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September 17, 2010

Nolë and Elenwë Share News

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Shawn Daysleeper (with Carleen Luckstone)

Elenwe has spent much time in sword drill during the time Olwe has been incapacitated. Unsure of what was happening at the castle, she slips away to the nearby forest. Drawing her sword, Vanima, she faces an unseen foe. Attacking, she guides herself as her sovereign might when they sparred. "Right, turn, slash," she almost chants. "There! And that!" She taunts the unseen enemy. She continues the convesration, lost in the intricacies of the dance of the sword.

Nole decends the mountain path from the Diviniation school, deep in thought. He ponders the prophecy, and what it could mean. The smell of the forest relaxes him: he breathes the air deeply. At a bend in the path, he hears a familiar voice in the wood, and it sounds like a fight. He draws his jeweled dagger and rushes forward. Leaving the path behind, he finds his friend Elenwe, alone, sparring with an unseen foe. He smiles, sheathes his dagger, and walks forward.

Elenwe is pursuing the cowardly foe she has set for herself. "Sir! You would retreat? Ha!" she exclaims, pressing her attack. Sensing someone near, she turns to find Nole. Somewhat chagrined at her bravado, she wonders how much he has heard, but decides that he would not jest with her.

Nole smiles "You have learned much with the sword. Our King Olwe would be proud of his swordmaiden if he saw you right now."

"Thank you, my friend," Elenwe replies with a smile. "I have been practicing whenever I am able, and I think I have made much progress." Seeing Nole's concern playing on his face, she inquires, "What news today?"

"I heard a rumour that the Sylvharans had a few elves wise in the ways of diviniation. I thought it would be wise to seek their council."

Elenwe nods. "I had heard talk of divination here. Were you successful?"

Nole draws a scroll from a pocket deep in his robes. Unrolling it, he hands the scroll to his kin. "This is a reading. The cards used were tuned to my spirit, my energy as they called it. I asked the cards about our king. I asked where he was and if he was safe."

Elenwe takes the scroll proferred by Nole and gazes at the strange cards. Shaking her head, Elenwe says, "I was never taught what any of this meant, I'm afraid." Looking up from the scroll, she ponders Nole's statement that he asked where Olwe was and whether he was safe. Her gaze falls on Nole, searching his face for clues to what he received in answer. She waits for his explanation.

Nole continues "The message is somewhat elusive. The cards suggest he is safe for now, but this may change. The cards also suggest that we focus our energy into one action, a great idea."

"And did the cards direct us in what action we should take?" Elenwe asks, still focusing on Nole's face and body language, intent on picking up any signs of what he may have learned that he is not divulging.

Nole sighs deeply and half closes his eyes. He walks a few steps to a nearby tree. Sitting down on one of its protruding roots, he puts his head in his hands. "I do not know what action we should take. I wish I had our lord's wisdom."

Elenwe's heart sinks a little as she observes Nole's obvious distress. However, she thinks, if Nole is at a loss, that is not to say that we take no action at all. Clearing her throat and tryinig to sound untroubled, Elenwe strides nearer to Nole. "My friend, we do not know where our king is. Whether he is safe or no, would we not best serve him by putting our energies into locating him?"

Nole looks up and smiles a little. "Yes, let us go look for him. I saw him last in Tari, near the hideous plants they call Nightmare's Tears. That is where..." Nole reaches into his rucksack and pulls out a familiar looking coronet encrusted with pearls. "Where I found this."

Elenwe gasps as she realizes the object Nole is holding out she last saw on Olwe's brow. "He would not knowingly or willingly leave that behind," she says. "That makes is all the more urgent that we seek him immediately."

Nole rises and nods. "However, we must beware of those flowers. I hear rumours that they are extremely dangerous. The diviners suspect they are at least partially responsible for our King's disappearance, and his odd behaviour."

Elenwe nods. "Did the diviners have any advice on how we might avoid any ill effects of the flowers?" Elenwe asks.

Nole shakes his head "Some among the Sylvharans are trying to brew a potion to counter the Nightmare's Tears' effects. Thus far they have not been sucessful. They have raised wards around the plants. But somehow our King was still affected, if the Nightmare's Tears are indeed responsible for these events."

Elenwe searches her memory for anything she had heard during her years in the world of Man about such dangerous flowers as these. She can recall nothing at all that could help in this situation. Elenwe shakes her head and looks at Nole. "I have no wisdom to add to the Sylvharans'. But I do not think we should delay too long. It may be necessary to risk these flowers' dangers in order to determine where our king has gone."

Nole nods "The Nightmare's Tears have been watched as of late. Perhaps we can go there and seek out any news from the guards there."

"I am ready to depart at the earliest possible opportunity," Elenwe declares. "We will need sustenance because it is impossible to say how long we may be gone. I will secure what we need." Just making a definite step gives her renewed hope that she and Nole will be able to discover Olwe's whereabouts. She smiles encouragingly at Nole.

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