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May 30, 2010

Nolë Visits Lannell

Nole moored his ship, and walked on seaworthy legs upon land once more.  As he approaches a group of people, he realizes he has come upon them during a ceremony of some sort.  A human woman looks up and sees him.  "Greetings, Sir Elf."  One after another offers their warm greetings.  Elric, Leader of the elves in this land, called Lannell, asks, "You are a kinsman, my lord?"

"Greetings, all, " speaks Nole.  "I have come from over the sea."  The human woman answers, "You have come at an auspicious time, sir." Another of the land's inhabitants speaks.  "You must hunger and thirst. Will you join us?"

Nole respectfully inclines his head at the offer. "I am the voice of King Olwe, Lord of Alqualonde and Tol Eressea. My name is Nole"  Lord Elric respectfully bows.  "This is Elric, Lord of the elves of Lannell." 

"Welcome, Lord, Nole," says Elric.  Nole bows and thanks him.  The human woman, known as Damn Ellyanna directs them to the inn so that Nole may refresh himself, and the crowd, curious, follows, ready to join in celebration after what was apparently a joyous occasion.  One after another introduces himself or herself, and food and drink are cheerfully served.  Smiling faces surround the Teleri merchant, now turned ambassador.

Dame Ellyanna turns to Nole. "You have traveled far and have come at a time of great joy to out land. "  Nole compliments the fine food and drink and cheerfully toasts all in the room.  Good natured teasing and warm greetings await those who enter the tavern.  As Nole takes in the sights and sounds, Elric turns his gaze to Nole.  "What news, then, Lord Nole, of Alqualonde?  How does the king fare?"

"My king is still very concerned for our missing kin."  Dame Ellyana joins the conversation.  "Lord Nole, have you word from your king to us?" Nole nods,  "I have letters of introduction from my king and a proposal that the two realms meet to discover their common purposes." Sir Ranulf listens to the news from Lord Nole.  "Also that Teleri and Lannell elves may meet to discover ourselves and our heritage."  Dame Illyanna nods. "It would be good to find our common interests.  I imagine trade would be one."  Nole nods. "I would welcome trade with your lands as a Teleri sea merchant."  Dame Ellyanna smiles.  "We have many things to trade: food, horses, crafts."

Nole nods and speaks.  "Our kin from outposts near these lands have dissapeared. "

"Disappeared....more of them?"

Sir Ranulf frowns. "My sorrow, Lord Nole.  I pray for their safety and return."

"Aye," answers Nole, nodding. "All the outposts that I regularly trade with are abandoned." Dame Ellyanna frowns.  "Any clue as to what happened?  Any sign of where they may have gone?" 

Lamina quietly listens to the words of the conversation.  "We are still searching for the answer" Nole frowns. "Their ships and everything valuble has been taken, either by them or another."  Lord Elric listens, face intent.  "There is no sign of where they went."

Nole continues.  "I did not notice any signs of a fight either, it is all so strange, thriving settlements, all of our kin, dissapeared."

"Were there goods left behind?" asks Dame Ellyanna. 

"Some," answered Nole. "There were stores of fine wood, which I trade in Alqualonde where our craftsman fashion beautiful instruments. The wood was left in the outposts." 

"So they did not move away..." the Dame's voice trails off.   Lord Geoffrey listens to the merchant.  "This is most odd.  You checked for tracks, I assume?"

"As as my King knows, there are very few of us left that have returned to Alqualonde. Even the city is empty. My lady, I did not tarry too long, for fear that my observations might go unreported, should something befall me."

Dame Ellyanna frowns at the news.  Naeya asks: " Are there any travellers tales that give any hints of their disappearance?"

"There are tales, tales of something dark, something malevolent, a new power that threatens the children of Illuvatar," answers Nole.  Dame Ellyana refreshes her memory of the name by which the Western elves call their god.

Triss Haiku asks, "What happened to the children?"  Dame Ellyanna whispers, "When he speaks of children, he refers to the elves, young one."

Sir Ranulf sighs heavily and aks, "Hast thou seen this creature?"  Lamina looks at her father and whispers, "Balrog?"

"Nay, I have not encountered anything on my voyages that would threaten us in such a manner as this."

"We have some danger here, but the knights rise to meet it, and nothing so great as you speak of, " says Dame  Ellyana.  Nole looks around at the knights. "I see you are well defended here, but such as the defences of the outposts secured as well, but they apparently failed or fled."  The lady answers, "You sit next to one of the best sword dancers I know and another of good skill stands nearby. Lord Elric is also skilled." 

Nole nods to the knights near him "I do not doubt your courage, strength and wisbom, but this darkness the tales speak of..." Nole pauses finding the right words.

Elric nods.  "Many times have I given chase to that creature for to force him out of the forest. The forest is mine."

Nole turns to Lord Elric.  "You have seen the creature, Lord Elric?  What nature is this beast?"

Elric nods. "Of fire and darkness."

Says Sir Ranulf, "Lord Nole, there is much evil in the world.  Vallen knows, we have seen it here, and it saddens me it affects other lands as well.  Know this, that each day there are new alliances being forged with other realms."

Nole shudders at the thought of such a beast. "I have heard of such creatures. It may be this is our threat as well." He nods to Lord Elric.  Dame Ellyana speaks then, "Our mages tell us it is called a balrog."

Nole nods.  "We have not had to fight such beasts,but we are well learned of their malice, evil, and treachery, imbued by the great forces of evil long ago."

Elric asks.  "Then these creatures have been in the world for long ages?"  Dame Ellyana adds. "That would explain much for it seems to be able to steal the very energy from us." 

Nole answers.  "Yes, Lord Elric.  Balrogs have been in this world since before the rising of the Sun and Moon.  They are evil, ancient, and cunning.  Their malice knows no bounds." 

"I see," says Elric.  Nole continues.  "We can not hope to sand alone against such beasts, we must work together to resist such foes."  Elric nods.  "Certainly not, for I myself have been slain by this creature, but the gods saw fit to return me."

Lord Ranulf speaks. " May I suggest we consider an alliance of our realms, Lord Nole?"

Dame Ellyana looks at Naeya.  "Dame Naeya, when you can, I would have you go as Ambassador of our people to Alqualonde."  She introduces Naeya to Nole.  She will serve as our representative in His Majesty's lands.  Nole bows.  "I will take you to Alqualonde and my king when you are ready." 

Nole nods and smiles at those before him.  "You have my thanks.  Let us work together, then.  Let us forge an alliance of our realms," he relaxes, " to preserve our realms from this new threat."

Elric nods.  'Then let it be done."  Nole stand and takes the hand of Dame Ellyanna and Lord Eric.  "Let us not rest until our realms are safe."

Sir Ranulf nods. "Aye! Well spoken."

Dame Ellyanna turns to Nole.  "The hour is late and the tide already gone out. You are welcome to rest in the inn this night and leave with the morning tide."
She smiles. "Rest well this night, Lord Nole, and good tides to you in the morning."

"Aye," says Lord Elric. "Please do give our good wishes to His Highness."

Nole nods.  "I am weary, and His Majesty will thank you for this alliance."  Lord Elric takes his leave of the company.  Sir Ranulf wishes Nole a restful night. "Rest well, Lord.  The beds of this inn are soft and will give you comfort."  Nole smiles.  ""I will rest wonderfully this night, for the forging of this alliance is a great releaf for me."

Nole turns to Lamina, who leads him to his room for the night.  Resting his head upon the soft pillow, he closes his eyes and goes to a well deserved sleep.

> Next      

May 26, 2010

Nolë's Commission and an Unexpected Visit

by AelKennyr Rhiano

Olwe looked out over the docks of his beloved Alqualonde. The water laps at the wood of the dock, making a calming, slapping noise, one he has heard many times over his long life.  His eyes lift to take in the sea beyond, the twillight stars' reflection. Softly behind him, he hears the gentle padding of footsteps, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees the Wisest of all sailors, Lord Nole, smiling gently and looking more rested.

