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August 21, 2011

Memories and Contemplations

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AelKennyr Rhiano

The sun, Arien's vessel, completed yet another trek across the skies and was slipping down over the horizon when finally the conversation between the Lord of the Teleri and the dragon called Dometis was finished.  As darkness began to spread a velvet blanket of stars across the skies, Olwe crossed the empty marketplace, his footfalls echoing in the silence.

Drawing up before an empty stall, he looks down to see an abandoned cloth doll at his feet.  Bending down, he reaches out and curls his fingers about the forgotten poppet.  Picking up the doll, he studies it, a sharp ache making his gasp as his heart clenches as once again, the King of the Teleri turns his thoughts to his missing people.  Faces rise, unbidden, in his mind...echoed memory of voices, smiles, laughter...singing...such sweet voices.  And now, there are only the birds to fill the Swanhaven with song.  Where were they, his beloved Teleri?  Could they see the same night sky?  "Please, Eru, let them be safe," he prays.  The prayer is one he utters daily.

Above, the raucous call of seabirds, busy to find their nests for the night, fill the air and Olwe turns his gaze skyward.  Grimly, he wonders to himself if that which caused a dragon to fly until he dropped from exhaustion will be able to track him here, to the Swanhaven. Still clutching the doll, Olwe stands up. How, with just a handful of people, can he expect to repell any attack from such a fearsome foe?  Heaving a heavy sigh, he gingerly placed the doll upon an empty table in the stall and turns away, facing the palace.  With heavy steps, mind steeped in memories, and with grim thoughts of the future, Olwe retraces his steps back to the glittering, bejeweled palace.

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