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April 4, 2011

Fireside Chat -- "Ok, I know who I am. What do I do now?"

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Comet Quijote
AelKennyr Rhiano
Shawn Daysleeper
Lihan Taifun          
Fifi Wickentower  

Queen Comet got started roleplaying by buying a sim and a castle, making friends with a monarch who needed a “play partner”, and “having a miracle walk in” in the form of someone who wrote her life story and roleplayed it with her. She regards this as a fairly typical way to start in roleplaying.

Running a roleplay sim requires a huge investment in time and effort. Also many sims have financial problems. And it is frustrating when players don't put in their share of effort.

Let other players know what your character is thinking. Queen Comet's sudden departure at the end of King Olwë's ritual (at the end of Part 1 / beginning of Part 2) was a good example of how she reveals her inner thoughts. From the visible clues she gives, can you tell why she is in a hurry to leave?

AelKennyr Rhiano: So tonight's topic is, "Ok, I know who I am. What do I do now?" We all spend so much developing WHO we are...then we go, " Oh, I'm here...ummmm"
(comet.quijote):      I am pretty sure I know who I am. lol
Shawn Daysleeper: well, not everyone knows how they can fit in with their characters
AelKennyr Rhiano: Please, Comet, may we ask you to share with us how you established what to do with your rp character after you created her?
(comet.quijote):      Leme see if I can remember. I am 350 you know
AelKennyr Rhiano: a mere slip of a girl.....grins
(comet.quijote):      I wanted to be an elf. I made my avie, not great at the time, lol
AelKennyr Rhiano: lol AelKennyr Rhiano shudders at the memory of his
(comet.quijote):      I had made friends with the monarch of an elven realm. He wanted a play partner and I had half a sim with a castle on it. He helped me choose a name for the elves. I really did not know much about them. So I formed the group. So now, I had a group and a castle. hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano: heh heh
Shawn Daysleeper: wow nice
Lihan Taifun:           did you have people to go with the group?
(comet.quijote):      Not many for awhile. It is very hard to start roleplay
Lihan Taifun:           very
Shawn Daysleeper: ya I can imagine
(comet.quijote):      Then, a miricle happened
AelKennyr Rhiano: hahaha
(comet.quijote):      Darius Mesmer walked into my realm
AelKennyr Rhiano: nod nod nod nod nod nod
(comet.quijote):      Darius was inspired to write the "Sylvan Legends" Based on my queen character. That gave me a basis to begin rp on an amazing back story
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles
(comet.quijote):      I got a full sim. Then added another. As darius wrote, and we rpd many of the scenes together, I formed a real idea of who Comet was and what she would do under any number of circumstances. She has grown in complexity and depth
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
(comet.quijote):      I did not want a strictly good character with no flaws, A goddess that no one could reach, Comet is conflicted and has weaknesses and complex concerns
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
(comet.quijote):      It plays out everyday as she faces challenges
AelKennyr Rhiano: And I have noticed she is not perfect.
(comet.quijote):      To marry or not.How to rule but still be loved. She has conditions in her reign that cannot be helped. She deals with the presence of those who would destroy Sylvhara and even the world. Sylvhara is surrounded by enemies that she must face and deal wioth every day. It is always unfolding. Never all revealed
Fifi Wickentower:   may I ask . . . . do you live your character fulltime and only as your character?
(comet.quijote):      "I have a couple of other characters that I play for this same story but, i have no time to expand them
Fifi Wickentower:   so you are only in rp in your sl times
Lihan Taifun:           you have no "out of character" life?
(comet.quijote):      Comet is always Queen Comet of Sylvhara. if I go somewhere, I cannot play if they do not recognize intersim titles but, as you may know, we have much intersim play
AelKennyr Rhiano: Sylvahara is a 24/7 rp sim, correct?
(comet.quijote):      Are you asking about inworld only? yes it is. I am ooc if the event or meeting is ooc. Like this one
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
(comet.quijote):      I used to club and travel to see all of SL, But, i have little time now
AelKennyr Rhiano: There is a huge demand on time and planning when you have a rp sim...isn't that so, Comet?
(comet.quijote):      Yes It is a big responsibility. Look how hard Ael works to run this group
AelKennyr Rhiano: Can I also make the statement that the best rpers also spend time considering not just who they are, but HOW they fit into the rp?
(comet.quijote) nods
Fifi Wickentower:   mhm
Shawn Daysleeper: ya I appreciate how hard Ael works
(comet.quijote):      I am not the best rpr that I know. Gwin is one of the best I have ever seen. I can neither read nor type fast enough to paragraph
AelKennyr Rhiano: She is.
(comet.quijote):      Sylvhara has some of the best. I am awed by them
AelKennyr Rhiano: But it does go back to rp etiquette for the other rpers to give each other time to respond.
(comet.quijote):      But, I am not bad *grins. It is rough at tea events sometimes
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
(comet.quijote):      Things need to move along but, one must wait for Para rprs to post
AelKennyr Rhiano: I think you were brilliant at the ritual.
(comet.quijote) smiles
AelKennyr Rhiano: I think real talent came out. And I need to point out last year we had 7 -9 sims in the we have 3..
(comet.quijote):      it was a great rp
AelKennyr Rhiano: So, rp is hard to keep and support a sim
(comet.quijote):      Many rp sims are simply closing
AelKennyr Rhiano: yes, they are.
(comet.quijote):      It costs a bundle to be here
AelKennyr Rhiano: Nod nod nod nod And dedicated rpers are hard to find.
(comet.quijote):      So are donations, lol
AelKennyr Rhiano: I think Comet would agree with me in this: You can put someone in the absolutely best rp storyline, give them a great position in the storyline, and if they do not put forth the effort, they will not succeed.
(comet.quijote):      It is a killer. Sylvhara is lucky
AelKennyr Rhiano: And if their part is crucial at all to the story....what she says.
(comet.quijote):      everyone has to show up
AelKennyr Rhiano: and not just show up, but participate
(comet.quijote):      yes
Shawn Daysleeper: yes it is kinda frustrating putting a lot of time and effort into someone then they bail
AelKennyr Rhiano: yes
(comet.quijote):      Indeed
Shawn Daysleeper: it happens to me so much in RL too
AelKennyr Rhiano: And I can tell you that more times than not, when they do bail, they blame the rp leader for why they bail.
Shawn Daysleeper: eeep
(comet.quijote):      Yes Shawn. We all know what it is like when ppl get flakey on what they said they would do
AelKennyr Rhiano: nod nod nod

