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September 4, 2010

Irmo Visits Fëamahtar's Dream

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Shawn Daysleeper

Irmo, Lord of Dreams and Vala of Prophecy, bobs playfully in the dimension of space and time visited by dreamers. The vision is distorted, ethereal, myriad. But this is Irmo's playground, the realm he is most comfortable within.

Feamahtar is restlessly tossing again driven by the anxiety of her state of mind. Slowly her senses start to respond to a force that touches her mind.. Irmo senses a disturbance in the dimension of dreams, a ripple that draws his attention. Focusing his ethereal form on this distortion, he swiftly approaches it.  She casts her unconscious thoughts on the soothing energy that starts to radiate around her and slowly her restless tossing abates.  The Lord of Dreams finds the source of the distortion: the dreamer's corporal form has no meaning in this dimension. He simply sees her mind, unsteady, but abating. He then enters her dream, seeking to soothe her mind.

No fear enters her mind, no sense of foreboding. A sigh escapes her unconscious state, enters her body, and the sigh echos through the small room .. so great is her relief!  Irmo senses the affirmative.. "So you do not seek to endure the hardships of causing destruction with a sword. It is as I have sensed.  There are other ways, that you may pursue your goals."

"Another way .. another way"... like a bell it sounds through out her mind. There is another way. She bows in her mind to this force, this power that has taken over her dream. And her mind seeks to see him, this comforter.

Irmo senses her relaxation, and feels relieved. As he bobs about in her mind, he says, "There are many secrets within you, fair child. These secrets you must seek to discover for yourself. They could be awakened, but it will require a dangerous path, one that could be fraught with danger."
The message that travels to her is grave and daunting, but the speaker's power so reassuring she feels no anxiety or fear only her resolution slowly returning.

"I sense your pure heart, and calm mind," Irmo continues. "I feel you could be equal to the journey. Through you, I will be able to accomplish part of my own mission. It is now time, time for me to make you my Champion. Should you accomplish your goal of awakening, your secret powers and becoming whole with yourself anew, then you will have indeed served the will of the Valar."

A joy radiates throughout her being: all that was lost is returned to her ten-fold . No doubts, no hesitation in her heart. She knows this was the answer she was seeking, the answer that had always been just at the edge of her mind. She would be his champion. It was what she had been intended to be. She had come home at last!.

"I shall reveal my form to you at a later time, but my name is Irmo, also called Lorien. Should you seek my council again, you need only call me within the dream world. May the grace of the Valar protect you." Irmo then removes himself from Feamahtar's dream, allowing her to rest.

Feamahtar falls in a deep dreamless sleep, her breathing gentle, her mind at ease.

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