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August 28, 2010

Irmo and Nienna Seek Ulmo's Advice

 < Previous     
The waters of the seas caressed Ulmo's skin like the touch of a lover and ran over his forearms and chest, familiar, reassuring.  The Lord of the Seas loved all the waters of Ea, but none so comforted him as the seas around the Undying Lands.

 The stars wink in the eternal night sky, ageless, unaffected by the turning of seasons or the rise and fall of empires, much like the  Undying Lands themselves.  Rising to the surface of the water, Ulmo cranes his head to watch their brilliance in the night sky, the wind cooling his water drenched skin.  Upon the breeze is the smell of the Undying Land's eternal spring.

Bobbing, floating gently with the ebb and flow of the ocean, Ulmo swims lazily along the coastline of the Undyling Land, a frown and lines of worry wrinkling his eternally youthful face.  Words spoken by elven sailors from Sylvahara were carried upon the sea breezes and floated down to his ever alert ears about the Teleri Lord...poisoned!?!

Nienna walks through the gardens of Lorien, the grass pleasantly cool on her bare feet, looking for her brother, Irmo.  The night breeze from the sea carries the scent of the ever-blooming flowers of Este's gardens.  Their estate is vast, and finding Irmo no simple task.

The light scent of the flowers which eternally bloom in Este's gardens fills Ulmo's nostrils, and he stops, treading the waters and rising himself enough to draw in deep breaths of the sweet fragrance.  The richness of the earth mingled with the fragrance..

To be continued....

Taking a last deep breath, UImo dove back down into the seas and made his way to his watery palace, there to contemplate the news he heard, the heavy foreboding he heard in the voices of sailors, which matched the foreboding in his heart.  Has the Dark fallen Valar returned?  No, he must still be trapped...for if he is not...all Ea is in great danger.

September 3, 2010
Shawn Daysleeper, Lihan Taifun, AelKennyr Rhiano

Cool was the wind that ruffled the waves as it played over his wet skin and teased at his dripping hair, but the Ainur Lord of the Sea noticed it not....His eyes swept across the coastline, absently, his brows wrinkled as he  turned the events of recent weeks over and over in his mind. He allowed his body to ride the wave, bobbing gently with it, his thoughts bent upon one thought only.....

The same cool wind ruffled Nienna's robes, as she walked through the gardens of Lorien, looking for her brother Irmo.  The uncertain fragments of news from the mortal lands made her anxious to begin their journey.

Irmo feels the cool wind, and hears the thoughts of his Ainu kin. Like a dream, he passes thru the gardens meeting his sister. "Brother,"  she speaks a wordless greeting.  "I fear what might be happening in the Outside, while we delay.  I heard the strangest news from the Halls of Waiting"

Ulmo breathes in the sea salted air and sighs as he exhales.  He has heard the rumors from the passing sailors.  Has things come to such a dangerous pass? 

The Lord of Dreams frowns at his sisters words. "What news from the Outside would seem strange to you?"

"The Teleri king -- it could have been no other -- stood on the doorstep.  What would happen to our plans if he should have been killed?"

Shadows pass over Irmo's face. "I do not desire to linger on such thoughts. The Teleri are blessed that he has been saved.But we must hasten our plans."

"Yes, we must!"  She turns to look from the garden terrace out over the Great Outer Sea.  The sight of the waves and the sound of the sea on the rocks always calms her.  "What more preparations do we need?"

 Irmo follows his sister to the terrace "We have created the physical manifestation of the Teleri, and have learned to sing as they do. But there is something else we need to learn, before we can make our appearance before the Teleri Lord."

 Ulmo paces to and from atop the waves.  What is the Teleri lord had died?  What, then, would have happened to Illuvatar's children?  The faint sound of voices reaches the ears of the Lord of the Sea, and he turns his head automatically to the sound.  Was that the Lord of Dreams? How strange that he should be here, at this time.  He still his movements in the water to make sure it is, indeed, Irmo's voice.

Nienna has worked hard learning to live for extended times in a physical manifestation.  And at learning to sing and make music by physical means.  But, if more preparations are needed, then that must also be attended to, and soon.

"There is  something else we must learn..." Irmo seeks for the right words "We must seek to emulate their spirit."  Nienna is puzzled.  "Their spirit?  How could we ever emulate the spirits of Children?"

Footsteps light but sure step upon the wooden dock, and the presences are unmistakable...That is the Lord of Dreams, and his sister.  Here, why?  He raises himself up out of the sea.  "I thought I heard the voice of the Lord od Dreams...but I could scarcely credit it."

 "Greetings, Lord of Seas," said Nienna. Ulmo bows his head.  "And of course his sister, most compassionate Nienna."  Irmo looks upon the form of the Lord of the Sea. "Greetings to you."

"Hail, Irmo, Lord of Dreams." Ulmo inclines his head and gazes upon Lord Irmo.  "You tread not in the world of dreams this night?"

Nienna answers, "We plan soon to tread in the waking world, the Outside." Irmo shakes his head "Nay, for my mind is concerned for our plans. There is a matter that I feel we need to discuss before we set our plans into motion."

Ulmo's eyebrows rise as he looks from brother to sister.  "Tis so?"  He turns to Irmo, suddenly conscious that he may have treaded upon a private conversation. "Do I interrupt thee, Noble Irmo?  I caught the whisper of your voice, Irmo, upon the sea breeze, and it roused me from most troublesome thoughts.  I had not heard your sister's dulcet voice nor the words themselves."

Irmo: again shakes his head. "No I feel this is a matter we all could discuss."

  "Perhaps under  yond gazebo you may take your ease, and I shall hear what concerns you, my brother Vala?"

"We plan to visit the Teleri, to inspire their strength and courage in these troubled times.  We do not wish to frighten or disturb them, so we plan to disguise ourselves as Teleri.  But my brother feels our preparations are incomplete," said Nienna.

Ulmo looks at Nienna in frank surprise.  "You, Valie of Compassion?  Think you can walk amongst them, and their daily troubles not burden thy heart?"  Ulmo looks up toward the flat top of a gentle rise. "Perhaps under  yond gazebo you may take your ease, and I shall hear what concerns you, my brother Vala?" He turns to Irmo as he speaks.

Nienna moves lightly up the hill toward the gazebo, being careful to keep her feet on the ground.  Irmo follows his sister up to the gazebo, giving special attention to his walking.  Ulmo walks brother and sister walk, feet firmly upon the ground, and follows , floating toward the gazebo. "Indeed, you walk as they do."

Nienna settles herself onto a cushion, and waits for Irmo to explain his concern. Irmo: hears his sister's thoughts then slowly explains his thoughts, finding the right words "We may look like Teleri, and we have learned to sing and play instruments like them, but there is something missing. When I se them, they are asleep. What are they alike, when they are active? What about their emotions? Perhaps you, Lord Ulmo, Lord of the Waters, have some thoughts for us?"

Ulmo pauses, thinking carefully, stroking his chin and knotting his brow.

Nienna interjects, "When I see them, they are dead, and that is perhaps not the most useful information for us, either."  Irmo nods at his sister's response."

"I know mostly the sailors, and hear them when they ride my seas." Ulmo speaks slowly, pauing to think before he contines. "I have heard them pray to me when the winds are stern....and sometimes, but not so much, in thanks when they return home safely. I have heard them utter words I believe they found most foul as perhaps Teleri are conversant in expressions that deal with their bodily functions as a matter of course."

Nienna replies, "Ah, these bodily functions -- I never paid much attention to that part of the song before."

Ulmo continues. "They seem very aware of them during bad weather upon the seas."

"Strange ..."  but then Nienna remembers she has never been affected by bad weather, so she knows nothing of their experience. Ulmo gives her a puzzled looks and shrugs.  "Why, I do not know."

Irmo focuses on Ulmo's words, trying to make sense of them "So they are fearful, and grateful, and are conversersant regarding their bodily functions..." Irmo pauses as if confused.

"So it would seem." Ulmo folds his arms and reflectively muses. "Yet, at night, when the seas are calm, and they are far from home, they sing songs of longing, of need, for those they chose to leave behind."

Nienna muses, "Perhaps they find it difficult that they can be in only one place at a time."  Irmo nods, as if understanding. "They seem to be quite compassionate, as if this is valuble to them?"  Nienna nods in agreement with Irmo.  "Yes, the dead are often quite concerned with the fate of their kinfolk.  They seem to be strongly attached to them."

Ulmo regards Nienna's words and finally nods.  "I would find it most discomforting.
 The Children...they are puzzling and wondrous and so very fragile.  Yet they rise to challenges as though immortal."

Irmo nods to his sister, his concerns beginning to rest. He pauses for a few moments before speaking. "It is imparative that our task is sucessful. Perhaps you have additional advice for us, Lord Ulmo?"  Nienna adds, ""Indeed.  And that is why we believe they are important in this dark hour."

Ulmo snaps his fingers, as his eyes brightened. "Oh...and they change their outer rainments often."

"Changing our outer garments?" Irmo looks questioningly. "Interesting"

"They change it?  How can they change it?  Their raiment is physical." Nieena looks puzzled. Ulmo reaches down and lightly tugs on Nienna's sleeve.  "These ....things...clothes."  Irmo looks at Ulmo, and pulls at his robes, as if asking.

"They take them physically off their bodies.  Sailors do that on board when the sun beats down and dries their body."

"These too?" asks Irmo. Ulmo nods.  "But when the weather is cold, and the plants lie buried beneath the frozen waters, they then put more clothes on. ...Perhaps they are changeable in their mind as to how much other wear they need?"

"Most confusing." says Nienna. "Perhaps we will need to obverse the Teleri around us, and try to copy what they do."

Ulmo asks them both: "What drives you to walk among them?  Is it the Teleri Lord?"

Irmo nods. "we are to visit the Teleri Lord, and inspire within him strength and courage."  Adds Nienna, "We hear that their hope and courage wavers, in the darkness that haunts the Outer World."

"I have heard the sailors speak of the poison that nearly took him to the hall of Mandos."

"Poison?  I heard he came to the doorstep of the Halls -- Serenen saw him -- but I knew not why."  Nienna looks alarmed.

 Ulmo folds his arms across his chest.  "Sailors tell of a vile poison left aboard his swanship.  One strong enough that nearly severed his soul from his body."

 "Was this deed performed by a servant of the ..." Irmo pauses a moment "Fallen Vala?"

"It would take a strong poison indeed to kill one of the Elder Children.   But who would do such a thing?  Poison is a coward's weapon."

"And also a well favored tactic of those who served our dark hearted kinsman, Melkor," added Ulmo. "Shadows and treachery were ever his weapons."

"Too true.  Too likely his hand is behind this shameful attempt." Nienna nodded in agreement.

 "And if not, then one who has known servitude under his twisted guidance. Sailor speak with fear and dread that he has still not recovered, and that Melkor has placed his hand upon the Teleri Lord's heart."

Irmo listens attentively to Ulmo, his eyes widening, he then turns to his sister "since this threat was conducted against the Teleri Lord himself, perhaps the courage and strength of his kin may falter."

Irmo said, thoughtfully, "If the Children despair too much and too long, they may die."  His sister was quick to add. "A danger, indeed.  Or if the Dark One has indeed soiled the heart of the king, then we must by all means try to turn him back to the light."

"The Children have strong wills but they do not know the song we once song.  The future, the elves see far, but still their vision is all to short. "

"I have seen this in their dreams, fear and despair, which may lead to grief,"
  responds Irmo. 
Nienna said in agreement.  "And grief my slay them as surely as any arrow."  Irmo looks at his sister "yes, we must turn him to the light, and through his benevolence, his kin may follow."

Ulmo nods.  "I have seen upon the waters, when they face great storms.  Some rise in defiance of the storms...some crumble and submit to their fears."

Irmo muses: "Perhaps this is Manwe's chief concern for the Teleri, they may fall to grief. Our task is so important, my sister."

"Yes," Nienna says, returning his gaze.  "The Teleri have lived many ages in the light of the Undying Lands.  It would take much to turn them away.  But we cannot allow that to happen."

