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February 27, 2011

Preparing to Sail

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Elenwe felt the need for haste after the time spent collecting the fish,  cleaning them, and gathering other things to sustain them on their journey. She still needed to prepare her own bundle for travel, and lend assistance to King Olwe in order for him to go aboard the swan ship as easily as possible. Elenwe hurries to prepare the few things she will needs. Her sword, Vanima, always close at hand, is the main thing she will need. She walks through the palace toward the King's chambers, wondering what to arrange for Lord Olwe's comfort and health on the ship.

Apakenwe has finished hauling down to the ship the baskets of food that Elenwe set out.  "Oh, there you are, Elenwe!  I left them all on board, but I didn't know where to pack them. Is there anything else to take down?"

Nole makes sure that all of the necessary charts and navigational instruments were on board. He goes back into the palace to try to find his friends.

"Apakenwe, thank you for your assistance.  I do hope your brother will be able to help in final preparations. I was going to gather things to help King Olwe be as comfortable as possible, wherever our voyage takes us."

Apakenwe says "My brother ... yes ... well ... It would have been easier if he were helping."  She looks down, uncertain what to say. "That is ... he is helping ... I'm sure he is ... but not with the packing"

Elenwe says, "Indeed. Well, we will do what we can until he is finished with his... what did you say it was he was doing?"

"Um, yes ... He is ..." She shifts uncomfortably, from one foot to the other.

Elenwe says, "Will you come with me to gather things for King Olwe? We'll need rainment for him, and any medical supplies."

"He ... he was so distressed by the King's condition that he is ... meditating. .... Trying to communicate with the Lady Este, the Healer." Apakenwe brightens at the chance to do anything other than discuss her brother.  "Oh yes, of course.  Whatever I can do to help!"

"Oh yes," Elenwe replies as she leads the way along the corridor. "I do hope he was able to communicate with the Healer."

Nole comes into the room with Apakenwe and Elenwe. "There you are! I have been looking for you."


Apakenwe says, "If anyone can, he can!  She has always been his favorite.  It in not for naught he is named 'Estelin'."

Elenwe nods at Apakenwe's statement about her brother, as she catches sight of Nole. "My friend, I was looking for you as well. You are more familiar with the things Olwe would need for his comfort on this journey. What should we pack?"

Nole says, "He would need medication to help him on the journey. And also lots of clothes to try to steady him as he sleeps."

Apakenwe asks "Perhaps cushions?  and extra linens?  He ... seems to get blood on everything ..."

Elenwe nods in agreement as she carefully enters the outer chambers of the King. She begins selecting things for the journey. "Nole, do you have any more idea of the desitnation?"

Apakenwe gathers some sturdy-looking cushions off the chairs, stacking them near the door.

"None." Nole says, shaking his head. "I stowed all my charts on board, as I have no idea where we are heading."

Apakenwe asks, "He didn't say where he wanted to go?"

"It is odd that we would set out without having any idea where the journey will take you." Elenwe gathers clothing for her King, extra in case of anymore bloody incidents.

Nole replies, "No, he said simply to prepare to sail. He seemed to be determined to leave quickly."

Elenwe responds, "Yes, I know we need to make haste. Will we need to assist Olwe in getting onboard the swan ship?"

Nole answers, "I think that is a good idea."

Apakenwe says, "Can the three of us move him?  You two, at least, look strong."

Elenwe asks, "Apakenwe, we can take these things down to the ship and stow them in the King's quarters. Nole, can you see if Olwe is feeling up to moving onboard? We can help when we return to the palace."

Apakenwe answers, "Yes, of course."  She scoops up an armful of clothing, trying to keep it all folded, and heads for the door.

Nole nods. "Yes, I will go see to Olwe. I think he will need both of our help to get to the ship."

Elenwe turns at the chamber door, her arms filled with Olwe's clothing.  "We will return as soon as we have stowed everything, my friend. Apakenwe, let us hurry to the ship."

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