[21:42] Powers Constantine lands in the Plaza to see Eecho shouting
[21:42] Mityka Gartle runs to the Plaza after Powers and watches Eecho
[21:43] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The TIme of Chaos is here!!! Your sun oh Sylvhara is quenched!!! Fallen!! Fallen is Sylvhara the great!!!
[21:43] Powers Constantine: You do no know of what you speak
[21:44] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I warned of this day... Now it has come to pass. The Tides have turned... the Sun is quenched!!
[21:44] Mityka Gartle looks frowned: "Eecho, what the ghyr are you talking about?!"
[21:44] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): No more will the sun shine in Sylvhara... first the hoon... now... well...
[21:44] Powers Constantine: I am the Sun Dragon and I still shine with it;s light
[21:45] Malakyte Thorne: Our sun??? *blinks a moment and looks at the others*
[21:45] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): There is no sun Powers... look
[21:45] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): It will not shine again...
[21:45] Tai (taijikate.bode): Do I need to tell you again? The light does not come from the outside ..
[21:45] Tai (taijikate.bode): it comes from within?
[21:45] Star (melonystargazer) smiles at her captain and nods
[21:45] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Now...who will turn to the dark. Calypso is merciful
[21:46] Tai (taijikate.bode): The dark is the easy way .. we who live with the light will not take it!
[21:46] Malakyte Thorne growls at the UnSeelie King
[21:46] Mityka Gartle laughs: "Eecho, your mashrooms turned you insane!"
[21:46] Powers Constantine: Turn Dark??? You are insane, Eecho.
[21:46] Star (melonystargazer) grins slightly
[21:46] Kane Astermann: You return to your hole and to your own dark, you shall find none here to your liking
[21:46] Malakyte Thorne: Sylvhara has her own ways and Calypso is not here
[21:46] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) smiles... "There is no more light in Sylvhara!!!"
[21:46] Tai (taijikate.bode): The light is here .. You simply choose not to see it
[21:46] Tai (taijikate.bode): Begone, I say!
[21:46] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Your light was extinguished... I told you it was coming!!!
[21:46] Malakyte Thorne: Oh but you are wrong.. we are of the light
[21:46] Kane Astermann: We are the light
[21:46] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): You did not listen
[21:47] Veronique (veronique.wellesley) shakes her head at Eecho, "The Lady and her Lord have walkd among us even today.... we have not fallen into darkness... "
[21:47] Tai (taijikate.bode) turns away .. bored with the shouting ...
[21:47] Manwell Roux: *thinks to self* Eecho is babbling again ... evangelical zeal has confused him
[21:47] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Sylvhara's key has been taken!!! Manwell I told you!
[21:47] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Do you remember what I told you?
[21:47] Tai (taijikate.bode) grins quietly, agreeing with Commander Manwell
[21:47] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): It has now come to pass!!!
[21:47] Malakyte Thorne frowns in confusion then blinks and groans.. The key???
[21:48] Manwell Roux: *looks to Eecho* What key? The Hoon? We will retrieve it Eecho!
[21:48] Malakyte Thorne: Sylvharas Key?!!!
[21:48] Veronique (veronique.wellesley) frowns at Eecho, 'If you wish to say something, just say it..... "
[21:48] Malakyte Thorne: To the Queen NOW!!!
[21:48] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) laughs with a crazed look in his eyes... "Not just the hoon"
[21:48] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Good luck with that Malakyte
[21:48] Manwell Roux: The Queen? .... THE QUEEN!!!
[21:48] Mityka Gartle turns and follows Mala
[21:48] Malakyte Thorne leaps up and flies off toward the palace
[21:49] Tai (taijikate.bode) looks up ..
[21:49] Powers Constantine: What???
[21:49] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The Time of Chaos is at Hand!!!
[21:49] Powers Constantine: Where is the Queen?
[21:49] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The Darkness has consumed the light!!!
[21:49] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Fallen! Fallen! Is Sylvhara
[21:49] Malakyte Thorne: Queen Comet!
[21:49] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): It's light will never shine again!!!
[21:49] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): "Aryou mad, Eecho... Oh, no: Stupid question..."
[21:49] Tai (taijikate.bode) watches him ...
[21:50] Powers Constantine at the castle, Your Majesty, Your Majesty
[21:50] Malakyte Thorne growls at the necessity and pushes the door open
[21:50] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) glances at Dylan..."Here my words Faulks... no.. not mad"
[21:50] Kane Astermann stands ready
[21:50] Tai (taijikate.bode): "the others will make certain the Queen is well .... .. "
[21:50] Malakyte Thorne: or tries to...
[21:50] Malakyte Thorne: It is locked..
[21:50] Tai (taijikate.bode): if she is not .. you are forfeit.
[21:50] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): ((Dylan's not here.))
[21:50] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I stood in this square and preached..
[21:50] Powers Constantine roars..She is not here in her chambers!!!!
[21:51] Tai (taijikate.bode): It may be your last sermon, fool
[21:51] Star (melonystargazer) frowns
[21:51] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Now the Time of Chaos is here...
[21:51] Manwell Roux: *hears Mala calling from inside ... Star help me search the grounds!
[21:51] Malakyte Thorne flies up to try another door
[21:51] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): "But you were hanging aobut earlier..."
[21:51] Star (melonystargazer): cmmander
[21:51] Star (melonystargazer): isaw her in vidarkis before
[21:51] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): You fools do you think this is my doing?!
[21:51] Malakyte Thorne: the doors are locked..
[21:51] Powers Constantine yells to Mal, Do you see her at all?
[21:51] Star (melonystargazer): we should check there
[21:51] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The dark gods have won!!!
[21:51] Tai (taijikate.bode): I think you bring word ...
[21:51] Tai (taijikate.bode): and worship the dark gods
[21:51] Kane Astermann: Never
[21:51] Powers Constantine: Mal come up to her chamber
[21:51] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Your light has been consumed!!
[21:51] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) hears the commotion in the plaza and drops in to see what has happened
[21:52] Powers Constantine roars in panic. She is not here Mal
[21:52] Malakyte Thorne flies about peering in the windows as she hovered; No i do not see nor scent her
[21:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): My words are clear for those with ears to hear!
[21:52] Manwell Roux: Back to the Plaza! Grab Eecho!!
[21:52] Powers Constantine roars for all to hear"The Queen Is Gone!!!"
[21:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The key is removed from the lock... The light is consumed!!!
[21:53] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes tries to get a handle on the rising chaos. "Yes, yes.... You have managed to create the chaos you preach about, a self-fulfilling prophecy."
[21:53] Tai (taijikate.bode) reaches out and grabs Eecho's arm in a frim grip
[21:53] Malakyte Thorne: Did you search every room Powers?
[21:53] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Turn to Calypso before it is too late!
[21:53] Kane Astermann grabs the other
[21:53] Tai (taijikate.bode): YOu will stay!
[21:53] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Even know her bow is set on this land.
[21:53] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): now*
[21:53] Manwell Roux: Tai, take Eecho into custody!
[21:53] Powers Constantine: I have search and I taste her scent nowhere
[21:53] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Fallen is Sylvhara the great!!
