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December 16, 2010

Nolë, Elenwë and the Morning Star

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Shawn Daysleeper

After witnessing the breakdown of Olwe, Lord of Alqualonde, on the deck of the swanship as it moored, Nole and Elenwe ushered Olwe to his castle. Nole, the Wisest of Sailors, left his king in trusted hands as he returned home. Nole and Elenwe, faithful swordmaiden to King Olwe, trudged out of the meeting hall and into the open air of Alqualonde.

After a time of walking from the castle, Nole looks upward. Night had fallen long ago, and the eastern sky was beginning to turn to the slightly rosy colour as that of blushed cheeks. He kept looking upwards and around, as if something was amiss.

Elenwe heaves a sigh, grateful to have arrived home, but heavily burdened with all that had transpired since their departure. King Olwe was not the same mighty king who had stood confidently on the deck of the swanship as it departed Alqualonde. She notices Nole searching for someone or something. "My friend, what seek you? Is someone to meet us?"

"Nay dear friend" Nole begins. After looking at the eastern sky once more, he pointed to bright objects in the sky, naming aloud. "Carnil the red star of war, Alcarinque the Glorious and brilliant, Lumbar the Cloudy star, Luinil the Blue, and Nenar the star of water. I learned all these when I was an elf in my tweens. But now, I think I realize what is missing: one of these stars, a gift to us from Varda, the Star Kindler."

Elenwe recognized the names that Nole has patiently taught her as she learned about celestial navigation. She furrows her brow. "Missing? Are you sure it is not concealed by the clouds?"

"I would consider your concern dear friend, but this is now the fourth night I have not seen the beauty of the Morning Star, Earendil. Even now, he should be there." He points to the rosy horizon. "It has been too long. I wonder, what could have befallen him."

Looking to the sky where Nole points, Elenwe thinks about the passing days. "That is indeed strange, just as all that our king has suffered is strange. These are troubling times, my friend."

"Yes, perhaps their fates are intertwined. Olwe's light burns bright in my heart, just as the creations of Varda." Tears come to his eyes. "But now, will we lose the beacon of hope in the sky, as well as our hearts?"

Elenwe puts a hand on Lord Nole's arm in reassurance, wishing she felt reassured herself. "Could such a power exist to both drive our noble king to madness and erase the starship from the horizon?"

Nole takes Elenwe's arm. "I do not know, but evil has indeed grown great, if it can conquer the Morning Star. I only hope the Grace of the Valar is with Olwe when it comes time for.. it to happen."

"Yes, that grace will be what can save our king from...." her voice trails off. She can hardly think of events to come, much less say the words aloud. Returning to the Morning Star's disappearance, she asks, "But if the star is indeed gone for whatever reason, what does that mean? What might happen?"

"That star means, to me, hope. I do not know what it means to have it vanished." He wipes away tears. "But we must not lose hope: our King needs us to be strong in these dark times."

She has become much stronger in the time she has spent in Alqualonde, learning the ways of the sword and protecting her valiant king. "Yes, my friend," she replies, pretending not to see the tears slipping down Nole's cheek. "No matter what is to come, the grace and power of the Valar will continue to strengthen us. Perhaps it was for such a time as this that we met in the port. It seems so long ago now."

Nole nods, smiles a little. "Yes, perhaps this is why we met. It was indeed long ago, but we have learned much of the new world. We must have faith in our King."

Remembering the names that Olwe uttered on the deck of the swanship, Elenwe ponders a moment. Our king prayed to Eru and Illuvtar, I believe. He seems to believe that all power comes from Eru. We must trust in that same power and benevolence to see King Olwe through.... through......" Elenwe can't finish the sentence, and knows that Nole understands the thought. As they prepare to go their separate ways for the time being, Elenwe looks at her friend Nole. "We'll have the strength to do what we must, " she tells him.
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