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October 12, 2011


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Elenwë, swordmaiden of Alqualondë, has no idea how quickly the day would tranform from blissful peace and quiet to horror and destruction. This is her story  of what she witness during the attack.

Carleen Luckstone

The morning's work complete, Elenwe slips away from the palace grounds. The surrounding forest seems to beckon her throughout the day, but now she has the time to wander and enjoy the warm, still air. The slender elf takes a familiar path, her cloak brushing against tall grasses and lush shrubs. She notes the leaves of the trees, painted with new beautiful colors. This brings a smile to her face. It is an especially lovely day.

Wandering through the peaceful forest, the young elf makes her way to some of her favorite spot: the lookout by the sea, the towering pine with the moss carpet beneath it and, always, the waterfall.

Feeling refreshed, she starts back toward the palace, but spies one other favorite spot, a rock with a sunken spot perfect for curling up in the grass. Elenwe settles into this secret place for a few minutes. She is still, looking around at the silent forest. Her breathing slows. Gradually she becomes aware of a pair of big brown eyes peering at her. Barely moving, Elenwe reaches out a hand to part the tall grass and discovers a fawn, still spotted, huddled in a tight ball.

"Oh! Hello, little fawn." she says in a low tone, in order not to startle the creature. "What are you doing here by yourself? Where is your mother?"

The fawn stares at Elenwe, its slight body shivering hard despite the warm temperature. Seeing the trembling, Elenwe moves closer to inspect the baby. She can see that it is rather thin, not at all well-nourished.

"Why, hasn't your mother been feeding you?" she murmurs, shifting her body a bit closer to the fawn.  Obviously very weak, the fawn tries to rise and run, but can only manage to scrabble in the dirt with its hooves. "This poor fawn has not eaten for some days," thinks Elenwe. "I think this young one's mother may have abandoned it for some reason. Or perhaps she died." To the frightened deer, she whispers, "Don't worry, little baby, I know how it feels to not have a mother. I will protect you. There, it's ok, I won't hurt you."

So saying, she touches the fawn, stroking the tawny fur. The fawn's large eyes look at Elenwe again, and Elenwe thinks that it is deciding whether to trust her. Gently She runs her hands over the fawn, searching for injuries. She also notes that this fawn is a doe.

"A motherless girl, just like I am. We are a pair," she remarks with a smile.

Finding no obvious injuries, Elenwe carefully gathers the fawn in her arms. Its weakened state, combined with the desperate need for nourishment renders the young doe compliant and still. Rising slowly, Elenwe cradles the deer close to her body and begins carefully retracing her steps to the palace.

"Won't Nole and Estelin be surprised to see you." Elenwe smiles, imagining the effect the beautiful young doe will have on the palace residents.

Still concentrating on the fragile package in her arms, Elenwe emerges from the woods. Suddenly the quiet is shattered by a deafening roar. Her head jerks up as her arms instinctively wrap tighter around the fawn.

She can't believe her eyes.

Flames are shooting high in the air, and above them flies -- A DRAGON!!!

Words die in her throat as her mind tries to comprehend what is before her eyes. She turns quickly back to the forest's edge and places the foe beneath a shrub. "You'll be safe here, little one," she says quickly before turning and breaking into a run.

Elenwe has no idea what is happening, but she knows she must find her king and protect him at all costs. Her sword bumps reassuringly against her back as she darts along the path. She will not be without a weapon. Nearing the palace grounds, Elenwe's ears are assaulted by the roar of the dragon, the angry hiss of the flames, the screams of swans. Her nostrils are filled with the tang of burnt wood and scorched grass. Overhead, the dragon is veering back toward...what? What would warrant such destruction of the beautiful Alqualonde? She redoubles her efforts, her legs churning quickly, breath coming steadily as she rushes to find her king.

Suddenly, directly above her, Elenwe hears a horrifying scream, followed by a deafening crash, almost like thunder. She looks up, and is frozen in place. Screams are ripped from her throat, and her hands fly up in a hopeless effort to shield her body.  Pieces of the crumbling tower rain down on the defenseless maiden.

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