[21:54] Malakyte Thorne: Then she is not here.. we must find her!
[21:54] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Darkness has won!!!
[21:55] Powers Constantine flies with haste back to the plaza
[21:55] Star (melonystargazer): the darkness will enver win as long as there are those willing to fight it
[21:55] Mityka Gartle sneaks through the doors and looks around confused. He shouts: "Valsharess?!"
[21:55] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): You keep telling yourself that...as the sun does NOT shine every day... not here... ever again.
[21:55] Terese (cethlenn.miles): balance...
[21:55] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says "Eecho... what am I going othave to tell the Empress.?"
[21:55] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): Nonsense. There can be no darkness if there is no light. What have you done, Eecho?
[21:55] Kane Astermann: do you honestly think because we see not the sun that our faith will wane?
[21:56] Powers Constantine: Where is she Eecho..Answer now before I eat you alive
[21:56] Manwell Roux: Rangers, secure Eecho for questioning
[21:56] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) just laughs and laughs
[21:56] Malakyte Thorne nearly flies out the doors but then stops to see the little owl, there she hesitates, speaking softly to the tiny creature..before she flies on
[21:56] Ghason (ghason.galewind): ACK! I am missing it!?
[21:56] Mityka Gartle comes to the window and shrugs at Mala on the other side
[21:56] Tai (taijikate.bode) retains her hold ..
[21:56] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) feels a massive pounding in her ehad as the events of the day completely overwhelm her
[21:57] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Kill me if you need.. But the time of chaos is here at last!!!
[21:57] Malakyte Thorne flies back to the plaza
[21:57] Powers Constantine watches as Manwell takes Eecho as prisioner
[21:57] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): And I would like to thank each ranger and dragon for not heeding my warnings!
[21:57] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes pinches the bridge of his nose, his mind in agony. "You are -all- mad."
[21:57] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Thank you for letting me serv you Calypso!!!
[21:57] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): serve*
[21:57] Malakyte Thorne growls at Eecho; Insolent creature.. tell us where she is.. who took her?
[21:57] Manwell Roux: *watches as Eecho is bound*
[21:58] Mityka Gartle sneaks through the door back and returns to friends: "I could not find Valsharess. She has ... she has gone!"
[21:58] Tai (taijikate.bode) turns toward the ranger hall
[21:58] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) laughs and cries in exstacy
[21:58] Tai (taijikate.bode): Rangers Chase .. Kane ..
[21:58] Manwell Roux: You heard the Regent Eecho ... WHERE IS SHE?!
[21:58] Powers Constantine lets his fire loose on Eecho..You will burn for this
[21:58] Tai (taijikate.bode): Escort please
[21:58] Mike Chase: nods, yes Captain
[21:58] Malakyte Thorne: Who took her?
[21:58] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Calypso! I offer my suffering to you!!!
[21:58] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I told you I would never fail you again!!!
[21:58] Malakyte Thorne: Powers NO!
[21:58] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): "Step away from the dragon..."
[21:59] Powers Constantine roars with a fiercess that he has long supressed..Where is our Queen?
[21:59] Manwell Roux: *leaps back ... pulling Lady Nova out of the way of the fire
[21:59] Malakyte Thorne: He may come to his senses eventually, killing him will not return our queen
[21:59] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) does not struggle against his captors. Tears running down his cheeks he cries out... "Calypso, Mother!!! I am ready to go home!!!"
[22:00] Malakyte Thorne: Powers.. leave him alive..
[22:00] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I have done your will!
[22:00] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): /s Dunna make a martyr of him...
[22:00] Tai (taijikate.bode) snarls at him .. "crazy? " pfffft ...
[22:00] Powers Constantine: Manwell take him to the cage now
[22:00] Mityka Gartle growls: "Powers, wait. Killing him will notreturn Valsharess."
[22:00] Manwell Roux: Aye Lord Powers
[22:00] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Fallen is Sylvhara!!!
[22:00] Malakyte Thorne growls
[22:00] Tai (taijikate.bode): oh, shut up, fool
[22:00] Manwell Roux: *turns to Tai* Captain have Eecho take nto the cage
[22:01] Malakyte Thorne: Perhaps a cleric can tend his burns
[22:01] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): No more will the sun shine on her!!
[22:01] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Darkness has consumed her
[22:01] Malakyte Thorne hisses; shut your mouth fool least you are burned to death..
[22:02] Mityka Gartle turns to Faulkes: "May be put this insane unseelie to a sleep and you find something in his dreams?"
[22:02] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): All suffering is pleasure in Calypso's eyes!
[22:02] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): /s He be..slaugh..dead flesh......there be no ciure
[22:02] Malakyte Thorne: ahh Mit that is a good idea..
[22:02] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says "It doesn't work that way, Mit. The sleep must be natural..."
[22:03] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Fallen is Sylvhara! Its light extinguished... never to shine!
[22:03] Malakyte Thorne mutteres softly in ancient calling on the fire within for enough healing energy to make sure he does not die
[22:03] Tai (taijikate.bode) sighs
[22:03] Mityka Gartle sighs: "He looks completely lost his mind to me."
[22:03] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): Mala I can do the healing. I am neutral in these things
[22:03] Star (melonystargazer) frowns silenty watching eveythignthat happend from the sidelines
[22:03] Malakyte Thorne nods to Lorelei; thank you..
[22:03] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov) mutters to himself.
[22:03] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): When your sun never shines again, you will be sorry you did not hear me!! My words are true!! Fae cannot lie!!
[22:04] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) turns to follow them to the dungeon
[22:04] Tai (taijikate.bode) scowls
[22:04] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): You may lock me up but that will not change your fate!
[22:05] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The Time of Chaos is here!
[22:05] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) reiterates "He be dead flesh..his flesh canna be healed!
[22:05] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) laughs.
[22:05] Star (melonystargazer): "fine then let him rot" star scowls
[22:05] Tai (taijikate.bode) turns to the Commander .. "Can we not at least cover his wicked mouth?"
[22:05] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) looks at Linwe...seems Calypso knew what she was doing Linwe!
[22:06] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) sighs "I will pray for ye Eecho
[22:06] Manwell Roux: He'll need it if he doesn't tell us waht happened to THE QUEEN!!!
[22:06] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): No need! I am in here hands!!
[22:06] Tai (taijikate.bode) looks at her .. "Pray for us, if it is in your heart to pray."
[22:07] Mityka Gartle turns to Mala: "Now what? Look for Valsharess? And better do it quickly."
[22:07] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says "I suppose I will have to bear the bad news to the Empress that her Chief Councillor has finally fallen off the dock. He's in deep water now.
[22:07] Star (melonystargazer) turns to them i will help too
[22:07] Star (melonystargazer): "its the least i can do"
[22:07] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) looks at his former friends and enemies in the cage... "So this is how it ends."
[22:08] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): In the darkness.. The darkness of sylvhara!
[22:08] Powers Constantine: I want guards on him all the time..He is to be shown no mercy at all
[22:08] Tai (taijikate.bode) growls low in her throat ...
[22:08] Manwell Roux: Yes M'Lord
[22:08] Manwell Roux: Captain, post sentries here ... rotate shifts
[22:08] Tai (taijikate.bode) nods ...
