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March 8, 2012

"It Is Not Finished Yet"

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Shawn Daysleeper

At last Aulë inhales a deep breath and lets it out slowly.   His shoulders square, and he turns again to look upon that serene and patient gaze of the Lord of the West.  "I trust you," he says simply, "And you may trust me."  With a slight bow of his head in a salute of respect, he turns and walks up the corridor.

The Lord of the West turns and watches the Maker depart his presence and turn a corner of the corridor. He sags his form in great relief. Aule had obeyed him and left the chamber. If Aulë had gotten aggressive or resisted him, Manwe could easily had a disaster on his hands such like the Lord of the West had with his brother, Melkor, he that arises in might. And in that struggle the world was changed in form. But as it is now, Aulë peacefully leaves the chamber and ascends to the world of light above. Manwë now has several promises to keep to those he has rescued from the dark, but he now has a task that must be completed first as he turns back to the chamber.

Looking into the room, Manwë sees lavish furnishings, luxurious plates of food and exotic potted plants; all likely placed there by the Maker and Nienna. But the Lord of the West sees much more, not by sight but by his other senses. He senses the evil. He assesses it is not as strong as what he felt from the flowers behind the wall near the body of the dead Vanyar elf. Here it is not as obvious and strong as he felt earlier. But he guessed that long term exposure would corrupt even the strong Aulë and compassionate Nienna. He feels himself reeling back from it. He becomes more cautious and explores the room with his mind. He wonders what effect this evil has on the spirits of Mandos, or Mandos himself. "This must end, now," he says aloud.

Manwë senses dark emotion he feels in the room and thinks on how those affected by it seemed so strongly driven by their darker sides. He realizes he could cleanse the chamber and eliminate the dark power  by employing the opposite of the envious, power-seeking, hateful emotions of those affected by it, and that is love.  Manwë steps inside the chamber and raises his hands, closes his eyes and reaches out to the darkness. He reaches down into the very depths of his heart to seek what he needs. Now, as he stands there, he summons it and sends out all his thoughts and feelings of love. He thinks on his beautiful wife Varda and his great love for her. He also thinks on Eonwë and the depth of his love for his herald. He thinks on all the other Valar, especially those affected by the dark power, and also of his love of Eru and the Great Song.

Those thoughts and emotions swirl around the room, even through the very rock of the walls. It reaches a crescendo with his thoughts of Eru and of the Great Song. Finally, Manwë opens his eyes, and there is nothing remaining of the dark power: all is now a sense of love and light around him.

The Lord of the West gazes around the room and feels how different it is now. He nods to himself as he realizes this is why Aulë had failed to cleanse the chamber when he attempted it. He had tried to fight the dark magic with power, the power of a Valar. Instead he needed the love of a Valar to fight it.

The Breath of Arda mutters, "Now to make sure this chamber is never used for evil again." He steps outside. He turns to the door and closes his eyes, willing for the rocks to crack and fall, filling the room and burying it completely. After the last rock falls and he stands before nothing but a rock wall, he takes a deep breath of relief that it is done. He glances upwards to where the others are waiting and thinks. "But it is not finished yet..." He turns and begins his ascent to the upper halls, weary and worried by all that has happened.

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