Curteously the seaman and merchant greeted the Teleri king, who gently asked questions about his family.  With a wistful tone, Nole spoke of his young daughter, who was beginning to cast her youthful eyes upon young male elves for the first time in her young life.  With great passion, he spoke of the songs that would rise up in the evening, lilting and intoxicating in their harmonies.  Now Alqulaonde was still and silent, save for the calls of birds or the rustle of the wind.

Olwe turned the conversation to the practical.  What did Nole see of the tradiing outposts?  What did he find on his last voyage as he visited places which had engaged in trade with the haven of the swans for, lo, these many passing of years?  Ossi silently slipped in behind his king. 

Nole said,  "During my previous voyage to the outpost, I had heard tales, of whispers of the gradual withdrawl of our kin from other outposts along the shores of the Mortal world."  Olwe's hand tightened upon the rail, and he leans a little, brow furrowed.
"My King, it may be that the diapearance of our kin from this outpost is not an isolated occurance."  Ossi frowned, looking at his king with worry.  Olwe nodded. "I cannot but agree. But the reason and the timing....I cannot understand the why of it."

"Nor I, my King. we must find out, to learn the way of it."  Ossi nodded, silently and unobtrusively.  Olwe spoke.  "The disappearance....was it as though, one voyage there to that place, they were present, and the next gone?  Was there, perhaps a gradual decrease in the population?"

"My King, the outposts have suffered a gradual decline over the many long years I visited them, but they were still thriving. There was plenty of vigour and song within. But this voyage, they simply dissapeared, without warning. There was no whisper of simply abandoning the outposts. Perhaps the answer lay within the outposts, or in the lands nearby?"

Ossi heard the the sound of hoofs on the marble floor and turns around, spotting a centaur. He turned to face him as well, noting the bow on his back.  Olwe drew in a deep breath and nodded slowly, his shoulders slumping a little.  The sounds of hooves caused him to whirl, and his eyes widened as he beheld a being not known in the Undying Lands.  The centaur took a tentative step back.  Nole, too, looked upon a being he had never seen before.  Ossi frowned at the strange beast, and drew his sword, approaching slowly.  Olwe looked at the being, his gaze thoughtful and curious.  He laid a hand upon Ossi's arm.  The Centaur's eyes darted across the grouping, assaying the members.  Ossi stopped, feeling the pressure of his king's arm. 

"I am Olwe.  You are in Alqualonde."  He paused, taking in the form.  "Come you in peace?"  Ossi's grip on his sword tigthened, waiting for the answer.  Nole, too, stood ready, in anticipation of the answer.  The centaur looked at the surroundings, cautious to answer. Ossi spoke up, his voice deep and gravelly "... Answer! For your life may lay at my hands if you do not!"  The visitor slowly nodded. 

Olwe spread his arms wide, palms up and open, in a gesture of peace.  "How are you known," he asked.  Ossi frowned, squinted at the strange beast, with the torso of a man.  Seeing his king advance, he sheathed his sword, hand never leaving the pummel.

"I am looking for someone, " spoke the Centaur, "but I believe I have gone astray.  I am not certain.  I was told I would know when the time was right.  He took in the regalness of the elves' outfits.  Olwe smiles a little, gently.  He nodded, and his eyes lit with a childlike curiosity.  "Come you fraom afar to this island?" he asked.  When the centaru did not answer, Olwe dropped back and whispered to Nole, "Have you met such a wonderous being ere now, friend?"

The Centaur squinted to better look at the elves' features.  ssi didnt share his king's curiosity and light hearted welcome. He glared at the centaur, daring him to try something, his grip on the top of his pummel tightening, the leather of his gloves creaking.  Nole answered the king.  "I personally have not, my King, but I have heard tales from our kin at the outposts, the description of which matches this being before us."  Olwe nodded slightly at Nole's answer.

Olwe turned his gaze back to the half man, half horse being.  "Forgive my frank stare.  I have never seen your kind in all my long life.  "I am Olwe.  You are...?

"Greetings, Olwe.  I am Leigh, " answered the Centaur.

"Hail and well met, Leigh.  I am Teleri, elf."

"I am on a quest of which making I have no scope." Olwe took a slow step foward.  "As am I."  Leigh bowed graciously.  Olwe smiled and inclined his head.  "And are you the king?" asked Leigh.  Olwe nodded.  "Your people, " asked the Teleri King.  "By what name are they known?"  Nole relaxed a little.  "Kentavos, " answered Leigh. "I left them a long time ago, and have travelled many lands in search, but alas I have made little ground." 

Olwe looked at each of the elves with him, a little lost expression of his face.  He mouthed the word "Kentavos?"  Nole nodded.  "Kentavos."  Ossi shrugged, helplessly.  Olwe looked back at Leigh. "You must be tired, friend Kentavos, called Leigh."  He paused, asked. "Why did you part from your people?"

Leigh regarded the elf to the king's right.  Ossi stared back, his gaze steely.  Olwe followed Leigh's gaze.  "This is Ossi."  Leigh turned his attention to the elf on the king's left.  "And this is Lord Nole."  Nole nodded.  Ossi straightened up his shoulder, nodding his head infinitesimally.  "You must be in need of rest and nourishment."

"I would be in your debt," answered Leigh.

Olwe turned to Nole.  "Does his people live far from here, friend Nole? " he whispers. "Are they servants of Light or ...."  his voice trailed off.  "I feel no mal intent in him."

"Light?" asked Leigh.  He looked at the brightening sky, confused.  Olwe blushed, looking up, and then, with a greater flush, at Leigh's ears.  Shyly, he said, "I forget we are not the only ones with sharp ears."  Ossi chuckled lightly.  Nole spoke.  "They live far from here my King, As I understand, they serve the natural world, relishing the natural beauty within. I do not think we have to fear him."

Olwe smiled and nodded "There is a balance int he world of good and evil, right and wrong.  Light and darkness.  We of the Eldar clans call ourselves the Children of Illuvatar."

"I am in search of a mountain with a fire in its belly," said Leigh. Olwe grew still and thoughtful.  "A fire in its belly?"  Nole looked up.  "I have heard of such a place, far from Alqualonde." Olwe turned at Nole's words.

"There I am to understand i will find whom I search.  He will make himself known."

"There was at one time a mountain of fury, of choking smoke and ash."  At first, Olwe grasped not to where Nole referred. "And know you how to help friend Leigh find this place?  Is it far?" 

Nole answered. "The mountain lay in a black land, of smoking pits and death. Alone standing in a plain, far from the sea. But that land has been freed now, and it is now safe to travel there.  I speak of the Orodruin, far to the southeast, in the plains of the land once known as Mordor."

"Mordor?" asked Leigh.  Olwe whirled around at the name.  "Blessed Illuvatar!  No!"  Leigh mouthed the word as if it were familiar.  Olwe backed up a step.  " cannot mean there."  "Mordor." whispered Leigh.  He blinked, as if coming out of a trance.

Nole spoke.  "My king, the land once known as Mordor has been purified by the forces of light. And there are those faithful to the Eldar that safeguard it, as so the tales say."

"There is naught in Mordor that is good.  Nothing that can be good." answered Olwe.

Leigh said, "You called this place the Orodruin?"  Olwe shuddered violently, He swayed and murmured, "The dreams."  Ossi reached out, for his king, seeing him sway. He offered his physical support.  Olwe turned to his guard.  "Ossi, what if,  what if... do we KNOW it is still under safeguard?"  Ossi answered, "I do not know, my king."

