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November 29, 2010

Elenwë and Nolë Calm Their King

Shawn Daysleeper (with Carleen Luckstone)

The swan ship, powered by icy winds, forged it's way westwards, the white capped waves passing beneath as if the ship was passing over frictionless glass. Nole, on deck, broke from his prayer at the sound of glass crashing below deck. He rises, goes below deck to investigate the sound.

Elenwe emerges from where King Olwe has suffered another frightening episode. As she closes the door, she hears approaching steps. Turning, she spies Nole. "Oh, my friend, the king is suffering again."

Nole looks at Elenwe, frightened for what his king must be experiencing with these episodes of violent thoughts. "My King," he says and follows Elenwe.

Elenwe carefully opens the door, indicating to Nole to follow carefully. She is unsure how violent this attack on her king has been, nor what mental state he might be in. The pair strain in the semi-darkness belowdecks to make out King Olwe as he slumps in the corner of the cabin. "Your majesty? 'tis Elenwe and Nole," she whispers as she approaches the still form.

Nole looks to Elenwe for answers. "These thoughts must be tormenting him." He sits before his king, speaking softly. "My King, I am here. We will be home soon. You will soon be home."

Elenwe is reassured by Nole's calming voice. She comes closer and assists her king in sitting up against the bulkhead. Reaching to a nearby locker, she pulls out a blanket to spread over him, hoping to stop the shivering that has beset Olwe.

Olwe suddenly awakens, shouting, "Never! Never will I be yours, never, never," he repeats over and over. Nole takes his shaking hands. He tries to steady Olwe and help Elenwe cover him with the blankets.

Elenwe whispers to her king, "Of course you never will," unsure of to whom his rants are addressed. The pair lift Olwe and help him to his bed. "My friend," Elenwe says. "What could be the cause of these dark thoughts plaguing our king? Oh, I hope we are not long from our home. Perhaps returning to his beloved Alqualonde will be just what His Majesty needs to be restored to his full health."

"Yes, he was very intent about going home while we were in Sylvhara. I only hope arriving there will help him steady his mind until... it happens." Nole shudders, bows his head. He sheds a tear, then looks up at Elenwe. "My friend, please steady his thoughts. We must be close to arriving home. I must see to the deck."

Elenwe's heart sinks as the words, "It happens." She had hoped beyond all hope that the events in Sylvhara would not truly lead to such an awful conclusion. She puts a hand on Nole's shoulder to encourage him. "Yes, my friend, I will care for the king while you guide the ship." She turns back to Olwe, drawing up a stool beside the bed and smoothing his coverings.

Nole smiles to his friend, "Thank you. We will be home soon." He goes above deck, the icy winds of winter began to yield to gentle, warm breezes. The aurora of the northern sky melted into the advancing daylight. The stars of night faded, and a warm sunrise greeted the ship captain. "Soon, I hope, this nightmare will end." His smile broadened as the towers of Alqualonde castle appeared to his far seeing eyes at the edge of the horizon.

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