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November 25, 2010

Elwing's Rescue and Ulmo's Journey

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AelKennyr Rhiano

Ulmo had turned and started to exit his watery palace, prepared to hasten to Mighty Manwe's side, when he suddnely halted. 

Across the miles, Elwing's desperate cry of his name reached his ears, and the Singer of the Waves, without hesitation, swiftly swam from his beloved palace, hurrying toward the falling and now unconscious Elwing.  Osse watched his lord depart hurriedly, hearing the voice as well and turned to Unien, Lady of the Sea and his spouse.  To his voiceless question, came Unien's quiet response: "I do not know, beloved husband of mine, if the hand of Melkor has extended beyond his prison.  I, too, feel the coldness that is stealing over the world of the Children of Iluvatar, and like you, I know not what may be done."  He grunted in answer and paced angrily.  She rose, lithe and tranquil and crossed to him putting a  hand out to touch his arm.  "Calm thyself, my Love," she cooed.  "We must stand at the ready for what is to come."

Osse stopped and looked at her sharply.  Unien, knowing her husband's unspoken thought, slowly nods her head.  "Yes, husband, even if we must stand by and see the Lord of the Teleri give his life."

Osse jerked his arm away and stormed off, the water churning and circling him, his anger evident in the water the water foamed and rolled about his retreating form.  "I know," she whispered.  "I od not want to see that happen either, husband."

Meanwhile, Ulmo sped toward the falling elf, allowing his form to take the  massive size that best suits him.  Just ahead and above him he spies the tiny form, plummeting toward the sea, when a whirl of wind swirled around her.  He watched as a Wind of the Lord of Arda rescues the gentle elf and rushes off to the nearest land.  "Linfea," Ulmo thinks and nods, sending to the Wind of Manwe his gratitude.  Elwing the White is safe now, and Ulmo can communicate with her once she has recovered.  He gives the sky one more glance, wondering what had rendered the elf unconscious, what had made her call out so sharply, as though her heart was torn in two.  Then he turned and sped to the Undying Lands, a heaviness and foreboding in his heart.