 Ulmo knows, listening carefully. "They bear the light of the two trees in their soul, but that light can fade should they despair too greatly."

Irmo nods to his sister resolutely. "We can not allow that tohappen, and as long as I am able, i will not let them fall to grief."

"No," says Nienna. "We shall sing the old songs for them, and keep the memory of the light alive for them."

Ulmo regards the Lord of Dreams with a steady gaze.  "For my part, I will stay close to their ships and guide them safely to ports.  I will bid the waves sing to them of the two trees and the mercy of Illuvatar. But much will depend upon Olwe of Alqualonde, his heart, his spirit.  Perhaps it would be well for Manwe to speed Tilion to his side to renew his heart and spirit."

Nienna turns to her brother.  "Can you, Brother, allow him to visit Tilion in his dreams? Serenen reported that he called for Tilion, as he thought he was dying."

Irmo: nods. "Yes, I will. Tilion will renew his heart and spirit, while we prepare our arrival to the Teleri lord's lands. Tilion must preserve the Teleri Lord's strength and courage, until we arrive. We must depart quickly."

 "We should prepare quickly.  I mislike all the news I hear, lately."  This from Nienna.

Ulmo looks at brother and sister, and nods, once.  "During his voyage upon the seas, his voice often broke the silence of the night, his body locked in dreams I think more ill than sweet."  Ulmo turns to Irmo. "Were those of your doing, Lord of Dreams?"

"I do not know, for dreams may be both ill and sweet. It is all in the mind of the dreamer." Irmo gave his response quietly, with neither inflection nor emotion.

Ulmo gives a curt nod.  "Then if the dreams be in his mind, it were well you speed Tilion to him.  If it is from another source than his own soul or your realm, it is best you befriend him quicker, let he descend into darkness and forget himself."

Nienna turns to Ulmo.  " Thank you, Cousin Ulmo.  We will keep your advice in mind."

IIrmo turned to Ulmo as well. "I am grateful for your advise, i hope our disguise hlds long enough to ensure our success."

 "Remember...change your garments frequently and make bodily functions a part of the common conversation.  Beyond this, I know little more of elves." Ulmo gives the Valie of Compassion a bow of his head and Irmo a nod. "Gentle waves guide you and keep you. "  Then he turns and without further words, returns to his seas.

> Irmo and Nienna continue their plans     > Next Ulmo      

August 24, 2010

Irmo Learns from the Vanyar

 < Previous    
Shawn Daysleeper

Irmo, brother of Nienna and Mandos, walks the diamond-encrusted paths of Tirion upon Túna. The sky above is lit by the vast multitude of stars, which seem so close one could reach out and touch them. Irmo’s robes are the colour of the star-studded night and his hair flows long and black behind him. The white terraces reflect the echoes of song and the air is full of the smells of hundreds of flowers draped over the walls. Irmo’s heart fills with joy and he strode forward intuitively as his feet seek the source of the song.

Irmo’s eyes behold Ingwë and a company of Vanyar on a terrace. Ingwë ‘s brow glow with radiance and his hair shimmers in the starlight. The Firstborn were singing, but their voice falter as the dark-robed Vala approaches. Few of the Ainur appear among the Children these days. The Lord of Spirits and Manifestations speaks words to those before him, as is the custom of the Teleri. “I have come to learn the nature and spirit of your art. I desire to learn how to sing.” The Vanyar wear confused expressions, but Ingwë smiles, beckoning to the Vala and speaking to his mind “you are welcome among us, and we would be happy to teach you.”

Without any spoken word, the Firstborn sang. Their song filled the hollows of the land, the nectar-enriched air, and Irmo’s heart. Their song was of joy, sorrow, reflection, and beauty.  After a time Irmo joins in, albeit rather clumsily and with much error. As the days passed in the mortal world, he improves his voice and song. Knowledgeable in the fact that the voice of the Teleri is even more captivating than those of the Vanyar, he redoubles his efforts. He knows that Nienna and his mission were vital, that the beauty of the Teleri must not perish from the world.

> Next     

Olwë in Sylvhara -- Olwë Recovering

AelKennyr Rhiano

Winds rustle through the leaves of the trees surrounding the healer's hall, and the smell of rich earth, green growing things reaches Olwe as he sits beneath an ancient tree just outside the hall.  His elven ears pick up the voice of faithful Nole, conversing with Llyra, one of the valiant healers who brought Olwe back from the very doors of the halls of Mandos. Allowing their voices to become dull noise in the background, he concentrates on the sounds of the wind, the crickets, the birds.  Faintly, even from this distance the salt of the sea is in the air, and he feels a pang for home. 

He draws in the air of the evening, the smell of cookfires filling his nostrils.  From afar off, the sounds of daily life slowing down.  Within the next day or two, perhaps Lady Llyra will lax her guarded eye upon his recovery and allow him to set sail.  But whether to go to on as he had planned or return to Alqualonde, he was uncertain.  He has consulted the navigation maps of Nole, but what path to take?  Now, everything seemed different.  An unknown enemy stretched forth their hand into his very swanship, and he had been none the wiser.  He shuddered, remembering the halls of Mandos rising before him, the cold that was seizing his limbs and slowing his heart. 

It was not death he feared...after so long the centuries, death was not a specter to him.  It was the possibility of being forever separated from one who so held his heart that with every beat of it, he could feel the nearness of that Beloved.  But there was also a greater which twists his stomach into knots and makes his body heavy with dread. 

It was the fear of failure, of being too little, too late.

Inside he hears the healer question his travelling companion about Olwe's whereabouts, and so the Teleri Lord rises to his feet, slowly, taking in one more breath.  Slowly, he raises his eyes to the moon and then, with a sigh, calls out to both healer and sailor and makes his way into the healer's hall.

> Next      

A Disturbed Teleri

< Previous    
Shawn Daysleeper

A restless Teleri sailor tidies up the stores of his swanship. Unable to sleep, Nole Eambar evaluates the cargo both on deck and below. Opening a crate, he sees weapons inside: Elven crafted bows and swords obtained as a parting gift from the elves of Sylvhara. He pauses a moment as his mind convulsed, fearing the horror to come.

Shaking his head, the sailor reflects, remembering peaceful times when his ship was laden with a far different cargo. Smiling he remembers the gleam of rare black pearls procured by the wild men of the mortal world. Nole remembers their bewildered faces when he hands them musical instruments handcrafted in Alqualonde. He also remembers loading quantities of wood and metals at port, and the smiling faces of the men and elves there as they passed their hands through the rich, silken, fabrics that the merchant traded them. He then remembers his family welcoming him into his home filled with light, he remembers enjoying Teleri Ale with his King in the Drunken Swan tavern.

He shoves those memories from his mind. Those times are gone, now his world is filled with emptiness and uncertainty. Mysterious dark elves, poisoned wine, and malevolent beings wreathed in flame fill his mind now. His remaining friends, while strong and true, are very few. “There is no strength in arms,” he mutters aloud. However, he closes the crate, secures the lid and ties the crate to the ship’s hull. He sits down, resting. The sailor’s work on board was finished but his heart begins to despair.

> Next      

August 19, 2010

Fëamahtar's Choice

Feydra Zenoria

Sitting down at the edge of the dock, Feamahtar gazes out into the murky water.  She picked up a stone that laid at her side and threw it with all her might far into the darkness.  "Why am I so unhappy?" she thinks. "Why am I not satisfied to be here with my fellow  Teleri? This is all I dreamed about for so long,  here teaching my sword skills...... and protecting our precious King. But I know there is something I need to do. I know it in my heart and it will not let  me be at rest.  All my life I have believed that this sword at my side"  (She touches her sword with reverance.) "was my greatest tool to protect our people. Now  it seems so meaningless,  too small for the task.  Oh, my father would be so ashamed of me. He taught me that the better I  became a swordmaiden the more worth I would be to our people.  If he heard  my thoughts,  he would feel I was disgracing our family and failing our King.  Is he right?  Am I just being a foolish child?  If I only knew .. If I only knew .."   Standing up she lets out a anquished  howl of dismay and anger.  "What is wrong with me? "She mutters loudly and stamps down the pier to her quarter for another restless night.

> Next Fëamahtar

August 16, 2010

A Brief Visit in Mandos

< Previous Nienna     < Olwë's Near-Death      
Lihan Taifun

Sérenen, Maia of the house of Námo, searches for his lord's sister, Nienna.  If any elven eyes had been present, they would see only a rippling of the dim light, for he moves in his native spirit form, as suits a servant in the Halls of the Dead.  The dead percieve with senses of the spirit, not with physical eyes, and need not even the illusion-projections that Ainur often use when dealing with the living.

He finds Nienna near her home, night-dark Fui, on the bleak western shore of the Blessed Lands, walking as she often does on the rocky coast of the endless Outer Sea.  And is astonished to see her in full physical bodily form.  Spray from the crashing waves dampens the lower edges of her silver-grey cloak.  She makes music, as she often does, but now using a physical object to generate the sounds -- a small harp, such as the Vanyar use.  The tune is a familiar, haunting lament, but the instrument  limits the music to a few notes at a time, a pitiful shadow of the full and rich music an Ainu could generate by directly manipulating the air into sound waves.  He knows Nienna could make better music than this!  Yet she appears quite unconcerned.  Perhaps, he dares to think, she seems pleased with the sound of the instrument.

Certainly it is not his place to comment on her ladyship's eccentricities.

Rippling and floating to place himself in front of her, he greets her with a mental intention of respect.  Her perception is, to his relief, not limited by physical form.  Her answering mental intention of pleased recognition is mirrored by an upward turn of her physical lips.

Nienna looks up from the music practice her teacher, King Ingwë of the Vanyar, has set her.

"My Lady"

"What news, my friend?"

"A most strange occurance at the Halls of Mandos today, my Lady.  Lord  Námo thought you should hear of it. A spirit -- an Elda -- appeared at the gateway.  But only  briefly, and vanished again."

"Not that unusual," Nienna interrupts.  "The Eldar are hardy, and often recover from the gravest wounds, even from the very brink of death."

"Indeed, my lady.  But I have not come to the strange part of the tale.  He cried out, saying he did not belong here, that he should not be here ..."

Again Nienna interrupts, smiling, "That really is a very common reaction, in the newly dead."

"Indeed, my lady," replies Sérenen with a touch of impatience.  "But this one cried out to Tilion.  Not to High King Manwë, nor to Ulmo and Ossë and Uinen, like a drowning sailor, nor to you, Lady of Compassion.  To Tilion, lord of the Moon!  Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

"No. No indeed. You are right, tis strange.  Tilion ... why, he is always busy tending the Moon.  He seldom even speaks to the Children.  He hardly has time.  Though he did follow Melian's example, and take an Elda lover ... oh no ..."  A terrible suspicion creeps upon Nienna.  "Who was this Elda?  Do you know?"

"I do not, my lady.  As I said, he was only on our doorstep for a moment.  I can show you what he looked like."  He transmits a mental image of the visitor.

"Oh dear, that is indeed King Olwë!  What happened?  Something happened to him!  No," she continues thoughtfully, "you wouldn't know.  Only that he is not dead yet.  I do hope Irmo and I are not too late.  We must get to the Teleri soon. ... Thank you.  This is indeed important news."

His message delivered,  Sérenen makes another mental intention of respect,  and swirls back to the Halls of Mandos.

Nienna remains in thought for a while.  Time is shorter than she realized.  The mischances of the world are many, and the world grows more and more dangerous.  She had not previously considered that the Teleri king might be killed before she and Irmo arrived.  They must leave soon, on their visit.  She heads back toward her home, intending then to find and speak to her brother.  Walking, physically walking to practice her physical body.

The harp is left, forgotten on a rock of the shoreline.  That is a problem with physical possessions: one has to remember where one left them.  It is one more lesson to be learned.