[22:08] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) steps forward to assist with the healing, trying to figure out how to do so since there is no way to touch him through the bars of this cage
[22:08] Malakyte Thorne suppresses a growl, and stands quietly trying to calm herself
[22:09] Tai (taijikate.bode): Ranger Mike .. .. please stand the first watch ... ...
[22:09] Mike Chase: Nods, yes captain
[22:10] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) sits and in a sing song voice says... "Fallen Fallen is Sylvhara the Great!"
[22:10] Powers Constantine takes a deep breath..We have to search for the Queen..No stone will be left unturned until she is found--safe
[22:10] Tai (taijikate.bode) shakes her head slowly .. "and so might we all fall, if we do not remember our hearts."
[22:10] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The key has been taken out of the lock. The sun will never shine again. They lost their hoon.. oh what a loon!
[22:10] Cataplexia Numbers: [22:08] Cataplexia Numbers: Eeecho
[22:08] Cataplexia Numbers: today you helped me......all of us This very day you resurrected two of our fallen ranger..why would you harm our Queen
[22:10] Mityka Gartle nods with a smile: "Princess Fur? Pleasure seeing you. But you came in no good times."
[22:11] Tai (taijikate.bode) turns .. .. there is work to do ....
[22:11] Manwell Roux: *looks over at Tai as she speaks ... knowing it's true, but consumed by the urgency of the moment*
[22:11] Fur Yifu: What has happned?
[22:11] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) places her hands on the bars, closing her eyes to feel the essence of the one inside..."Eecho, I offer healing the neutrality of my deity, I ask that you accept it freely."
[22:11] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): *through
[22:11] Star (melonystargazer): commander of the warrioe mit i will start the search now " she glances to him and then mala
[22:11] Star (melonystargazer): 8warriors
[22:11] Manwell Roux: *looks over at Cat* Do not be deceived Ranger ... he has shown me hospitality as well, but he has gone too far
[22:11] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I resrurrected you by Calypso's powers.
[22:11] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): You owe me
[22:11] Powers Constantine glares at Lorelei, Do not treat him with any respect!!!!
[22:12] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): You both owe me
[22:12] Cataplexia Numbers: I am not sure what it is you have done exactly
[22:12] Star (melonystargazer) growls "i owe you nothing unselli king"
[22:12] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) issues and insane growl.
[22:12] Cataplexia Numbers: buit i sense the chaotic energy
[22:12] Cataplexia Numbers: and I know this is very bad
[22:12] Mityka Gartle nods to Star: "I will rise Warriors."
[22:12] Manwell Roux: Lord Powers ... who here is best with .... interogations?
[22:12] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): While your rangers slept and did not heed my warning....The Time of Chaos is here!!1
[22:12] Cataplexia Numbers: Eecho, please
[22:12] Star (melonystargazer) growls
[22:13] Cataplexia Numbers: I am appealing to the warm person whjo saved her fallen comrades
[22:13] Manwell Roux: Ranger Cat, don't be won over by sentiment ... he has declared himself to be our enemy this night
[22:13] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) not waiting for an answer and in fact expecting none, muttering softly under her breath and blocking out the sounds of chaos around her, pulling in energy and sending it to the captive. Sensing the pain of burnt flesh, asking for the strength to heal regardless of the alignment of the one who suffers...
[22:13] Malakyte Thorne growls, not wanting to wait for an interrogation. knowing it will likely end up being untrue anyway.
[22:13] Powers Constantine: Manwell I will leave that to you. I want our best military out searching right now.
[22:14] Powers Constantine: We can not waste anymore time
[22:14] Manwell Roux: *nods*
[22:14] Mityka Gartle turns to Fur: "Valsharess has disappeared. And we are looking for her."
[22:14] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Do you think I saved you because I was kind? It was simply to hold a part of you in debt to me
[22:14] Star (melonystargazer): "i knwo what you wanted"
[22:14] Powers Constantine: Mit call the warriors and send them out
[22:14] Star (melonystargazer): *know
[22:14] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Fur!!! Calypso did it!
[22:14] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Turn back to her!
[22:14] Fur Yifu: oh no… the Queen?
[22:15] Powers Constantine: Keep this area secure and let in no visitors at all
[22:15] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Sylvhara is locked in darkness.. the tides have turned!
[22:15] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): (( Lexie just walked into the plaza,, ))
[22:15] Malakyte Thorne looks over as the Ermpress enters the plaza and growls; not a good time to visit Empress
[22:15] Mityka Gartle nods to Fur: "Siyo, Valsharess has disappeared."
[22:15] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) continues to mutter to her deity, restoring the balance within the body of Eecho, repairing flesh and restoring blood flow. Smoothing the skin and bringing cooling to the body. She avoids touching his mind as the chos coming from within it seeks to overwhelm her and keep her from finishing her healing.
[22:15] Star (melonystargazer) head off in a distant direction to begiin searching
[22:15] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): "and why is that?
[22:15] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): *chaos
[22:15] Fur Yifu: o I shall not..she is cruel and heartless. She offends the Holy Orb, that is filled with LOVE!
[22:15] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): /e Linwe tugs at Faulkes cloak and points to teh Empress
[22:15] Malakyte Thorne takes flight
[22:16] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): But the Time of Chaos Fur....the night... the moon.. dont you know what comes out at the full moon?
[22:16] Powers Constantine glares at Lorelei with a rage wondering if he will ever like her again.
[22:16] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) laughs
[22:16] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) looks a bit tense.. I came looking for the Hive King.. ?
[22:16] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) feels the tingle of the cleric Lorelei's touch and spits at her...
[22:16] Fur Yifu: wonders from whence her former liege's voice arises
[22:16] Cataplexia Numbers: Draws energy from the earth, the air, the sun and focuses it on Eecho, hoping to shed some light upon his darkness
[22:16] Malakyte Thorne: you have your nerve
[22:17] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) slowly opens her eyes and looks sadly at Eecho..."I can help you no further. I have done what is required. I leave you to your fate."
[22:17] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "Majesty. they have incarcerated Eecho below."
[22:17] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) begins pounding on the bars and screaming insanely.
[22:17] Malakyte Thorne: Eecho will not be released until we know where Queen Comet is..
[22:17] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) whispers to the Empress "Yer Majesty..take care..they be mob rule now
[22:17] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Incarcerated? on what charges?
[22:17] Mityka Gartle quietly steps back and hides behind the wall off to emerge Warriors for a search
[22:18] Powers Constantine glares at the Empress..Why are you here? I will lock you up as well. Do you know where the Queen is?
[22:18] Fur Yifu: turns to regard the Empress, to see what will betide
[22:18] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) notes the people leaving the plaza
[22:18] Fur Yifu: pales at Power's words
[22:18] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) turns from him and tries to keep her balance as exhaustion hits her momentarily...and merely walks out without a word to anyone.
[22:18] Manwell Roux: *arrives in the Plaza to organize the search ... notices the Empress*
[22:18] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) screams at the top of his lungs, and begins clawing at his own flesh.
[22:19] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) Linwe growls at Powers "SHe ahs done nothingQ! Have eye resorted to mob rule?