Asked, Leigh, "Does anyone live there?"   Nole nodded to Leigh. "I do not know if this is the mountain you seek, but within is a great flame. Mordor has been purified and is slowly being settled by the Edain of Gondor. It is even said that the plains of Nurn about the Sea of Nurnen bloom again this day."

Leigh turned to Olwe.  "What is the matter?"  Nole feared he may have said too much. "But much has changed Leigh, for my last voyage has shown the times are changing."

Olwe spoke slowly.  "I do not think you will find the Edain of Gondor, my friend.  I do not think you will find blooms upon the plains of Nurn."

"Has there been bad rains?" the Centaur asked.

 "Darkness comes.... It is here...reaching with a greedy hand.  If, if...." his voice trailed off.  "We would not know.  We were once part of the undying lands, but a sennight ago...we were brought to the mortal world to unite the elven clans and find our lost kin and to face the darkness."

Nole entered a state of thought. "You speak of fire..."

"I remember a dark place where no foliage grew. there were bad rains that caused it."  Nole nodded thoughtfully.  Leigh continued. "And small nasty creatures."  He turned to Olwe. "Have you done this?  United your clans?"

Olwe answered carefully. "I cannot know if I may answer such a question to one who may be seeking Mordor." 

" If this Mordor is the place I am seeking, then this is the place I must go.  The bad rains are becoming more common.  They are destroying more lands."

"I fear, Leigh, that what you seek, may lead you into darknes, should you go to Mordor."  Olwe nodded...standing straighter.  "Indeed."

"I am not afraid of the darkness."  Olwe studied the Kentavos before him.  His voice was calm and level. "You may find worse things than death there."

"I am not afraid of darkness.  Darkness comes in the form of small green creatures who nip at your feet and run to hide when you bear down upon them."

Olwe turned to Nole.  "Know you of Lannell?  Have you been there?"  Nole turned to the king.  "Lannell, my king?  I have heard of Lannell."

"I would, Lord Nole, ask you to go there as my voice.  Let us arrange to meet further with our elven kin there, and if friend Leigh wishes, he may accompany you.  You may take him as far as you may to Mordor as your journey would permit."  Nole bowed before King Olwe.  "I will do as you bid mi'lord, but I was unaware we had kin there."  Nole nodded to Leigh.  "I can take you with me for a time, Leigh."

Olwe anwered Nole. "They are of our kin, but I know not their heritage, nor do they." Nole smiled. "So there are more of our kin, I would be delited to speak for you, my King."  Olwe asked, "How soon are you able to set sail?"  Nole smiled.  "My king, it brings joy to my heart that there are still elves. I wish to leave as soon as I am able."

  "I will have letters of induction ready in the morn, my friend Nole."  He turned to Leigh.  "Would this aid you, friend Leigh?"

Leigh spoke breathlessly. "Have you a grove that is quiet?"  Olwe smiled. "We do, and Ossi will guide you there.  The Waterfalls where the wooded area is."  Ossi nodded, hand to his collar. "As you direct, fair King."  He motioned with an expansive wave of his arm at Leigh.  "If you will follow me. "  "As you lead, so shall I follow, Ossi." 

Olwe and Nole watched the two head off into the wooded grove. "Now I must take my rest, and prepare letters of introduction and proposal that we meet and discover our common purposes, ourselves and the elves of Lannell.  You will have all this at your disposal ere you are ready to set sail."

Nole bowed.  "My king."

Olwe looked after the centaur's dwindling form, then turned and headed back to his palace.  Nole watched the king for a few moments and turned to his beloved ship, to ready it to sail once more, this time to Lannell and to an unknown clan of elves.

> Next Alqualondë      

May 19, 2010

A Teleri Returns Home

< Prev  Alqualondë    
by AelKennyr Rhiano

Upon the palace balcony, Olwe, Lord of Alqualonde, looks out at the setting sun.  Arien has once more finished her journey across the skies.  Birdsong replaces the voices of the Teleri, and his hands grab the railing hard.  His back bowed a little, and a sigh escapes his lips.  He lifts his eyes once more and in the distance spies a blur...a boat?  Olwe strains his eyes, his whole body tense and alert, heart pounding...watching, his breath short and catching as it comes ever nearer.  "Blessed Illuvatar, " he whispers, "It's's...." he leans harder against the railing.  "Teleri.. a swanship, please, Illuvatar, a swanship." Caution, though, keeps him armed, his two handed sword at his back, but he cannot but quicken his steps to hurry from the palace to the docks, which are evidently the destination of this lone ship.

Meanwhile, the sailor disembarks his swanship wideeyed, the feeling of emptiness filling his heart. Anxiously looking around the empty city. There was none to greet him there was no sign or song from his beloved kin.  Olwe pauses at the stairs leading down to the ground and sees the sail...a Teleri swanboat....a lump forms in his throat.  Nole, Master Merchant, wise in the waves of the seas, speaking aloud "My kin, my friend, where is your song, yyour companionship, I am in fear."  He  looks around fearfully, looking for a familiar sign. Olwe coming to the steps leading to the dock, stops and stares.  It is a Teleri Merchant, a Teleri...home....home!

"I am fearful my eyes deceive me," says Olwe.

Nole looks up. "My king!"

"Can this be?" asks Olwe

Nole becomes defensive, fearful his eye trick him.  Olwe swallows hard, his eyes moist and his voice shaking.  "Welcome home, my lord."

"Can this be, you are my lord?"

" I am, noble sailor and welcomed kin," says Olwe.  Nole strides forward to take the hand of his lord as if needing reassurance. 
Olwe grabs the hand offered and squeezes... "Alas, you are home."

Nole smiles brightly "Thank you Illuvatar! I apologise, my lord, for doubting your warm hand of friendship."

"My eyes weep to behold the fair face of another of our people.  Please, please, tell me how you came back to our beloved Alqualonde. And do not apologize. I, too, could scarce credit that the ship was Telerin."

 "I sail the seas of the Bay of Eldamar deliving my wares of fine pearlescent jewelry to the outposts of our kin."

Olwe leans forward at the news, his eyes searching the other's face.  "Did you find any of our kin?"  Ossi steps up behind his Majesty, King Olwe, silently.

"Upon reaching my destination, my King, I found that our kin have all but disappeared! I know not why or how."

Olwe draws a sharp breath and lowers his head a moment.  "Alas, I had hoped...hoped they would be there,'

"There was no fair vioces of our kin intermingled with the waves. the stone of the harbour was silent."

"That Eldamaar is bereft of our kind...that strikes hard."

"There was no song, it was empty!" Olwe closes his eyes, and a look of pain crosses his face. Olwe: looks up..."Thank the Valar you are returned to us."

Olwe gently searches the younger elf's face.  "When you left Alqualonde, did you leave kin, loved ones behind?" His tone is soft and gentle, his hand squeezing the other Teleri's gently, as though to comfort. Nole looks around. "My lord, what of fair Alqualonde? Why do I not hear any song?"

Olwe notices Ossi's presence behind him and spares him a nod before answering.  "Our people...are gone." Ossi nods to his king, hands clasped behind his back as he stands guard, remaining ever silent.

"My lord Ossi, I have a beloved family in Alqualonde, what happened to our kind?"

Olwe speaks "When I returned from a trip to the sylvan realm, I found Alqualonde silent and empty.  Ossi himself remember naught of what has happened. He awoke from a deep sleep to find two strangers, who we later learned were from Queen Comet herself, and my great granddaughter, but no others here."

Ossi looks with a confused frown at the sailor who speaks to him by name. He looks at his king and raises an eyebrow, remaining silent until his name comes from his lords lips. He says simply "I was the first. The first alive to return. This is all I know."

Olwe speaks gently. "You forget you are well known, silent one."  Olwe frowns.  That is what Fi told me....was she ....creating a ..."story?" Ossi bows his head and says quietly to his liege "... I am not used to being spoken to my Lord. I am but your very shadow."