> The news spreads     > Nienna and Irmo continue their plans

August 15, 2010

The Mal'anar Discover Nightmare Tears

 < Previous    
 Morrigan Orellana

 Harkon Benoir clears his throat before he speaks. "First of all, I want to thank you all for attending this meeting"...he then smiles to the regent of Silver Hollow. "Furthermore, I wish to thank our host specially for making it possible to meet here on neutral ground...I have called this meeting because I felt it of the utmost importance after having gotten disturbing news from our neighbors in Mal’anar about a deadly flower ."

The Nomad stares out to the crowd of people and takes a deep breath, disliking being in an enclosed area with a crowd of people. Nodding his head to no one in particular, he speaks... "Greetings, friends, enemies, and visitors. I thank you for coming to protect our frail realm.  Before we begin, I bind you all by a pledge of hospitality. Tonight, while within the grounds of the Sacred Court of the Silver Hollow, not a single soul shall harm another:

Just as the seasons pass from one to the next,
So shall you pass from your world to mine.
Any who disrupt my season of solace,
So shall instead find the coming of their final breath.
And if you so raise your hand to another,
So shall I chop the wicked thing off.
Hail the Silver Hollow and the seasons they represent.
Straither Ehret sits herself down, unimpressed she has to sit on cushions but more impressed she has to sit next to the ridiculous looking Jester. She looks over her shoulder at Arix and winks, flashing her a smirk.  Arixian Diesel waves to Straith and tries to keep her wits about her.

Arabella Forsyth makes her way to the cushions Asaekai had indicated, taking a seat silently, though she smiles lightly at Arix's audible complaint, giving the Valkyrie a small nod. "It has been a while, Arix," she whispers, growing silent as she strains to catch snatches of the conversation in the adjacent room.

Arixian Diesel would pat Bella on the shoulder in a friendly way, giving her a smile as if to apologize for the time between meetings.
 Jonwynn (Harlequin): "I'm here to guard the king. Access is governed by the owner of the castle's guards... such as they are." he scowls. "Can't say I'm not hoping this is fast and out of the way quickly."

The Nomad looks to King Harkon to continue.  Kazuma Snowfall settled in behind the Tari, aware of the floating man behind him. He leaned over to the Minya and whispered.  Harkon Benoir nods to the nomad Sidhe.  Kazuma Snowfall (In Mal'anar Elven): eld ca tyae omd caelan tir .

Ghandi Kamachi sighed as he walked up and peered at the gathering in the other room and shook his head slowly. "No, I have better things to do than die. Like not getting invited to events here that I've yet to fathom why people are making this some sort of big deal."

Morrigan looks to Harkon as he speaks, sighing again in an effort to relax, her brow furrowed in worry.  She grins a bit as her Champion speaks to the Minya.  Oralia Re'sun turns her head to Kahz and motions to her lips with a finger, then whispered back. "Sek'al em tir Nomad en’ Hollow," she said and looked to Morrigan.

Kazuma Snowfall nodded to the Minya and winked.  Harkon Benoir gives the Tari a warm smile and a wink; he can she is nervous with the Aran not present and having the responsibility of this meeting on her shoulders. Although, he had not looked favorably before on the union between her and Xavi, he does validate her courage now.

Giggles Hoxley looks over his shoulder and smiles to Arabella, "You know we teleported to the wrong place on our way here" he says, striking up a conversation with her, "Instead of walking, the King thought we should use magic travel. His head wizard, the one sitting in there" he points to the room with the regents, "Sent us all to Mal'anar, not Silver Hollows. I'm just thankful that he didn't teleport my arse to Unra'eth and my balls to Drakkenguard."

Straither Ehret rests her head against her knees listening easily to the conversation in the next room and trying to filter through the stuff she wasn’t interested in unto anything she was.  Morrigan looks curiously at Harkon, unused to any cordiality between them.
Arixian Diesel gets up, growing ever uncomfortable on the floor. She moves closer to the room to hear better.  Tamar Luminos smiled, hearing the fae asking for people to be seated and moves gracefully to take a seat within range to hear the discussion, glancing back to Gilsi as she folds her legs and sits comfortably, unperturbed by the cold stone floor.  Straither Ehret burst into laughter and looks at the Jester right of her. Patting him hard on the back "Eh, ya beh aight, dere Jestah." she says, now in a pretty good mood.  Harkon Benoir looks to the Nomad to see if he was done with his speech.

Arabella Forsyth holds a small hand to her mouth in an attempt to stifle the laughter the mental image of Giggle's words had conjured up. With a shake of her head as she manages to gain her composure, somewhat, she leans in to mutter softly. "I'd have taken care of your arse until you could get it back, at least, Gigs."

 The Nomad nods and looks to King Harkon to continue speaking.
Harkon Benoir coughs, then continues.  Ghandi Kamachi sighed and went to the floor, giving her an odd look as he wondered what kind of odd bum magic would be necessary for everyone to be seated.
Giggles Hoxley is bumped forward at the hardness of the slap on the back by the lycan, though he nods and smiles to her politely, thinking she meant no harm, she just didn't know her own strength. "You're so sweet" he replies to Arabella, sticking his tongue out at her.

Harkon Benoir:  "We have been informed that a deadly flower found its way to Mal’anar; so far it is said that only the elven realm has been afflicted with this strange plant, is further said, they have tried a number of things to destroy it, but failed." Harkon Benoir turns to look at Morrigan to confirm or deny this claim.

Oralia Re'sun looks to Harkon as he spoke and nods to his words, while her hands rested in the fabric of her gown she glanced as well to Morrigan.  Straither Ehret grumbles to herself "we aint realleh beh 'ere to talk ‘bout flowers be we?" shaking her head to herself "Let deh elfeh's 'andle it, good riddance to 'em."

Morrigan nods solemnly, straightening in her seat as she feels the eyes upon her.  "Nightmare's Tears, they are called," she says.   Harkon Benoir nods, but in truth he didn’t know the name of the flowers until this very moment. "What has been done so far to destroy them, Tari?"

Redthorn Kutenai had lived with those menacing flowers for a month now and is just now finally hearing what they are called. Lady Moon places her hands on her husband’s shoulders, her nerves uneasy being around this many people, she keeps her face like stone and gives Elegost's shoulder a gentle squeeze getting strength from his energy.

Morrigan gives a shrug.  "Nothing can be done as far as we can tell.  There is nothing to do but avoid them.  Exposure leads quickly to death."

Oralia Re'sun nods and looks to Harkon as she spoke. "We have cast redirect spells, put shields over them...and it seems they engulf any sort of magic thrown at them. Removing them by hand is just as dangerous, for they drain the life from you." she insisted, as she glanced around the room during her explanation.

  Arabella Forsyth shrugs. "Oh, I do my best," she says with a beaming smile for Giggles. "Though I cannot guarantee what state you'd get it back in. You know how riddled with vice that city is said to be," she continues to whisper, mock dismay clear on her voice. She knew what people said, but she had yet to witness half the atrocities and vile things that were rumored to take place in her city. When the female next to Giggles speaks up dismissively about the topic being discussed, she grows quiet again. Whatever affected one of the kingdoms could affect the others soon enough, she knew. A significant glance is shared with Tamar, across the room.

The Nomad coughs rather loudly from where he lies comfortably on the ground, "For the record of the night and season, Allure is the reigning Majesty in the Silver Hollow. Her word is the Will of the Hollow." *Closes his eyes once again and lets his weary body relax into the ancient stone of the Hollow Palace.

Jane Fetiocci, peering into the room, listens intently as she studies the officials and dignitaries gathered inside there. Her olive eyes fall upon Moon, her back toward Jane. The lady-in-waiting tilts her face forward, burying it in the folds of her skirts gathered over her arched knees, hugging them tightly to her.

Asaekai Lunasea directs the brownies she has bribed, coaxed, and prodded out of hiding, the small, wingless fae creatures moving about the room to serve guests with food and drink. The beings look every bit as uncomfortable as their Mistress as she listens, finding her instructions that this was 'about flowers' to have been far less serious than the deadly threat at hand. She had heard that the Winter Regent had fallen gravely ill, but dismissed the rumor as only that. But, perhaps there was more to it... She holds her tongue, gesturing with her hands but only half paying attention as she sends her reluctant help about the room. She'd be lucky if they turned back up in Wayward Spirits after tonight.

Allure Vultee listens as the King speaks but her eyes are following the little golden orbs floating just above the Queen. Allure tilts her head to one side as she watches, trying her utmost not to spring forward from her pillow and capture one of the orbs. "What has been done so far to try to kill the flowers off?" Her eyes still following the orbs while she speaks. "If we know what has been done thus far we can save valuable time."

Harkon Benoir shifts his eyes to Elegost, seeing if he had tried any sort of spells on the flowers, then turns to look at Morrigan again and Oralia, his lips set in a tight line as he listens to them, more worried than ever, his eyes turn to Zachh, seeing what his expression is after hearing this statement

Harkon Benoir sighs, asking, "Have they spread yet?"

Elegost Silverweb: *shakes his head* My magic has had little to no effect in eradicating or spreading them.

Morrigan shakes her dark head.  "To my knowledge, they only plague Mal'anar and other elven realms, but we cannot say they will not."

Riluth Spires blinks briefly, he of course wonders if they have burned them, that of course would have been his first reaction.  Zachh Barkley stares agape into the flame in the center of the table, pondering possible solutions, suddenly his eyes widen with a possible idea, "Andraste's Toxin!"

Giggles Hoxley wrinkles his nose at the kind of "riddled with vice" arse that he'd get back from Unra'eth. "On second thought, I might not want it back" he replies, wondering how deep the deviancy runs among dark elves, and the kind of condition that a prime, tight bum like his would be in after a few hours in that city. "I still want my balls though, if you can get them" he adds before changing the subject. "You know what I'd do about the whole Nightmare's Tears thing?" he asks rhetorically, referring to the deadly plants the regents were here to meet about, "Get dragons to breathe fire over all the infected areas and disintegrate them. After all, historically, they're here to protect us, right? And if Mal'anar is destroyed..." he shrugs, lowering his voice, "Collateral damage."

Tamar Luminos shifted her position slightly as she felt the body heat of the man settling down close behind her, smiling slightly as she listened intently to the royals discussing...deadly flowers? She glanced over to Arabella, meeting her gaze with a tilt of her head, mouthing the word 'fire?' to her as a possible tactic.

Vautrin Celestalis half listened to the conversation wondering what would happen if he touched one of the flowers, seeing as he was already dead.

Harkon Benoir can’t hide the shock on his face, knowing Elegost to be a powerful mage indeed. "Would you be opposed if my Wizard "...he points to Zachh… "would be able to lend his wisdom and talent to find a way to destroy them?"

Morrigan goes on.  "They seem to be impervious to all methods we have tried.  And it takes very little time for one who is near the flowers to be quite weakened.  Some have died, though not any in Mal'anar."

Harkon Benoir: "to assist you in your efforts of course"...he adds. Lady Moon finally looks over at Harkon when he speaks directly to Elegost, her eyes meet his gaze.

Elegost Silverweb: *taps his chin and thinks on it* I would appreciate the help and perhaps a new viewpoint will help.

Harkon Benoir agrees with the Archmage and nods. "It is in all our best interest that any mage or wizard of Silver Hollow as well would lend a helping hand in this matter"...he states.

Heliphas Firelight sat listening, he glanced over at the undead man beside him. His pacing was making him uncomfortable.

Zachh Barkley ponders his mind for ancient knowledge collected over his time in this life, "Andraste's Toxin could be our solution to this matter. It's an ancient serum created by Andraste the Witch, several centuries ago. Stories tell that the witch brewed a serum to destroy foreign plantlife that invaded her precious garden. It was able to eradicate and wilt any plant it came in contact with. Although it hasn't been able to be replicated for centuries, I might be able to come up with a similar toxin, based off of Andraste's ancient recipe."

Straither Ehret murmurs to herself "Trust meh, from wat Chaitai's been sayin dese flowers be deh smallest of dis place’s troubles." shaking her head silently before resting it against her knees and continuing to listen.