[22:19] Mike Chase surveys the room to note entrances and exits.
[22:19] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) snaps a look at Powers " What is Eecho incarcerated for?"
[22:19] Star (melonystargazer) has already begun the search on her own hoping to send a flacon should she find anything
[22:19] Fur Yifu: hears Eecho's dreadful cry
[22:19] Powers Constantine: He has taken the Queen!! You should know about this!!
[22:19] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "For being one mad bastard, Majesty."
[22:19] Manwell Roux: Or at least he knows of her taking
[22:20] Tai (taijikate.bode): *nods
[22:20] Tai (taijikate.bode): demented or no .. he must be restrained.
[22:20] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): /s How do ye know twere het aht did it??? He be here, do he not?
[22:20] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) mutters in a low voice... "By whose authority do you keep me in here?"
[22:20] Cataplexia Numbers: Eecho, don't you want your freedom from these confines?...We MUST know what has happened to the Queen
[22:20] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): [22:20] You: "You ... Paladin.. so called.. being.. tell me why my friend is being held.. I wanted to have a nice chate with him'
[22:21] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) stands , her shoulders back and voice soft yet forceful. " Why is my friend incarcerated .. What are the charges .?"
[22:21] Powers Constantine: If it is up to me you will never see him alive again. I will burn him soon for what he has done.
[22:22] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) approaches the crowd in the plaza, addressing the empress..."I have healed the flesh wounds of Eecho, Empress. However, his mind is quite gone and I dare not assist further."
[22:22] Manwell Roux: Empress, Eecho is under your direct command, isn't he?
[22:22] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes mutters "She's probably run off to join Capt. Scarlet and her pirates."
[22:22] Manwell Roux: Surely he does nothing without your orders
[22:22] Powers Constantine nods..exactly Manwell
[22:22] Cataplexia Numbers: Eecho, Calypso you say made you do this?
[22:23] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Eecho is, and he is my friend.. though I dont offer every order.,.. he is a sentient being is he not?"
[22:23] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) looks incredulk lously at Manwell :Are ye daft?"
[22:23] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Calypso does her own will!
[22:23] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The Time of Chaos has come.. Your sun is extinguished
[22:23] Cataplexia Numbers: What is it Calypso has done, exactly
[22:23] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) looks directly at Powers as she answers the Empress question..."I am not certain he is sentient any longer"
[22:23] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Your light.... has gone out.
[22:23] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) laughs.
[22:23] Manwell Roux: So, you disavow his actions Empress?
[22:23] Cataplexia Numbers: I feel light within me
[22:24] Cataplexia Numbers: as long as we hold light within ourselves no such thing has happened!
[22:24] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) turns calmly to the Ranger.. " what actions.. I have been asking .. ?" * shakes her head*
[22:25] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) screams and yells "The Time of Chaos is here!! I warned you... Your rangers knew!!"
[22:25] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): As Manwell what I todl him.
[22:25] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): told*
[22:25] Manwell Roux: *hears Eecho rambling in loud voice*
[22:25] Cataplexia Numbers: What did you tell him
[22:25] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Ask him... see if he will lie... as I am not lying!
[22:25] Manwell Roux: He has been babbling wildly about Calypso and repenting
[22:26] Manwell Roux: I considered that he had gone mad
[22:26] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) begins screaming again and banging his head on the cage.
[22:26] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) walks boldly to the steps of the tavern " People of Sylvhara.. please.. be calm.."
[22:26] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): What did I tell you Manwell... Tell it all!
[22:26] Fur Yifu: shudders to hear the madness of Calypso in Eecho's cries
[22:26] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) turns to watch her Empress speak with such power, and listens intently
[22:26] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulke says: "I am calm..."
[22:26] Tai (taijikate.bode): "Calm, your majesty? .. or passive?"
[22:26] Snow (snowblind.infinity): This mad creature should be put to death, rather than hear his horrid cries.
[22:26] Malakyte Thorne snaps out of it and looks at the Empress warily
[22:26] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) turns to listen to the Empress
[22:27] Powers Constantine walks up into the face of the Empress..:YOu can not talk here.
[22:27] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Since when does SYlvhara deny anyone the right to speak???
[22:27] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The moon has shifted... the eternal night is here!
[22:27] Powers Constantine: If you have anything to say it will be where the Queen is
[22:27] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): What comes out on full moons?!
[22:27] Cataplexia Numbers: Eecho, YOU tell me, i am talking to you, not Calypso...looks deep into his eyes for the smallest glint of humanity...please Eecho, tell me what has become of our beloved Queen Comet
[22:27] Fur Yifu: Powers, surely, those of the Light do not kill the merely Insane?
[22:27] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): "Your Queen has been taken... by the dark forces.. she came of her own will .. if .. and i say if.. you do not allow my friend to be freed and safley taken to my tower at once..
[22:28] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "the freedom loving Sylvharans..."
[22:28] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I told you...the light has gone out!
[22:28] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): My guards will kill her
[22:28] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Why do you not understand.
[22:28] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) stands quietly
[22:28] Justinian Diavolo: the distant sound of wolves howling in the far off mountains can be heard
[22:28] Fur Yifu: pales at Lexie's words
[22:28] Fur Yifu: noooo!
[22:28] Manwell Roux: And what stops us from taking you Your Darkness?
[22:28] Tai (taijikate.bode) looks to her commander .. "While we watch here .. the borders ..." she whispers
[22:28] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) murmurs..The full moon...the...lukoi
[22:28] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): The Queen will die
[22:28] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The light.... has ... gone... bye bye
[22:29] Powers Constantine roars in the Empress face..You kill her and we will kill you.
[22:29] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Besides I have the magic to leave through a portal at any time
[22:29] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): I do not understand you
[22:29] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) lets out a shriek of horror
[22:29] Malakyte Thorne narrows her eyes at Lexie seeing what game she plays
[22:29] Fur Yifu: draws her staff, furious
[22:29] Cataplexia Numbers: werewolves Eecho?
[22:29] Snow (snowblind.infinity) turns away from the cage and walks out of the cavern to the group above, "If he continues to babble, we would need to put him to sleep."
[22:29] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) laughs
[22:29] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): You have my friend in that cell and I will not leave without him
[22:29] Manwell Roux: *looks back at Tai* Aye Captain ... we must search and know what happens at the borders
[22:29] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Iw ill not leave my friend
[22:30] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): that is the kind of elf I am
[22:30] Powers Constantine glances at Manwell and whispers..Perhaps we should give Eecho some company
[22:30] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): You amy call me dark all you wish
[22:30] Fur Yifu: How could you LEXIE?!
[22:30] Mike Chase: You shall not take him as long as I stand guard here
[22:30] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) looks at Faulkes
[22:30] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Your Queen would never ever approve of this vigilante justice
[22:30] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Now bring me my friend
[22:30] Fur Yifu: You dare to preach Ethics?
[22:31] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I told you your light has gone out.. and look how you behave
[22:31] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "Probably for the Queen's own safety for all the mad folk here."
[22:31] Powers Constantine: You do not ever speak for our Queen
[22:31] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): NOW!!