Olwe shook his head. "Nay, friend, more than my shadow, my right sword arm."

Nole speaks, "My lord, there are no Teleri at the outposts and only us few now. Are you saying nearly all of us have vanished?"

Olwe bows his head and nods.  Ossi looks at the sailor and says, his voice rough "I awake in the woods, alone. Upon exploring, I found no spirit alive in this place. But soon the lady Fi arrived... as did two strangers, as the Lord himself has said"

 "My lord, I begin to fear for our people, for fair Alqualonde."

 Ossi grins to himself. His smile seeming menacing, itself. "A sword arm is intmidating, and a shadow is overlooked. As it may be, my Lord. I am not one people speak to, save to ask to see you when I am posted at the entrance to your chambers."

Olwe looks at the craft adn then at the merchant. "Forgive me, please tell me your name.  I know I have seen you and manys a time my sweet daughter wore your lovely wares.

" My king, I am Nólë Eämbar, teleri sea merchant. It fills my heart with joy that your daughter wears my jewelry, but I now fear for her safety."

" She is safely in Tirion upon Tuna with her husband and my grandchildren."   Nole relaxes a little, but still appears fearful.

"Only my great granddaughter came with into the mortal wor...."  Olwe looks about.  " did you find us?"  Olwe looks at Ossi.  "Lord Osse moved us here to this spot in the mortal world.  How, how did you find us?" Olwe turns, wide eyed to Nole.

"My king, I am a wise sailor, I know the pats of the stars crafted by varda, and the paths of the wandering lights. By my skill I can find the sea paths to the mortal world."

But the King of the Teleri knew by whose hand the noble merchant made his way to their new place in this mortal world. Turning to the sea, Olwe kneels and bows his head.  "Thanks be to the Valar who guided you safely home and to Illuvatar who loves his children."

"My king I am honoured, perhaps my skill will assist us in our search for our missing kindred?"

 "Yes, yes you are most needed.  Surely it was Lord Ulmo and Lord Osse themselves who saw that you found the path to our home, no longer in the Shining Lands but within the world itself.  My lord Nole, I am in sore need of your wisdom, for this world is strange and new to me.  And darkness again rises. I wish with all my heart your loved ones stood where I stand to raise grateful voices at your return.  All I can offer is my thanks you are here with us, and my wish your much to learn of this world."

"My lord, I stand before you, I will die for you, my friend. And I fear in my heart, that there is something, a new threat, a maelvolence that threatens us."

Olwe nods." Indeed there is...Lord Irmo has spoken in dreams of the rising of a great evil.  And its hand reaches out to crush all the children of Illuvatar. "

Nole speaks.  "My king let my wisdom help us in our search to determine this new evil. Not only for our sake, but for all who embrace the light."

Ossi raises an eyebrow when the sailor calls the Lord King friend, glancing at him studiously.

"Thank you, Wise Nole.  Your help is needed and most welcomed.  But, my friend, you are weary from your journey.  I would you would take your rest, refresh and restore yourself.  Then let us meet and speak of the road ahead of us."  Olwe turns to his ever-present guard.  "Ossi, please, what my Lord Nole knows of this world is more than gold to us.  See him safely to his home, and return to me in the palace.  I have need of your assistance."

Olwe lays a hand gently on the merchant's shoulder.  Thank you for your open hand and heart, my Lord.  I am glad to see you, more than my words can express.

Nole bows low before his king and friend. "I do desire some rest, and my journey was long. But I hpe we make haste to begin our search. By my wisdom we shall search the mortal world."

Olwe smiles gently.  "Already we have the aid and protection of my noble cousin, Queen Comet.  We shall find our kin, my friend.  I swear by my heart's blood, I shall bring my people home."  Olwe draws his sword and runs the blade across his open palm. He closes his hand into a fist, squeezing drops of blood on the deck.  "This, I swear."

Olwe squeezes Nole's hand with the hand unbloodied.  "Thank you for your dedication and love to our kin."

 Nole takes his king's hand. "My friend thank you for your respect to this humble sailor."

 Olwe looks upon the weary sailor.  Please, now, walk with Lord Ossi, who will see you home, and sleep.  Dream of the songs of our people, once more filling the air with their music."

Nole speaks: "I will follow you, my lord and friend, all over the mortal world. Let us journey together when we are rested."

Olwe smiles gently and nod.  "Your dedication is appreciated, my friend."

Ossi nods, his hand pressed to his fist as he intones, "As you wish, my lord." The hand rests on his swordhilt then and he motions with the other "This way, if you would, Sir."

Nole follows his remaining kin to his home. Ready to enter the dream world.  Olwe looks at the waters of the seas, filled with the reflection of stars, dancing in the waves.  "Thank you, Lords Ulmo and Osse, for seeing this one home to us." He bows his head and loses himself in the gentle laps of the water against the planks of the dock.
> Next      

May 13, 2010

Olwë Pens a Letter

AelKennyr Rhiano

A Swan beats his wings, chest heaving, as he makes headway toward the sylvan lands of Queen Comet. No time for a collar with a scroll case, the graceful bird clutches a rolled up scroll in his mouth, bearing the graceful, curved Quenya script of Olwe himself.

"To my Beloved Cousin, the Graceful Queen of the Sylvan Elves, from Olwe, King of the Teleri Elves comes anxious Greetings,

Word has been delivered to me from the Ainur Keeper of Wolfsong, Lindor Tel'Tar, of a report of the presence of two balrogs in your lands. Today, whilst I was in conference with Osse, the Lord of the Waves, who shared news with me of the growing awareness of the Greater and Lesser Ainur of the approaching Darkness, Lady Lindor encountered a balrog over the skies of Alqualonde.

I have been given the ultimatum of submitting from this foul creature, something I shall not do, even though the cost be my own life. His master remained unnamed and unknown to me. But now, it is clear that whoever his master is, he is aware of the presence of Alqualonde. What else may be known by this shadowy enemies, we may only guess. I would like to come to your court and speak with you and your councillors, my Sweet Cousin, of the information that Lord Osse brought, veiled and brief though it was, and take conference, if you will, of how to face this threat together.

May Eru Illuvatar protect and keep thee and thy people, Dear Sovereign, and may fair winds caress your dear, and beautiful face, until we meet once more.

> Next Alqualondë       > Next Sylvhara     

May 12, 2010

The Balrog Threat

Sakura Easterwood

The Balrog flies over the land of Aglaronde surveying the kingdom
The Balrog: "The kingdom is small and appears few in population.
Good that will make taking it all the easier"

The Balrog chuckles as he continues his flight
Lindor feels something is not right and looks at the skies of the quiet kingdom, when she finally spots the big creature of fire in the air. "What do you want?!" she asks to him showing no fear or so she hopes.

The Balrog spies and outpost on the edge of the kingdom, a guard house?
The Balrog: "Me? What do i want?
Who are you to ask me this?
Are you a soldier of Aglaronde?"

Lindor looks at him and answers: "I am Lindor Tel'Taur, Keeper of Wolf Song and protector of this land. So what do you want?!"

The Balrog looks "Protector? you say Protector?"
The Balrog laughs a deep volcanic laugh

Lindor: "Yes, I am. These lands are under my protection, nothing for you to find here."

