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April 29, 2012

Estelin's Problem

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Shawn Daysleeper

Estelin, sick with the motion of the ship even as he boarded, braces himself against one of the walls of the cabin below deck. The barrel beside him already contains a quantity of ... stuff... tossed up by him. He tries to calm himself. This experience aboard a ship is new to him. When he and his sister arrived before, they did so by willing their forms to appear on the docks, making it seem to the Teleri that they arrived by ship. Now, however, it is hard covering up his disguise of "traveling musician."

Despite his current situation, he is quite happy. He has heard from the Breath of Arda. His sister should be alright. So it was not his lack of ability or incompetence after all. His sister really was affected by something. Moreover, Manwe's words to him gave him strength and renewed vigour of his mission. This voyage is quite unsettiling to him in more ways than one though. He has a feeling that they should not be going to Sylvhara. But his mental concern is far overshadowed by his physical plight. He is not doing too well as a "seafaring elf," either. He has a renewed image of the endurance of the Children.

Leaning back to the wall, the disguised Irmo tries to settle back into his happier thoughts. Just now, though, he hopes that the King of the Teleri and sailor Nole do not come down into the cabin.

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