[22:31] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) feeling helpless as she watches the Empress being surounded
[22:31] Manwell Roux: *turns to look at Powers*
[22:31] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): The light has gone from all of you, your Queen has not lost her senses.. perhaps that is why she came to me
[22:32] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): You so quick to judge
[22:32] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Sad beings you are
[22:32] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Sad i tell you
[22:32] Fur Yifu: nay tis you who are such!
[22:32] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) People..listen......if ye value teh QUeen's lidfe...do as she says..what be one unseelie fae? Ye will trade his life for ehrs? What foolishness be that??
[22:32] Manwell Roux: *whispers to Powers* This may not be the time ... at least now we know where the Queen is
[22:32] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) startts crying out and howling .
[22:32] Fur Yifu: one does not give into Blackmail
[22:32] Powers Constantine looks at Manwell and nods
[22:32] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) snaps at Manwell . you know nothing
[22:33] Manwell Roux: *ignores Lexie*
[22:33] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) turns to Fur, "This is not blackmail"
[22:33] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes still wishes he had a tactical nuke...
[22:33] Fur Yifu: then what is it?
[22:33] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): The queen walked to my home of her own accord
[22:33] Gabriel Bhalti: "Your best option"
[22:33] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): That is the truth even a fae would have to admit
[22:33] Manwell Roux: *whispers* I'll get the prisoner
[22:33] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Fallen Fallen is Sylvhara.. the light is extinguished.. the time of chaos is here!
[22:33] Fur Yifu: well i did not see it happen
[22:34] Powers Constantine looks back at Mal so the dragons can get ready to search
[22:34] Fur Yifu: beside, i assume her under some Curse
[22:34] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Now that the light is gone.. what will those who say they are light do?
[22:34] Fur Yifu: *s
[22:34] Powers Constantine shakes his head..Eecho stays here
[22:34] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): There is no curse on teh Queen of Sylhvara
[22:34] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) a sudden shrudder runs through her spine, something bad is about to happen she thinks to herself.
[22:34] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): nor would I allow such a blasphemy
[22:34] Powers Constantine: Then take us to her right now Lexie
[22:34] Manwell Roux: *stands where he is*
[22:34] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): I would advise not allowing him out of that cage in his current state.
[22:34] Fur Yifu: The moon of Vana ever glows sliver, foolish Hiveling!
[22:34] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): AYe she be cursed..and when she left SYlvhara she cursed us all to this
[22:35] Malakyte Thorne stands, still marchalling her thoughts
[22:35] Manwell Roux: So, Empress, you would not curse her but you would kill her?
[22:35] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Does no one see that the QUeen brought this down on us by leaving in teh first place? If she ahdna left....the Hoon would still be here!
[22:35] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): If you, the light would take my friend
[22:35] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): why then would not hte dark do teh aame
[22:35] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): * the same
[22:35] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): that is all i will say
[22:35] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): wehn you stoop to such atrocities
[22:36] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): how could you possibly blame me
[22:36] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Tell me
[22:36] Powers Constantine: I said to take us to her Lexie
[22:36] Fur Yifu: if that be som why use Comet as a pawn?
[22:36] Fur Yifu: *so
[22:36] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): is this the Queen of Sylvharas land?
[22:36] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Are these her people?
[22:36] Manwell Roux: Is it an atrocity to aprehend a criminal?
[22:36] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): I think not..
[22:36] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): I ahve heard no charges..?
[22:36] Fur Yifu: struggles to hold back her staff
[22:37] Manwell Roux: or is kidnapping not a crime in the Torgan Empire?
[22:37] Cataplexia Numbers: Sends calming energy and light to eecho, hoping to calm his seemingly posessed spirit, please be at peace Eecho
[22:37] Cataplexia Numbers: I will not forget the good you have done, earlier this very day, i know first hand there is good in you
[22:37] Manwell Roux: There is evidence to suggest that Eecho is party to a plot to kidnap the Queen and in fact has done so
[22:38] Star (melonystargazer) searches runnign as fast ans hard as her legs could carry erh"
[22:38] Star (melonystargazer): *her
[22:39] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) walks up the steps to stand by the Empress, to Support her, not let her take it alone
[22:39] Star (melonystargazer): getting to her destination she growls and writes a message to her commnader onf aflacon it read "EMPRESS LIES" and she sent it hoping it would reach in time
[22:39] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) screams and yells! Turn to Calypso before Sylvhara becomes at the fallen temple is now!
[22:40] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "Magus?"
[22:40] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "Your Majesty?"
[22:41] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Repent... Turn to the darkness!!!
[22:42] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Come now, gain your sensibliities
[22:42] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): You do not know what or why your Queen has left
[22:42] Manwell Roux: He made statements in loud voice that the "Light" was gone and we then disciovered our Queen was missing
[22:42] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): : why would you so eagerly blame?
[22:42] Manwell Roux: had been taken
[22:42] Fur Yifu: I REPENTED already … i turned to the LIGHT!
[22:42] Snow (snowblind.infinity): Well now why don;t you explain it then Empress?
[22:42] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Exaplin what?
[22:42] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): * Explain
[22:43] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "Blame is what they do best."
[22:43] Manwell Roux: He incriminated himself ... if he is innocent as you say Empress I'm sure due process will exonerate him
[22:43] Cataplexia Numbers: Scratches head, what is it you wish me to repent exactly, you tell me whay YOU hsave done, and maybe i shall tell you a few things I have done in this life hmmm?...gives Mike a slight nudge and laughs into her hand
[22:43] Snow (snowblind.infinity): Why the Queen is gone of course.
[22:43] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Then you will die with the rest.
[22:43] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) sings in a crazy voice... "The Queen is the key is the light is the key is the light"
[22:43] Fur Yifu: Ha
[22:43] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) whips her head to look at snow in a slight discust
[22:43] Fur Yifu: your Soul is already dead EECHO!
[22:44] Mike Chase cracks a smile then goes back to gaurding eecho
[22:44] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The Key has been removed from the lock.. The light has been extinguished!!
[22:44] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): My friend has been insome way changed. I do not know why
[22:44] Fur Yifu: for Love is LIGHT, and what are we without it?
[22:44] Manwell Roux: *listens to Eecho* Do you hear? He sings of his victim even now
[22:44] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): and if you choose to kill me do so now.. but i will die with my friedn
[22:44] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) takes her sword
[22:44] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): throws it clanging to the pavement
[22:44] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) shouts, " there will be no killing here now "
[22:44] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Torgans leave this places!
[22:44] Manwell Roux: *takes off cloak*
[22:45] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): remember my words
[22:45] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): i laid down my arms
[22:45] Manwell Roux: Don't do it Empress
[22:45] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Do you understand.. the light is extinguished the sun will shine no more.. the darkness has won.. chaos reigns now
[22:45] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): i asked for my friend
[22:45] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) looks to the Empress with a tear in her eyes, " I will stand with you until the end"
[22:45] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Admit it Fur! You love chaos!!!
[22:45] Malakyte Thorne growls, remembering hearing the Empress speak and say that Comet is in Torgan and so disgusted wth the raving she takes flfith toward the west.