The Balrog: "you do not look like much protection little one"
Lindor: Who said they have to be big?
The Balrog: so you are the protector of the Elf Kingdom of Aglaronde?
Lindor: "Of Alqualonde"

The Balrog: "ah, my pardon "Alqualonde
i shall learn to be more careful
where is your King, King Olwe?"
Lindor looks at him with a movement of guard in her position and wonders if she should change.
Lindor: "King Olwe isn't here."
The Balrog: "Ah, the King is out

I have a message for your King
Can i trust his "guard" to give it to him?"
Lindor decides to change just in case while she keeps him talking.
Lindor: "What message?"
The Balrog: "He must prepare to bow down"
Lindor changes into her dragon form in case it's needed.
The Balrog: "he must prepare to serve a great lord"
Lindor: "We won't bow down to you and your lord"
The Balrog: "Well i guess that is for King Olwe to decide, guard"
Lindor: "I'm sure he will say the same
And my name is Lindor"
Lindor growls softly in an attempt to make him keep his distance, but holds her attack for now.

The Balrog: "It is easy for a guard to call for war. Your king may think otherwise
The message is that he will submit or he should prepare for war."
Lindor: "We will see about that"
The Balrog: "i will return, Guard."
Lindor: "I'll pass on this message, but don't cry to fast victory.
I'll be waiting"
The Balrog flies off laughing at the emptiness of this Elf kingdom

> Next

May 9, 2010

Delivery by Swan

Sakura Easterwood

The rustling sounds of wings fill the air as a swan agily lands nearby the beloved King Olwe. In it's beak a small document that the swan stretches out waiting for the King to accept it. If accepted and read the document tells:
"My dearest friend King Olwe,

We had a visitor on our island who was exploring the surroundings. When we got talking she eventually told me something very disturbing. A balrog is on the loose in the fair lands of Sylvhara and it swore wreckage to all our lands. I don't know if it will end up on our fair Alqualonde aswell, but it might be wise for us to be prepared might he come to Alqualonde or if we're called upon for help. Our visitor already said that the Sylvharans will react to any call of help might it be necessary. She said she was a Cleric and the Balrog would be listening to a much darker master then the one of the Dark Lands. I hope this message reaches be you on our fair Alqualonde or elsewhere in the realm. Let me know if I can help with anything.

Calm fares and Safe paths wished to you. May you be safe always,

Lindor Tel'Taur."
The swan patiently waits next to the King, preaning the feathers, as it awaits if it should carry a message back.

> Next

May 2, 2010

The First Ainur Council

 < Previous      Previous Manwë & Tilion      Previous Nienna    

May 2, 2010, 8 pm slt
The Valar, Maiar, and Ainur gathered and took their seats at the circle of Thrones in Valarinde.  Manwë was the last to enter, his expession thoughtful and serious.  Ulmo, Lord of the Sea, approached the throne where Manwë sat and bowed.  "Hail Manwë, Lord of Arda.  You have summoned, and thus have we come."

Manwë spoke, "Thank you.  As I am sure we are all aware, there are some changes happening of late that concerns us, and I have brought us all here so that we may discuss the nature of them and what, if anything, we should do."

Nienna, ever compassionate, spoke.  "We hear troubling news.  Yavanna nodded in recognition of Manwë's words.  Ulmo, too, nodded, looking about the gathering. 

Tilion, Guardian of the Moon, spoke courteously to Lord Manwë. "Greetings, Greal Lord and King, Manwë Sulimo.  Greetings, great Kings and Queen of the Valar.  Greetings, my noble Maiar cousins. Greetings Ainur Spririts, Angelic beings, all."  Ulmo looked and nodded in greeting to the guardian of the Moon.  "Hail, Tilion, long has it been since we all have sat as one."

Manwë spoke.  "I am sure we have all sensed the growing darkness upon the world, so that leaveus with the question of what to do."

Tilion answered: "Long has Melkor caused our world great harm, and I feel he and his dark servants again stir."  Yavanna mutters beneath her breath.  Ossë snapped forward, saying impatiently, "Yes yes, let's begin. None of us can spare the time to sit here introducing ourselves politely! We all know who we are!"

Nienna said, "We know something is wrong, but what, exactly?"  Melian grimaced, remembering the wars with Melkor.  Ulmo's brow furrowed and his face darkened at the mention of Melkor.  He spoke, "Breath of Arda, is this why Alqualondë has been moved into the mortal realm?"

Manwë answerd, "Yes, Lord of the Waters, it was." Vána, younger sister of Yavanna, spoke. "Tell, what has been seen?" Melian, too, asked the  Sea King.

Ulmo nodded at Melian and Vána.  "A passage of a fortnight ago....Olwë of Alqualondë beseeched me while atop the sacred mountain.  hed me while  atop the sacred mountain.  He begged that Alqualondë be removed back to the mortal world, to take on the task given him by Mighty Manwë and Lord Irmo.  This I did grant, and Ossë did."

"To what purpose, Lord Ulmo," asked Tilion.

Nienna nodded as she listened. "Irmo, yes.  I had hoped he would explain his plan.   Surely Irmo had something in mind."

Melian spoke.  "My father sleeps deeply still, I think."

Yavanna spoke again, "What difference will it make having Alqualondë in the mortal world? How can a mere elf make a difference?" 

"Indeed," agreed Nienna.

But Ossë, ever temptuous, spoke. "A mere human woman made the difference! Slaying Sauron! Why can an elf not be just as important?"  But Ulmo nodded in agreement with Yavanna.  "My musing as well. What can one Teleri accomplish?" Yavanna shrugs her shoulders grumpily and shifts her aching bones to find a more comfortable position. She had been in the mortal world and still wore mortal rainment with it frailities, like a threadbare garment, not yet discarded. "Yes, that is true, Ossë."

Tilion spoke then.  "Olwë is a mighty Elven king and much loved by his kin." Melian added, "The elves are a very clever species, and capable of far more than might be imagined."  Aulë, the Maker and husband of Yavanna, laughed. " I though the purpose of the move was obvious, my kinfolk."

Nienna sat forward, however, "You say "one Teleri".  What are these rumors that the other Teleri have vanished?"

Ossë barked. "Olwë need not act alone! But alone, he can accomplish at least as much as a lone woman!"

Ulmo turned to Aulë and spoke, "Please, enlighten us, Brother."  Aulë answered thusly: "It is also the history and legends of Aman again made present in the world.  In sending Alqualondë away from the Undying Lands, and into the mortal realms, we are each alone, us Valar and Maiar, given a place to manifest in the Mortal realms."

 Ulmo turned to Yavanna, the giver of fruits.  "Do you, again, go to the mortal realm and walk its lands?"  She answered quickly, "Indeed I do Ulmo. The plight of those who live among my creations has touched me, so I have taken their form and lived their ways so I might better understand their situation."  Ulmo nodded, head bowing a little.  Linewa, a Wind of Manwë, leaned forward, listening intently. 

Manwë asked Yavanna, " And what have you learned from them?"

But before she could answer, Aulë spoke.  "Indeed, so instead of making our own presence a constant secret in the world, Alqualondë is a reminder that we and the One do exist and will protect them, even in times of darkness.  Ulmo, you among us know this best.  In the world we are all but forgotten legends."

Ossë snapped, waving his trident at Aulë "... it's not about a secret, Maker! Our very presence undermines their ability to act! We are not here to rescue them at any whim! We must help them help themselves!"

Ulmo turned to the Breath of Arda.  "Does my Lord Manwë propose we walk among the mortals again?"  Yavanna snorted loudly.   "That protection has done them aught good through all the ages, husband. Melkor has still caused much trouble."

Ossë scoffed under his breath.  ".. maybe you are, some of us are "  Arien regarded the conversation hotly. "It is true what Aulë says...we are unknown to most elves who remain in middle earth."

Ulmo replied. "Only the Teleri sung songs of the seas...those who settled in middle earth long long ago, and their songs are now children's rhymes."

"I do not propose we walk among the mortals," spoke Manwë.  "I am inclined to agree with the Lord of the Waves and say we are to give them a helpful nudge but not interfere directly."

Ossë huffed. "My lord is not forgotten! Nor am I! The king of Alqualondë, that one of the name Olwë, remembers us! He calls to my lord from the mountains, making a perilous journey! That is for being forgotten!"

