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September 27, 2010

Killer Seeds from the Dark Cousin

September 27, 2010
Elphaba Qunhua

After walking through the portal with the magical box with seeds in it, the elf maid finds she is in a land she knows nothing about. It was not part of the land she saw on her way to met with her dark cousin. Elphaba Qunhua walks for miles and miles, or  that is what it feels like in the warm sun, but she could not find her way home. She remembers her dark cousin saying the seeds will help them make their way to the sunlight, so she thinks, "Why not plant the seeds in the sunlight and wait for them to grow?" Maybe she will meet one of her dark cousins, and they can show her the way home.  

She finds a nice green area and starts to make a hole for the seeds. After making the hole for the seed, she drops them in the hole and covers them with the dirt.  She gives them a little water and lays down in the sunlight to stay with them,  like her dark cousin told her to. As she watches the area where she put the seeds in, she starts to feel sleepy and lays down.  Soon her eyes close. The seeds that the elf panted starts to grow and feed on her life force.  As they feed, the seeds send up tendrils that go around the elf body slowly, so as not to wake her as it feeds on the elf's blood till  the sleeping elven maiden's life force fades, and her soul, freed, wings to the halls of Mandos. After the tendrils suck every last drop of blood, they disappear as if they were never there. Elphaba never was heard from again.

Below the surface,  the plant grows in the fertile land of Valarinde, its roots spreading through the blessed soil, rot and evil pouring from it, like the steady drip of an evil poison.

The nightmare tears are back, again in the Undyling Lands....and thriving.
