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March 26, 2012

"Where is Aule?"

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Maiar embrace after long separations. He has embraced Ilmare many times, after she had spent long spans of time among the stars she loves so well. He embraced her with a pleasure of her presence once more, and as he stands, gazing down upon her smaller form, he knows those periods of separation had been far longer.  But there was not the ache he feels now, the hard squeeze of his heart, or the shortness of his breath. He reaches down, thoughtless, instinctively, and grabs her hand, squeezing with one hand even as the other reaches up to feel and brush away the moisture on his cheek.  His blue eyes drink in the sight of the other Maia, and for a moment, all else falls away from Eonwe but this reunion.  He opens his mouth to speak, but, then closes it, and settles instead for silently holding her hand, there in the great hall of Mandos.

Manwe is gratified and feels relief at Aule's response and behaviour during their talk. However, he thinks it may be wise for Aule to have a companion for his journey to the Garden. A nearby fountain of dark water reminds him of Ulmo, the Lord of Waters, who has been trustworthy and a good friend of the Lord of Arda. He sends a silent call to Ulmo to come so that he can escort Aule to Lorien. Aule is clearly sincere, but he is still affected by the dark power so he thinks Aule may need an escort to be safe. Manwe resolves to explain the situation to Ulmo after he arrives, but now he must speak to the others. He descends the steps from the upper hall and turns the corner to the foyer. He then steps through the doorway and looks upon the group standing there.

 Out of the corner of her eye, Nienna notices a movement at the doorway.  There at last is Manwe, and with him must be …  She looks eagerly for his companion.  But it is Manwe alone standing at the edge of the room.  Urgently, she rushes across to him.  "My lord!"she says with concern, staring into the depths of his blue eyes. "Where is Aule?"

Yavanna turns more as she hears soft footsteps approaching.  Her heart lifts a little to see the authoritative form of Manwë Súlimo, Lord of the West and the very Breath of Arda enter the room.  Always he has been a stalwart of wisdom in troubled times, both for herself personally, and for all of Ea. She opens her mouth to hail his joining them but it closes, the words dying on her lips, as Nienna rushes forward asking for Aulë.  Again Yavanna's eyes grow hard and flat. She turns away from the group, her ears fill with the rushing of her blood as rage and pain sweep through her and the words they speak become dull and muffled as though coming from far, far away.

The swish of fabric and the faint stir of breeze as Nienna rushes back toward the way from which he had guided her catches Eonwe's attention, and he turns his head to watch her even as her excited "My Lord!" is heard. He starts to turn his body in that direction, dropping Ilmare's hand, and  lifting his gaze up in anticipation of beholding again the Lord of the West. Even as he turns, the Herald catches sight Yavanna turning as well, and stops his motion, his blue eyes watching as the light dies in her eyes, her face flushes, and she turns her back to them all again. He looks back at the Vala of Compassion, where she stands with the Breath of Arda, but though his heart leaps at the sight of his beloved Lord, he finds his gaze returning to Yavanna's back, and his blue eyes rest upon her.

 Eonwë's hand leaves hers and he turns, drawing Ilmarë's attention to Manwë's arrival. Her heart leaps to see the Lord of the West again. Her eyes flicker back and forth between her lord and her brother; she must know if they are reconciled. But something is wrong, and not between Eonwë and their lord. There is tension in the air, in the set of Yavanna's shoulders and the tone of Nienna's voice, and any words of greeting Ilmarë would have for Lord Manwë die on her lips as she waits to see how he will respond to Nienna.

 Manwë opens his mouth to start to greet Ilmare who had arrived during his absence, but his attention is turned to the Vala before him. He looks upon the Lady Vala of Compassion and is troubled by her continued obsession with Aulë. He also sees her lack of decorum by rushing to him to ask about Yavanna's husband right in front of Yavanna herself. He notices Yavanna's opening her mouth to speak, but turning away. The Lord of the West understands her sorrow. But he understands Nienna is clouded by the dark power of Melkor's influence. He is gentle with her. "I assure you Aulë is as safe as the rest of you are," he says, looking around the room. As he finishes he thinks of Eonwe as he spots him. "And you need not worry about Aulë. But listen to me, trust me, and do that i ask of you." He turns to Nienna.  "Will you do this for me, Nienna?"

Nienna's face clouds at her king's words.  "… as safe as …?  … need not worry?" she whispers to herself.  What does he mean by that?  Her breath catches for a moment, but her eyes never leave Manwe's own solemn eyes. He has never failed her.  "Yes," she says slowly, hesitantly, biting at her lip.  "I trust you …"  Her shoulders can almost feel the coldness flowing from Yavanna's back.  "What are you asking me to do?"

"And you need not worry about Aulë." Those words from the Lord of the West wrests Eonwe's attention away from Yavanna, and he whirls around to face the two other Valar in the room.  "Safe, " he repeats, "My  Lord, unless the Maker is confined and under guard, no one, least of all you, can be counted safe.  Can it be forgotten what ill has been wrought?" His blue eyes seek out Manwe's, and Eonwe steps forward, raising his hands in a pleading gesture. "Because he is mighty among your brethren, shall my own suffer without redress? Shall we stand by and give him leave to wreak evil as Melkor did before aught is done?"

Ilmarë's brow furrows. So. Her brother was not harmed when he ran here to Mandos to confront Aulë, but it seems things have not been settled here, not in the least. Her own heart clenches when Eonwë speaks of the other Maiar. What has the Maker done to their people? If he has laid a hand to any of them--! She knows she does not yet understand the currents flowing between the Valar in this room, and she casts her gaze again to the Lord of the West, hoping that he will say something to guide them all. She lays her hand on Eonwë's arm in a gesture of support and calm. It will not do any good if he begins to shout at the Lord of the Airs.

 He looks to Nienna, relieved when she assures him he has her trust and asks, "Nienna, I ask you to go to the Guardians of Lorien for me. There we will all eventually meet. I think after our experience here we need a time to rest and heal." He thinks, looking for the right words. "I would like Ilmare to accompany you, in case there is anything you need for the journey." Manwe looks at Ilmare. "Thank you for coming here, i appreciate it." He sends a silent call to Ilmare, to keep Nienna safe and assure she arrives at Lorien.

He turns to Eonwe, stenly. "My herald, have you forgotten you placed your trust in my judgement?" It pains him to speak this way, and he hopes it will be resolved once Eonwe is cured at Lorien. "To satisfy your curiosity, I have not forgotten what Aule has done," He looks around to all in the room. "But you must trust me in what I ask of you to do."

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