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April 26, 2010

Nienna Contemplates the News

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April 26, 2010
Lihan Taifun
The Vala Nienna stands on the cliffs of her estate, Fui, looking out over the great Outer Ocean.  Some people would call the view bleak.  She finds it calming.

More and more troubling news has come to her lately.  Not the news carried by the dead, to her brother's halls of Mandos.  Few elves die now, since few still live in the mortal lands.

No, the living, who Nienna seldom sees, have been showing up, always with strange and distressing news.  A tribe of dragons, escaped from Melkor's captivity, who chide her that they do more to help the world than she does.  The king of the Sea Elves, who braved the journey to the Holy Mountain, to seek advice from Manwë himself, becauses of warnings from brother Irmo.  An elven traveller who says even the mountains that border the Undying Lands harbor fearsome and dangerous creatures.

Perhaps she should ask Irmo what he meant in the dreams he sent to the sea king.  She spends much time on her brother Namo's business -- "spent", when the Halls of Mandos were busier with new arrivals -- but less so with quiet and kind brother Irmo.

The old instigators of evil have been long ago defeated -- Melkor; his servant Sauron; Curumo, that one of the Five who was ensnared.  All banished, or reduced to powerless whispers on the wind.
And yet ... and yet ... who is to say whispers on the wind are powerless?

She begins singing, in attempt to organize her thoughts.
     Melkor is banished, Mordor is broken
     Yet corruption claims the innocent --
     Hollow hatred, greed of gold,

The sound is that of her golden harp, though she has not bothered to give the harp physical form.  She simply causes the air to vibrate in musical tones.  That is easier.  Neither does she sing with a physical voice. Rather she is projecting her song on a short-range telepathy, which any Ainu nearby could hear.

Not that she is aware of any Ainur nearby.

The music and the words both are rough and improvisational.  Nothing she would bring to any musical display at any festival.
     The People of Light live apart,
     On the Mountain their music perfecting.
     The Sons of Feanor spent their fire
     Prizing jewels above justice or kin.
     Who but the Seafarers see the whole?
     Fair their ships on farthest shores.

Yes, the Seafarers ... perhaps Irmo was right in selecting the Sea King.  She needs to speak to Irmo.  Perhaps to speak to all the Valar.

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