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April 19, 2010

Olwë replies to Comet's message

AelKennyr Rhiano

Olwe left his two guests and wearily walked back to his own tower, the tactiturn guard sharp at his heels. Barely able to cover a yawn, he bade Ossi a good rest and for the first time in several weeks, rested his head upon his own pillow and slept without dreams until the next morn. Sunlight crept into his bedroom, a thing unknown to the teleri elf in his own beloved Alqualonde, and he awoke, blinking, taking several moments to remember all that had occurred to cause the light of the sun to shine upon the Haven of the swans. He rose and dressed, then went to his own private audience chambers, and looked at the table, still cluttered with scrolls. He picked one up, but with a heavy sigh, set it back down and started toward the door to walk out into the courtyard. But upon opening it , a blurr of feathers beat past him, and he turned to see the familar form of Queen Comet's faithful owl, Aloysius, who settled upon the table, among the scrolls. "Welcome, friend Aloysius," Olwe said with a smile.

The owl settled his feathers and gazed upon the Teleri king with its wide eyes.

Crossing the room, Olwe bent down and stroked the owl, then spied the pouch. Smiling, he retrieves the missive from the pouch and offers his arm to Aloysius, who hopped upon it without hesitation. He walked over to a corner of the room and offered Aloyius a corner of a floor harp upon which to perch. "Rest, friend, and when Ossi comes, he shall hunt you up a fine meal, eh?" The bird gave a small "who" and tucked his head under his wing, dropping to a well deserved sleep.

Unrolling the message, Olwe recognized the precise hand of the Sylvan queen and nodded his head slowly as he read the message. Crossing over to where he kept his writing implements. He took a piece of vellum and dipping his quill in the ink bottle, he wrote back in flowing Quenya.
"Sweet Cousin and Dearest Queen, forgive the lack of answer to previous messages. I have but lately returned from Mount Taniquetil, where I sought the wisdom of the Valar, from Manwe himself. Oh, Sweet and Dear Cousin, Lord Irmo has sent me dreams of such Evil that my very soul quails. I see destruction and mayhem...creatures that defy description. I lost contact with all trading posts, save for your own realms.

A turn of moons ago, I sailed to your sweet lands to confer with you but had to turn back because an urgent message reached me from Alqualonde. When I came home, there were no joyous voices to greet me, no songs such as the Teleri alway sing. The teleri themselves were gone, the land still. Still the dreams plagued me, and then Irmo appeared and commanded me, "Return to the world of mortals, seek ye thy elven kind and prepare to stand against the shadow of evil."

But never have the Teleri been called to such a task, and so I went to Manwe himself, to seek wisdom. I have but returned last night, to find Lord Varanwe and Lady Nexus here, along with my most faithful of guards Ossi, and my great granddaughter, Fi.

Dear. Cousin, Ulmo himself has moved the whole of Alqualonde as an island into the world once more. We are but a short sail from thy own lands, due north. The coordinates I shall include. I should be glad to welcome my dear, sweet Friend and Gentle Queen to my now quiet lands and provide such entertainment as possible, given the circumstances.

Be Well, Sweet Sovereign and Great Queen. Until next we meet, be safe, I pray you,

Olwe of Alqualonde."
Olwe walked to the open door and whistled sharply. Soon his call was answered by the flap of wings, and a swan settled before him. Bending his neck, the swan revealed a golden collar with a special scroll case. Rolling up his missive, he inserts it into the case and softly strokes the swan's head. "Travel swiftly, my friend, and find you my Cousin, Queen Comet of Sylvahara." Then he stepped back, and the swan, with a flap of wings, took the air, circled once and quickly flew away.

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