Tilion regards Ossë and asks, "How, then, Ossë, do you propose we intervene?"

"Aye, Ossë, " spoke Aulë."That is true, but until this change, Olwë was here in Aman, not in Middle Earth."

Yavanna also spoke. "While I have walked among them, I still do not see the need to intervene. They have always prevailed against evil in the past. Why should they not this time?  I have seen how strong and determined they can be."  Ulmo listened, face intent.

Ossë crossed his arms, scowling. "Was it not the Maia Gandalf who led the fellowship? Who formed it and showed them how to fend for themselves? And without seeking glory for himself as being remembered! It is not about our powers being known! WE are not whom this was made for... It is for the children to defend this home and us to watch over them without shoving our hands in the mix!"

Nienna, Vala of Compassion, spoke then. "In the past, our attempts to 'help' have often caused worse trouble.  We interfere with the Children's own destiny."  Linfëa fluttered a wing in agreement.  Ulmo nodded.  "It was not without misgiving, that I granted Olwë's request."

 Yavanna hurumphed loudly... "Exactly, Nienna."

 Ossë threw up his trident. "We can be of aid, without revealing our natures. It is not for being remembered, but for their safety and survival! Let us move amongst them! Let us show them how to fight back! How to best this evil!"

"This 'evil', you say," responded Nienna.  Aulë spoke.  "So the songs the Teleri had composed for two ages have never been heard in Middle Earth.  Now they will be there.  Even if we Valar take no direct action or appearance there at all."  Linfëa looked from one Valar to another, wondering how to accomplish such a task.

Tilion asked. "Are we certain that the problem arises from a servant of Morgoth, and not Morgoth himself?"

"We still do not even know what this 'evil' is," added Nienna.

Arien nodded to Ossë. "But what happens when the light of the sun is blotted out by the smoke from the fires below?"

Ossë made a face. "... Aulë, you spend too much time away from the affairs of the children. Your focus is not on the right place."

Vána then spoke. "What has been seen that portends this evil?"  Melian nodded. "A good question, Lady Vána."  Ossë looks around the gathering, stepping forward.  Yavanna mutters under her breath about just what 'affairs' her husband has been involved in.  Aulë glared at Ossë but made no reply. 

Ulmo spoke. "Arien and Tilion guide their vessels across the skies.  They have seen, as have I, the balrogs walking in the world.  Is this not so?" Nienna spoke as well, "I, too, have heard rumors of the balrogs."  Linfëa moved restlessly.

Melian spoke then. "I foresee great evil again stalking the children."

"I have seen it," said Arien.  "the Arda itself puts out more flame and smoke and molten rock flows to rivers and streams, sending steam into the air, and balrogs crawl from the deep places."

Ossë set his trident down, looking about him "... who are these whom I see? Are they not Ainu? Valar and Maiar? Those very made from Ilúvatar's own mind?" Yavanna answered, "It's not a question of if we are powerless, Ossë, but where and how we should use that power."

Ossë answered hotly.  "We are the very being of Ilúvatar in many parts! And we are many more than Melkor... Can we not inspire the hearts of elves and men? Can we not fight back, whatever the foe? Whatever the evil? Why do you cower here? Go forth, into the lands of middle earth!"

Yavanna lifts her head proudly to Ossë... "indeed we are."  Ossë made a fist, waving it over his head "WE are NOT POWERLESS!"

Manwë spoke. "We must remember that everything we do, and all we do to help,  will have consequences, for better or worse.  That is why we are here to decide."

Gentle Vána spoke.  "I have found .. on the far edge of my Spring garden something...."  Linfëa looked toward Vána, and Yavanna asked, "What is it you  have seen, sister?"  "This," she answered, and before them manifested a twisted, blackened, malformed tree. Ulmo gasped.  Vána trembled.  Melian looked worriedly at the dark shadow cast over Vána by the tree. 

 Yavanna gasps.... "didn't you water it, Little Sister?"  Linfëa stiffened her wings.  "What could cause such a Vána's own garden?"
Ossë grumbled and stepped  back, pacing around the perimeter. "I found it thus, " said Vána.  She looked around at the gathering. "What else has been seen?"

Nienna answered her. "A travelling elf told me that dangerous creatures had been seen in the Pelori mountains."

Melian, too, spoke. "I have had prescient dreams... but they remain shadows still."

"What Ossë says is true," spoke Tilion.  "once before seeing  the assault upon the moon, the Valar were in doubt, fearing what the malice and cunning of Melkor might yet contrive against them.  We cannot stand and do nothing at this time." 

Ossë nodded.  "Indeed, Tilion!  My own refusal led to the slaughter of the elf kin. I will not sit idle but again."  Tilion nodded sadly. 

Arien gasped in horror, remembering how the golden tree was similarly withered and destroyed.  "It breaks my heart to see one of my creations so ill treated.  Who dares to do such a thing!" cried Yavanna.

Ulmo said, "It is also what has not been seen..the Teleri who were in Alqualondë are missing." 
Nienna spoke to Ulmo.  "Do tell us about  that."  Ulmo answered, "It is a quiet and still island in the mortal world."  Vána gasped in wonder.  Ulmo looks at his brother and sisters.  "Olwë called to me with a pain I have never heard since the last time Melkor worked his great evil.  I know not where they are." 

Ossë piped up again.  "This is an evil that may spread! Our lingering on the issue may cause more lives to vanish without a trace."

"We only know they are not dead, so they must be alive somewhere," said Nienna. Ulmo nodded. 

Tilion spoke. "In the presence of Lord Manwë and Lady Nienna, I too heard the King of theTeleri beg for help in this cause."

Ossë slapped at an armrest, spraying water all over the near area, water that evaporates instantly ".... But where! and Why!"

"Indeed," said Nienna.  Arien spoke.  "I also have not seen them, so they are under some shadow or cloud or cover of darkness."  Linfëa thought about some elves she saw at the edge of a distant land.

"If the Teleri roam in shadows," said Melian. "It is the duty of the Ainur to come to their aid, if only to shine a guiding light. "

Yavanna coughs a little... "Are you sure they are not missing because they have turned evil? How do you know it's not the teleri who have caused this to happen?"

Ossë spoke, "There are but two Teleri now, the Lord King Olwë and I believe some guard of his."

Vána mused,"Perhaps they are under a protection of invisibility.?"

"Would a whole race of good elves beneath a benevolent king turn evil?" asked Ossë.  Ulmo nodded.  "I agree. They have always honored us and Eru and keep true and steadfast."

"And so suddenly?  That would make no sense," asked Nienna.

"They are a resilient and resourcesful lot.  Why must we assume that we need our help, or that they have turned against all that is good?" asked Manwë.  Yavanna harumpfs loudly again... "You always think everyone are such goody goodies, Manwë."  Melian watched Manwë closely. 

"I, for one, cannot believe they have turned away from Olwë," said Melian.  Ulmo nodded thoughtfully.  "They are not within reach of my seas, I would know."  Nienna replied, " Your waters reach nearly all of the world."

Tilion mused. "Often I wander  in the grots and caverns at the roots of Arda... coming late again to the heavens... I know them well,  when I am there again, I shall search for them."

Arien felt and heard the water Ossë throws about hiss as it landed near her and evaporates: "They are still Ilúvatar's children"

Ossë asked.  " Cannot Manwë, with his birds and his contact to the Ilúvatar make some guess as to their whereabouts?"

"I will watch for them from the skies, though I have not espied them yet," promised Tilion.   Vána spoke. "Perhaps the trail leads through my garden."  Tilion looked at Vána.  "How so, Lady Vána?"

