab and consult some of the tomes there."

Veronique Wellesley retrieves the flask, slipping it into her pouch, then reaches to take Olwe's elbow supptively.

Daza Mistwalker nods to Olwe and smiles "what we can so do, we will!"

Varvara Yatsenko whispers: "Daza, and I need to ask you ... "

Llyra Constantine breathes a gentle sigh and steps back, her concern for the King apparent on her face. Olwe turns his head and smiles at her, the smile reaching his eyes.  "Lead me, lady, please."

Faulkes: "I hope you have the strength of a dragon, Daza. It will require much."

Veronique Wellesley smiles warmly at the King with sympathy, as she leds him to where he might rest in safety.  Olwe follows calmly. He stops to regard Daza.  "However this turns out, I thiank you."
Veronique Wellesley pauses as the King speaks to Daza, and then guides him throgh the door into safety.

Daza Mistwalker nods and smiles a bit "I wish you the grace of the Valar good will need it"

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