AelKennyr Rhiano: What advice would you give to rpers on how to become active in the rp?
(comet.quijote):      Several things. Create an innerlife
AelKennyr Rhiano: Please explain?
(comet.quijote):      Build what goes on in the characters mind for yourself. Comet shares her thoughts a lot. Because she is a queen, she would be very 2 dimensional if one only saw her polite and diplomatic exterior. I let others know what I am thinking. It is very telling and shows depth of character
AelKennyr Rhiano: that is part of emoting, if you remember
(comet.quijote):      Once you build that inner dialog, you understand what your character would do and think
Lihan Taifun:           Do you experience trouble with people around you responding to your thoughts? I haven't seen that a lot myself, but it is something we have been warned happens frequently
(comet.quijote):      well sure but that is RP 101. I often post an nc of dos and don'ts.
Lihan Taifun:           no, Ael, as you explained repeatedly, it is the opposite of emoting
(comet.quijote):      I will sometimes im someone to gently let them know that it was a thought
AelKennyr Rhiano: If all you do is share your inner thoughts and nothing more, then the others around you cannot react...and that is NOT emoting.
(comet.quijote):      My tea events are also teaching tools. It allows newer plyers to come and watch until comfy to add
AelKennyr Rhiano: Let's think about what emoting is supposed to do? What are the purposes? 1. to respond 2. to allow others to respond to you 3. to show action 4. to show emotion 5. to move the rp story. What Comet is describing is nicely fitting into 4 and 5,when used correctly and in moderation.
Shawn Daysleeper: nods
AelKennyr Rhiano: But when all you do is think something...instantly know something...then you are not adding to the rp.
Lihan Taifun:           Yes, but by your own definition, "emoting" only refers to showing external things. Showing inner thoughts is something else. Something permitted in moderation, but not "emoting." We had that discussion -- why having emotions was not "emoting"
AelKennyr Rhiano: "having" is meaningless if you do not reveal it. Show it..
(comet.quijote):      Perhaps, show an example
AelKennyr Rhiano: ok.... AelKennyr Rhiano slowly looks around the meeting hall, taking in the warmth and the crackling of the fire, seeing its reflection dance across the faces of those gathered. He turns his head to study Lihan's face in profile and purses his lips, his brow furrowed.
Lihan Taifun:           it's just that we spent an entire session once on why "emoting" didn't cover those inner thoughts that express the difference between what you are thinking and the fascade your character is putting on for the public
AelKennyr Rhiano: yes
Fifi Wickentower:   mhm
AelKennyr Rhiano: compare that to this.....AelKennyr Rhiano sighs and leans back in his chair. Frustrated that he knew the answer, of course. It is right there in front of them all. Why didn't they see it? Ossy was to blame for Lihan's not understanding. Ossy had to die!
(comet.quijote):      lol
Lihan Taifun giggles
Shawn Daysleeper: lol
Fifi Wickentower:   :)
Shawn Daysleeper: I can't respond to that
AelKennyr Rhiano: your character never puts on a fascade, Lihan. not when you truly emote.
Lihan Taifun:           no, but Comet was saying that Queen Comet often has to
AelKennyr Rhiano: the Fascade happens when you don't express your rp character fully.
Shawn Daysleeper: an emote is something another rp character can respond to
(comet.quijote):      One is decorative and descriptive, one is the actual innerlife
AelKennyr Rhiano: When you don't know who you are and what your place is in the are left to fall back upon fascade.
Lihan Taifun:           she has to be professional and "royal", no matter whether her shoes hurt or the ambassador has been droning on for hours ...
AelKennyr Rhiano: But there are ways she can express her shoes hurt without ever saying they do. And still be royal.
(comet.quijote):      At least there is a sense of bordom and a judgement that she is in pain