Oralia Re'sun stares down to her lap in deep thought, so many things running through her mind but dares not to say what or who could have plagued their land. Shaking the idea out of her head, she brushed back a strand from her cheek simply as she listens.   Zachh Barkley casts a stern look upon his face, "I believe it might work enough to destroy the black flowers, but it would be a great struggle to brew. However, it is possible, and our only hope at this point."

Arabella Forsyth nods at Tamar, having come up with the same idea, if it had indeed not been tried already. No specifics on the methods of eradication attempted thus far had been given, only generally inclusive statements. Her eyes widen as she turns to Giggles again. "I doubt the elves would like that idea very much, Gigs...Though the dragons might enjoy getting to do something in this realm after all these years, I suppose. Perhaps it’s best no kingdoms are destroyed, for the time being, in the process...." Even as she said it, she wondered if perhaps complete eradication of the herbal plague might only be achieved by leveling the whole kingdom with flames. They could rebuild if they had to, she supposed....but no...likely not the best solution for now. She listened curiously now to Zacch's explanation of his suggestion. That was a rather simpler solution, or at least less destructive, if it proved effective.

Harkon Benoir turns his eyes to the Summer Regent. "Lady Allure...I felt it best to instruct my knights to guard the realm of Silver Hollow as well, i did not intend to overstep any boundaries, I gave specific instructions to only observe , in case some of the flowers find their way out of Mal’anar, Silver Hollow being this close, it is most likely that they will turn up here before Westenguard."

Jane Fetiocci hugs her knees tighter, overhearing the King's concern for the Mists, and lifts her face resting her chin on her knees.Harkon Benoir looks to Zachh and nods. "If you will work with Elegost on this matter, I can rest more easy at night."

Morrigan shrugs as she looks to the mage of Westenguard.  "The flowers are more than simple vegetation, sir," she points out.  "They suck the very lifeforce of anything that draws near."

Oralia Re'sun nods to Morrigan’s words. "I would not take these flowers so lightly…someone of great power placed them there..." she responded simply.

Zachh Barkley looks to Morrigan, "This is the most potent solution against the flowers, though they may suck life, a highly skilled Wizard would be able to withstand the effects long enough to dose the dreaded botany."

 Harkon Benoir lifts a brow. "Someone? What if they didn’t come there by natural way, Zachh?"

Oralia Re'sun looks to Harkon and squints her eyes, glancing back down to her lap simply. "Th-that is what I feel,  M'lord.." she added, almost hesitant at first.

Lady Moon 's eyes scan those gathered around the table before turning slowly her gaze trailing over those outside the door, she keeps her face void of expression and briefly rests her eyes on Jane, her face not giving away what she's feeling inside, she quickly looks away and back down at her husband giving his shoulders another squeeze. 

Redthorn Kutenai thinks back to when Oralia told him about a rumor floating around Mal'anar saying who may have . Morrigan nods.  "Be that as it may, sir, I doubt they can be dealt with as if they are some sort of weed.  They are far more vile."

Jane Fetiocci's olive eyes briefly meet Moon's emerald eyes then lower.  Harkon Benoir narrows his eyes at Morrigan and Oralia. "What enemy do you have that you’re not talking about? If these flowers have no natural origin, then only Mal’anar could be at risk."

Straither Ehret looks to Arix to study and gu age her expression.  Harkon Benoir shifts his gaze to Moon, telling her quietly with his stare, he will be questioning her on the matter and she better tell him all there is to know.   Arixian Diesel keeps her eyes focused intently in the small room, jaw set like granite as she scans through each of the members around the table.

Allure Vultee reaches us and grabs an orb flying past her, popping it in her mouth, she chews as she speaks. "I thank you on behalf of the entire Hollows, your Majesty." She gulps and continues to talk. "Buttercups are poison until they are dried. Perhaps if we deprive them of water?" She shrugs her shoulders at her own suggestion as everyone else is talking of powerful wizards.

Morrigan gives the king a look.  "You misunderstand, Harkon," she answers,  "they have appeared in other realms; there is no reason to think Mal'anar is the specific target.  Minya Oralia refers, I think, to a more general evil."

Oralia Re'sun closes her eyes simply as she listens to the words said. "All that I am saying is that they didn't just sprout from nowhere…it is possible that they were placed there by an enemy…and  could be spreading it." she parted her eyes slightly, staring down to the table. "But my assumption is that they are starting with Mal'anar then could possibly spread from there." she looked to Morrigan as she spoke.

  Kazuma Snowfall leaned in close to the Minya again to whisper.  Harkon Benoir blinks , then a slight smile comes to his lips....Lady Allure is right, come to think of it...he is just not sure if the flowers they are dealing with are needing any water.  Riluth Spires clears his throat "We could burn them? Everything burns with enough effort." he says with a blink.

Harkon Benoir nods slowly in thought. "Very true, maybe we all are thinking too complicated."

Arixian Diesel grunts softly, wings flexing in the small room. Rolling a rounded shoulder, she looked toward the door as if contemplating leaving.  Lady Moon feels Harkon’s eyes on her and she looks up meeting his gaze, she looks questioningly at him seeing something in his eyes, she bites her lower lip wondering what it is.  Jane Fetiocci shakes her head, lowering her legs to stretch them and leans slightly toward the elf to her right, "What good will it do to destroy these flowers," she whispers,"if whoever put them there shall continue? The realms should seek out those responsible or these things will continue to sprout..." her whisper trails.

  Asaekai Lunasea's brows draw together as she tries to track all the varied options being passed about. Some elaborate recreations of ancient potions, others as simple attacking with elements of fire or deprived water. She nods without realizing it, agreeing with Harkon's spoken words.  Tamar Luminos glances over to Jonwynn for a moment before turning to speak quietly to the man behind her, "So, you're a mage...what are your thoughts on this rather interesting situation?" She looked up to the man standing to her right, trying to place him.

Zachh Barkley comes to a sudden realization, "Roots!" He shouts. "Every plant, magical or not, has roots. Every flower that's bloomed into Valahari must be rooted to a central source. If we could find that and sever the core plant, the flowers would simply wilt and vanish."

Zachh Barkley: Being of dark magic, the source of that darkness need be found, and then destroyed."

Kazuma Snowfall: "Ve il loe coumin eve 'dar tole?" he said close to the Minya's ear.  Harkon Benoir looks up at Zachh, renewed hope in his eyes...he looks at both Zachh and Elegost.

  Jonwynn (Harlequin) can't help it. He leans in. "Either that, or they were all individually seeded or magically placed through small portals... there is absolutely no reason to believe they're all rooted to the same source..."He likely shouldn't speak but he can't help it. "Except for wild speculation?"

Tai Clawtooth leans to the woman on her left and whispers, "I agree, but they should eradicate the plants as well as hunt down whomever or whatever brought them to Mal'anar. "

  Harkon Benoir: "Is there a way you two can find that source?"

Oralia Re'sun glances to those around the table, speaking of possibly burning the flowers; hopefully, that wouldn't be like adding fuel to the fire, literally. Tilting her head as she heard Kahz's whisper, she responds in a low voice. "Se'sha te en waie'te aya…lil envy…" then looked back to the others.

Elegost Silverweb: *nods* It might be possible, if nothing else it is worth investigating.

Morrigan looks around the room.  "Burning has been tried.  They simply sprout again," she says as she looks to Zachh. "Perhaps they are not physically rooted to one source and yet perhaps they have only one."

Vautrin Celestalis listens....thinking maybe he should have tried to collect some of these flowers in a jar or something, it seemed if the process didn't "kill" him they may be very , very valuable.   Arixian Diesel had heard and seen enough. Standing to her full height, she grumbles quietly as her wings flicker with a static-like lightning flickering between the snowy pinions. Her pale eyes would look troubled about more than simply flowers as she moves toward the door to get some air.

Straither Ehret gets up almost immediately after Arix before she follows her out.  Heliphas Firelight listens, whatever the decision was , he would be ready to defend Mal’anar, his new home, to the death.  Kazuma Snowfall nodded to the Minya and settled back behind the Tari. He caught a sudden movement in the other room and saw the flash of wings. Arix. He needed to speak with her about his sword.  Jane Fetiocci looks to the elf and nods in agreement. She leans back resting her head upon the wall closing her eyes briefly, and sees Moon. She opens her eyes, frowning, and looks toward the door. She leans forward murmuring to Giggles, "I need some air and will return" and clamors to her feet, and crosses as quickly as she can to the door.

Jonwynn (Harlequin) just puts his face in his hands as everyone latches onto the root idea, making a small pained noise in his throat.  Giggles Hoxley looks around, noticing that people are leaving at a pace as if the building was going to collapse. "I need some air too" he says to nobody in particular, jabbing his finger into the middle of the pie one last time and sucking it as he leaves onto one of the balconies.

  Allure Vultee sticks her fingers in her ears. The voices again! "La la la la la la la la..." She attempts to ignore them and follow the conversation. "If it is someone planting them, an enemy, then who would you suspect? Nature produces a great many things that can be dangerous to some and edible to others. Balance. La la la la la la la..." The voices drown out her own and she begins to shake her head with her fingers still stuck in her ears. "We may just need to find a creature who can graze on them."

Oralia Re'sun sighs some. "Perhaps to not dismay the people of the lands we should discuss this in a more private session...could start an uproar of panics…"

Vautrin Celestalis 's iron mask was becoming uncomfortable, he dare not remove it in the present company for the reaction it would cause. He looked around the room...why was there such little representation from Unra'eth here tonight? he thought to himself.

Harkon Benoir clears his throat again and takes a sip of water before he speaks. "I know we won’t find a solution to this tonight, but I felt it vital though to inform all of you of a potential danger to the rest of the realm, but nevertheless the elves need our help and we are willing to offer it ,if they so wish."

Kazuma Snowfall arched an eyebrow as he looked at Allure—strange beasts they would have to be, and powerful to graze on these plants and not feel the effects of death.  Asaekai Lunasea frowns at the sudden departure of so many, but her expression is replaced by one of shock as the Summer Regent as she tries to...well, Asaekai isn't sure at first exactly what Allure is trying to do, but the other fae's voice does manage to cut across so much other chatter.

Jonwynn (Harlequin) actually stands up and simply walks in. "That would be foolish. Most creatures, like beetles in the forest that eat poisonous plants, end up toxic as well. So you would be installing a new, magical, poisonous creature into the surroundings... I fear it would end possibly worse than it started."

Kazuma Snowfall watched Jon step forward and listened. He had to agree—the magic theory was sound.  Harkon Benoir lifts his gaze to Jonwynn. "Please do come and have a seat, Sir Jonwynn, all are welcome to have ideas in this matter."

  Arabella Forsyth crawls over to the recently vacated cushions, placing herself closer to the discussion and the familiar face across the room. Her gaze snaps towards Jonwynn as he rises from his post by the door and points out the foolishness of the most recently proposed option. Well, he was brave, at least, though foolish to point out so directly that any of the powerful people present within might be foolish. Not that she disagreed, but subtlety and diplomacy were more her talent than potentially rude directness. She still had to admire his gall though.

Oralia Re'sun looks to Harkon. "I believe it is best that we further discuss this matter, between both the  Westenguard Army and the Elven Army," she suggested, not wanting to linger too much on this, being that there were possibly other things to discuss.  Harkon Benoir can’t follow Oralia quite yet with her statement: he gives her a puzzled look.

  Jonwynn (Harlequin): "I fear, Sir, I have little to add positive, and my thoughts would be impolitic. I just did not wish to see either the fae or the elves act rashly and doom us all. I like not dying." He smiles politely and bows.

  Asaekai Lunasea's nose wrinkles slightly hearing a title before Jonwynn's name - it just doesn't fit to the fae's ears - but she quickly pushes the thought aside. Hardly an important matter in the midst of all this. Violet eyes move over all of the important leaders of the realm as their ideas range all across the spectrum with no real plan forming between them all. Feeling a bit apprehensive, she focuses on the back of the Regent sitting just in front of her.

Oralia Re'sun would sweat drops at Harkon's puzzled expression at her, but continues. "Is this what we will discuss for the rest of the meeting? I am sure there are other things at hand..."

