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July 30, 2011

Estelin Hears Nienna's Message

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Shawn Daysleeper

Estelin, the Vala of Dreams, in disguise as a Teleri, is in a bit of a predicament. His latest attempt at cooking has banned him from the kitchen. It seems Nole had enough of his food preparation  approach of "trial-and-error." Instead, Nole sent him to the harbour to gather seafood. He is confused and uncertain about what "tastes good" but complies nonetheless. Remembering Nole's words, "no noodles," he begins his search.

He is at the docks now, and a confused mess of ropes lays at his feet.  Listening to the waves and sitting on the docks, he soon relaxes, meditating to the rhythms of the sea. Entrusting himself to the harmonic sound, he captures the melody to memory and hoped to be able to weave within it some beautiful music. It had been some time since he and his sister had played for the King of the Teleri.

His sister. Some time has passed since she left for her audience with Manwe, and she was becoming overdue to return. Covering her absence has been becoming an art of his, and he hopes he can manage the illusion until she returns.  Even as he thought of her, he receives a message. It is a mental message that the valar are able to transmit by mental concentration. Telepathy some call it.

"My dear brothers, an urgent matter has arisen that needs my attention.  I may be delayed a day or a few days.  I will then make my rounds in Mandos, as planned, and return to the mortal shore of Alqualondë as soon as possible."

"My sister," Estelin replies in the same manner, "What urgent matter?" He asks, but the Lord of Dreams knew his message was not received my Nienna. She had closed her concentration to him. Sighing, he wondered what could have happened to delay her return. He knows that the mission has now fallen on his sholders alone, at least for the time being.

His mind drifts back to the docks at Alqualonde. Gulls and swans circle around the docks and cry with the waves. The midsummer sun hangs overhead. A gentle breeze blows through the trees near by and the silver strands of hair on his physical form. All is normal right now.

"I must remain vigilant over Olwe and his people," He resolves as he picks up some of the rope. Unlike the tangled rope, he has to keep a clear head to recognise any threats to Olwe, a great king among the Children.

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