Fifi Wickentower:   she's the queen . . she can complain and have his head removed
AelKennyr Rhiano: And you are overlooking something else, too.....who Comet is.
Lihan Taifun:           what does she typically do to express that inner life?
AelKennyr Rhiano: Would Comet complain?
Fifi Wickentower:   would you?
(comet.quijote):      Comet has inner humor. she does complain in her own way
AelKennyr Rhiano: From all she said, what do you think? What do you see?
Fifi Wickentower:   or would a fleeting pained looked dance across your brow
(comet.quijote):      Comet is very controlled generally but she comments on it with her thoughts all the time
Fifi Wickentower:   or a sigh, quietly, at the verboseness of the ambassador
AelKennyr Rhiano: Think back to the ritual...why did Comet leave so suddenly?
(comet.quijote) controls her intense urge to bolt and stands her ground
AelKennyr Rhiano: Did you ever wonder? There is a whole story in that rapid departure, if you read between the lines.
Fifi Wickentower:   she was overcome with emotion?
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles at Comet. Perhaps
Shawn Daysleeper: the Valar were present
AelKennyr Rhiano: just as in rl, you can only guess at a person's motives...she left you to wonder.
(comet.quijote):      pfft
AelKennyr Rhiano: Comet does not share her thoughts 24/7
Fifi Wickentower:   i doubt that the valar wondered. maybe the others did
Shawn Daysleeper: I wondered that too. I was just guessing
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles. and I find that a great part.
(comet.quijote):      The valar were unlikely to be concerned over the motives of a mortal
AelKennyr Rhiano: Olwe left hints in the rp why he thought she was leaving.
Fifi Wickentower:   nods . . . . :
(comet.quijote):      Actually, wielding Eledwhen, sword of power is exhausting. Not sure how my father did it
AelKennyr Rhiano: I guess, I am making the point, her innerlife is very rich and expressed though a variety of ways... :) as much by what she allows us to know as what she doesn't
(comet.quijote):      But, the real reason I left, had to leave, was because the last Time I visited Olwe when he was ill, The Hoon was stolen while Comet was off the land
AelKennyr Rhiano: nod nod nod
(comet.quijote):      I ha my 2 main dragons with me, Malakyte and my paladin, Powers. There was not ample protection for the hoon nor, enough heavy hitters for trouble
AelKennyr Rhiano: The best thing, imho, was that everyone could draw their own conclusions about why she left hurriedly
Shawn Daysleeper: ah yes
AelKennyr Rhiano: Olwe saw the moment when Comet went from his concerned cousin back to Queen of Sylvahara...that was a big clue, if one was reading close. The Queen would be concerned for her lands. Does any of this help you guys?
(comet.quijote):      Comet can be killed when off the land and away from the hoon. Powers never leaves me when I am off the land
Lihan Taifun:           about how to get involved in a RP?
AelKennyr Rhiano: yes
Fifi Wickentower:   it has been informative to learn more of comet's process
Lihan Taifun:           I wouldn't expect that "buy a sim, and hook up with a bored monarch, and have a miracle show up" is the most common approach
Shawn Daysleeper: yes this has been informative, helps to learn how to get others interested in rp
AelKennyr Rhiano: I was talking more about Comet's advice, but yes, a lot of people do get their own sims, try to establish rp and pray for a miracle to happen. Comet was very lucky, but also she is smart and hardworking
(comet.quijote):      Though may ppl seem to try, it is not easy to walk in somewhere and tell everyone you are a queen, lol
Shawn Daysleeper: I imagine there were some that resisted
AelKennyr Rhiano: yeah, that does not go over where, and you would be surprised how many try that
(comet.quijote):      It took 4 years to build Sylvhara into a living place where ppl live and work
AelKennyr Rhiano: Think how hard it has been with the 4th Age
(comet.quijote):      To answer Lihan, if I may
AelKennyr Rhiano: oh yes