She answered.  "The tree that was withered, it should not have been."  Linfëa fidgeted.  Ulmo turned his attention to Vána.   "The darkness is large and growing, and sadly I cannot see into it as far as you might hope," spoke Manwë.

Ossë started pacing again.   Yavanna spoke. "You are all missing the obvious. I could walk the world and commune with creations, the very trees and plants of the land, and discover if Teleri have passed that way.. The spirits of all things that grow would have seen them."

Vána spoke up. "The birds have told me nothing of this."

Ossë made a face. "You could have said something afore this moment."  Melian loked askance at Ossë's tone of disrespect.  "Ossë, you forget yourself," reproached Tilion.  Ulmo whirled and glared at Ossë.  "Indeed, sir." Yavanna crooks an eyebrow at the ego driven, youth obsessed watery one.... "I would have thought it was obvious, to those who have a thinking mind'

Ulmo roared at the Lord f Waves. " We are not so fallen as we turn upon each other."  Arien hissed at Ossë as he steams near her.  Nienna shook her head at the bickering.  Ossë watched all of them, quietly, pacing, without responding to the jabs at him.

"We need more information," said Tilion.  "I agree with Tilion," said Melian, and Ulmo nodded in agreement. 

Yavanna mutters under her breath for a moment... "My intent is not to bicker, but to speak truth. I fear that truth has been tainted by my frustation. Every time evil is lose on the world it is my creations that must suffer. I feel so... so .. victimised."

Ossë asked, " How do  you propose we get it, how?

Tilion contined, "My Lords Manwë and Ulmo, it is clear you are greatly concerned, but we need more information."

Yavanna said,"I apologize if I sound bitter.  It is not my intent."  Nienna looked at the Mother of the Earth with compassion. "You are a mother, Yavanna, to all your creatures."  Aulë placed a hand near his beloved Yavanna.  "Dear sister, what is this truth you speak of?"

Ulmo looked upon the bringer of green growing things.  "I can feel your pain.  The seas, too, paid a heavy price when Melkor wrought his evil."

"Perhaps, " said Tilion.  'This is not something we can resolve at this meeting."

"Does someone propose an action?" asked Melian.  She looked around the assembled company.  "Truly," said Nienna., " we need to know what we are facing before we can decide what to do about it."

Arien said, "It is clear that we must see if we can find the missing Teleri."  Ulmo added," We must support Olwë of Alqualondë."  Melian nodded in agreement with Ulmo.

  Aulë spoke up.  "Brothers and sisters, yes, I propose one."  "Please  speak, Lord Aulë," urged Tilion.

"First, despite our disagreements as to whether the presence of the Valar in Middle Earth is a good thing or not..."

"Yes! Action," responded Ossë.

Yavanna looked gratefully at her sweet husband and dear sister... "It is simply that I can help perhaps, by asking the spirits of all my living things, but none had thought to ask it."

Ossë leaned towards Yavanna, saying excitedly "And if you ask? And they are not where your things can find them? Then what must we do?"

Yavanna answered, " I am no soothsayer Ossë. I cannot tell you in advance what would happen next."

Aulë continued.  "Each of us...EACH OF US... already DO have a presence in Middle Earth." Ulmo listened to Aulë, growing still.  "Manwë, with your vision and birds...Ulmo with the whispering of the waters...Yavanna, with the hearts of the animals...we are already there, and each in our secret way, we are already there.  We do need intelligence."

Ulmo spoke. "But, as Nienna said, we cannot interfere we once did."

"Indeed," agreed Manwë.

Ossë made a face "My lord Ulmo is not present in Middle Earth, Aulë. I am. I am in charge of that territory, along side with she who tends to rivers. We are present in Middle Earth where he is not"

Aulë laughed. "Ossë, you need to speak more openly with your master about what he does and does not do in Middle Earth, I think."

Aulë contined. "My proposal is that, rather than hiding from one another, we speak more openly of what we learn."  Melian applauded Aulë's words.

Yavanna smiled sweetly .... "Dear husband, I do not believe it is our presence that is being discussed, but rather if we should 'do' more with that presence."

Vána said, "Then we must each ask in our own way...what we may ask of the Teleri."

Tilion said, "I watch from the skies by night... and Arien by day."

Melian added, "I have the gift of foresight...though it is not always controllable."

Ulmo rumbled. "I hide from no one.  But I find the waters suit me more than such conclaves.  But I will do the will of Eru and as Manwë guides."

Yavanna asked, "So if we are all so present, how is it that none have seen the Teleri?

Ossë shots back hotly at the Maker. "Do you imply to know my business then, Aulë, to know my duty as it is handed to me and to know my Lord, as I must know him who has not hidden in dank caves for so long without seeing him?"  Ulmo thumps his staff upon the floor and roars. "Enough bickering!"

"Calm down, Ossë," added Nienna.

Aulë turned to his wife.  "Well, my Lady and Queen, that is one issue among many.  We need intelligence and to share it."

Ossë said, "We must do our best to find traces of the Teleri! And to get more information about this evil that is coming! Do we then propose to meet again?"

 Melian whispered to Tilion, "Cousin, I can see our younger cousin has much to learn still."  Tilion nods to Melian.

Manwë spoke.  "Indeed, Ossy, and that is what I would ask you all to do...speak to each other, gather what information you can, and make sure it is known to all of us."

Aulë looked to Manwë.  "Are we all agreed in this?  that we speak to ourselves more openly thant we have done?"

YaVánan bows her head in acknowledgement of Manwë's request.... "As you ask, so shall I do."

Ulmo nodded, heeding Manwë's words.  Vána spoke, "It shall be done."

Ossë set off, saying behind his shoulder "I go! I must scour every beach and cresting wave! I must commune with my sister keeper of the rivers! There is not a moment to waste!"

Ulmo, eyeing his willful and temptuous servant, turns back to Manwë.  "As you say, Breath of Arda, let it be done."  Linfëa visibly relaxes. 

"Vána's kiss of spring upon you all and the ever promise of the dawn," whispered Vána. 

Manwë smiled.  "Then I would thank you all for joining me here this night."

Arien nodded.  'We will follow the way of light."  Ulmo nodded obedience to the King of Arda. 

"Thank you, my lord, " said Melian.

"When shall we meet again?" asked Tilion. 

Aulë nods.  "Lord Ossë of Seas, I wish a word with you privately of Alqaulonde."  Yavanna looked at her husband.  "It has been a long time since last we were alone together, beloved.  If only time were to permit, but alas duty calls me back to the forests where I may seek the spirits of the trees."  She sighed with regret. 

"You will know soon," spoke Manwë. "I shall send word when we are ready again."

"As you command, my Lord Manwë, "replied Tilion.  Ulmo bowed his head.  "I look for thy message, King of Arda.  The waters call to me, brothers and sisters...I would take my leave." 

Aulë embraces his spouse's hand. "I am always with you and at your command, my Lady and Queen." 

Yavanna timidly withdraws her wrinkled hand. "I am amazed you can force yourself to touch me at the moment husband. Taking on the form of mortals to experience their world has meant my form ages as does theirs.  Nonetheless the empathy I have gained in doing so it worth it, I think."  Yavanna struggles to her feet, her bones creaking in protest as she does so.

Each take their leave of the other, brother and sisters all within the Circle of Thrones, under the watchful, brooding eyes of Manwë.  He watches as each take their leave, and, heaving a heavy sigh, returns once more to his throne atop the sacred mountain...searching his memory of the Song that brought all into Creation, clearing his troubled thoughts in hopes of clarity and guidance from Eru Ilúvatar.

> Next Ainur     

Elven Pantheon

< Previous    
as taken from The Simarillion by JRR Tolkien
By Dominique Darkwatch

This is just a quick reference guide to the pantheon of elven divine spirits as described by JRR Tolkien.  As a cleric of Eru Iluvatar, I worship the One true Creator God, but venerate all of the aunir as divine beings, much as Tolkien himself as a Catholic would have venerated the saints, angels and apostles.

