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August 8, 2011

A Journey of Discovery — Part 2

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Rhûn Darkmoon and Lihan Taifun

Nienna takes the blanket, and holds it up.  The wool is sturdy, yet soft to the touch.  "Did this come from Lady Yavanna's sheep?  Did she make it?"

Aulë snorts and calls over his shoulder as he strides toward the forest. “That 'lady' would never sully her hands in such menial everyday work. Her precious plants are all she cares about. That is good dwarven work you are holding.” His brow darkens again at the mention of his spouse. “Well, her plants, and now, it seems, a certain Maia also.” He mutters to himself as he enters the tree line.

Nienna frowns at Aulë's words.  He speaks more calmly than his outburst by the wall, but no less bitterly.  Perhaps she will get the story from him soon.  She wraps the blanket around her shoulders, just as she has done in the mortal world as Apakenwë.  The blanket falls past her feet onto the ground, with loose folds falling in front.  Indeed, it is large enough to go around her twice!  She sits down, half buried in the blanket, tracing the pattern of its weave with one finger.

Aulë stomps around in the forest in his search of wood for their fire, his mood dark at the thought of his wife's perfidy. He does not have to go far, for the ground is littered with fallen branches and twigs, the usual debris of a forest floor.  He works swiftly in the fading light, gathering enough kindling to start the fire and wood to keep it burning against the chill of the approaching night for when they slept. 

Rising, his arms full with his burden, the sitting figure of Nienna by the lakeside catches his eye.  He pauses and stares at her, caught by the thought of her innocence of the world. The thought calms him in an unexpected way, and his tread is light by the time he returns to her side. "If you would like to look in my pack and find those raspberries for us while I make the fire, you will find some bread and a wrapped wheel of cheese there also," he says as he drops his bundle and begins laying the makings for their fire.

Nienna moves out of the blanket, and crouches by Aulë's pack.  She is relieved that he did not fasten the strings after removing the blanket, saving her from having to figure out how to unfasten them.  Opening the pack, she runs her hand over various objects -- the cloth used to wash her scratch, the handles of tools laid side by side, bundles wrapped in leather, small ceramic jars, carefully stoppered.  Each has a weight, a texture, a shape, subtle gradations of color.  It is hard to concentrate on finding the one bag, when there are so many items calling for her attention.  Yet, would a person truly wish to be without the awareness of this variety and wonder?

She locates a leather bag tied as she remembered the one holding the berries.  Returning to Aulë, she holds it out.  "This one?"

Aulë looks up from his work and smiles. He knew how distracting the contents of the bag would be for her but he also knew it was something she had to learn to deal with. He nods encouragingly. "Yes, that one. That is the berries.  Now we need the bread and cheese."

Nienna returns to the pack, barely noticing the sensation of weight on her feet, as her mind races toward finding the other foods.  Since both are wrapped, she has to unwrap several packages, before she finds the bread, wrapped in a smooth white linen towel, and the cheese in in oiled skin.  Smiling proudly, she brings these back to Aulë.  "Now we can eat."

Aulë smiles as he takes the food from her hands, taking simple pleasure from her pride of achievement. "Not yet," he says softly as he takes one of her hands in his. "First, I must open the pathway to your senses of taste and smell, for the two are closely interconnected. Now breathe deeply and close your eyes. This won't take a moment." With a small effort of will he swiftly reaches out to those closed doors in her mind and gently nudges them open. Withdrawing carefully, he keeps hold of her hand a moment as he watches and senses her response.

Nienna 's eyes grow wide, as her awareness is filled with a completely new set of sensations.  Each breath brought a subtly changing mix of … what must be 'smells'.  It was difficult to trace each to its source, nor had she words to describe distinctions among these sensations.  The wind blew smoke from the fire in her direction, and that caused one of the smells to increase.  The wind shifted again, bringing air from across the lake, with quite a different smell.  Her tongue inside her mouth was covered in new sensations, different from merely the feel of the edges of her teeth, which had been a new sensation earlier in the day.  She ran her tongue across her teeth again, marveling at the difference.

Aulë nods his head and smiles again as he watches Nienna's face.  He knew now, though, that they must eat soon. She must sleep before her body collapsed in complete exhaustion from what she was experiencing. "Come,' he said. 'Let me set the blanket straight for us to sit upon as we eat.'  He leans down, and with a deft twitch, he straightens the blanket where she had dropped it nearby.  Drawing her down, he settles her upon it and then lays the food out between them.  He draws his dirk from its sheath on his hip and skillfully cuts the bread and cheese into portions. He lifts a slice of the bread and offers it to her. "Eat," he says, "but just a small bite at first."

Aulë  leans back and watches Nienna's face as she tastes the bread for the first time, his own food forgotten in his hands as he watches and senses her wonder at what she is experiencing. "What do you think?" he asks, interested to see if she can express in words what she is sensing.

 "It is unlike anything!", she tries to say.  Speaking around a mouthful of bread, it comes out as an unintelligible mumble.

Aulë cannot help but smile as he reminds her gently. "Swallow the food first, my eager one, and then speak. You must do one thing at a time. Chew it carefully. Savour the taste upon your tongue and then swallow it before you try to speak."

So many things to remember!  Nienna chews, her awareness flooded with not only the taste and smell of bread, but the changes in its texture as it softens with chewing.  Each sensation is something new.  She continues chewing, just to see whether there are more wonders to come.  Eventually she swallows, and says, "That was entirely different!  Not like any eating I have done before!"

