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December 16, 2010

Elwing Explores

Cinnamon Raymaker

Elwing the White got up from her spot near the fire and wandered over to the edge of the skylet. Looking across the land, she saw the sea glinting in the moonlight and many treetops marking the way back to the ocean. The moon shining on the water gave off its silvery light of hope - as did the stars twinkling like precious silmarils in the dark sky above.
'Twas at the dark of night she did her best thinking and planning - usually before going out to meet her beloved. At the thought of her beloved's disappearance, Elwing felt a sharp pain through her heart, like a knife was cutting her asunder. She was stuck in this new land - nothing she could do at the moment - except trust in the Ainur Linfea to take her message to Lord Ulmo and the High King Manwe. Hopefully they would intervene with the other Ainu to help save her uncle, of whom she had had no tidings since before her last meeting with that dark force.
Funnily enough, her heart soon felt more sure and confident within this strange new land, a land she was sure held magic and mystery, just as Princess Fur herself. With the friendly beams of moonlight filling her face with silvery light, Elwing moved back to lay on the soft grass on the high platform and fell asleep dreaming of the fountain showering her birth with starlight.
A few hours later, feeling cold and cramped, Elwing moved her limbs towards the dying fire as the rosy skies of dawn broke through her sleep. She wandered over to the nearby pool of cold fresh water which was soon to be found between a small group of rocks on the skylet. She slaked her thirst and washed her face, feeling much refreshed. She combed her fingers through her tousled hair and renewed the plait which kept it semi-tidy before heading off to explore and find some food to appease her hunger. She found some bread-like morsels which she tasted and found somewhat sickly sweet but decided that she needed to eat as her body still craved nourishment after her ordeal. Devouring two of the round sweet morsels, she felt the hunger pangs somewhat appeased and decided to explore further.

Looking around, Elwing found this skylet to be isolated from the rest so she decided to venture back the way she had come with her hostess Princess Fur. Climbing back up the small ladder, she reached up towards the red ruby above her head, touching it carefully, and found herself back in the tree fort. She scurried down the ladder, remembering the trunk in the room below. She opened the trunk and carefully peered inside, finding a treasure trove of fabrics. Carefully lifting the fabrics out of the chest, she noted the bright hues and fine textures of the pieces. She then realised these were very much like the fine elven gowns of old. They had somehow been spirited away here. Perhaps other elven folk had been shipwrecked here in the past?

Searching carefully through the clothing, Elwing found a very serviceable white leather outfit that would allow her to explore this place with some protection for her feet and hands. She also found a gown that she really liked, pink and white, which might be wonderful for day-to-day use and for wandering the tree fort. Her favourite, however, was the beautiful white formal gown, which had Sindar princess written all over it. It was a beautifully crafted gown of richly embroidered silks, something to save for a reunion or a special meeting with family or royalty. Having fulfilled her wish for something to wear for a variety of occasions, Elwing donned the white leather outfit and boots she had discovered and set off on her mission to explore this new land further.

Walking through the door and down the first ramp, she came upon a very strange sight. The rest of this isle was bathed in Autumn's warmth but the hills in front of her were covered in snow. Alarmed at the difference she started to wonder what forces might be at work here. When she had reached two or three landings further down, Elwing looked upwards, and she was able to see more of the skylets Princess Fur had mentioned. Again those warm autumn colours assailed her senses and she drank them in loving the feeling of warmth.

Reaching the edge of the platform, Elwing climbed down the rope that had taken her to her refuge for the night and looked around her breathing in the freshness of a new day. She wandered back to the campfire and shelter where she had started her adventures in this land and began to climb a grassy track up a hillside. Looking across the land she noted a steep valley with a swampy area dividing the land like a cut through its centre. As she moved onwards up the track, she looked ahead and noted the drop becoming steeper and the water becoming a darker blue. Sure signs that this was somewhere she would need to take great care as she wandered. She rounded a large tree and came across a large rocky outcrop which traversed the water below creating a dark tunnel from which the waters emerged. Twas peaceful and quiet with little bird song and lots of chirping insects.

As she continued upwards, she came across a circle of ancient stones surrounding a large roaring fire. Sunbeams danced through the trees and the birds were again singing their cheerful songs in the warmth of the sun. Elwing thought back to her talk with Princess Fur and remembered that she had warned her to stay clear of the mountain top. She wondered if this was the place she had meant, but then decided that such a lovely place could not be dangers, something she had been most comfortable with for as long as she could remember.
The Lady Elwing could tell that the fae princess had sung recently to the woods as there were still pink flowers in bloom across the forest. The warmth of an autumn afternoon was still in the air as Elwing turned to descend back down the now more familiar pathway to the valley floor. As she turned, she noticed how high the mountains danger of which she had spoken could be found. In that moment, she also remembered that the Princess had mentioned the high skylets being dangerous as well. Hmmm, if only there was someone with whom she could speak in order to find out further information.

Deciding she had seen enough for one day, she made her way back to the campfire and shelter in order to again appease her hunger.
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