Elven Name: Iluvatar
Other names: Eru, The One
Deity of:    All Creation
Other Notes:  Created the Ainur – the Holy Ones – from his thoughts and engaged them in song and music from which all other creations were made.  Some of the mightiest of the Ainur came to live on the Arda (Earth), and they became the Valar.  Iluvatar is the one true god of the elven pantheon.

THE VALAR – Not gods, per se, but often treated and regarded as such by elves and men.  They could be treated as gods by a cleric, in adopting specific practices that venerate and establish a personal relationship with that Vala.  The following are just basic facts about each as contained in the Silmarillion.  While they were divine, they were not gods.  Their spirits had specific interests, hence the description names them as “spirits of” rather than “diety of.”

Elven Name: Morgoth
Other names: Melkor
Spirit of:    Darkness, evil and all malice
Other notes: Was once the mightiest of the Valar, but strove against the will of Iluvatar and the other Valar.  He claimed lordship over all of the Arda and sought to gain it for himself

Elven Name: Manwë
Spirit of: Of the wind and all of the air, including the wind and the clouds. 
Other notes: King of the Valar, bretheren of Melkor and dwells with Varda, queen of the Valar .  Can  see all things when he is with Varda.

Elven Name:Varda
Other names:Lady of the Stars, Elbereth
Spirit of:    All manner of light
Other notes: Can hear all things when she is with Manwe.

Elven Name: Ulmo       
Other names: King of the Sea
Spirit  of:   The seas, rivers, springs, lakes and all flowing water
Other notes: Always allied with Manwe, and loves men and elves.  Speaks to them through the music of the water.

Elven Name:Aulë
Spirit of: Of all substances of the earth; gems, rocks, soil and iron
Other notes: Master creator and master of all crafts wrought from any material brought from the earth.  He is responsible for the creation of the dwarves.  Spouse to Yavanna

Elven Name:Yavanna
Other names:Kementari, Queen of the Earth, Giver of Fruits
Spirit  of:    All things that grow on the earth.  Spouse of Aulë.  Creator of tree shepherds, to guard the trees

Elven Name: Mandos
Other names:Namo, Doomsman of the Valar
Spirit  of:    Death, keeper of the House of the Dead and Slain. 
Other notes:  Spouse of Vaire, the weaver of time, brother of Lorien and Nienna

Elven Name: Vaire
Other names:The Weaver
Spirit  of: Time and fate, weaving a tapestry of each person's life in the hall of Mandos
Other notes: spouse of Mandos

Elven Name: Lorien
Other names:Irmo
Spirit  of: Dreams and visions
Other notes: spouse of Este,  brother to Mandos and Nienna

Elven Name: Este
Spirit  of: gentleness, healer of hurts and weariness
Other notes: Spouse of Lorien, and together provide refreshment even to the weary Valar

Elven Name: Nienna
Spirit  of: Grief, sorrow, pity, turns endurance into hope and sorrow into wisdom
Other notes: Sister to Lorien and Mandos

Elven Name: Tulkas
Other names:Astaldo, The Valiant
Spirit  of: Sport
Other notes: Spouse of Nesse.  Sometime called a laughing warrior, he is tireless and can outrun anything with legs

Elven Name: Nessa
Spirit of: Dance
Other notes: Loves deer but can outrun them, spouse of Tulkas and sister to Orome

Elven Name: Orome
Other names:Aldaron, Tauron, Lord of forests
Spirit of: Forests and hunting
Other notes: Hunts the fell beasts of Melkor.  Spouse to Vana

Elven Name: Vana
Other names: The ever-Young
Spirit of: Spring and flowers
Other notes: Spouse of Orome and younger sister to Yavanna

THE MAIAR – lesser ainur who came and served under specific Valar.  These are the ones who appear in the writings of Tolkien but there were also many more than those named, hence there may be RP players of Maiar beyond those listed here

Elven Name: Sauron
Other names:Gorthauer
Spirit of: Darkness, evil and Malice
Other notes: Follower and servant of Melkor and later arose to take the place of Morgoth

Elven Name: Eonwe
Spirit of: weaponry
Other notes: Herald of Manwe, also the maker and user of all weapons

Elven Name: Osse
Spirit of: coastal seas, lakes, rivers
Other notes: Serves under Ulmo, spouse of Uinen

Elven Name: Arien
Spirit  of: The sun
Other notes:  She helped care for the golden tree and later was chosen to guide the sun.  serves under Varda

Elven Name: Tilion
Spirit  of: The moon
Other notes: He cared for the silver tree before it was destroyed, and then was chosen to guide the moon.  Serves under the Vala Varda.

Elven Name: Ilmare
Spirit of: Stars and star making
Other notes: Uses lightning as a weapon and assists Varda in making stars

Elven Name: Uinen
Spirit of: coastal seas, lakes and rivers
Other notes: Spouse of Osse, helps to calm Osse's temper and calm storms also serving under Ulmo

Elven Name: Melian
Spirit of: Music, comfort
Other notes: Served both Irmo and Este, took the form of an Eldar (elf) and married Elu Thingol, and used her powers to help defend the elves and his kingdom.  Her and Thingol had one daughter, Luthien

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Ainur RolePlay Background - for May 2, 2010

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This is a gathering of the Ainur, the spirit-beings who helped  Eru Ilúvatar, the One, the great Creator, to create this world by their song.  The 14 Valar are the highest ranking and most powerful of the Ainur, each in charge of an aspect of nature or an archetypal quality.  Each Vala is assisted by many Maiar, lower-ranking Ainur spirits.  These Maiar vary considerably in their powers -- some nearly as powerful as a Vala, and some more like fae. 

Ainur are by nature spirit beings, but they can, if they chose, manifest either visible illusions or actual physical bodies, especially if they need to interact with the created races.  If an Ainu loses his or her body, he or she can with time and energy recreate it.

In the Beginning, there was a 15th Vala, Melkor.  He attempted to dominate the Song with his own music.  Once the Song became physical, as the World, he attempted to rule all, to destroy the works of any who opposed him, and to corrupt all creatures to his evil service.  He poisoned the Two Trees, early in the First Age.  (What you see in Valarindë is no longer the Two Trees themselves, but your vivid memory of them, in the days of their glory.)

At the end of the First Age, Melkor was locked up "outside the walls of the world".  But his chief Maia servant, Sauron, set himself up a the new force of evil.  In the Third Age, the Valar sent 5 of their own Maiar, in the form of the Wizards, to oppose Sauron.  As you recall, the Third Age ended with both Sauron and the corrupted wizard Saruman removed from their bodies.  Their spirits are (we sincerely hope) so reduced in power that they can never take physical form again.

But can their wandering spirits still whisper poisoned words to susceptible minds?
And can Melkor sneak past his guards, back to the World?  It wouldn't be the first time.

Meanwhile, we are gathered because we are concerned about strange and worrying news. The Ainur, and some of the Elder Children of Ilúvatar -- the Elves -- live in the Undying Lands.  Other Elves, and the Younger Children -- the Humans -- live in the mortal world.  We hear unsettling news from both worlds.  Ancient Maia demons, the Balrogs, corrupted long ago into the service of Melkor, have been seen again.  Monsters have been seen even on the borders of the Undying Lands.  The Elves of the Teleri city of Alqualondë have vanished inexplicably, and their King, Olwë, has been receiving dire warnings from Irmo, the Vala of Dreams and Visions.  Some new force of evil seems to be rising, or some old force regaining strength.  But who?  And what can we, the Ainur, do about it?

"Ainu", "Vala", and "Maia" are singular.
"Ainur", "Valar", and "Maiar" are plural.

by Lihan Taifun

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