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September 16, 2010

Elwing - Part 1

This is the first Elwing story.
Cinnamon Raymaker

She awoke from her unsettled slumber with a start, the tentacles of foreboding still dragging with them a sense of menace as they dissolved slowly from her consciousness. It was not the familiar booming sound of the Sundering Sea which bore this sense of menace, nor the bickering of the sea birds - though their cries were multiplied in some way which the Lady Elwing decided at once she must investigate.

She threw around her a robe of the finest woven silks, a garment filled with memories of the early days of her life with her mariner husband, and gracefully made her way to the long and winding staircase which would take her to the ground below.

As she gazed across the beach she was alarmed to discover the huge flock of seabirds there nestled, as if in terror of some unforeseen enemy. She scanned the sky, as she was want to do in these wee hours of the morning, searching for the guiding light which was borne on her husband's vessel, the shining Vingilot.
Alas she could see no sign through the dark clouds gathering above her and decided that she should once again use the gift given to her, for use in times of great need and urgency, through the graces of Lord Ulmo.

In a shimmering of stars, the lady Elwing transformed into the familiar form of a sparkling seabird and arose gracefully through the cool layers of air into the night. She traced a backward path through the skies, searching that familiar track of the morning star in search of her husband and his vessel.

As she flew ever onward, that dark sense of foreboding which had awoken her from her slumbers began to rise with urgency in her conscious mind. This time it brought with it a physical force which manifested itself in a raging thunderstorm, blowing fiercely and battering against her time and time again. Eventually, the strength of the storm sapped her strength and she fell into darkness.....