Kazuma Snowfall frowned and spoke up, "Elves and Fae are not the ones who have tendencies toward irrationality."

Tai Clawtooth rubs her eye in silence. Stands and makes her way quietly out of the room, for her presence was no longer called for it seemed.  Vautrin Celestalis looks around clenching his jaw, his eyes fall on the blond sitting on the floor in front of him. A sly grin forms on his face as his eyes travel over her from behind.

Harkon Benoir nods with a strained smile. "Nor I, Sir Jonwynn, but sometimes we must hold faith , we have the most talented mages not to mention other gifted people to handle this is brought out on the open now and the elves have only to ask for help and they shall receive it."

Morrigan casts  a scowl on her guard.  "This is not the place for such talk, cousin," she says, her tone soft but firm, speaking also to the one called Jonwynn.  Jonwynn (Harlequin) simply bows his head and steps back outside.
 Allure Vultee removes her fingers from her ears no longer hearing the voices.  “This is getting absolutely nowhere." She stands up from the pillow with her hands on her hips. "First, we must determine if it is an enemy, then we must react to that. If it is not an enemy, then we have another problem on our hands altogether. Until we figure out this one importatant thing, we are simply talking in circles and wasting our time." Her nostrils flare as she takes a deep breath.

Tamar Luminos sat, watching as Jonwynn moved into the room, her expression unreadable. She looked back at the drow behind her and smiled, "I believe I'm going to take my leave as well. I've learned what I came here to learn." She caught Arabella's eye and mouthed the word 'tavern' as she stood with a lithe movement, brushing herself off and stretching briefly before striding quietly to the door.

Oralia Re'sun looks to Morrigan and then up to the man who spoke out to them.  Elegost Silverweb: *stands slowly to excuse himself* If you all will pardon me, I must return to the tower.  Riluth Spires looks over towards the man and frowns, but doesn't speak up as that would distract from the meeting itself.   Kazuma Snowfall continued to stare at the *cousin* but odded to the Tari. "Amin hiraetha."

Harkon Benoir inclines his head to the Archmage, "Good eve to you, Elegost, thank you for coming."

Arabella Forsyth chuckles under her breath at the male elf's retort about irrationality. Maybe things would get even more amusing after all, she thought, waiting for the others' reactions before Tamar's movements and silent word distract her momentarily.
Lady Moon looks at her husband, a slight frown on her face but nods to him wondering if she should stay.

Oralia Re'sun nods to Elegost. “Safe paths," she replied and looks to Kahz. Elegost Silverweb leans in to whisper to Moon* Remain and keep an eye on the Tari and let me know what was discussed later.

Lady Moon nods to him, not really wanting to remain without him but does as she is asked. “Very well,"  she says softly.
Arabella Forsyth rises wordlessly, giving those closest to her small nods in leave-taking and making her way towards the heavy door, deciding she might as well go meet Tamar and talk about what they'd heard tonight...and some additional matters.
 Asaekai Lunasea looks troubled as the Summer Regent's words - the hostess of this meeting - are drowned out. Her wings flick out to either side behind her and she moves as though she may stand as well, clearing her throat loudly and looking pointedly at Allure. She was right.

Kazuma Snowfall stood and looked at Moon. He touched her shoulder and spoke softly to her. "Please, cousin, sit. And once we're finished, we will see you safely home."

Harkon Benoir sighs deeply. "I think we have said all there was to say in this meeting," he looks around to see if they agree...he turns to the Summer Regent again. "Unless there is something that you need to add, my reason for calling this meeting was to inform and warn, mainly to offer the help of Westenguard and hoping Silver Hollow will extend the same offer."

  Riluth Spires peeks an eyebrow at Allure’s words "Is there a way to... I don't know much of magic, but to use the plants to track it to a source? Some evil wizard or beast, I am sure." he says with a blink "If so, perhaps our wizards should try that?"

  Morrigan nods in agreement, looking to Kahz with a nod, preparing to depart.  Lady Moon looks over at her cousin, a soft smile on her face as he speaks and places a hand on her shoulder, she takes a deep breath and nods.  Allure Vultee nods. "Silver Hollow will do its part to keep the entire realm safe. We just ask that we are updated on any information about the flowers." She turns and walks out, her nerves on edge.

Oralia Re'sun lets out a sigh simply and glances to Harkon as he spoke and nods to his ending of the meeting. “If anyone wishes to further study these flowers, please arrive to the Mal'anar gates…they are not easy to miss," she added.

Redthorn Kutenai grows tired and is glad that this meeting served the purpose King Harkon held it for and he was even happier that it was coming to a close, due to the fact that he was about to fall alseep and could barely keep up anymore as he fought to keep his eyes open.

Asaekai Lunasea flicks her wings out behind her, rising as her Regent does although she does not follow.  Harkon Benoir inclines his head to Allure. "I am sure the elves will keep us all posted"...he says, looking to Oralia and Morrigan.  Harkon Benoir then gets up as well and pulls Tessy along.

 Jonwynn (Harlequin) watches Allure simply walk out as she does, blinking and snorting, head down and shaking with silent laughter.  Oralia Re'sun inclines her head to Harkon. "Thank you, M'lord, for having us…and M'lady Tess." she responded and stood up.  Morrigan nods as she rises.  "Of course."


August 13, 2010

Nolë Reflects

 > Previous    
Shawn Daysleeper

Nole led his king into the small room of the healing guild, and Olwe fell to sleep. However, the seafarer's mind was restless. Unable to fall asleep himself, he passes the time, piecing together the events since he had left Queen Comet's castle. The return voyage back to Sylvhara seemed like a flash in his mind. He still felt the stinging salt breeze on his face. An elf of numbers and reason, Nole mentally calculates the time it took to reach Sylvhara since he turned the vessel around, with startling results.

Whispering aloud,  "Impossible, I have never seen a vessel sail at this speed." and baffled by the numbers, Nole turns in his bed to look upon King Olwe. His breathing had returned to normal. Nole's heart was filled with joy, a longing came over him to rush to Olwe and touch his hand...

"Let him rest," Nole whispers to himself. His thoughts return to the voyage. "My prayers must have been answered by forces far greater than I. Olwe was meant to survive, and through him, the hope of the Teleri live on." Smiling, he finally manages to fall into a dreamless slumber.

> Next

August 12, 2010

Poisoned Wine

 > Previous     

Olwe stands aboard the ship as they pull away from the harbor, watching it shrink from view.  Then as Lord Nole busies himself with securing the ship, he turns and goes to his cabin, unfastening his cloak, changing out of the battle armour into some lighter weight.  Upon a table, he spies a decanter and smiles. 'Sweet like you to steal a gift upon my boat."

 He takes up the bottle and opens, smelling the liquid. Olwe's nose wrinkles. The smell was rather sharp, but he replaces the stopper and returns to the deck.  Sheathed sword in hand, he looks at the sword maiden and merchant." Perhaps we should drink to hope, my friends, and then, if Elenwe would like, some sparring?"

Nole politely declines to drink "I must remain sober to guide our ship home."
Olwe blushes and smiles..."Forgive me, my friend...that was less than cautious of me."  He turns to Elenwe.  Elenwe says, "Your majesty, I will defer raising a glass until I have sparred with you. I should not like to injure my king because I am in drink."

Olwe smiles and slowly unsheathes his blade.  "Either I am a worse swordsman than I believe, or you are most careful with my person."  He smiles and pours out a glass.  "Pardon me, then, if I slack my thirst with but one glass, raised to the beauty of she who snuck it aboard my ship."  He pours a glass and raises it up so that the sun shines through the liquid.  "It is a most odd color.  This must be a new vintage."  Nole calmly sees to the routine of seafaring, while watching his Kig and friend spar.

Elenwe advances toward her king, remembering the training she has had, and attacks. With an ease born of practice and many centuries, Olwe parries the thrusts...not pressing but defending. He sidesteps and blocks her blows, as overhead Arien travels across the sky and the day heats up.  The days of summer are long and Arien labors extra long and the Sun becomes unruly and wishes to dip closer to the earth, nearly scorching it with the heat.

Arien sighs. " I am nearly to the place where I can finally release it...I wonder if Tilion will be out tonight?  Lazy maia!  He only has to come out occasionally, while I am out every day!"   Arien looks down toward the elven lands of middle earth and smiles warmly at the sight of a swan ship, now making its way across the sea toward the Alqualonde.  She mutters, "It is good to see the Teleri sailing again, but it is still odd guiding the sun and seeing Alqualonde down below soaking up my rays. after being in twilight for so long. "

Elenwe steps lightly across the deck as she duel with her king. She is enjoying the swordplay and presses the attack.   Nole smiles as he witnesses the skill of Elenwe, thinks to himself "the king is in good hands with her presence."  Elenwe sees her King's momentary distraction, but goes on the defensive to parry the thrusts.  Olwe's blinks and stumbles a little.  He steadies himself and looks at the Lady Elenwe with a blush.  "Forgive me," he says thickly.  "I...I feel most unusual."  He tries to press another attack, but his footing is unsteady.

Elenwe senses Olwe's distress and holds any further movement of her sword. "Your Majesty, is all well with you?"

Nole wrinkles his eyebrows as he notices his king's stumbling "is something amiss my King?"

Olwe drops the sword, the blade clattering as it hits the deck.. Olwe tries to speak, and he turns eyes that seem unfocused to the two before him..  Then, wordlessly he crumbles to the deck, falling unconscious.

Elenwe gasps as she sees her king collapse. Quickly sheathing her sword, she rushes to his side, concern showing on her face.  Nole quickly rushes to his king's side "my King!" He turns his body over, looking for wounds.  Olwe remains lifeless, his breathing shallow and labored.

"He does not seem to be wounded by the sword," observes Nole. Elenwe bends down to Olwe's face. She listens to his labored breathing, and, looking up at Nole, "My lord, he is still alive."  Olwe remains lifeless, his breathing shallow and labored.

Nole looks up, noticing the bottle of wine on the barrel. He quickly reaches towards it.  Elenwe kneels behind  Olwe's prostrate form, turning his body completely on his back and cradling his head in her arms.  Nole face frowns as he sets the bottle down by Elenwe. "I should have recognised this, the odour that reeks from this bottle, is strange."

Elenwe sees the dismay on Nole's face. "My lord, you don't mean.....?"

Nole face turns from concern to anger. "It seems someone harbours ill favour of our king, this wine does seem to be tainted somehow, as a sailor, I have never seen wine such as this, either in the mortal world or in Aman."

Elenwe hears Olwe's shallow breathing, and sees his sweating brow. "Aye, I have seen the effects of poison before. King Olwe is showing the same signs." Looking at Nole, she asks, "My lord, are you skilled in healing? Alas, my skill is very limited."

Meanwhile, in Sylvahara, Comet Quijote sprinkles powder onto a parchment scroll and blots the ink.  She shifts in her chair and realizes she tires but, has a few more scrolls to read.  Aloysius, her owl, tears at a rodent carcass on the terrace.   A chill breeze drifts in and the waters from the bay begin to churn and slosh.

Back on the ship, Nole deeply sighs with a tear in his eye "Nay my friend, I do not posess such skill, nor is there any in Alqualonde that remain that could purge this horrible poison from his body." Elenwe: has complete confidence in this experienced sailor. "Surely in your travels, you know of a place to which we could sail? The time is short for the King to receive healing." Olwe begins to shiver, his face slowly draining of color, and a waxy look replaces the sweat that was there.

In Sylvahara, Llyra Constantine straightens, alert to the changes in the Elements. Putting her prayer book down for a moment, she closes her eyes and listens with a practiced ear to the unsettled breeze.

Elenwe strokes her king's face. "We must retrieve a covering for him," she say. Whispering to Olwe, "My King, do not leave. We shall heal you. Please, tarry with us."  Her words are answered with a low moan.  Olwe's lips move to frame a word, but it is carried away upon the winds.

