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October 25, 2011

Hot Water

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Rhûn Darkmoon and Lihan Taifun

Aulë folded his arms impatiently across his chest as he watched two of his remaining Maiar carry the steaming hot water into the chamber.  His brow was in its now habitual thunderous scowl.  The more time that had passed since his return to the Halls of Mandos, the less he liked any interaction with others outside of the chamber.  Although they provided a necessary service for his sweet Nienna at the moment, still their mere presence in his rooms irked him.

Aulë did not even think to question his thoughts at this point.  To him it was as natural as breathing that Nienna should be here with him.  Over time, less and less had he left the chamber until finally he had stopped leaving it at all.  What purpose was there?  No one kept faith with him out there.  No one believed in him as this sweet soul did.  His eyes strayed to the object of his thoughts, for in truth he could rarely bear to tear them away from her.  Nienna!  Her name shimmered through his mind like a cool breeze on a summer's day in the mortal lands.  His scowl eased a little as he watched her prepare for her bath.  No, what could possible draw him to leave her side?

Nienna watches impatiently as the Maiar carry in the pots of water.  "Is this hot enough?" she asks sharply.  "Yesterday the water was barely warm! Is heating water so difficult?"  She tests the water in each pot with her hand. While some physical pleasures, such as eating, accept a wide range of sensations, bathing is only pleasant if the water temperature is exactly right.

Aulë watches as the Maiar set the last of the steaming urns of water beside the bath.  His eyes narrow at Nienna's words.  These people would become more incompetent daily if it were allowed.  Still, he could see by how they cringed before her now that they had learned their lesson after yesterday's debacle.  Oh yes, he had made sure they would never bring lukewarm water for his Nienna again.  Now as he watched them hastily retreat and close the chamber doors after them he smiled a small cold smile.  It was about time someone brought some discipline to this place.  Maiar needed to be kept in line.  One only had to look at that insolent puppy Eonwë to see what happened when they were indulged.    Now again he turned his gaze to his adored Nienna.   He stepped forward and slipped his arms around her, drawing her close to him as he leaned down and whispered in her ear, 'Do you need help taking these things off, my dear one?'

Nienna lets her fingers drop from the fastenings of her shirt, and looks up invitingly at Aulë.  In truth, these complicated "fastenings" on clothing are still difficult for her.

Aulë's teeth flash white against his dark skin for by now he knows that look well.  Slowly he undoes the fastenings of her clothing, leaning down to lightly kiss each piece of skin as it is revealed.  Gently he eases the clothing from her body as though unveiling a great artwork such as are known in the mortal realms.  Finally the last item drops from his fingers to the floor and he stands back and gazes down at her, speechless. Her naked form held a fine and delicate beauty that took his breath away.  For a moment his purpose in disrobing her was forgotten as he simply stood completely enchanted.

Nienna stands without embarrassment.  She smiles knowingly at the hungry look in Aulë's eyes.  "Later, my sweet," she says, touching his shoulder lightly.

From a tray by the side of the bath, Nienna picks up a handful of dried lavender and rosemary.  These have been brought from the far side of Aman, for few such cheerful plants grow near the Halls of the Dead.  She rubs them in her hands, and inhales the pungent odor, full of summers of which she was never aware.  No matter.  She is living in this body now, and taking in a lifetime of experiences, at the hands of her most kind an gentle guide, her sweet Aulë.  She crumbles the herbs, and drops them into a pot of the fresh boiling water, sending up a cloud of fragrant steam.

Aulë's smile flashes again at the promise in her words.  He stands and watches her graceful movements as she crumbles the herbs into the water and bends her head to gently sniff at their aroma.  His smile softens at the pleasure upon her face.  For too long this little one had been used and used for the sake of others.  Seeing her discover the joys of physical form was something that never failed to move him.   Now he stoops and effortlessly adds the last urn of steaming water to her bath.

Aulë sets the empty container down and tests the temperature of the water carefully with his hand before turning back to her.  With a mischievous glint in his eye in one swift movement he stoops again and scoops her up in his arms.  She is as light as a feather to him, and the soft skin of her body is warm against his bare chest as he cradles her to him.  He lightly kisses her delicately shaped ear and whispers, "Into the bath with you, my lass!"  With infinite gentleness, he lowers her into the steaming scented water.

This is a common gesture among the families of the mortal beings, but the immortal Valar were never children.  Nienna squeals in mock-surprise as Aulë lifts her up, and then giggles. She sinks gratefully into the clean and fragrant steaming bath, completely submerging herself for a moment. She holds her breath under the water, as Aulë has taught her to do.  Surfacing again, she undoes the braids in her hair -- so much easier to undo than to put up -- and lies back, letting her hair float and the water soak against her scalp.

Aulë lets his hands linger lovingly on her body a moment after setting her in the water before withdrawing them.  He goes down on one knee next to the bath and leans his elbows on the edge, his dark eyes a mixture of delight and desire as he watches her dip beneath the water and emerge again, skin glistening.  He reaches out a hand and delicately trails one finger down the silky soft skin of her upper arm for a moment before he whispers, "Would you like me to bath you, my sweet love?"

Nienna smiles up fondly.  "That would be delightful, dearest.  You are so thoughtful.  Unlike," her forehead creases in a small frown, "some others I know."

Aulë frowns momentarily at her words.  He reaches for the bar of sweetly scented soap and dips it in the water to wet it as he mutters, "Those others we know can all go to the deepest depths of Mount Doom for all I care.  They have used us enough.  We have sweated for them through all the Ages yet with what result?"  His dark eyes rest of her sweet face as his fingers turn the bar of soap end on end unthinkingly, "Me they doubt and you they work like a mule, never thinking you might deserve a life of your own.  No, sweet love, we are unlike them."

Aulë smiles as his eyes drop again to her skin, glistening wet and steamy before him.  He reaches out the hand with the soap and gently starts to run it up her arm, trailing it slowly over the round curve of her shoulder as he whispers, "And you, sweet love, are as unlike them as night is to day. Your beauty and gentleness shines from you like a radiant light."  His hand with the soap slowly glides across the fine outline of her collarbone and slips sensuously across the damp skin below her throat across to her other shoulder before circling back towards him.  The hand continues to move back and forth, slightly lower with each circle as he continues to whisper. "I will never ill-use you as they did, sweet love." His hand circles lower again. "I will always treasure you."

"You are a treasure yourself, my dearest," Nienna replies, sighing contentedly as the soap slides across her skin.  Her muscles relax in the steaming water, and the frown fades away forgotten.  Languidly she takes Aulë's hand in her own, guiding the soap lower.

Far above, outside the Halls of Mandos, Aman lies bathed in the gentle light of eternal twilight. A battle is fought and an island saved. Messages are sent and arrive. Absences are noticed and wondered upon. Words of sorrow are spoken and wrath speeds forth on fleet feet. Unnoticed by either of the two lovers, dark laughter echoes softly around the chamber.

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