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October 7, 2011

Estelin's Choice

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Shawn Daysleeper

Estelin sees two figures on the dock, standing there as if defying the intruders. They were out in the open, clearly easy targets to the attackers. Looking closer he sees that one of them is the tall teleri king, Olwe. While he is a grand and imposing stature among the Children, he was minute compared to the beasts that threaten their home. The one with Olwe is faithful Nole, nearly always by his king's side. The attack intensifies, and Irmo calls upon his brother, the mighty Lord of the Seas, Ulmo. Telepathically, he calls his brother. Amid the chaos and action, he focuses his mind on reaching Ulmo. But nothing. "Dear Brother, you must not abandon me now!" he says aloud. As the attackers continue their assault, Estelin's mind reels into a dreadful choice. He considers his options, and Irmo's mind is thrown into chaos.

He sees before him, Manwe, the Lord of the Valar and the greatest of the Ainur. His form is radiant, resplendent in valour. He recalls the decree passed to him from Manwe following the Second Council of the Ainur. He was to go to Alqualonde and give hope to its King, for he is the Champion fo the Children of Light. But he was not to reveal his powers as a Vala. He had to assume the form of one of the Children, and his powers were restricted to their capabilities of their bodies. This is why he is Estelin the Teleri Musician, not Irmo the Lord of Dreams and Illusion.

But here and now, Olwe stands on the brink of death, about to be killed defending his people. The Third Council came and went, and Olwe's life was spared by process of the Ritual. Why should he die now? When he could save him? He could reveal his form to all and slay these intruders outright and set the burning isle to mend. The decree of Manwe binds him. He tries again to contact Ulmo, but no avail. He had to choose. Manwe's words, or the life of the Children, his friends to whom he was to bring hope.

"Lord Manwe, Breath of Arda, forgive what I am about to do." Irmo's mind drifts back to the mortal world. The Isle of Alqualonde is in flames, and the mighty king and faithful Nole stand resolute before death.

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