(comet.quijote):      It is helpful if you have a character that has a vocation or profession. Say you are a gypsie and read tarot or palms. You can walk into a tavern and sit across from a player and read their palm. You can weave a wonderful story about what will happen to them. RP is storytelling mostly. I went to the dark tavern in my conflict realm of Torgan. sat down at the hooka smoking circle. It has smoking anims, very fun
Lihan Taifun:           so you have just assumed the existance of the tavern and the other customers there
(comet.quijote):      here were others. Most realms have a tavern
Shawn Daysleeper: ya where Nole can sell his vodka hehe
(comet.quijote):      I began to bloe smoke rings that became animals. I made up a story about how my father had taught me
Lihan Taifun:           how do you find the compatible realm, how do you find the people, can you just walk into a room full of strangers, even assuming that is your personality?
Shawn Daysleeper: well, it is a 24/7 rp sim
(comet.quijote):      You should be able to. If you have a developed character, you can begin a conversation, or respond in character to others. I have my tea events. ppl meet there and make rp realationships with other players. Not all realms provide rp opportunities. the teas have been very successful. A tavern is a good place to observe the local folk. It is harder to fit in as a royal character. i have a few royals in Sylvhara. it is harder for them
AelKennyr Rhiano nods. We have talked about that a little.
Shawn Daysleeper: yes I remember
Lihan Taifun:           I (the typist) am introverted. Walking into a room full of strangers in SL is only a little less terrifying than walking into a room full of strangers in RL. so does that mean I don't have much of a future in rp?
(comet.quijote) nods. You can observe until you feel more comfortable. Many just like to watch the stories
AelKennyr Rhiano: Would your rp character do that? Who you are affects what you do.
Lihan Taifun:           I can't imagine why Aztryd, for example, would be in Sylvhara, for example, at all
(comet.quijote):      Is that your rp character?
Lihan Taifun:           that's one of them, yes. one who isn't occupied right now
(comet.quijote):      What sort of environment does she need?
Lihan Taifun:           environment?
(comet.quijote):      Yes. If she cannot fit into Sylvhara, what does she need?
Lihan Taifun:           she's a dwarf, and she would need some reason to have gotten separated from the rest of her clan
AelKennyr Rhiano: maybe she is already separated and seeking them. maybe she is a scout
(comet.quijote):      we have dwarves. Not a community of them but, a couple. My best advice for a dwarven character would be to join a group of dwarves. An active group
AelKennyr Rhiano: or an ambasador?
Shawn Daysleeper: or a travelling merchant
that sounds like tonight's topic ... "now that you have a character, what next?"
(comet.quijote):      yes;)
AelKennyr Rhiano: We can't cover this all in one night...Should we plan on discussing it again next week?
Shawn Daysleeper: dwarves would not necessarilly have to be with other dwarves, eh?
Shawn Daysleeper: ok
(comet.quijote):      perhaps some other ppl will be here to add
AelKennyr Rhiano: yes :)
(comet.quijote):      I agree, Shawn
AelKennyr Rhiano: As do I.
(comet.quijote):      in fact often they are not
Shawn Daysleeper: ya, may e more interesting that way
(comet.quijote):      mine is a blacksmith and shoes the horses for the rangers
AelKennyr Rhiano: If all hobits acted the same we would not have "The Hobit"
Shawn Daysleeper: yup
AelKennyr Rhiano: so we should not typecast any one race.
(comet.quijote):      I love dwarves and was delighted to have some
Shawn Daysleeper: ya would be interesting to see how one reacts away from other dwarves
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles. Thank you, so much, Comet, for letting us have the benefit of your experience
(comet.quijote):      I must depart (comet.quijote) smiles
AelKennyr Rhiano: I know we barely scratched the surface. but it is something that will take many discussions.

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