[22:45] Manwell Roux: He has been arrested Empress
[22:45] Fur Yifu: you forget the MOON, foolish eecho!
[22:45] Manwell Roux: Do you disregard the laws of our land?
[22:45] Fur Yifu: nay
[22:45] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The Moon is out! Perpetual night!
[22:45] Fur Yifu: Nature
[22:45] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): he is insane my dear man
[22:45] Star (melonystargazer): /mr rushes back to the plaza
[22:46] Star (melonystargazer): *star
[22:46] Fur Yifu: and Nuture
[22:46] Malakyte Thorne: flight*
[22:46] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): but because you so needed to blame someone for your pain
[22:46] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): you tool him
[22:46] Mike Chase nods to Lord Powers
[22:46] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) holds up her arms
[22:46] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes has dropped his cloak and his face is set.
[22:46] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) looks around at the hate on everyones face, " it seems that you clain you are the light, but you act of the darkness, I see it apon your faces even now"
[22:46] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): See me I am unarmed..
[22:46] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): clutches Faulkes arm and looks at him
[22:46] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): take me.. you surely can
[22:46] Fur Yifu: 's hands grips her staff
[22:46] Star (melonystargazer): unarmed
[22:46] Cataplexia Numbers: He's quite entertaining, singing chaotic songs
[22:46] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): if not give me back my friend
[22:46] Star (melonystargazer): and a liar
[22:46] Star (melonystargazer) growls
[22:47] Manwell Roux: Why do you invite this Empress? What will be gained?
[22:47] Gabriel Bhalti raises an eyebrow at star
[22:47] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) contiues ripping into into his wrist finally revealing a vein.
[22:47] Star (melonystargazer) pants...snow i just came from lexies tower
[22:47] Star (melonystargazer): the queen isnt there
[22:47] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Shall I?
[22:47] Star (melonystargazer) glares at her darkly
[22:47] Snow (snowblind.infinity): If the Queen is not in Torgan then where?
[22:47] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkees glares at Star.
[22:48] Star (melonystargazer) pants shaking
[22:48] Star (melonystargazer): im not sure
[22:48] Star (melonystargazer): vindarkis is clean too
[22:48] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "you hold our Lord under No prrof of guilt"
[22:48] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): /why would you so eagerly blame?
[22:48] Star (melonystargazer) holds her side
[22:48] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Where is your light?
[22:48] Manwell Roux: Guilt can be proved under due process McKalie
[22:48] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) looks to manwell, " I told you that we wanted peace"
[22:48] Fur Yifu: ha...the Empress has already said she has Comet. OF course she is well hid
[22:49] Star (melonystargazer): i know how to check hiden areas....bu ti will check again if you want
[22:49] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Princess fur, I said that she had come to me
[22:49] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "The queen has not been herself latly and each one of you can agree to that, why do you think we would take her, and her not walk herself to us?"
[22:49] Manwell Roux: Then why in the name of the GODS would an official of the Torgan Empire kidnap OUR QUEEN?!?!
[22:49] Fur Yifu: then wy do you use her as a Pawn
[22:49] Fur Yifu: if she is free
[22:49] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): She came to me, she walked through the snow to come to me..
[22:49] Manwell Roux: *regains his calm*
[22:49] Star (melonystargazer): why?
[22:50] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): I offered her rest
[22:50] Fur Yifu: you lie
[22:50] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: :Why do -you- use the Queen as a pawn?"
[22:50] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) snaps as sweetly as she can to Manwell, " your accusing Empresss of doing what she would not do, The queen is not of the Light anymore"
[22:50] Star (melonystargazer): what kkind of rest
[22:50] Manwell Roux: Our Queen just decided to walk to Torgan ... unescorted?
[22:50] Mike Chase notes with alarm blood flowing from Eecho
[22:50] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Princess Fur .. you are not of the light
[22:50] Manwell Roux: Without telling her advisors?
[22:50] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): //oops
[22:50] Fur Yifu: what?
[22:50] Manwell Roux: Is that the idea?
[22:50] Fur Yifu: WHAT?
[22:51] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) nods, " aye she has done much not of the oridinary for her, don't you see she would do such aa thinkg?"
[22:51] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Telling me I lie
[22:51] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): when you know nothing
[22:51] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): you were not there were you?
[22:51] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): none of you?
[22:51] Star (melonystargazer) glares at her
[22:51] Star (melonystargazer): i did see the queen in torgan she admitted
[22:51] Fur Yifu: then why do you keep her now a Prisioner?
[22:51] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "I would not see the queen hurt if i could, She saved me, but I know that she is not herself of late"
[22:51] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) pointes to the crowd " Let him who was there.. speak now?"
[22:51] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes thinks Eecho probably did have something to do with this, but not in a way that anyone expects or thinks.
[22:51] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): The light has been extinguished!
[22:51] Manwell Roux: I am asking, Your Darkness
[22:51] Cataplexia Numbers: The prisoner harms himself, he is thrashing madly and bleeding
[22:52] Cataplexia Numbers: Asks Powers if Linwe may come
[22:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) takes a huge bite of his wrist allowing his vein to be cut.
[22:52] Fur Yifu: that is the LIE
[22:52] Cataplexia Numbers: and tend to him
[22:52] Manwell Roux: I am askign you to confirm that our Queen, eluded all guards here, and walked unescorted all the way to Torgan
[22:52] Star (melonystargazer): not it not!
[22:52] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): My friend is a fae,, this is torture
[22:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Now you will never know.
[22:52] Star (melonystargazer): *no
[22:52] Manwell Roux: of her own free will
[22:52] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) shakes her head, " this is gotten so out of hand, everyone is ready to point the finger, but not at the queen her self"
[22:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): Calypso I am coming home!!!
[22:52] Star (melonystargazer): i didnt know what she was doign there...but she was there commander
[22:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru): I have done your will!
[22:52] Cataplexia Numbers: Screams LINWE
[22:52] Cataplexia Numbers: PLEASE
[22:52] Mike Chase: Calls out to Manwell, Commander, Eecho is harming himself
[22:52] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) runs over to the cage
[22:52] Mike Chase: I need assistance
[22:52] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) watches the blood pool out of him.
[22:53] Powers Constantine checking on Eecho, sees blood all over the floor as he rips at himself, looks to see if Lorelei or Linwe are available to help him
[22:53] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Can you not tell that my friend will pass if you do not help?
[22:53] Fur Yifu: is she were just your friend. on a 'lttle visit', you would not threaten her LIFE as you DID!
[22:53] Manwell Roux: *hears Mike*
[22:53] Fur Yifu: so you LIE
[22:53] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Woudl you want blood on your hands this way
[22:53] Manwell Roux: Excuse me
[22:53] Fur Yifu: there you go.....proving what i just siad
[22:53] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) collapses
[22:53] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) teas start streaming down her cheecks, " Please let him go, He has done nothing wrong, I can't bare him dieing from innocence"
[22:53] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) looks at the damage Eecho ahs done to himself
[22:54] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): You do not know my friendship with the Queen , not one bit, you have n knowledge
[22:54] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): yet you judge me as well
[22:54] Powers Constantine: Lorelei, will you please keep Eecho alive until we can find this all out
[22:54] Star (melonystargazer): then explain it to us
[22:54] Fur Yifu: some friendship, threatening her Life
[22:54] Cataplexia Numbers: LINWEEEEE
[22:54] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Eecho....whayt gain do there be in this???Stop it..the Empress needs yue
[22:54] Star (melonystargazer): since you ahve so much knoweledge why keep it to yourself?
