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December 11, 2010

Jillian Dreams More

December 11, 2010
Jillian Newey

Jillian is now seeing new faces in her dreams. More elves but they seem to be doing things. She does not understand what is going on in her dreams. All she can see now is the ones responsibility for this nightmare.  Not knowing why or what, all she knows is the nightmare is back.
With Hondo ill from the spider bite, she cannot  rely on him for the support she needs.

Cold rules the land. She cannot sleep: for her time is now watching over Hondo. Where is the help the elven female had promised? Now she needs more help then she will ever know.

She has a young elf here who does not know how he got here or how to get home.

She has a human here who she is not sure he is all he says he is.

Hondo is now infected with venom from a spider, a very large spider.

New-found fae from other lands who knew to come to Tearmann  arrived to help find Hondo. But how did they know to come?

A seelie came and died, helping save Hondo.

Now the nightmares start again.