Aulë smiles broadly and lifts a piece of cheese to her. "The same as before, just a small bite. Taste it, chew it, savour it, and tell me again what you think.  But don't forget to swallow it before you speak this time."

The smell of the cheese reaches Nienna's nose even as Aulë lifts it -- pungent with some herb.  In her mouth, the texture is smooth, not at all like the bread.  The sensation on her tongue is quite pleasant.  Meanwhile, her stomach is sending sensations of its own -- the awareness of food, and a desire for more.  She carefully swallows, before pronouncing, "That is very pleasant!  Did the Dwarves make that cheese, too?"

Aulë shakes his head. "No, for it is long since I spent time with my beloved dwarves, and the cheese would be dry and crumbling if it remained since then.  It came from your own kitchens in the Halls of Mandos. Now, try them both together." He puts the cheese upon her slice of bread and then encourages her to take a bite. "A small bite still. I know your stomach hungers, but just a small bite again as you taste them both together."

A thin slice of cheese, balanced atop a thin slice of bread.  Nienna has seen this combination before, but now she is filled with curiosity how this will taste!  And the pairing is masterful -- the sharpness of the cheese and the solidity of the bread.  Nienna smiles as she chews.

Aulë nods with satisfaction as he sees and senses her increasing mastery over the process of eating. "Have some more," he encourages her. "Eat until you are nearly satisfied, and then, then it shall be time for the raspberries."  He leans back and lifts some bread and cheese for himself, watching her silently as he begins his own meal.

Carefully, and with great concentration, Nienna eats -- bread, cheese, bread with cheese.  Could one ever tire of such marvels?  Nonetheless, after a great number of mouthfuls, her stomach expresses a lack of interest in eating more.

Aulë continues to watch Nienna eat, monitoring her through their shared connection.  Once he sees her hunger begin to become sated, he leans forward and nudges the small sack of raspberries towards her. "Now," he says, smiling in anticipation. "Now it is time for the true delight of the evening. Try a raspberry, little one."

Nienna picks up one raspberry, holding it delicately.  A true delight, he said.  Something more noteworthy than the other delights of the day!  Carefully, she places it on her tongue.  It is soft and dry.  Then she bites into it, releasing a burst of juice, and a most delightful taste!  Sweetness, and a little tartness, and an intense and enjoyable flavor.  Her eyes light up, and she smiles dreamily, while demurely not speaking.  A small contented hum drifts from her throat.

Aulë's teeth flash white against his dark face in the firelight at Nienna's delight. He raises a raspberry to his own lips and bites into it, savouring it's succulent flavour anew as he watches and senses her delight. "More," he encourages her. "Have some more."

Nienna swallows, and reaches eagerly for another berry.  Several berries later, her hands sticky with juice, she beams at her companion.  "Thank you, Aulë.  This has been an extraordinary day.  I had no idea that I was missing these things."

"Don't touch your pretty dress with those fingers, or you'll have raspberry stains all over them. Wait a moment." He reaches into his pack for the cloth he'd used earlier to clean her scratch. Taking it and his water flask with him, he walks the short distance to the lake shore.  He empties the last of the day's water from the flask and then refills it with with cool, crystal clear water from the lake. Once the flask is stoppered, he sets it aside and careful rinses the cloth in the water until it is clean.  Wringing it out carefully, he picks up the flask and returns to where Nienna waits by the fire.  "Here," he says, offering her the damp cloth. "Use this to clear the stickiness from your fingers, and then perhaps you would like some water to wash all  the food down?"

Nienna takes the cloth and rubs it against her hands.  The dampness is cool and refreshing, and it removes the stickiness from her fingers.  A marvel!  She takes the flask, unstoppers it, and takes a small sip.  The water, pure and fresh, has a taste beyond compare.  She had not imagined anything could be better than the raspberries, but the water in its simplicity had a grandeur that made it the equal of any sweetness.  She takes another, larger drink, and returns the flask to Aulë.  "All these sensations were in the Great Song?" she whispers.

Aulë nods softly as he works on packing away the remains of the food. "It was. And you have experienced such a small, small portion of what there is to experience."

He moves his pack to the side, takes off his cloak and rolls it up. "It is not of the standard of some beds, perhaps, but you may use my cloak for your pillow this night, if you wish. For you, dear friend must now sleep.  Although you have experienced only a little of what there is to experience, still it is a lot to take in for one day."

He looks into her green eyes, seeing the lines of fatigue around them. "You must sleep, Nienna, and let your body refresh and adjust as you do so. I shall see if I cannot make you some protection for your feet for the rest of the journey tomorrow, but you, dear one, must sleep." He gently pushes her shoulders back as he urges her to lie down upon the blanket and rest her head upon his cloak. Rising he tucks the blanket snugly around her, smiling as he sees that he was right, it does fit around her twice. 

'"Sleep," he whispers and moves to the far side of the fire, taking his pack with him so his work will not disturb her.

Nienna  yawns, and settles into the blanket.  Even after a day filled with new sensation, her body knows what to do now.  She falls asleep almost immediately.

Aulë senses the moment sleep overcomes Nienna and nods in satisfaction. She was a courageous one for all her lack of experience.  He watches her sleep for a few moments longer before turning his thoughts to his work

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