Arien deposits the sun in a nice flight pattern over the sea where it should be able to glide and set nicely without burning anything. She notes little activity, save for the swan ship below.  She focuses her attention on the deck and notices something odd about the activity there as an elf looks to be sprawled out and others are gathered about.  Arien 's firey eyes widen as she has a faint recognition of the elf laying on the deck and whispers "Olwe...!"

 Nole face brightens "yes, of course.I noticed the sign of a healing guild in Sylvahara. Perhaps there we could sail and quickly..." not even finishing his sentence he stands, summoning all the strength in his lithe body, to swings the ship around, reversing it's direction,to sail back to Sylvhara. Leaning back towards Elenwe "speak to him, comfort him, keep his hope alive." Nole disappears into the cargohold in urgency.

Elenwe takes off her cloak and spreads it over Olwe's shivering person. Smoothing his long hair, she continues to whisper to her king. "Nole is already sending the ship skimming over the waves to the place where you can receive healing. do not leave us, my King. Please."

Nole returns to the deck baring a scroll and a marker. Quickly he writes on the scroll "my Queen and Friend Comet, disaster has befallen us. Our king and your cousin Olwe, has fallen unconsious to poison. We are returning to Sylvhara as quickly as we may. Please, help us." He wraps the parchment up and stamps his name on the outside. He takes it to a swan, who sits on the railing of the ship. "Go now, to haste to our friends in Sylvhara."

Elenwe feels the breeze increasing as the ship plows through the waves. She watches the swan as Nole takes the scroll for Comet. "My King," she says, leaning down toward Olwe, "We are headed to Sylvhara. It will not be long before you are completely healed." She wraps the cloak tighter around his shivering body.  Olwe's eyelides flutters, and he turns his head, a little fitfully, moaning, still unconscious.

Nole stands at the railing, hearing the gentle words of Elenwe soothing his king. He speaks aloud, to the waves below. "kind voice, whom has helped me many times at sea. I pray to you, guide us, guide us quickly to safety. Our hope lies within the heart of our king. Let him be spared." Nole steps back from the railing, sitting beside Elenwe, and rubs his hands through Olwe's hair.

Arien swoops down low and sees the scramblng upon the deck and the apparent distress of the Teleri King, knowing if anything happened to him it would greatly distress all of the Ainur...and one maia in particular.  She hovers, somewhat helplessly "I am not of the can I help speed this ship?"

Elenwe looks over at Nole as he ministers to Olwe. Closing her eyes, she continues to stroke his forehead and cheeks, hoping he is still aware of her touch and Nole's touch.

Llyra Constantine rises from the bench.  She quickly leaves the hall and heads for the docks, her pace swift as she prayed for guidance.  Arien flies high, gathering all of the flame and heat she can, she heats the air around her, flying in ever tighter circles behind the swan ship, creating a strong wind and water currens, speeding the small swan ship on its way to Sylvhara.

The waves speed the ship until the harbor of the sylvan lands are in sight.
Mala's dragon sight caught the sail from afar and she watched as it quickly approached.  Elenwe sees the land coming closer. "My King," she whispers to Olwe, "We are arrived. Please stay here, my King, don't leave us."

 Iellwen Nirvana shifted her body subtly with the motion of the ripples that caressed the shore. Her cloak of shadows concealing her well, even as she peered from them to simpley watch.  Nole docks the ship in Sylvahara, relieved to have arrived.  A gathering seemed to expect the ship as others stood waiting expectantly, Mala notices.

Olwe shivers violently and moans, his breathing labored. Llyra Constantine waits patiently on the dock, unwilling to go near the ship..a shadowed darkness encased it in her vision.  Elenwe lays Olwe's head gently on the deck and stands, preparing to lift his body to shore. Nole helps move his king to the dock. Malakyte Thorne stepped closer and frowns, seeing that this is one of the swan ships. Then seeing the others moving the king she addresses them; "That is King Olwe is it not.. what has befallen him?"

Nole gently helps Elenwe carry the body of Olwe to shore.  "He was poisoned, with this." He holds aloft a bottle of wine."  Tosh Snook says, "We should get it to the apothecary quickly," Zuul-Faulkes shakes his head. He has seen this lord before, and the man does not look at all well. He mutters low. "Shadows and Nightmares."

Malakyte Thorne glances to Llyra.  Llyra Constantine immediately moves to the Elf King's side, "Olwe.." she whispers gently, "Tis not your time..not yet." She reaches across taking his hand, plunging her energy in to meld with his. There was little time to do much else though the cost to herself would be great. Malakyte Thorne then nods to Tosh. Llyra Constantine looks up at Malakyte, "Poison tis, the Cleric's hall, now!"

Malakyte Thorne: "The clerics hall is across that bridge to the south.. " She moves closer to Llyra, whispering softly to herself for a moment, lending the elemental some healing energy. "Yes.. let us get him there quickly."

Llyra Constantine slumps a moment but readies herself to follow....Mityka Gartle nods and turns ready to go to Cleric Guild.  Nole turnes to the swordmaiden. "Let us carry him, Elenwe." "I am ready," she says, looking down to Olwe's still form.

Malakyte Thorne: "Yes please.. we will show the way."

Iellwen Nirvana shifts forward a fraction to listen to those nearby, yet remains deathly silent in her shadows.

 Mityka Gartle says, "Let's go, dalninil. They may need our help." Darria Dragonash nods. "Siyo dalninuk."

Malakyte Thorne detects an unfamiliar scent nearby but is too distracted to bother with it. "This way." Mityka Gartle pushes the door and holds it while others brough in the poisoned one.  "This room, please," directs Malakyte.

Llyra Constantine holds her head, the fog beginning to surround but she pushes it away; there was work to be done. Malakyte Thorne says, "lay him on the bed."

Tosh Snook asks: "May I have a sample of the poison while they work on him?"  Nole nods and hands Tosh the wine bottle.  Tosh Snook takes it and goes over to the table, snifing it. Lorelei Zenfold stands in front of the door gauarding against any further entries.

Malakyte Thorne moves close to Llyra to assist as does Mityka. Malakyte Thorne whispers: "Llyra .. the dragonsblood resin.. it is a powerful antitoxin." Mityka Gartle gulps hard but nods. Llyra Constantine nods, "Mala, if we can get some into him..perhaps I can bind the poison to it faster."

Malakyte Thorne: "I have a potion i made for the nightmare tears.. i will get a vial.."  Tosh Snook takes a drink of the poison, and then stats foraging throug the desk and shelfs for herbs. Malakyte Thorne dashes through the door to the table outside. Lorelei Zenfold backs out of Mala's way.  Tosh Snook steps over the to the cauldren and spit th poison out into it and starts mixing herbs in.  Malakyte Thorne returns with a goblet and then hands it to Llyra.  Llyra Constantine looks to Mit, "Please assist Mala getting this into him."

Meanwhile, dark dark dreams drag Olwe down...dreams of battles lost, of elves and other children of light falling to bright blades and dark intentions...of blackened skies and burning villages.

Lorelei Zenfold takes her place once more in front of the door. Darria Dragonash crosses her arms over her chest and glances uneasily at Lorelei, watching the front entrance with harsh eyes. Tosh turns to Darria. "Daria, do you have any drink?"

Malakyte Thorne: "This will make his body try to expell the poison.. usually in a fever or powerful sweat but others have had other effects." Mityka Gartle comes to the poisoned and loks at him, then touches his shoulder. Nole takes his king's hand trying to calm him. Llyra Constantine hands Mit the goblet and lays her hands on the Teleri King's shoulders. In his darkness, Olwe hears laughter, long, dark, evil and shiver uncontrollably.

Mityka Gartle smirks: "If he is unconscious, it may kill him." Malakyte Thorne stands by watching as Mit carefully administers the drink. "Careful.. slowly.. a little at a time.. so he does not choke." Nole tries to awaken his king.

Llyra Constantine doesn't wait for the potion but sends her tendril of energy back into Olwe. She shivers harshly at the darkness but weaves towards his light. 

Tosh Snook: "Darria do you have any strong drink?"

Malakyte Thorne: "Sit him up a little." Mityka Gartle cruely slaps the king's face.  Lorelei Zenfold hands Tosh some wine.  Darria Dragonash wishes she did. Malakyte Thorne blinks. Darria Dragonash looks at Lorelei with big eyes. Olwe's eyes flutters, but otherwise does not stir.

Tosh Snook takes the wine and adds it to the cauldron and teases the flame into it, burning off the impure and wayward ingredients.  Llyra Constantine grasps tightly then forces herself to loosen her grip on the King.  Concentrating on the vaprous green mist she saw inside she 'pushes' it with the very water in his blood, praying his heart would hold out under the pressure. Malakyte Thorne: "Give him even a few drops at a time.. it will start to work once its in his mouth.."  Mityka Gartle glances at Mala: "Maybe try to inject some right into his blood?"

Malakyte Thorne: "I would not do that."  "In his eyes," yells Tosh. "It can absorb through the eyes."  "Hmm, yes, true, "answer Malakyte.

"Please, my King, you must awaken," begs Nole. Olwe's breathing grows more shallow and erratic.  he stirs weakly, thrashing at an unseen enemy.

Malakyte Thorne: "What Tosh says is true."  Llyra Constantine sees the potion, a strange work it was. She notes the colors and knots here and there absently as she pushes the poisonous vapors towards the tiny drops, willing them to bind. Malakyte Thorne: "A few drops .. in his eyes and oin his tongue."  Mityka Gartle nods, draws his dagger and places the blade between king's teeth, then turns it very carefully. He starts slowly pouring the liquid from the goblet into the open king's mouth.  Olwe swallows weakly, convulsively, coughs. Mityka Gartle turns the goblet and waits. Malakyte Thorne nods, watching; "If he starts to choke turn him on his side."

 Llyra Constantine's forehead drips purest water as she sees the binding not working. She nearly gives up then remembers something.  Llyra Constantine breathes deeply and looks to the heavens. Tosh Snook runs back in with a handful of grass and chews it up spititng it into the potion cauldron. Mityka Gartle grabls king's shoulder and turns him to side. Tosh Snook teases more flame into the cauldron till it becomes a blackened pste and smiles. Lorelei Zenfold watches Tosh with great interest, hoping to remember her actions for the future.   Tosh Snook scoops it up into a vial from the table and goes to the bedroom.  Mityka Gartle looks at Mala. Llyra Constantine smiles with relief as the poison binds to the drops..the light had been harsh but darkness hated the light. She would remember.

Lorelei Zenfold steps out of Tosh's way.  Tosh hands the vial to her. "Here, take this to Mala.  It is the essence of what poisoned him. She will know what to do." Lorelei Zenfold takes the vial, and turns to walk into the room.  "Regent, This vial is form Tosh, she said you would know what to do."  She holds out the vial in front of her. 

Olwe, in a fevered state, sees before him the halls of Mandos.  He gives a wail of despair. "No," he screams...No, I belong not here.  It was promised! IT WAS PROMOSED! "  Aloud, he screams, "TILION!:

Malakyte Thorne glances to Lorelei as she approaches.. and standing up with the support of the table, wishing she had changed takes the vial and sniffs.. it. Mityka Gartle glances at Mala. Olwe shivers convulsively, moaning again Tilion's name before falling back into velvet darkness. Mityka Gartle places the hand on the king's shoulder: "You are not dying ... not yet, king."

Mityka Gartle smirks: "I hoped he will wake up ... well ... let's continue." Llyra Constantine leans down, whispering in the King's ear, "You cannae leave this place, Tis not your time. Tarry not in that place of Spirits, Sire. Come forth to this world."  In the darkness comes a voice, tender, beckoning.  He hears it...."Come forth to this world." Mityka Gartle repeats the sequence: dagger, turn, pour. Drop after another runs by the dager blade to the king's mouth.  Llyra Constantine adds, "The Teleri need their King. For who among us may lead them from their place in the shadows?" Malakyte Thorne looks down at the vial and cleared her mind, sensing what it was. Olwe's throat works, the liquid burning a little. Against the darkness, he strives, fights...his body stirring as thought to echo the inner fight. Llyra Constantine is silent now..the King's light had been very faint and now it grew steadily with each passing moment.

