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October 10, 2010

The Dalish Encounter

> Previous Fëamahtar        
October 10, 2010

After having seen the vision in a dream by Irmo, Lord of Dreams, Feamahtar sets off on her task of self discovery. She takes a ship, which was moored in the harbour, and sails for other lands. Spying an inlet with heavily forested shores, she steers her ship ashore and disembarks onto a little used trail. It was not long before she spies a figure in the shadows of the dark wood.

Feamahtar, startled by the appearance of what looked to be an elf, demands: "Who are you?  Speak!" She orders in a  a sharp menacing  voice, "or i will draw my sword." Her hand grasps the helt of her long sword hanging at her side.  The dark figure responds, "I must know: be you friend or foe?"

Feamahtar slowly advances toward the figure. She is ever ready to defend herself, noting that as she gets  closer he starts to meld into the trees. She is startled by this effect .  She had heard of this  ability that elves of old had used to hunt,  but had never seen it so perfected.  Finally  a small elf stood before her.  Feamahtar studies the silent figure. There was no sense of danger  radiating from him.  He stood  quiet and calm before her. "Who be you?" she stutters.

The dark figure speaks. "I am Tamlin Neari of the Dalish Elves."
as he comes slowly into the light.  "Who are you, and why do you tresspass in our forest?" He draws his bow and puts his hand on an arrow.

With a self assured manner he calmly  watches her.  Feamahtar is startled by this movement,  and out of the corner of her eye, she notes his hand move to his arrows.  She also sees that he is not alone ... a small fae face  peers at her from the folige.  The small fae  spoke for the first time.   "Father, pardon my interruption, but is there no brotherhood among elves?"

Feamahtar is shaken that she did not see what obviously was all the time in front of her.    Harshly she  states,  "Speak elf,  I have no time to be wasting here with you.  Be you friend or foe to the Teleri?"

Tamlin Neari speaks:  "We have been under attack from outsiders commonly.  I need you to take your hand away from your blade. I do not wish for more bloodshed."

The tiny fae wonders at the conflict that is brewing among two that are related. Feamahtar draws herself to her full elf height .. "I take no orders from stranges,  but I come in peace." She withdraws her hand.

Tamlin Neari says, "I thank you. You are a fellow elf. From what tribe are you?" He shoulders his bow

Ignoring his request, Feamahtar demands more quietly now,  "Pray tell me, what type of elf be you?"

Tamlin Neari responds. "I am a dalish elf. Forgive my hostility: we have not been getting kind receptions lately."

Feamahtar gives a brief nod.  "Dalish," she repeats the word.  She is most astronished. "I have heard of you,  but it has been a long  while since the Teleri have met the Dalish.  Yes. I be Teleri,  one of Alqualonde's swordmaidens. 

The strange fae asks. "Father, please tell her what our stance is on conflict as Dalish?"

Feamahtar feels a touch at the edge of her mind as though someone was knocking.  Startled by this  and sensing its source, she cringes away from this strange elf  figure.

Tamlin Neari speaks to the fae and the newcomer. "Aynad, we arent safe here.  Would you please come back to the woods? I will answer any questions you have."

Feamahtar, unsure how to procede,  ponders if she should  trust him. Is he leading her into a trap that his kind may have planned for her. She is unable to move.   "What fear you here?" she asks suspiciously.

Aynad Adored looks all around to see the danger that he indicated.  Tamlin Neari stops walking. "No need to worry, my fair lass.  I mean you no harm and to prove it. I will lay down my arms. But I am not the only thing here. There are much worse things out here. We should move.  I sense one approaching."

Aynad Adored speaks sternly.  "The greatest danger I see here is people who don't try to hear the other's heart."  Feamahtar heeds the tiny fae's  advice, hoping her judgement will prove to be correct,    She find his words and demeanor so kind and gentle   It is  hard not to  trust him. She nods.  "I will follow you," she says and withdraws her hand from her weapon.

Tamlin leads Aynad and Feamahtar up a hill near some large trees. After a time, they stop, and finally  Feamahtar asks, "Now you must tell me who you fear? What danger is in this place?" She had  heard nothing but the singing of the birds and  sounds that the forest made. What could he have noticed her sharp elf ears had missed?

Tamlin Neari begins. "Out here there are many evil creatures. We dalish try to live in peace but have been forced to take up arms. This is why I came to investigate your landing. The creatures that are to be feared out here we call darkspawn, nasty orcish creatures with a nasty bloodlust."  Feamahtar  gives an involuntary shudder, for she had heard of such and their evil ways.

Tamlin Neari adds, "Also the dragons wont think twice on snagging you up for their supper."

Feamahtar looks relieved. "Thank thee.  I am here in peace   I seek that which has endangered my people.  We  have lost many of the  Teleri  under suspicious circumstances.  Our king has been endangered by vicious plots."

Tamlin suggests, "Perhap I could be help to you. I sense you have a pure heart, and powers untapped."

Feamahtar is most gratified by his kind words, and replies,  "I know little of your people, only the stories that have been told. Why have you  vanished here and not joined us in this common threat? "

Thoughtfully, Tamlin Neari states:  "We stick to ourselves to avoid conflict, but perhaps it is time we came out of the shadows."

Feamahtar nods. "We Teleri are one of the original three elven clans,  but even that has not saved us from this evil that flows over our land. My sword is little use against the dread that now is upon us. Does your wisdom have anything to offer us,  Daglish? If so it is greatly needed."

Tamlin Neari says, "After our kind were freed from the iron embrace of the shemlin (human), some decided to stay in chains. We chose to return to the old ways. Maybe I could teach you of the old ways and help you unlock your abilities."

Feamahtar is most astronished by his offer and immediately reacts by asking his advice.  "In my dreams I saw a power greater then a sword .. do you know of this?"

Tamlin Neari says, "There is much power in the sword, but an even greater power in the abilities of the elven soul. Tell me, have you had any kind of special ability that would happen at random?"

Feamahtar  wonders what there is about this elf that has so impressed her.  She has shared such deep thoughts with this stranger, something she  has never done before, but there is something about him that it feels as though she should be asking him those questions. She watches him closely and  believes she can see something alter in his image .  A thought comes to her:  he is contemplating some action.  And she wonder if it will be for good or ill to her, but mostly to her people , the Teleri.

Tamlin Neari feels a great, yet untapped, potential inside this strange elf and has a sense of monumentally great things destined for her.

> Next Dalish         > Next Fëamahtar