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April 29, 2012

Nolë's Concern

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 Shawn Daysleeper

"Maybe Lord Ulmo has relented,"

Nole remembers his king telling him that some hours ago, and still it bothers him. He looks around at the wide blue sea now surrounding them. "I hope he has relented. It is wise not to anger the Lord of the Seas," Nole thinks to himself. He remembers how much effect Ulmo had on their tiny harbour when the invaders arrived. He could not imagine what mayhem the Master of Water could create out here.

Alqualonde had long slipped over the western horizon. Ahead to the northeast are the fir-lined shores of Harlindon, and to the southeast the shoreline of Old Enedwaith and the rocky forgotten cape of Eryn Vorn, where the green trees of Sylvhara dip their roots beside the sea. Rising, Nole could see neither place from their current location. Calming himself, Nole knew they were a fair distance from both. He knows where they are and knows how far from land they are, but in his uneasiness he wishes for the sight of any land.

The current they had been riding out away from the Isle of Alqualonde began to die, and their voyage slowed. Nole has been out here enough to know there is a change in the conditions of both sea and air. Here in this region changes of this sort always seem to turn to favorable winds and speedy tides. Still he grips the steering, feeling anxious and looking for the first sign of change.

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