 "My king, we need you!"  Nole squeezes his hand. Mityka Gartle hisses on his shoulder: "Mysh, help!" Little mouse jumps from Mit' s shoulder and sits on the king's chest squeeking quietly.

 Llyra Constantine reaches again with her energies, melding as one she adds her small strength....her own light glowing a brilliant blue in the darkness.

Olwe takes one shuddering breath. Mityka Gartle quickly takes off the goblet and dagger loking at the king.  Malakyte Thorne glances up at Mit and nods; give him a little more.. a few more drops. Olwe begins to sweat and moan...his body shuddering. Mityka Gartle whispers to Mala: "Let him take a breath."

  Llyra Constantine's skin flows as water, the markings paling as her strength wanes. She slumps again and the fog returns. Her tendril of energy spent, it recedes back into her body. Mityka Gartle quickly puts the dagger and goblet on the floor and grabs the mouse. Olwe's body breaks out into a heavy sweat, a low moan falling from his lips. Mityka Gartle places the mouse on his shoulder and gazes at the king for a moment.  Malakyte Thorne glances at Llyre and brings her wing around to touch the elemental, sending her her own power and energy to continue.
Olwe's breathing is still labored.

 Tosh Snook senses llyra's exhaustion and burts in to help her. Llyra Constantine smiles wearily, "The poison comes forth, he fights." She shudders at the touch of the soft wing but gratefully accepts the strength. Lorelei Zenfold steals from the room. Tosh Snook running in takes her hands and places them in the square of llyra's back and helps mala balance her. Olwe draws in another ragged breath, his body still wracked by shudders.

  Lorelei Zenfold ...resuming her place in front of the door. Mityka Gartle closes eyes, takes a deep breath, then turns to Llyra, opens them and extends his open palms to Llyra.  Dominique Darkwatch hears the commotion in the next room, having heard the news of the King and whispers to Lorelei, "Will he be alright?" Lorelei Zenfold nods: "I believe so, but this has been a very close call. I believe he will need much rest before he is truly recovered." 

Llyra Constantine breathes deeply at the Ancient's touch and seeing Mit's outstretched hands, she takes one, keeping the other firmly on the King. Once more she enters and melds her energy, the poison bound but not moving quickly enough from his sytem.  Olwe shifts under her hand, his head slowly moving back and forth.

 Llyra Constantine struggles to maintain the three cords of energy, each different . Weaving them together, she ties the cord to her own and pulls in the light, forcing the darkness to retreat in it's path. Malakyte Thorne concentrates on sending energy to Llyra.  Mityka Gartle drops his hands for a moment, shakes head, glances at the mouse on his shoulder, then at Llyra, takes another deep breath and rises his open palms back to Llyra.  Mityka casts Self healing and restoration spell.  Olwe sees before him a glimmer of though against the two trees were just behind his vision.  He reaches out in the blacknes..."Merciful Illluvatar, save me."

Tosh Snook concentrates trying to send pulses through Llyra. Jahweh.." Llyra whispers softly. "Hear my call..send not this King from this world. He belongs to his people."

Lorelei Zenfold smiles at Dom, and steps aside so she may enter.  Mityka Gartle catches the mouse that falls off his shoulder and carefully places him under the bench. Olwe feels a surge of warmth,  moves toward the light.  He fights to reach it, the darkness pulling at him as though to drag him down, drown him in an eternity of blackness. Mityka Gartle turns back to Llyra, takes a breath and turns his palms back to her.   Nole keeps talking to Olwe, hoping he hears his voice. Llyra Constantine finally understands and quickly forms a glowing sword of the bound energies. She holds it into the murky blackness...Olwe draws in another deep breath...fights harder...the light seems to be brighter, closer. "Tilion," he moans..."Is it you?"

 Llyra Constantine gently hands the energy sword to the soul of the King. She grasps his hands and places them around it's hilt, "Fight," she whispers. Llyra Constantine's nearly stops breathing as she senses another's presence, this one so full of love! She pulls back, though not leaving entirely, her curiousity aroused. Tosh Snook takes her hands from llyra's back and steps back. Mityka Gartle stands quietly just breathes hard and in pauses whispers. His eyes are closed and hands turned to Llyra.

"Fight," Olwe echoes to himself.  The faces of so many rise up before him...his brother Elwe, no gone, the early days after the awakening...the birth of Earwen...the building of Alqualonde...faster and faster the images come...Loved ones, cherished memories...he strives forward...there before him lies Alqualonde...his people...his Beloved Tilion. His breathing grows stronger. Mityka Gartle slowly opens his eyes and relaxes. The darkness slowly falls away, growing to greyness for Olwe.

 Mityka Gartle looks under the bed and carefully takes the little mouse's senseless body.  Malakyte Thorne keeps her mind cleared continueing to send energy to Llyra. Llyra Constantine receds into the distance, knowing his strength returns, his will to live. She smiles to the spirit form and inclines her head in respect, "Thank you" she mouths before pulling from him completely. She gently unwinds the tendrils, sending each back to it's source.  Dominique Darkwatch hears the King's voice and prays silently. thanking Iluvatar for the grace of the valar to strengthen him and guide his spirit back.  Olwe's eyelids flutter.  Llyra Constantine leans heavily against the wall.  Lorelei Zenfold breathes a sigh of relief as the tension lessens.  Malakyte Thorne sensing Llyra's withdrawal pulls back herself her attention once more going to the vial she set safely under the table

Olwe's eyelids flutter and open...he looks around the room, swallowing several time..his face puzzled.  Mityka Gartle carefully places the little mouse on the table, returns for his dagger and before sheathing it, makes a little cut on his wrist

Nole looks wide-eyed at his king "Thank Illuvatar!"

Olwe works his jaw several times and tries to speak, but his voice fails him.  Llyra Constantine steps back, her breath coming in small gasps.  Mityka Gartle smirks, walks to the basin and returns with a goblet full of water.  Malakyte Thorne looks up at Llyra in concern. Tosh Snook cautions: "Careful, not too much water, only sips."

Mityka Gartle: "Drink, king. This is what you really need now to get better. " Malakyte Thorne almost chuckles as Mit offers the water.

 Olwe nods, gratitude and puzzlement in his eyes.  He slowly sips the water offered.  Mityka Gartle hisses at Mala. Mityka Gartle takes the empty goblet and stands back.  Dominique Darkwatch fidgets nervously outside the door, noting the lessening of tension in the air.

Olwe croaks out a "Thank you." Then he looks at Mityka with open curiosity and smiles a little, weakly. "I don't think we met....You look elven, but skin the color of midnight..."  he swallows and coughs a little.  Mityka Gartle snorts. looking at the king.

Lorelei Zenfold looks to Dom: "Will you see who is seeking entrance?" "No one will enter this room but through me," she assures Lorelei. Dominique Darkwatch hears the door knock, and wonders if more of the King's kin have come to visit. Malakyte Thorne looks at Mit curiously.

Llyra Constantine's head hangs, her body barely held upright by her hand on the wall. "I need to return to the Wellspring, Mala. Pray forgive me."

Malakyte Thorne: "You have done enough Llyra.. go now and we will keep watch."

Olwe turns his head at the sound of Llyra's voice..."Lady?"

Llyra Constantine nods tiredly. She turns to go but looks back, a smile stealing across her face, "No Lady am I..just Llyra." She responds softly.

Olwe looks up at her and smiles tenderly.  'Nay, thou are a true lady, and I think I owe thee my life."

Tosh Snook points to the vial. "It is time we discern how and why." Malakyte Thorne tilts her head. "Yes Tosh.. it is the poison .."

 From the other room they hear Dominique Darkwatch call out: "Who is there?"

Zuul-Faulkes: "One who wish audience with the King!"

Dominique Darkwatch opens the door, thinking it might be another Teleri.  Lorelei Zenfold stiffens at the demand of the visitor. Tosh Snook steps back outside the room and goes ot the door. "The king is hardly able to speak: his audience may not be expecting."  Lorelei Zenfold backs up closer to the inner door.  Mityka Gartle gives Mala a quick glance quirking eyebrow.  Dominique Darkwatch: "Perhaps it is someone he wishes to see."

Llyra Constantine: "You owe no one Olwe..and pray tell me who the spirit is who watches over thee with such tender care?"

Olwe blushes.  "I thought I felt Tilion."

Llyra Constantine smiles wistfully, "A great love, that. Rest now, Sir and do not tax your strength overmuch. I must return to the wellspring."

"Thank you, dear Lady.  I am in thy debt."

Llyra Constantine inclines her head in acknowledgement and turns to depart, "Blessed be" is heard in the hall as she disappears into the night.

Dominique Darkwatch gasps as she sees the drowess enter. Lorelei Zenfold her hand strays to the dagger at her thigh as a drow enters the guild.  Mityka Gartle hears the noise outside and comes closer to the door.  Lorelei says, "State your business here. No one will enter this room"
Tosh Snook: "Ahh, the watcher has arrived."  Dominique Darkwatch 's eyes narrow and demands: "And what business do you have with the king?"

Mityka Gartle slips through the opened door. Olwe hears the noise and struggles weakly to sit up. Zuul-Faulkes parks his butt on the doorstep and hopes those within are less hasty than Mit.

 Iellwen Nirvana grumps and barges in as soon as the door is opened, her silver eyes instantly scanning about the room in a manner most like the predator she is. Turning to look at the one who grasps her dagger, she purrs out in her naturally velvety tone. "Still your hand woman..... all of you.. shush.. and give me a chance to speak or I will simply leave..."

 Mityka Gartle stares at the drowess. Lorelei Zenfold narrows her eyes, fingering the gild of her dagger.
Dominique Darkwatch: me looks to Mit, hoping he brought his sword. Tosh Snook:"I see no reason why you can't spak, is someone holding your tongue?"

Olwe looks over at Nole.  "What is amiss?  Where are we?  What is the noise about?"

  Malakyte Thorne: "Your majesty.. please stay still.. do not worry about this as others here will take care of things. You must rest."

Olwe bows his head to the healer and lays back, weak from the effort.  "What happened to me?"  Nole answers. "We are in Sylvahara.  You were poisoned, my king."

In the outer chamber. Iellwen Nirvana smiles suddenly, her white teeth a contrast against the darknes of her skin. "I do believe I have what your king needs... I have.. " She suddenly extends her hand with the very vial she had already shown the plum colored male outside. "Something to help him.." Tosh Snook is heard to say: "Your offer comes late indeed."

Mityka Gartle: "Speak to us, daughter of Lloth. Be sure, everything you say will be told to the king."

Lorelei Zenfold growls.  Dominique Darkwatch hisses: "And how would we know that this is not simply more poison?"  Tosh Snook extends her hand to the drowess to see if she offers the vial.

"There is a visitor that wants to speak to you, a drowess," says Nole.

"Poison?" Olwe looks around the room.  "My dear friend, how ?"  Malakyte Thorne shivers and answers: "You were poisoned sire. .. it seemks to be some sort of drow poison.. you are lucky we were able to pull you out of it."

 Nole adds: "It seems that the wine you drank while on board was poisoned. Ypu passed out, unconcious while sparring with Elenwe."

"Drow," he muses over the word.  "I will see her, Nole. Perhaps I may learn why they woud do such to me."

 Mityka Gartle shakes head: "Drow, wine? Bloodwyne?"

Nole: "His highness will see our visitor." Tosh Snook over hears the king and steps from the doorway. Lorelei Zenfold growls deeper in her throat, but moves through the door to continue her watch.  Dominique Darkwatch feels her elven blood grow hot "How do we know this drow will not simply poison him again?"

Malakyte Thorne steps to the counter and returns with another goblet of water. "Your best cure is to drink much water.. i am not sure that all the poison was cleared from your body."  Olwe gratefully take the glass and drains it.  'Thank you, my friend."

In the outer room, Mityka Gartle: "Lady Dominique, I would expect she will."

