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October 3, 2011

Bedside Vigil

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AelKennyr Rhiano

Quietly he opened the door to the bedchamber and gazed upon the room. Not much had changed from a few days ago. A small log was in the room's fireplace, the wood popping and crackling, the fire providing a tiny bit of warmth and an soft glow which catches the glint of the gold embellishments on the walls and the gold trim of the washstand close by the bed. Upon the bed, lying atop the red and gold bedspread was his neice, just as she had been described, tossing and turning restlessly, as her lips move soundlessly.

Quietly, Olwe enters the room and stands over the bed, looking down upon the sleeping figure of his neice, Elwing the White. Gingerly he bent down and rested his hand upon her forehead. Though her body was warm, it was not feverish.  Pulling back his hand, he considers for a moment calling out her name or shakingh her shoulder softly to wake her up, but instead he sinks into the cushioned chair by her beside and watches over her. He had been told that she was very clear she needed to speak with him, and he had come. He leans forward, the red- orange of the flames from the fireplaces washing over his hair.  He would wait a few hours and see if she woke up. In the morrow he could walk down to the library and see what he could gleam from the tomes there. Tonight, he would keep Elwing company, and hope that Lord Irmo would bestow restful slumbers upon his troubled kinswoman.

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