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December 4, 2010

Jillian Worries for Hondo

December 4, 2010
Jillian Newey

Jillian runs from her home, looking for her heartsong.  "Why have you left me? Come back to me, my love. I know that you are still in the living, but I do not know where."  The land is still, and it seems to be void of life. Someone has to be around. Jillian now flies across the the land in search of anyone.  Hondo has been missing for two days. He went to the forest to see what was there.

"Where is he, Tas?" Jillian questioned the only human in the land.
Tas looks at her. His eyes seems to shift as he thinks of what to say.

 "Let's see...  He said something about a mystery and he headed towards the caves."   He notices the worry in his friend's eyes and reaches to take her hand but stops. His eyes look down, and he fumbles with his hands as if to deflect his true intent.

"He seemed to be determined to go this alone.  I was going to follow," he pauses briefly.  "But I had to deal with a something. I hope he is all right." His eyes show deep concerns as he looks at the Guardian.

"I have not seen him for the last two days and he would not leave me without letting me know."  Jillian's voice was raked with fear. She was withdrawing and had no one to keep her sane. The nightmares were now getting worse. Where is her love?

What has this Olwe have to do with anything in their lives? Disrupting her way of thinking, her life, and now she can not even think of what to do. Tas looks at her, his eyes seems to move as if he is thinking of what to say. Jillian's eyes dart around looking searching for any sign of the elf she fell in love with.  She had told Hondo about what she saw in the forest. He must have gone looking for it.

Horror filled her mind.  NO!  He could not have done that alone! Jillian's mind was racing, trying to figure out how to find him and who could help. The human, Tas? Hondo was not new to fighting, but this was something he may need help with. Where are the dragons? Why am I alone now, she asks herself.

Even with Tas there she feels no comfort.

"Tas, I need you to find others to help find Hondo. Please."

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