Dominique Darkwatch: "'All trust is foolish:' is this not a saying of a drow of the shadows?"

Iellwen Nirvana waits as those around her seem to give her little time to reply, though she hisses at the male drow angrily. "I told you... I am one who is at the mercy of Fate.. so stop with your Lloth comments... " Closing her hand once more around the vial she she turns around upon her heels and snarls over her shoulder. "You don't.. you have to trust me.. or not... but know this.. I DO hold the antidote in my hand.. and if you want to cure him you need to back off... " She turns to look at them again sorry she's lagging so bad she can't keep up with the posts.. but still glaring at them.

Mityka Gartle automaticaly corrects Dominique: "Trust is a weakness, M'Lady". He comes to the drowess and extens his hand: "Then give it to me."

Still with Olwe and Nole, Malakyte Thorne nods and sets the cup nearby, still listening to whats going on outside curiously. "Excuse me a moment. I should see what is going on." 

Olwe painfully struggles to an upright, sitting position.  "Please, Nole, either she is lying or she speaks truth...Dare we presume the lie?" Nole answers, "I do not know, but if she is lying, you may not be able to sustain another poison attack."

In the outer chamber. Iellwen Nirvana pulls her hand back and shakes her head no. "I don't think so... I give this to you.. you kill me.. not an option. I will take it to him."

Tosh Snook: "One of us should test it." Dominique Darkwatch tries to not choke on her own anger and prays to Eru to grant her calmness.

Malakyte Thorne slips out the door quicly to find a strange drowess in the hall.  "Greetings, what is the problem here?"

Inside, the healing room, Olwe slides off the table, slowly, painfully and takes slow, unstead steps to the door.  Nole helps his king to the door.  Olwe looks gratefully at the sea merchant.  'Thank you."

Mityka Gartle shakes head: "I will not kill you if you give it to me. But I will kill you if you try to come to the king. This is the word I can give you."

Dominique Darkwatch: "This drow comes in and says she has an antidote to the poison!"

 Mityka Gartle steps a little back and turns to Mala: "This lady says she has an antidote."

Lorelei Zenfold stands close behind the visitors.  Malakyte Thorne nods to Dominique and turns to the drowess. "Lady.. what is it you have .. what is it made with .. and why should you offer such a thing?"

Dominique Darkwatch looks to Mala. "And she insists on giving it to him herself."

With Nole's help, he manages to walk through the doorway and leans against the wall.  Nole stands beside his king, steadying him. Nole watches the drowess' every move. Olwe says, "I am Olwe of Alqualonde. Who are you?"

Zuul-Faulkes gets up again to press his ear against the door. Hadn't he warned her to speak her business to them quickly?  Iellwen Nirvana glances around the room. "I don't -say- I have one.. I -do- have one... and I don't know what its made of. My Ilhar gave it to me, and told me to bring it here... and here I am."

 Malakyte Thorne nods to Dominuque. "I understand your caution."

 Mityka Gartle: "Then give it to us, and take my word, noone will attack you when you leave."

 Malakyte Thorne:"I see." Malakyte glances at Mit and whispers; "What does Ilhar mean?" Mityka Gartle whispers back: "Illharess, the ruler."

Olwe looks at the Drowess, his gaze curious,  "I am he who you poisoned...why are you here?"

Malakyte Thorne nods to Mit and then looks over in suprise as the king enters the room. Dominique Darkwatch turns and sees the weakened king and feels her face go flush with emotion as her eyes well up with tears with anger at the drow and anguish for the king

Iellwen Nirvana grumbles as she glares over at them. "Ilhar means mother... Ilharess is the ruler of a house.. gods... " Glaring to the drow male she suddenly grows quiet as if considering something.  Olwe looks from the drowess to the one who helped healed him.

Malakyte Thorne seems to ponder this information, that a matron mother would save an elf king made no sense to her.  "Let me see the antidote.  I will give it back."

Mityka Gartle says impatiently: "Do not make us wait, daughter of Lloth. Give us what have you brought to the king." Olwe slowly moves forward, gait unsteady, but determined.  "Wait, Mit," says Malakyte Thorne. "I can tell if it is poison or not."

Dominique Darkwatch looks at Mala, trusting the arch druid will be sensible about this.  Malakyte Thorne moves closer to the drowess and looks up at her. Mityka Gartle hisses at the king: "Stay back!' and stands in front of him.

Iellwen Nirvana hold open her hand towards him, then suddenly snatches it back. "NO... I will apply it.. that was what I was told to do.. and being you still can't get who I am right.. or the fact that my mother sent this.. not the matron of a house.. I will not give it to you."

Lorelei Zenfold follows close behind the king, not willing to allow harm to him in the guild hall.  Olwe speaks...holding out a hand..."Give it to me."  Nole stands by his king.   "Let me hold the vial. Then tell me who are you and why would you save me now?"

Malakyte Thorne sighs. "My appologies, I do not understand drow nor drow society very well..i would but test its nature."

Dominique Darkwatch gasps: "King Olwe! Please be careful!"

Mityka Gartle frowns looking at the drow: "I know who you are, daughter of Lloth. I am not insane enought to trust in any good intent from you or any of you."

Iellwen Nirvana steps back towards the door obviously feeling threatened by them. "Okay.. then tell this jaluk to get out of my way so that I can hand it to you... because right now.. he's very much in my way."

"She has poisoned me...What more can she do with all of you here."

Zuul-Faulkes thinks that Mit is lucky that the king is in a weakened state. His Majesty would have the right, and a good backhand, to smack the commander for impertenance.

Olwe turns to Mityka. "Please, my friend."

Mityka Gartle hisses at the king: "I said stand back! Your poisoning took too much of our power!" Lorelei Zenfold looks to Mala hoping she can reason with Mit.  Olwe is taken aback for a moment, then speaks with a strong voice of command.  "I am still Olwe of Alqualonde and a King. Grateful I am, but do not seek to command me."

 Dominique suggests, "Sir Mit....perhaps you can stand behind the drowess, between her and the door....if harm comes to the king, you can prevent her escape"

Iellwen Nirvana suddenly lifts the vial before her and opens it.. then proceeds to tilt it as if to pour it out onto the floor while watching the male drow.

Malakyte Thorne steps back herself exhausted by the healing. Mityka Gartle smirks. Olwe arches an eyebrow at the drowess.  "Pour it out then, or hand it to me.  No more posturing, woman!"

Iellwen Nirvana glares at the male drow, not the king. "Tell him to move or I will pour the whole thing out... you want it? I give it to you.. not him... and your death can be on his hands for his blatant disregard of your authority. "

Mityka Gartle laughs. Malakyte Thorne glances at Mit. "Speak what you want, daughter of Lloth!"

Lorelei Zenfold oddly finds her sympathies resting with the drowess. Malakyte Thorne says, "The dragonsblood did not get all the poison."

Zuul-Faulkes toys with the idea of stepping inside himself to take Mit's mind off the Drowess. But, no. Not agood idea to alarm those who do not know him.  Mityka Gartle says, "Daughter of Lloth, if you are trying to make here a disbelief, you are wrong. Here is not a spider nest like your house."

Olwe glares at both Mityka and the drowess.  "Enough of this! "  He sways a little then steadies himself.  "My lord, step aside.  You, woman..hand it over..I weary of this."  Mityka Gartle turns to the king."My king." Nole tries to steady Olwe.

Iellwen Nirvana snarls at the jaluk though her expression turns coy and almost taunting. "What's wrong jaluk.. not felt the soft curve of a woman lately so you have to antagonize me at the risk of your King's life? " Glances over the drow's shoulder to the king as she lifts the vial up and closes it, not completely empty.

Mityka Gartle growls, "Well ... if you are insane enough ..."

  Dominique Darkwatch looks at Mit and fairly pleads: "Please, I hate the idea too, but .... he is still the King."

Lorelei Zenfold has a disturbing thought that it was Mit who poisoned the king and stops the drowess with his own purpose,  Mityka says, "No, daughter of Lloth, I am saving the king. But well."

Malakyte Thorne steps forward and takes a taste of a drop of the potion on the floor..

Olwe looks at Mityka. "Either she lies or she speaks truth.  We cannot find out with a stalemate."

Mityka Gartle threatens, "Poison him and you are dead."

" It is not poison," states Malakyte.

Olwe looks down at the dark skinned female. "Why?  Why poison me?"
Dominique Darkwatch nods noting Mit's drawn blade, wishing she had her own with her.  Lorelei Zenfold is grateful Mala risked her life to note the vial does not contain poison.  Dominique says, "I trust you Mala...but it could still be a trick." Mityka Gartle glances at the purple dragon and an expression of disgust appears on his face: "Traitor his spits quietly." 

Iellwen Nirvana gives the male drow wide berth as she draws closer to the King and peers up at him with her silver eyes. "I wasn't the one who poisoned you.. trust me... I am a warrior.. I kill people in battle, not in cowardice.. now.. here.. " She lifts the vial to his his lips as if to pour what is left upon them, and then leans in closer to whisper to him softly.  "We will collect our price."
Olwe's eyes widen and he steps back as the vial is pushed to his lips.  Zuul-Faulkes tires of being the Greek Chorus outside the door, and struggles mightily with Faulkes' insatible curiousity...

  Malakyte Thorne nods to the king .  Olwe turns his head toward Malakyte and bows his head in respect. "Thank you, dear friend." Olwe regards the drowess with a cautious expression but take the vial from her and slowly drinks it.  Leaning down to her ear, he whispers, "You are welcomed to try.  Tell your ....queen...I am Eldar and will not be trifled lightly with."  The drowess whispers back, " "I think you already have.. and by your word.. you have welcomed our advances... thank you... "

Mityka Gartle hisses loking at the scene. All Malakyte Thorne had needed was a scent or taste of the mixture. She had found some interesting compouinds in it but nothing harmful.  Zuul-Faulkes compromises and goes to the window to look in.

Olwe lowers the vial from his lips and hands it to her.  He leans foward and whispers in her ear.  "Be careful of invitations...they are not always to places that are advanteous to your health or life."

Mityka Gartle takes his sword ready to ill the drow if the king falls down. Iellwen Nirvana quirks a brow at the elven's words and smirks coyly again before lifting to her toes, and taking the liberty to brush away the silk of his hair so she could whisper softly back to him. "Trust me elven.. I do know this... now I bid you... safe paths."

Dominique Darkwatch arches her brow as the drow and elf engage in a whispering exchange and pokes Nole, hoping he is paying attention.  Mityka Gartle catches Dominiques glance and answers her with a confused one.  Lorelei Zenfold smiles with relief. Breaking out into a sweat, and swaying a little on his feet, Olwe grabs an arm as he whispers one more time.  Mityka Gartle watches more and more wearily.  Malakyte Thorne stretches and yawns widely.

" your life is still your own.  Should I see you again, it shall be mine," says Olwe quietly.

Dominique Darkwatch catches the king's stagger and says a quick prayer.  Dominique Darkwatch mouths a Benediction, healing those in a wide area.  Mityka Gartle shakes head hearing the king's last words.

Iellwen Nirvana glances down at his hand as he grabs her, and for one moment stiffens before she looks up into his pale face and simply nods. Pulling away from him she affords the jaluk a brittle icey stare before striding out of the building.  Olwe turns to Nole and leans upon his shoulder, nodding toward the door,..."Please, friend...I ...I must rest."

Mityka Gartle laughs at the drowess. "Next time you may not pass me so easily ... jalil."

 Olwe blushes and looks around.  "Please, thank you and forgive me for causing such discomfort."  Dominique says, "Your Majesty.....I pray the potion in the vial helped. Mityka Gartle touches Dominiques hand: "We need to talk."

Iellwen Nirvana calls out over her shoulder as the door shuts. "Next time I pass you... you won't live to remember it." she then strides commandingly away down the path the plum male had brought her up.

Olwe turns to smile at Dominque, but his words were for all in the room.  'Thank you, thank you, all.  I cannot repay what you have done for me."  He turns and lets Nole guide him back to the small room and to a bed, where he falls into dreamless sleep.

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