[22:54] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) glares at Powers but nods
[22:54] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) snaps at Star, " there is no damn time to explain anymore don't you seee, Eecho is dieing because of you people who no nothing"
[22:54] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) whispers..."I am coming Calypso. I have done what you asked...."
[22:54] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): and how of a group of vigilantess proven worthy of my friendship?
[22:54] Star (melonystargazer): eecho chose that path!
[22:55] Manwell Roux: What happened here?!
[22:55] Star (melonystargazer) scowls i dont want yoru friendship
[22:55] Cataplexia Numbers: the prisoner lies still having chewed his own wrists open
[22:55] Fur Yifu: I once called you Friend, Lexie
[22:55] Mike Chase: [22:55] Mike Chase (mike.chase): He has harmed himself
[22:55] Mike Chase (mike.chase): Been tearing at his flesh
[22:55] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) tries reasoning with Eecho "DO ye nae think Valypso would rather have ye finish yer work,...serving the Empress?
[22:55] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) gasps at the amount of blood on the floor, kneels to Eecho to see if he still lives.

[22:56] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Eecho....listen to me..
[22:56] Cataplexia Numbers: He is not conscious...if alive at all
[22:56] Manwell Roux: Is he dead? Cat, you're a medic ... can you do something?
[22:56] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Eecho !!!
[22:56] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) closes his eyes.
[22:56] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) looks to the Empress and whispers in her ear, " I can make everyone a bit sleepy?"
[22:56] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) Looks at the slaugh again., knowing her magics cannot ehal him
[22:56] Fur Yifu: observes the whispering, but hears it not
[22:57] Star (melonystargazer) glances at erh knowing what she is capable of
[22:57] Star (melonystargazer): *her
[22:57] Powers Constantine sighs..He is still alive
[22:57] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) eyes begin to darken..
[22:57] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "we are running out of time"
[22:57] Star (melonystargazer): ...watch out snow...shes a mage under the white there"
[22:57] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) grasps the hand that falls through the bars and closes her eyes, again blocking out all noise around her. The pulse is weak, the blood loss almost too much. She whispers quickly and harshly for strength and balance for eecho, herself and all the land.
[22:57] Malakyte Thorne slips through the air down to the gate but cannnot open it
[22:57] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) calls upon her spirit totem to call Eecho's spirit abck
[22:58] Snow (snowblind.infinity): I have little fear of magics, even the flowers have had little effect on me.
[22:58] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) shakes her head.. "My path is one you do not know.. you choose to not understand,, but I will not leave without my friend.. "
[22:58] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Linwe Zifanwe calls upon energy from the ethereal plane.
[22:58] Star (melonystargazer): how about we make an excahge then?
[22:58] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) sees his body, and can suddenly think clearly.
[22:58] Fur Yifu: wonder to herself why the Sylvharans just dont take the Empress
[22:58] Fur Yifu: *s
[22:58] Cataplexia Numbers: carefully wraps a bandage around the hand that is through the bars
[22:58] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Every torgan has a right, that of that.. I am theirs and they are mine.. I will not leave my people to the likes of this
[22:58] Star (melonystargazer): yoru friend for our queen?
[22:58] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Sscho....hear me....
[22:58] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) she mutters incoherently as she gathers energy and mana from her deity, seeking to replace the blood that has been lost, while mending the wounds along his body
[22:58] Mike Chase provides what healing he has available in an attempt to try an assist Eecho
[22:59] Malakyte Thorne slips through the gates quietly and enters the room grimacing at the scent of blood
[22:59] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) starts to take a step but is suddenly stopped
[22:59] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Eecho..dunna leave this plane!
[22:59] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) nods her head and smiles through the teaers, " and We Torgans shall not leave you either"
[22:59] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) pleads with ehr totem to allow Eecho;s spirit to return to his body
[22:59] Malakyte Thorne growls seeing the metal cage and remembers the lessons of the 3 fae
[22:59] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes stands quietly by the Empress' side and calculates how many spells he could get off before someone kills him.
[22:59] Eecho the Unseelie King (eecho.rotaru) gurgles blood and then his eyes darken... lifeless.
[23:00] Manwell Roux: Cat and mike .... do what you can for him ... we need him ALIVE
[23:00] Mike Chase casts healing to try and save Eecho
[23:00] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) continues to grip his hand in her own so he cannot move, but she feels her healing fail her
[23:00] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) eyes gaulks and nods hoping that he understands what she may be thinking as well
[23:00] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Let my friend go!!
[23:00] Malakyte Thorne speaks to the metal and the door to the cage opens
[23:01] Powers Constantine looks around wanting to get Eecho out of the metal cage..We need to seal him in the rocks
[23:01] Cataplexia Numbers: gently reaches for Eechoes other hand, knowing he cant harm her in his weakened state, and cleanses and dresses the self inflicted wounds
[23:01] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) gasps as she cannot hold onto ehr spirit totem any longer and wathces Eecho slip away
[23:01] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): the darkness that grips his mind fights her attempts, and he fades from the living despite all attempts
[23:01] Manwell Roux: *whispers to Powers* It seems Eecho has killed himself ... we can't let the Emrpess know this
[23:01] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): He be....gone
[23:01] Manwell Roux: She's threatened to kill the Queen
[23:01] Star (melonystargazer) frowns at her
[23:01] Malakyte Thorne hisses and moves closer; Perhaps he can be brought back..
[23:01] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Bring me my friend, let is end this peacefuly
[23:01] Powers Constantine: I know..the metal is deadly to a fae
[23:02] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): I hav no weapons
[23:02] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) continues to hold his hand and kneel as she calms her mind before standing once more
[23:02] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) looks to star, " when you were in need your people came yes? Well now Eecho is in need so dont' you stand in our waY'
[23:02] Manwell Roux: *moves back from Mala*
[23:02] Star (melonystargazer): they werent the one to get me out
[23:02] Star (melonystargazer): you did that
[23:02] Star (melonystargazer): remember?
[23:02] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "i delivered you in peace Star, Please this does not need to be the way it is"
[23:02] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold) slowly rises to her feet and glares at everyone around her.
[23:02] Cataplexia Numbers: silent tears fall, remembering the earlier events of the day, and how the hive king saved two of her fallen comrades in the attack opf the dragon Inquisitor
[23:02] Star (melonystargazer): and tried to erase my memories!
[23:02] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Take me to him ? He is my friend ,. he is my High Council
[23:02] Malakyte Thorne speaks a word of ancient and the metal melts away as clean stone from the floor push up replacing the metal walls
[23:03] Star (melonystargazer) frowns....but sighs...."i dont think i have the authority to do so"
[23:03] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Who among you will not..help me get my friend
[23:03] Star (melonystargazer): "even if i wanted to"
[23:03] Powers Constantine: He was delusional anyway and the metal poisoned his skin.
