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April 20, 2012

Closure at Mandos

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Shawn Daysleeper

With the Halls finally cleared of affected Valar and Maiar, Manwe looks around, taking in his surroundings. The Breath of Arda never really cares for this place. Stately hallways and endless corridors penetrating all beneath the Blessed Lands. There are a couple more tasks to do, Manwe decides, before he could finally seek out the road home.

Descending the stairs back to the foyer, he follows corridors deeper into the complex, seeking out it's master. Namo, brother of Nienna and Irmo, should be aware of the happenings within his Halls. He approaches his abode, where Mandos himself resides. Manwe lays eyes on Nano's strange messenger in the antechamber, with it's green, scaly wings and tentacles. Manwe never understood why his brother vala keeps this creature over the long ages of the world, but now is not the time to dwell on such things. Namo is here as well, and the two discuss the events that occurred here.

Mandos speaks of the precipices; those halls that reach up into the mountains, and the other levels that more or less flow parallel to the plains above. These are the populated areas. Manwe nods, shuddering inside. "Populated by the souls of the departed," Manwe says in correction. "But there are the deep levels, endless and penetrating," the Keeper of Souls informs, "unreal and grotesque, that harbour many secrets of the ancient world."

Manwe then suggests to Namo, "Should any more of Melkor's old things arise from these secrets, call for me."

After a time the two finish speaking, and Manwe leaves Mandos to his work. Returning to the foyer, he passes the souls, flitting in the stately Halls until their time comes in the Great War of Wrath. The Breath of Arda reaches the doors and swings them open. Checking out of the dark and chilly Halls, he basks in the sunshine as there is finally closure at these Halls at last. It is time for his second task.

He reaches out to Nienna's troubled brother. "Lorien of the Spirits, your sister suffered a brush of dark magic. Regardless of what you may hear there is only one culprit, Melkor. And unto Melkor, I solely pass judgment. Your sister will be fine and will contact you soon. Continue your task and help Olwe, he needs your strength and hope in his own task."

Manwe then starts home, thinking of the Valar that will recover, thinking of Eonwe back at his side, and of Ainóme's harp. He would request her to sing upon his return. But for now, he desires to be alone.

Half a world away under a pale moon, a Teleri musician breathes a sigh of relief. He feels rejuvenated by the Breath of Arda's words. Rising from his bed, he looks out over the shadowy world outside his window, doubling his vigilance over their chosen champion.

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