[23:03] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) with begging eyes she pleased, " Please try, do something"
[23:03] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): whatever took his mind I believe has taken the rest of him as well. You will not be able to bring him back without knowing what controlled him
[23:03] Mike Chase: Something surely did
[23:03] Lorelei (lorelei.zenfold): He should not have died, but he did.
[23:03] Star (melonystargazer): "let me go donw...and ask for an audnece...will that be ok? will u remain up here?"
[23:04] Cataplexia Numbers: Calypso
[23:04] Manwell Roux: *whispers to Powers* I'm going back to the plaza
[23:04] Cataplexia Numbers: he ranted about Calypso
[23:04] Mike Chase: Commander, do you have any further orders?
[23:04] Cataplexia Numbers: constantly this day
[23:04] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) shakes her head " And what would your good Queen tell you,? Take the fae for blabbering adn lock him in a tortuous cell?
[23:04] Powers Constantine nods
[23:04] Fur Yifu: notes that Eecho has fallen silent
[23:04] Malakyte Thorne moves closer to Eecho
[23:04] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): That is not the Queen I know
[23:04] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Take me to my friend.. I want to go home
[23:04] Star (melonystargazer) frowns "well we dont knwo her as well as you do especiall ynot these days according to your words":
[23:05] Fur Yifu: Again you preach Ethics, you of the Evil Dark
[23:05] Star (melonystargazer) sees her commnader come back...
[23:05] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes whispers to the Empress, hoping she can hear him this time. "If you get him, take him to the Hive."
[23:05] Star (melonystargazer): "they wish to take eecho and leave sir"
[23:05] Fur Yifu: her claim to know Comet as Friend, yet threaten her Life?
[23:05] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "The queen and the Empress are Deep Friends, the queen trusts the Empress, so please let Eecho go , and perhaps we may help you in search of the Queen"
[23:05] Fur Yifu: *who
[23:05] Manwell Roux: Your Darkness ... the Baron has taken ill ... he is being treated but cannot be seen or moved at present
[23:05] Mike Chase: Says a silent prayer for the loss of life. All life is precious
[23:06] Snow (snowblind.infinity): Be silent McKayie yo u speak nonsense.
[23:06] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes says: "But it's true, Snow."
[23:06] Malakyte Thorne studies the fae silently for long moments
[23:07] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) turns to look at snow, " I speak what i know, and i see you not helping any"
[23:07] Star (melonystargazer): id they are firedn why shes threanten her?
[23:07] Star (melonystargazer): please tell us why
[23:07] Malakyte Thorne sighs and looks at the others
[23:07] Star (melonystargazer): was it jsut to get a reaction?
[23:07] Star (melonystargazer): hmmm?>
[23:07] Snow (snowblind.infinity): You once asked the Queen to protect you, then you betrayed that trust by joining the Torgans, I do not trust a word you say to be true.
[23:07] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes nod to the Empress as if in answer to an unheard question.
[23:08] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes moves down the stairs and across the plaza.
[23:08] Malakyte Thorne: this will take some time..
[23:08] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) snaps to Snow' You KNow not what you speak of, M'lord, The queen knows why i had to go to Trogan"
[23:08] Star (melonystargazer): beaised...if the queen is dark now she is of good value to you...you wouldn kill her
[23:08] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) looks to Manwell
[23:08] Malakyte Thorne: i was too late..
[23:08] Star (melonystargazer): thats not liek you
[23:08] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe) turns eharing Snow's words"ANd ahve ye nae yerslef gone to Vindarkis? What of yer own loyalties??
[23:08] Manwell Roux: *watches Faulkes move away*
[23:08] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): "Then I shall stand her until I may see him and take him home"
[23:08] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): * here
[23:09] Malakyte Thorne: we must prepare him.. he has lost too much blood to restore as he is..
[23:09] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Empress....Eecho is...gone
[23:09] Snow (snowblind.infinity): Never Question my loyalties, EVER!!
[23:09] Star (melonystargazer) glances sharply at linwe
[23:09] Mike Chase: Malakyte, how might I assist?
[23:09] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers): "your anger is controlling you Snow"
[23:09] Manwell Roux: As you wish Empress ... perhaps inside would be better ... it may take some time, but please stay here as long as you wish
[23:09] Gabriel Bhalti looks to linwe
[23:10] Manwell Roux: *looks to Linwe*
[23:10] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Ye are beyond reproach, SNow? Actions speak loud...ye left
[23:10] Malakyte Thorne: we must build him a ... tub.. of water ..and place certain things in it.. certain herbs.. and plants..
[23:10] Powers Constantine: We need to take care of him here Mal,
[23:10] Powers Constantine: Let me get Linwe to help you
[23:10] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) falls to her knees when hearing of Eecho, " Noo this can't be"
[23:10] Fur Yifu: tries to control her temper
[23:11] Snow (snowblind.infinity): I want my Queen back, and I don;t get her I will kill every Torgan from here to the far shores of your empire.
[23:11] Malakyte Thorne: yes.. the tub will help restore the liquid to his body so that when he is brought back blood can be made
[23:11] Fur Yifu: still wonder's why the Empress has not been taken
[23:11] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Eecho needs to go back to teh Hive...by Calypso's altar..he canna stay here...twil nae work
[23:11] Manwell Roux: *wonders who Linwe is talking to*
[23:12] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) stands firm, with tears she nods to the Empress, but says no words. She begins to depart"
[23:12] Fur Yifu: thinks it time to take matters into her own hands
[23:12] Star (melonystargazer) glances at her...allow me to accompny you as you did me" her eyes narrow slightly
[23:12] Fur Yifu: Empress, release the Queen now
[23:12] Powers Constantine looks at Linwe, Could you be so kind as to assist Malakyte with Eecho?
[23:13] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Aye...
[23:13] Malakyte Thorne sighs and speaks to the stone, having it reform itself elsewhere
[23:13] Powers Constantine: follow me please
[23:13] Star (melonystargazer) decied to follow kaylie
[23:13] Kaylie (mckaylie.piers) nods with tears,
[23:13] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) stands quietly
[23:13] Fur Yifu: waves her staff about
[23:13] Manwell Roux: *nods to Star to go wit hMcKalie*
[23:14] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Kaylie...tell me what ye would ahve me do
[23:14] Dylan Petrov (dylanfox.petrov): Faulkes has used his portal to go to the Tower of the Empress as he was bidden.
[23:14] Manwell Roux: *stands calmly as well* Empress, may I ask, how did you come to visit us this night?
[23:14] Malakyte Thorne: it could be we cannot do anything for him if he is taken by force but we must try
[23:14] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas) looks to the Blood Knight.. " please fly over Kaylie to keep her safe"
[23:15] Fur Yifu: release her, or I shall arrest you
[23:15] Linwe Celebrindl (linwe.zifanwe): Manwell...Star mayna enter the Hive
[23:15] Gabriel Bhalti nods
[23:15] Empress Lexie (lexie.lukas): Manwell I take a nigthly walk every nigth
[23:15] Fur Yifu: in the name of Vana, ally of Sylvahar
> Next Sylvhara (of those submitted to Fellowship of the Fourth Age)